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Dydo's avatar

As I don't have that much time for grinding, I have what some would say "incomplete" exploration ship. In fact, what hurts the most is my 4D Life Support not having the Lightweight engineering. But the other modules are fine without being 100% engineered. With no hardpoints, a single Heatsink (for emergencies) and the best FSD out there, my Mandalay comes to almost 75Ly jump range.

Although I have to run it with a deactivated AFMU, my 2-grade engineered 3A Power Plant handles the job pretty well, and my 4D Power Distributor, with a 3-grade Engine Focus that still maintains my flying capabilities and maneuverability. My 4D Thrusters are not engineered yet, but I'm sure they can get to 400m/s with proper modifications. The 4D Sensors are Lightweight engineered and the Fuel Tank is the standard.

My 6A Fuel Scoop ables me to refuel in 10s, and the Guardian FSD makes sure I can reach a system with an scoopable star. The 4A AFMU is enough to repair to FSD after many neutron star boosting and I have 16T of cargo so I can bring some Repair and Collector Limpets. My 3A Shield Generator is there just in case I bump on the ground on a planetary expedition. And a Supercruise Assist is always useful!!

Dydo's avatar

I made a short video for this reward, but the rendering took longer than I expected. In my desperation afterward, I didn't even had time to revise my entry - so please excuse any possible errors. Regardless, I'm sharing the video here as a complement.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks Dydo, we've awarded you the higher tier of video prize :)

mypets's avatar

I really like the mandalay because it's a bomber, it gets close, shoots and runs away and having excellent maneuverability makes everything easier! I found the base of this build on reddit and edited it, since I didn't like the cost.

JHenckes's avatar

I took advantage of an incomplete build recommended by some friends to put together one specifically for me, and this was the result:

I tried to keep the ship good for various functions, the famous “jack of all trades”. The ship had a good amount of shielding for its size with the 4D Shield Generator in addition to the shield boosters. In addition, I tried to ensure a good amount of space for fuel to guarantee long journeys on some missions, which is why I added the 5C Fuel Tank.

I haven't completed the Hardpoints yet due to financial difficulties hahaha, but I'm on my way. I've ensured a good variety of weapons to guarantee success in battles.

As I see the Mandalay as a very versatile ship, I've tried to perfect various sides of it with this build!

RicardosGaming's avatar

💥 The Mandalay, a new ship introduced in Elite Dangerous, is designed for exploration, boasting a significant jump range that can be further enhanced through engineering.   Base Jump Range: The base jump range of the Mandalay, without any modifications or engineering, is around 39 light-years. This is already a respectable range for an exploration vessel. 🚀 This Video : ➤Link:

@JustAbout__ #elitedangerous


o7 Cmdr's

My Mandaly Explorer Build:


I love the ship and use it not only for exploration, but also for OnFoot missions.

Stormseeker's avatar

I call this role — Making thing in odyssey
The idea are ships with a jump at last 38 or more, so:

  • you can farm raw from crystals

  • explore

  • exobiology

  • farm any kind of material on signals

  • a bit of combat with fun fix missiles

  • and missions by foot

  • some powerplay too.
    I equip all hard points with advance missiles the ones that fit, they are good for crystal farming, killing people on missions on foot and fun on space combat. Engineering with more missiles and damage.
    3 Shield boosters, A. 2 of them modified for high resistance and the last one heavy duty. The experimental should be super conduits.

    The last utility is a heat sink from Sirius. I use it to evade scanners on stations.
    Reactive heavy-duty armor with deep plating.
    Power plant 5A overcharges and thermal spread.

    Thrusters 5A Dirty Drive and Drag drive.

    FSD 5A SCO Increased range and Mass manager

    Life support 4D
    Distributor 5A Charge enhanced and Super conduits
    Sensors 5D

6C Bi-weave shield Reinforced and Fast Charge

Fuel Scoop 5A

Planetary Vehicle 4G: 1 scarab, 1 scorpion

4E Cargo

3B Operation limpets
3H Guardian FSD Booster
2D, 1D and 1D hull reinforcements with heavy duty and deep plating
And a surface scanner with expanded probe radius

Every modification level 5.

Result a 50 jump ship, fun to play and nice to do all the things I told you at the beginning.

yan57436's avatar

I saw someone recommending this build on reddit a while ago and it's actually very good, as it has an 80 Ly jump and Auto field and Repair limpet, leaving the ship repaired

CMDR_M's avatar

Here is my Mandalay build, which recently made it to Colonia for the first time - as such it has no hardpoints, is geared towards longer range travel, but is still tough enough to withstand neutron-hopping and exobiology hunts along the way, with SRV's on board - add your preferred weapons and it can be used to hunt pirates at resource sites :]


Greetings pilots

Here is my build of an long range jump, 89 light years

CMDR Henckes's avatar

So this is my Mandalay exploration build, at least is almost mine, I still need to finish to engineering some modules yet. But how you can see I didn't worry about so much with a way of defend my self, just a shield, because some times I scratch my ship on the ground landing on planets, it over time damage my hull, it makes me spend my material to sintetize limpets to repair my hull.

So talking about the core internal I decided to go with a lightweight 2D Power Plant and engineered it with overcharged to increase the power that it produces. The Thruster I went with a 5A just to get this ship faster and manoeuvrable and with Dirty Drive Tuning and the Drag Drives, that I've forgot to put before in my build planing, it makes flying around on planets so much fun and enjoyable. The FSO (5A), Life Supporter(4D) and Sensor(5E) are what it should be for any exploration build. And for my Power Distributor I changed now for the same 5D but with a Engine Focused since the weapon won't be necessary and systems won't demand so much energy.

The Optional internal is a 5A Fuel Scoop to reduce my time recharging my fuel tank, a 5H Guardian FSO Booster to make me cross the galaxy faster, a 3D Shield Generator engineered to consume less power and weight less, a 4G Vehicle Hangar to have two SRV for ride around and collect materials to repair my ship. A 3B ADMU and a 3D Repair Limpet Controller to maintain my ship working in long distances travels, a 2E Cargo Rack to hold the limpets and of course a engineered Surface Scanner!

It at the end has a 71.75 Ly jump range can reach speeds over 550 m/s and has one or the best handling for medium ships! The manoeuvrability make so much diference compared to my last extrapolation vessel the Anaconda, it look like I was piloting and bathtub before!

jnTracks's avatar

Link to EDSY layouts below, but I'll explain some here.

For the PP all-round Mandalay build I have a standard quick combat setup for the core internals. Lightweight armor and Armored and thermal spread on the power plant. Everything else is standard.

Using a size 5 bi-weave shield with thermal resist, and I always use lo-draw on every shield for the massive savings in distributor draw while charging. It might not look like it on paper, but this is ALWAYS the best experimental in real-world use since you'll need that distributor energy for something else in any situation when your shields are charging! Combine this with 3 class D boosters with resistance augmented mod.

I have space for cargo, an FSD booster for very quick trips, and a multi-limpet for all your power play needs. A fuel scoop and AFMU is a good idea for this build since they have no mass so they don't slow us down, and are very useful.

The weapon compliment is fixed cannons with short range, in my opinion the only mod for cannons since the damage is massive and you won't be connecting with any targets outside of the shortened range, even if you had it.
The Pulse lasers in the small slots are rapid fire, which is a bit of a sleeper mod since it does more damage for less distributor energy than even the mighty beam laser. (though this is only true for the pulse laser, because of how the rate of fire math works out; don't bother on burst lasers)

And then as a bonus here is a modification I did to this Mandalay for hunting fighters at stronghold carriers; this is very fun!

The changes to the modules are:
The power plant I used is a pre-engineered extra-overcharged one. If you don't have that module you can get away with a regular overcharged and monstered reactor, but you'll need to turn off more things, like the cargo hatch and maybe FSD.
Next I swapped the shield for a 5A Prismatic, with reinforced mod (and lo-draw again; still the best shield experimental). I also swap the cargo for a shield cell bank in the largest slot for maximum total shield hit points, including banks. And the utilities have been changed for all A rated heavy duty, super capacitor boosters. Max shields to keep you alive as long as possible.

For the guns, it's all seeker missiles, all moded with high capacity and overload munitions.
This is the best weapon for deleting SLFs and it's a very fun and effective way to play in the high intensity fur ball that is the "enemy stronghold"
For a skilled combat pilot, the shield and banks will keep you alive long enough to spend your ordinance on the insane cloud of SLFs the stronghold will launch at you. These fighters themselves aren't much of a threat, but the whole time you're in there you will be taking intense fire from larger ships, and even the capitol ships if you're not careful. So you'll want that shield.

This is my current favorite way to gain merits while doing combat if I don't have a wing of friends to come with me.

AndyRice's avatar

All right, let’s talk about Mandalay.

Here’s my Mandalay, the UES – Talon. I built it mainly for, of course, exploration. Before the Mandalay, I had two exploration ships: a Jumpaconda and a Krait Mk2. I love them both, but they each have drawbacks that I don’t like. The Jumpaconda is too clumsy, and the Krait’s jump range is a bit short. So, when I was building my Mandalay, I aimed to compensate for these drawbacks. My design philosophy for this build is: long jump range, relatively good survivability, and versatility. Now, let’s get into the details.

Core Modules:

  1. Lightweight Alloy with G5 Heavy Duty Modification:
    The mass of lightweight alloy is 0 tons, which means the heavy-duty modification doesn’t increase the mass, as multiplying anything by zero equals zero. This modification gives you an extra 100 hull integrity without sacrificing weight. This is optional if you lack the necessary materials.

  2. 5A Power Plant with G5 Low Emission + Stripped Down Modification:
    The low-emission modification greatly reduces heat production. Combined with Mandalay’s excellent heat efficiency, you can charge your FSD near a star without overheating. However, this reduces power output, requiring you to turn off non-essential modules during flight.

  3. 5A Thrusters with G5 Clean Drive + Stripped Down Modification:
    Clean Drive increases maneuverability and reduces heat production. With this, your ship can handle like a combat vessel, making high-gravity planetary landings safer.

  4. 5A Frame Shift Drive (FSD) with G5 Increased Range + Mass Manager Modification:
    This is the most important modification for an exploration ship, as jump range is a key factor.

  5. 4D Life Support:
    A larger life support system isn’t necessary. If your life support activates in deep space, it means your canopy is already broken. In this situation, survival is nearly impossible without immediate repair. Fly carefully instead.

  6. 5D Power Distributor with G4 Engine Focused Modification:
    In deep space, weapons and system power aren’t crucial. An engine-focused distributor makes sense, and G4 is sufficient to allow uninterrupted boosting.

  7. 5D Sensors with G5 Lightweight Modification:
    Sensors aren’t critical in deep space but are heavy. Reducing their weight helps improve jump range.

Optional Modules:

  1. 6A Fuel Scoop:
    Refueling speed and FSD charging efficiency are vital for exploration. The Mandalay’s heat efficiency allows simultaneous refueling and FSD charging.

  2. 5H Guardian FSD Booster:
    Combined with the Increased Range FSD, this significantly boosts jump range. Highly recommended from the Guardian Tech Broker.

  3. 4A Shield Generator with G5 Enhanced Low Power Modification:
    A shield is essential for safe planetary landings. This modification slightly improves shield strength, reduces module weight, and lowers power draw, enhancing jump range and reducing power load.

  4. 4G Planetary Vehicle Hangar (PVH):
    You’ll need an SRV for planetary exploration. For long journeys, bring two SRVs. Avoid H-grade PVHs due to their weight.

  5. 3D Rescue Multi-Limpet Controller + 2E Cargo Rack:
    This isn’t mandatory, but it allows canopy repair and rescuing stranded players. You’ll need a cargo rack for limpets. You don't need to buy them in advance, they can be synthesized on demand.

  6. 3A and 1A Auto Field-Maintenance Units (AFMUs):
    AFMUs repair internal modules. An extra unit can repair the main AFMU if it fails. If you plan to use the Neutron Star Highway, consider a larger AFMU.

  7. Detailed Surface Scanner with G3 Increased Radius Modification:
    This is essential for scanning planets and conducting Exo-Biology research.

  8. Supercruise Assist:
    A useful tool for safe and comfortable flying.

Utility Mounts:

  1. Heat Sink Launchers with Increased Ammo Capacity Modification:
    Equip all utility mounts with heat sink launchers. Mandalay’s heat efficiency minimizes overheating risks, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.


Built a multi-purpose Mandalay to serve as taxi and mission ship in the Bubble but can quickly be converted to a deep space explorer by adding or removing modules:


AX Build For Solo Interceptor Combat

My Mandalay build for fighting Interceptors alone. It is a shieldless build, it relies on cold orbiting to avoid taking damage from the Interceptor's main cannon. It is also flakless so flying with FAOFF is highly recommended. Not a beginner build.

Core Internal

  • Military Grade Composite - Heavy Duty, Deep Plating

  • 5A Power Plant - Armoured, Thermal Spread

  • 5A Thrusters - Dirty Tuning, Drag Drives

  • 5A Frame Shift Drive (SCO) - Increased Range, Mass Manager

  • 4D Life Support - Lightweight

  • 5A Power Distributor - Charge Enhanced, Super Conduits

  • 5D Sensors - Lightweight


  • 4x Sirius Heatsink Launcher

Optional Internal

  • 5D Module Reinforcement

  • Repair Limpet Controller

  • 2x 4D Hull Reinforcement - Heavy Duty, Deep Plating

  • 3E Cargo Rack

  • 3D Hull Reinforcement - Heavy Duty, Deep Plating

  • 2D Hull Reinforcement - Heavy Duty, Deep Plating

  • 1B Auto Field-Maintenance Unit

  • 2x 1D Module Reinforcement


  • 2x Medium Guardian Gauss Cannon

  • 2x Small Guardian Gauss Cannon

  • 2x 2D Beam Laser - Long Range, Thermal Vent

I'm using 2 small and 2 medium gauss not only because the power distributor on this ship is small, but because the convergence is better when set up this way. This makes sniping hearts easier.

I set up the hardpoints like this:

And my Firegroups for the hardpoints like this:

Note: You have to lower the priority of the FSD to have power for everything when the hardpoints are deployed.

mastercesspit's avatar

this is my mandalay conflict zone build, all laser build, no rearm, there till the end of the battle or the rebuy screen, (although i haven't had the rebuy YET, lol)

here's a vid if you've got 26 mins or so spare, a complete low cz victory in an all laser mandalay

have fun 07

Lambda's avatar

Here is a Mandalay long-range exploration build I've been using since day one of owning the ship. This is focused on solo exobiology & exploration far away from the Bubble. Note: I recommend stocking up on every possible material you might need for repairs, making limpets, and of course FSD Boosting. It's a wee bit fragile so don't lithobreak into high-G planets!


-Stripped Down modules whenever possible to minimize weight & maximize jump range.

-Two AMFUs. The backup is to repair the main AMFU if it breaks.

-Repair limpet controller, but no limpets to start. Bring materials to make limpets as-needed.

-It can carry two SRVs, but if you are a cautious driver maybe you can just bring one.

-Feel free to swap out the second AFMU for a tiny refinery and add on a mining laser. This will make you a bit more self-sufficent in the long term.

LiquidMorkite's avatar

An AX hunter Mandalay

We all know about Mandalay being flagged as an "exploration ship". But how about we're using it to fight for humanity?

Why it could be a good candiate:

  • 4x size 2 (medium) hardpoints already mean you're gonna be bringing guardian weapons for this. Best modules have size 2 at their maximum size.

  • Plenty of optional slots: better hull from hull reinforcement pakages, better chance to survive, more slots to fit in limpets and repair controller if you're not fighting at a station

  • Fast and good turn rate: meanwhile big ships make the work easy, speed is key for medium ships. 450m/s normal speed and 560m/s boost speed (G5 dirty thrusters with drag drives) means you can outpace the interceptors

  • Cold: very essential factor for cold-orbiting AX builds

  • Beside that, SCO optimized means you can get to those bodies far away from the star within worrying about fuel and time.

Only downside might be its size 5 powerplant, means you're gonna be a bit tight on power, and have to organize your power priorities on modules.

Let's get to the build


  • 2x size 1 (small) beam lasers. Engineered with long range thermal vent

  • 4x size 2 modded guardian shard/4x size 2 unmodded gauss cannon: both are reliable guardian modules that work against interceptors. If you don't have them unlocked yet, you might run multicannons that would be useful killing scouts and cyclops interceptors.


  • Sirius Heatsink launcher

  • Caustic Sink launcher

  • Shutdown field neutraliser

  • Enhanced Xeno Scanner (optional)

Internal modules

  • Armour: lightweight if you want speed, military grade if you want to be a bit more tanky, up to your taste. Engineered with Heavy duty + deep plate

  • Powerplant: 5A, Armoured + Thermal Spread

  • FSD: 5A SCO, doesn't really matter what engineering you want to have with it

  • Life Support: 4D, lightweight, can grade A it if you getting your canopy breached a lot

  • Distro: 5A, charge enhanced + super conduits

  • Sensors: 5D, long range


  • 5D HRP

  • 5D repair limpets (can replace with another 5D HRP if you're fighting at a port that lets you repair)

  • 4D MRP (get the guardian module if you have it unlocked)

  • 4E cargo rack for limpets (can be replaced with 4D HRP if there's a port to repair)

  • 2x 3D HRP

  • 2A AFMs (can be replaced with 2D HRP if you can repair at port)

  • 2x 1D HRP

  • 1D MRP

That's all we have here about the MandalAX, happy hunting cmdrs o7

Matt G's avatar

I set out to build an exploration Mandalay with at least 80LY jump range (with a full fuel tank) that didn't compromise on the what I want to use it for. This is the build on edsy for my ship, Elize

To achieve this build requires engineering almost every aspect of the ship, and access to the Guardian FSD Booster. These are the modules I chose, and their reasons.


none - this is an explorer

Core Modules

1C Lightweight Alloy

This is the default lightweight armour. I've engineered it to grade 5 Heavy Duty with Deep Plating. This adds a significant extra hull strength and adds no extra weight, so doesn't hurt jump range.

2A Power Plant

I engineered this with grade 5 Overcharged with Thermal Spread. Normally, Overcharged is not a great choice on an exploration ship because of the added heat but the Mandalay runs so cool that it can run Overcharged and still won't hit over 58% heat even with SCO engaged. I put Thermal Spread on because it helps mitigate some of the Overcharged heat - but actually you can throw Monstered on it instead if you need extra power and it still won't come close to overheating.

4D Thrusters

These are the lightest thrusters it can use, and I engineered them with Dirty Tuning to grade 5 with Drag Drives experimental effect. This just gives it some extra speed - it'll hit over 340m/s at full speed and just touch 500m/s when boosting - more than enough for an explorer.

5A Frame Shift Drive (SCO)

Engineered with Increased Range to grade 5 with Mass Manager experimental effect. This provies maximum jump range.

4D Life Support

Engineered with grade 5 Lightweight to maximize jump range

3D Power Distributor

Engineered with grade 5 Engine Focus with Cluster Capacitors. As an explorer, I don't need perma-boost - I only really use it to get away from stations or planets after landing. Over the years, I've found a ship capable of 2 boosts in succession meets my needs. This Distributor gives me 2 boosts with around an extra half second delay between them, which is fine.

5D Sensors

Engineered with grade 5 Lightweight to maximize jump range

5C Fuel Tank

The standard fuel tank, no reason to downsize.

Utility Mounts

none - but if you prefer even stronger shields, a 0E Shield Booster with grade 5 Heavy Duty + Super Capacitors could be used here.

Optional Modules

6A Fuel Scoop

I have no time for slow scooping ships. This is the best scoop available for the Mandalay.

5H Guardian Frame Shift Drive Booster

The biggest Guardian booster available, a fixed 10.5 LY on jump range

4D Shield Generator

Engineered with grade 5 Reinforced and Hi-Cap experimental. There's no point in fast recharge for explorers, and resistances make no difference to a bad landing. There's also no point going for paper shields - your biggest enemy is gravity and you should be prepared for it. You want the most powerful shields that protect your ship for the least amount of weight. These will protect the ship in a full speed impact, and even when boosting at 500m/s the ship will survive - in my tests, the shields would be wiped out at 500m/s with just 1-2% damage to hull (assuming 4 pips to shields). Seeing as I tend to avoid boosting full speed at the floor these are more than adequate. You could add an engineered Shield Booster in Utility Mounts for even more protection but I'm happy with the protection provided by these.

4A Auto Field-Maintenance Unit

Gives the ability to repair the SCO drive after extended neutron boosting. Powered down until actually required.

2G Planetary Vehicle Hanger

While you can do exobiology in the Mandalay without an SRV, I do like a drive about on planet surfaces so the SRV hangar is a must for me.

1E Supercruise Assist

I actually don't use this. I had a free slot, it weights nothing, and a lot of people like the SCA so I installed it. It feels even more redundant in my ship since SCO, when journeys that took minutes or even tens of minutes are now over in seconds.

1E Advanced Docking Computer

I love a docking computer. Great for when you've been out exploring for months and the muscle memory for landing hasn't quite kicked in. Weighs nothing so doesn't affect jump range.

1I Detailed Surface Scanner

This is the pre-engineered DSS available from human tech brokers, providing +40% probe radius. Makes mapping trivially easy.

At this point, I had everything I needed but still had 2 slots left. I added these:

3A Auto Field-Maintenance Unit

3A Auto Field-Maintenance Unit

As per the 4A AFMU, these will help keep the ship repaired when neutron boosting. They will also be left off until actually repairing. Having multiple AFMUs on a ship speeds up repairs. They weigh nothing so do not affect jump range.

And that's it complete. She jumps ~81.2LY on a full tank, and just about 88LY on fumes.

Block9's avatar

I don't have Mandalay 🥲

CMDR Henckes's avatar

I've bought it for a bounty and the investment was worth since I will have a decent return since it cost me less than 10 US Dollars since I just complement the ARX I already had. It's a great ship and the best one for exploration, space and surface exploration!

Block9's avatar

I'm saving ARX to buy the fleet carrier victory class 😭😂

Alex Sinclair's avatar

mastercesspit CmdrTravisRobicheaux Jimmy0916 / Cmdr Donald Duck CMDR I.N.K.V.I yan57436 Rac mypets 

Thank you for your entries. We've awarded you all prizes this time, but please do pay attention to the small-print. For this reward, we wanted more than just your builds, but justifications for your builds, i.e. why you chosen certain modules for your Mandalays' purposes. o7

mastercesspit's avatar

that i'm afraid would not fit on a post, the interplay between modules of various types of engineering and experimental effects would take volumes, and most ships react differently to different flight styles, so my build, or another build here might not respond to another players flight style, i play with experimental effects all the time to see what suits improvement.

what we have here are good examples of base engineering builds for different purposes, my build is combat, so the basic core engineering of the modules doesn't change, but the experimental effects are to tailor the ship to your flight style and it's flight performance.

if there are players out there that are in a squad and not being schooled in the game, but just flying around with others, i suggest you find a squad that has a couple teachers and learn engineering,

there's some good tips and points here about basic builds, but to learn the intimacies of engineering, you need to learn in game from an experienced player, it's very complex and changes with each build and purpose.

have fun 07


I know it's a bit late but better late than never
Now here is my addendum to the Mandalay:
First, what I wanted to have in it and why and at the end the resulting Core Internal:

Hardpoints - none, i dont need them

Utility Mounts

You dont need one! The mandaly can jump directly from a star, permanently boost in frameshift and doesn't get above 100%, but what if it does?
Heat Sink Launcher - Lightweight
Just to be on the safe side.


6A Fuel Scoop - we need fuel!
5H Guardian FSA Booster - we need Jumprange!
4E Cargo Rack - for drones and in case you find something cool, never hurts.
4G Planetary Vehicle Hanger - I like to have the SCARAB and the Scorpion with me.
3A Auto Field-Maintenance Unit - for safety, but deactivated to save energy
3D Shield Generator - Enhanced Low Power and Stripped Down - a small shield is enough for me in case you get a little too close to a planetary surface, has always worked so far ^^
2A Auto Field-Maintenance Unit - for safety, but deactivated to save energy
1D Repair Limpet Controller - Like the AFM's, for safety when the bug scrapes over a mountain.
1I Detailed Surface Scanner - Expanded Probe Scanning Radius - For scanning the planets
1E Supercruise Assist - for the more expansive systems, fly 300k ls and vacuum without jetting past!


We want to save weight wherever possible while remaining functional in order to achieve an even greater jumping range!

Lightweight Alloy - Heavy Duty
You can take a little more, but save weight.

2A Power Plant - Overcharged - Stripped Down
With deactivated AFW's the energy is sufficient for the most necessary and you save weight.

4D Thrusters - Dirty - Stripped Down
The ship still moves and you save weight.

5A Frame Shift Drive (SCO) - Increased Range - Mass Manager
Always further! Increased jump range and get the maximum out of it.

4D Life Support - Lightweight
Need to breathe more when swimming through the stars?

1D Power Distributor - Engine Focused - Stripped Down
We save weight and it's enough to boost once every 19 seconds.

5D Sensors - Lightweight
Save weight again

5C Fuel Tank
All right ... We also need fuel ...



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