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EVE Online

EVE Online
Rich's avatar

My name's Rich and I'm the Community Content Lead here at Just About. It's my job to figure out what you all want to see on Just About EVE and to deliver it, initially by setting bounties (with the invaluable EVE expertise of Alex Sinclair), but soon enough, I hope, by incorporating your feedback and eventually working with community curators.

Previously I was in the games media, having worked at PCGamesN for almost seven years and at a now-defunct smaller site for a year before that. I learned a lot about what games and content forms resonated with our audience and spent a lot of time in various communities, whether for work or personal use/interest. After years of following such stories, it's clear to me there's a need for a place like Just About, so I jumped at the chance to get involved!

I've been playing PC games since the early '90s (they say you never forget your first, but I can't remember if mine was Wolf 3D or Commander Keen) with occasional forays into PlayStation. I regret to say I never got involved in EVE - that's why Alex is helping us out - though I read the stories of its famous wars and intricate heists with total awe.

Rushlock's avatar

My name is Kenneth, though better known in EVE circles as Rushlock. For the past 10 years I have focused on the onboarding of new players to EVE Online.

Once I identify what about EVE Online interests someone, I get them started with the basics, and then provide direction to deeper detail resources if they decide to focus on a particular activity.

I worked in Finance/Banks after college before opening my own hobby store (MtG, WH40K,etc). Started streaming on Twitch as a hobby, running a live broadcast "Help Desk" Q&A format, and it grew from there.

Looking forward to seeing how Just About can provide a new revenue source and tools to help folks get into EVE Online.

Joel's avatar

Great to have you here 🤝 And thanks for the questions on the call; really useful to get that early feedback and help us clarify our messaging.

Rich's avatar

Welcome and thanks for your questions on the call! We think our bounty system would excel at generating resources for new players (we've got some gas mining and PvP tips oriented to them coming up in our future bounties). Very eager to hear your thoughts on this topic once you've had a chance to poke around :-)

Heretical Coffee's avatar

The lore expands... I have learned Rush's real name.

James 's avatar

Hi My names James Aka Mrunluckie

Started playing Eve online 2006 when i started collage always found myself shooting players or being shot . Started streaming Pubg on Twitch about 4 years ago then got back into eve about 2/3 years ago and have always loved this community and how amazing everyone is . My main source of content is PVP i love being a Fleet Commander and enjoy the big battles The best streams are always the massive 3000-6000 people in one system tidi 10% and the slow battle reports the broadcast news on.

Now days i stream 4/5 days a week and i take out T1 fleets to have fun in Panfam Best kill so far is a Nyx killed to 40 stabbers (maybe a Titan someday)

Joel's avatar

Welcome @MrUnluckie 👋

Great to have you here. Let us know what you think - and do take a look at our battle report bounty!

Ben Rush's avatar

Hello everyone!

I go by the name Ben Rush, or you can call me Ben the Canadian. I'm a Wormholer leading the Sorry in Advance alliance, alongside my wife Dame du Nord. Together, we also host the Beaver Show, a weekly show about Eve Online.

We are actively involved in various Eve Online Real life events centered in Canada and proudly organize Eve Montréal. This annual event welcomes the entire Eve community to come together, enjoy some Canadian maple syrup, and have a blast in a typical sugar shack.

We are intrigued by the Just About project and would love to interview a member of the organization on one of our Beaver Shows. If you're interested and available, please feel free to contact me.

Looking forward to connecting with all of you!

Joel's avatar

Great to have you here, Ben 👋

I'm sure we can sort out a JA member to come on the show - particularly if there's some maple syrup coming in the other direction...

Rupert's avatar

Hi Ben! I'd be up for this, if you'll have me! I'll drop you an email shortly.

Ben Rush's avatar

Here's the link to the said interview. Thanks again for your time Rupert it was really great.

Here's the link to the said interview. Thanks again for your time @Rupert it was really great. We hope to keep having exchanges with you and your team in the future.

Rupert's avatar

Thanks for having me on, Ben! We really appreciate how welcoming and supportive the EVE community has been to our project and our team.

Pyrophobic's avatar

Hey I'm Pyrophobic.

I've been streaming EVE on Twitch for about 4 years now and it's easily one of the best communities in gaming EVER.

I do mostly casual PVE stuff like Abyssals, mission running, mining and exploration. I do do PVP on ocassion but I'm not very good at it lol.

Like Rushlock I enjoy helping people who are new to EVE face the learning cliff and giving them tools and resources to make their journey into New Eden an enjoyable one.

I'm from New Zealand, married and a father of 2 amazing kids aged 4 and 1.

I enjoy long walks on the beach and reading a good bood in front of a fire (sorry couldn't resist lol)

Rich's avatar

Welcome, Pyro! We're all feeling the EVE community love, everyone's super friendly :-) no need to apologise for enjoying long walks on the beach, best I can manage near me is a canal.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey all, I'm Alex – I’m here to help support the launch of Just About

EVE Online. While I'm not a dedicated player, I'm a long-time observer and admirer. My previous position was chief editor of, and I can say without hesitation that my favourite part of that role was covering EVE. Amongst other highlights, I interviewed Swift, Bergur, and others almost every month, experienced the smorgasbord of wonders at Fanfest, and launched content series sharing the stories of EVE in players' own words.

It's that which I'm particularly excited to see more of here: reading and watching your stories, learning from your expertise, and getting involved with new parts of the community. I think anyone who has been around the EVE community knows that there's something special about it. And however you want to define that “something special”, it’s fundamental to the game's ongoing success. EVE's history is a storied one to say the least, and it's exciting to be a part of what will hopefully be a new chapter.

No one knows the game like you do, and part of the reason I'm here is to help make sure your ideas are heard. So feel free to reach out anytime.

I’m also a massive D&D stan, so if anyone ever wants to step away from EVE for a minute and talk fantasy, let’s go.

MacGybo's avatar

Hi - I'm MacGybo, or just Mac. I make YouTube videos, chiefly about Eve Online. Many folk comment that my voice in the videos is calming enough to send them to sleep. I'm not sure how to take that. Looking forward to seeing how things go here. Mac o7

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I'd take it as a compliment! Welcome to the platform, MacGybo. We're happy to have you here, and thank you for the optimism you've been sharing on Discord.

Rich's avatar

Seconded, welcome MacGybo! I once had a person say they were adding a video of mine to an ASMR playlist. I was very flattered. o7

Heretical Coffee's avatar

I typically love your videos and the calming effect your voice has, dont ever change.

FUN INC's avatar

Hi I'm keacte, I run the FUN INC NPSI community gateway

I started playing EVE online in 2004.

I specialise in small gang PVP and NPSI (not purple shoot it) content in EVE

For me EVE is about people, and creating environments for people to play in and to grow and learn and develop - this is what makes people login for more.

The NPSI community gateway / is my way of giving something back to the community, and by creating a centralised, visible, transparent and open calendar, that allows people to create connections, develop friendships and develop proximity and a desire and need and want for people to login.

What I have tried to do is give people a community that they love, that they believe in, where they have made true bonds – that they won’t turn their back on. NPSI is perfect for that.

Fly together, Win together! o7

Rich's avatar

Welcome keacte. Massive respect for what you've built with your community. Definitely hope to get your feedback as we develop Just About!


Im MoonDogAFO in Eve. Been playing since 2006 and thought I'd check things out here.

Rich's avatar

Hey Matt, welcome to Just About! 17 years is an amazing commitment to a game; hope you find a home here :-)

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Welcome aboard, Matt! Always happy to have more EVE vets around!

EVEIL's avatar

Hi I'm Starkey, my youtube channel goes by the name EVEIL. I've been around on and off since 2005 when I started playing as a snotty nosed teenager.

I've been described as taking a "3d chess" approach to playing Eve, and make up for my lack of pvp skills with theorycrafting unusual traps. I enjoy showcasing fringe mechanics of the game, be that for getting kills or making ISK in unusual ways.

I'm proud of the collection of videos I've created so far. I've steered away from making guides on commonplace gameplay features and tried to bring something new and interesting to the table with each video.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Welcome to JA, Starkey. It sounds like you've got just the niche expertise we're hoping to be all about. I've just subscribed to your channel... we'll have to get some creative trap idea bounties on the go.

Hugo REGIBO's avatar

Howdy! I am Hugo, better known on the Twitch part of eve online as Lumikkode, and Velia Deviluke in the game :) Playing since 2011, i got introduced to the game from a friend I made playing in a "multigaming clan" back in 2005. We still stick together nowadays on discord, but we parted ways in terms of games! I still play eve tho :P

Ingame, I mostly spin my ship in station and do missions in hisec to spend time. I am part of the Brave Collective null-block, but as I don't really like ingame politics, except ratting in our space I do not do much :P

I am also the creator of the EVE2TWITCH bot on Twitch, and the bot that dispatches the GalNET SKINs on the official CCP channel on Twitch.

See y'all soon!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Welcome aboard, Hugo! Great to have you here! Clan friends stick together, eh?

Carneros's avatar

May name is Rick but everyone calls me Carneros. I've played EVE since 2009. I'm the CEO of a small corporation called The Night Watchmen in Goonswarm Federation.

I worked on EVE Online: Tyrannis, Incursion, Incarna, and Crucible as a Marketing Director and Sales Director for CCP.

Formerly, I ran Li3 Federation and later The Bastion alliances. Formerly I was the host of the Carneros & Chill show on Twitch.TV. I'm a former host and current staff member of Talking in Stations.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Great to have you here, Carneros! Make yourself at home.

Heretical Coffee's avatar

My name is Heretical Coffee,

I am a small variety streamer, member of the Wormhole Police Department, and in the real world I am a aspiring law student currently holding two degrees a BA Philosophy and BA Political Science.

I began streaming EVE approximately one year ago today and was inspired by many other creators, becoming good friends with a variety of other EVE content creators and broader playerbase alike. EVE Online has one of the best online gaming communities that I have ever experienced and it is the sole reason I keep coming back since starting to play in 2009.

Typically my content involves me just enjoying the game in a variety of activities without much planning due to my ADHD making planning a bit of a chore. I bounce around to different hobbies and activities, most recently taking on a supporting role for other creators providing them with free emotes or graphics for their channels as I have been on a bit of a photoshop kick.

I can typically be found online either patrolling wormhole space, or supporting the WHPD in acquisitions of supplies. On Twitch you can normally find me trolling Rushlock (if I wake up at the crack of dawn), hanging out with Vinnie, or BrotherGrimoire in their streams, or if its a weekend occassionally streaming some game as well.

Im intrigued by this platform and what its end goal is and look forward to seeing its progression.

Rich's avatar

A warm welcome, Heretical Coffee (excellent name, BTW)! Glad to have you with us :-)

Heretical Coffee's avatar

Thank you, happy to be here

Swagger Olacar's avatar

My name is Carlos, Swagger Olacar for fellow capsuleers.

Started playing EVE Online back in 2019 (My Very Fist PC game). About 3 years ago I had the idea of putting my limited editing knowledge to the test and showcase my alliance's capabilities. Which at the start didn't go very well since my alliance was focused on the PVE aspect of the game.

About 3 years ago my then alliance Fraternity moved into the Vale of the Silent region where we where constantly harrassed by significantly smaller but much more experienced groups. It was then that I discovered my passion in this game, Black Ops hunting A.K.A. Whaling, I wanted to be like them, do what they do and so a year later I left the safety of the Winter Coallition to join a small PVP alliance staged in the adjacent Venal region, Brotherhood of Spacers (B0SS Alliance).

It has been almost 2 entire years worth of service with B0SS, making videos showcasing us punching upwards to organizations several times bigger than us and getting away with it, being the underdogs, David vs. Goliath. During all of this time I've been able to polish my editing skills, my PVP skills and reached the goal of being an EVE Partner.

Looking forwards to see what the future holds.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Great intro! Welcome aboard, Carlos. And might I add that EVE is a very brave choice of first PC game. Glad to hear it's worked out for you!

Melicien Tetro's avatar

Hi there! My name is Melicien Tetro.

Been playing since 04, but since The Invasion it's been Triangles all the way down. I lead an alliance that's focused in Pochven, Azdaja Clade.

On the social media side, I've had an "it's complicated" relationship with r/eve for a long time, to the point of getting banned for asking "Where is the place where people who like this game can talk?"

It looks like this is it. :D

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Aha, well we're very happy to have you here. As far as I'm aware, we haven't had to ban anyone from JA EVE yet, so please make yourself at home!

Mŷs Tæ Rae's avatar

W311, W311, W311...1T seems I should 1Ntr0duce mYself. th3 name's mŷs tæ rae. the pl3asURe is aLl y0urs, i 4ssure you… wh4t am i doing h3r3? that's n0n3 of your COncern. just d0n't pay M3 t00 much 4tt3ntion /// MY, you Still look an EenCy bit conceRnEd. Th3r3's n0 n33d to b3.for i 4m th3 Lock And the key. I am the eaRth and the sea. and 1 4m the 0nly mŷs tæ rae

Schadsquatch's avatar


Mŷs Tæ Rae's avatar

Gosh, what a warm welcome! Schadsquatch, Squizz Caphinator, Brother Grimoire, Wadd Enderas, I almost feel bad for keeping so many secrets from all of you, but it's kinda my 'thing', for I am the ghost in the machine, the shadow in your digital periphery, the enigmatic master of technology!! the by, anyone know how to work Twitter these days?

Schadsquatch's avatar

You mean X? Looks like you got it working!!

Ford James's avatar

Hey folks! I'm Ford, and I'm the new starter helping out with bounties across all of the communities here at Just About. I'm also currently a freelance gaming journalist, with prior roles as the editor at and alongside Rich as the guides editor at PCGamesN. You'll also find my words on sites such as Polygon, GamesRadar, and Rock Paper Shotgun.

I must admit, EVE Online isn't a game I've had much experience with in the past - but I am having a blast picking things up as I go, learning about highsec, mining ships, huffing, lancer dreadnoughts, and everything in-between so I can whip up the best bounties and curated articles for you folks. I have enjoyed reading about the stories that have hit the mainstream in years gone by though - I still recall reading about the biggest heist in EVE Online history shortly after it happened, and it's stuck with me ever since.

Outside of JA and my other gaming work, I play far too much Marvel Snap, and I've recently been playing a lot of Starfield, Lies of P, and Baldur's Gate 3. I'm also a huge football (Manchester United, unfortunately) and F1 (McLaren/Williams) fan!

Rixx Javix's avatar

I never noticed this section until today, so apologies for being late.

My name is Rixx Javix and I've been playing Eve non-stop since 2008. I'm the CEO of Stay Frosty and alliance executor of the A Band Apart alliance in-game. I also host one of the largest player run events in New Eden each year called the Frigate Free For All, last year we gave out nearly 20,000 fitted Frigates to players in a single day.

For 14 years I've written a small and unassuming blog called Eveoganda. I spend most of my time promoting Eve through my art in partnership with CCP at my website RixxJavix.comthrough the creation of over 2,500 alliance logos, youtube banners, twitch graphics, and other projects like the Community Beat branding. I'm currently at work with Titan Forge in Poland on the creation of a new Eve based board game called War For New Eden which debuted recently at Fanfest and will be launching on Kickstarter soon.

In real life I ran a creative agency for 12 years and have spent the past 11 years consulting for various corporations in a Chief Marketing Officer role. And have recently decided to transition to focusing on gaming professionally full-time. In addition to the board game, over the past year I've worked on two mobile games, created concept branding art for another game, and various other projects I can't talk about. Yet.

I think Just About shows a tremendous amount of potential and I'm happy to be a part of helping it grow. Thanks for having me.


Hello, I am Daekarus Helium,

I am a relative new EVE player and quite passionate about the lore behind the game.

I really like to combine my gaming experience with audio content, like listening to audiobooks and podcasts. I am also little bit of a content creator in that regard, being the creator of the The EVE Universe Lorecast |

Looking forward to see what Just About can offer as platform.


Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hi Daekarus Helium, I was away when you added this and missed it, so here's a very belated welcome to Just About EVE! I hope you're enjoying the platform!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Hiya, first of all, thank you for the invite,

We are Eve Online Tutorials (EoT) for short, we are 4 people, a father & son, and two others who come together to create Eve Online content for new players. We mostly specialize in new player content, but also advanced content when needed or requested. We are excited to join your platform and look forward to the future.

Nicole's avatar

That sounds amazing! Welcome and thanks for joining!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Welcome to Just About EVE! Great to have you here!

CrashNaps's avatar


I'm CrashNaps and I mostly stream Eve online on Twitch. It's been a wild year or so since I started streaming Eve (I've been playing the game since 2017) and I'm looking to branch out onto Youtube and other platforms and bring my passion for the game (and slightly unhinged behavior and talents) to a wider audience.

I love solo pvp, small gang, creative ways to make money, the socials aspects of the game... There's an immense amount of ways to play the sandbox and I hope to expand on those myself and bring some people with me on the escapades.

I'm lucky to have a pretty fast growing community and I'm always willing to work with other people. I like to think I'm pretty good banter if you need a guest appearance. Don't be shy.

Nice to meet you all~

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Yo CrashNaps! I'm very happy you found your way here, and I'm really looking forward to seeing some of your bounty entries. Feel free to share any of your content in the feed too - I suspect it will go down very well. There are a lot of EVE content creators here, so I'm confident you'll find some great folk for those guest appearances!

KAZO+AR's avatar

Hello there,

My name's KAZOAR, i'm not what we could call a veteran, but through multiple carriers from High Sec industrial, Hauler, Mass PvP warfare, Faction warfare and Null Sec member of large alliances, I've managed to gather enough knowledge to do one goal here, share the beauty i find in New Eden's community and the game in general.

I started solo like many of us, without anyone to introduce me to the game and the first times in the community was harsh, people were mostly busy in the corporations i joined and so much content going on made my first year into the game discouraging.

But if i'm here today means that the sun started to shine at some point, my purpose here is to give new players a personal and comforting experience that hopefully helps them to clarify the idea of "be who you want to be and choose the path you want" and help them to experiment many things in New Eden.

We've been there, may you find your place in the universe too.

PS: Casoar is a dangerous bird, keep your eyes on the local chat.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

This is exactly the attitude we love. Lots of the curated content we've been publishing is beginner friendly. And that goes beyond learning the ropes to finding community, friends, and support. There's so much love and so much to love in EVE, and the more people can get on the New Eden express** the better. It sounds like you've got a wealth of experience that's going to be very helpful for all of that.

Long story short, welcome to Just About EVE!

** Not to be confused with the pod express.

Boomer's avatar

Hey KAZO+AR, that's a great outlook to have. Anyone that takes the time to support and guide new members is alright in my book 😁

Welcome to the community!

Recios EVE's avatar

Hi there! I've been an EVE player for a long time, and recently I've decided to start from zero with a different jump clone, this time helping the Spanish community with tutorials, online classes and a corporation focused on enjoying the game from the very first day.

In order to achieve this I've been recording tutorials and demos in spanish at youtube, and will do streamings on twitch soon, so I thought that joining Just About could help me with my goal, and attract spanish community here too!


Alex Sinclair's avatar

Bienvenido a bordo, Recios EVE! Right now, I believe we just have orik Kado representing the Spanish-speaking EVE community, so I'm sure he'll be happy to have some company. While we're focused on English-language content at the moment, I'm sure you'll find plenty to get involved with. Make yourself at home, and enjoy! o7

Recios EVE's avatar

Thanks! will do for sure Alex.

Great to know more spanish players here @orikKado.

Boomer's avatar

Hey Recios EVE, that's fantastic! It's great to see the EVE community being so supportive of one another, particularly with new players. Now I understand why CCP and Just About fit together so well!

Welcome to the communtiy!

Dave D's avatar

Maybe you can tell by my profile pic, I'm not a young guy. But hey, I've played EVE for awhile on and off and even when I can't remember where I put my teeth before I went to bed, I can still find the PC and play the game. OK, I'm not that bad but...............what was I talking about? My main is Heinrich Hertz Kelvin. If you see me in low or nul sec, I've been shipjacked and feel free to shoot my ass down.

FUN INC's avatar

Greetings spacefriend! Welcome to JA EVE Online edition!

Settle in, go have a look around and get active! :)

Wadd Enderas's avatar

Welcome to the EVE Online community pal! There's a $100 bounty for an in-game mission floating around here somewhere.... could be a good place to start :D

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Welcome aboard, Dave! Great to have you here! And hey, age is but a number - a far less important number than your DPS rate or your kill tally.


My name is Davon Sanders, Jilani Sklor ingame. I do faction warfare and a bit of industry. I've played alot of MMO's in my day, but EVE is one of the few that I can get alot of entertainment and knowledge from in different ways.

I play/played fighting games competitively (traveling to different states in the US) though now that I'm older I'm doing a bit less of that. I mention that, because I want to show the EVE Online community and others in the gaming space in general that these genre's have alot more in common than you think. Communtiy wise its also somewhat mirrored, especially speaking about alliance tournament culture and tournament culture in fighting games.

Generally, I don't get too much time to play as I did before, but before I go to work I try to squeeze something in. It helps me get through the day to day tech support job that I'm at now. Pretty much thinking about how improvement on both ends (EVE and Street Fighter 6)

Industry wise I make things for the trade hub hek, and sometimes seed to the frontlines. I mainly make projectile weapons of all sizes. I like the idea of shopping local and that carries into EVE, I also love the idea of supplying others to help protect our home. During the pandemic my friends started setting up kind of food/gas/info networks through different buisnesses in our area inorder to help people who needed it. It didn't last too long, but helping set that up felt good (Doing this ironically gave me some direction in EVE)

Generally, I want to bring perspective to Just About, I'm not really a content creator though I've made youtube channels before and streamed before. Kind of in limbo with what I want to do on that side. I've also ran gamejam's locally in my city for a few years along with worked on projects in the Unity framework mainly (nothing publsihed unfortnatley) all that to say at this point I have alot of avenues of creation, but caught in limbo of what I want to try (again)

Thats it for me! Nice to see familiar faces and new ones!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Davon, welcome to the Just About! Thanks for joining us and thanks for this great introduction post. I already caught your reply to our non-combat war effort article, and I can tell you're going to be a great addition to the community.

Don't worry about not being a content creator. We've started out with a lot of content creators, but JA is open to everyone, and there are plenty of people here who don't make their own content.

I'd love to pick your brains more about the similarities between EVE and fighting games, that's not a comparison I've ever considered. I never got into Street Fighter, but I've always had a lot of love for Tekken, and I put a fair few hours into the Injustice and Soul Calibur games back in the day.

P.S. We have a few industry-focused bounties in the pipeline. Stay tuned!


Fortunatley, the places I usually visited when I did travel was Atlanta, which is more or less the Tekken capital of the states (arguablly) so I know and follow compeitive tekken as well.

That being said there is so many things that you can and can't do during a match. Knowing what strings are safe and what strings are not. When you zoom out a bit and just look conceptually at what your doing, you have about 60 secs to get the opponnents health down to 0.

However, say this is soul calibur and you play someone like Astreroth, or anyone with a long reaching move. Your objective is to keep them at a range of engagement that favors your long reaching one (so you can reach them, but they can't reach you)

Well I just had a fight this morning in faction warfare where I flew a kitey breacher (long reaching attack fighter, think anyone that uses a spear) vs a brawl auto cannon rifter (up close fighter, wants to get close and slow and use its speed to its advantage) I lost, due to the rifter closing distance well, and me not targeting the rifter in time.

In street fighter 6, specficially I play Dhalsim. Dhalsim is a long stretchy arm fighter that fights at a distance. In EVE, kite fitted ships (ships that usually have a longer engagement range, and have disrupt point) are very similar to my playstyle in sf6, because I control the range of engagement and keep the other person frustated they can't hit me. I fought a blanka earlier (can close in range fast with blanka ball) I won against because I controlled the range fairly well.

The unifying system, is the timer. You have a certain amount of time to deplete the health bar of the opponent in a fighting game, but in EVE, its the are you are in that you are either defending or assaulting. Your fighting is over, once that that complex finishes. The thing is, in EVE your ship essentially is your weapon, but when you lose it you have to leave that area and quickly reship inorder to come back and fight. When you come back, if the enemy is still there you continue getting the timer down until its done.

Esentially its if a tekken or soul calibur match wasn't just one match. Its like your fighting multiple people and the timer goes down everytime you beat someone and it takes some time for them to connect back and fight.

Thats just a simple example, meta and even ship balancing often mirrors fighting games. Same with community, which is probally what I find a bit more fasciniating.

I can go to almost any city in the states and even out of the states, find a local and even if we speak a different language can play together and have fun / learn from another. EVE has that same feel, especially when you look at how X flies or the fleet composition of different FC's, strategies of different langauge corps / FC's.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

That's really well explained. If they ever make a new Soul Calibur game, I'm going to be imagining kiting in EVE while I play as Kilik. Most of my fighting game experience was with my brother growing up, and with SC especially he'd always come unstuck with short-range characters like Ivy while I played with Kilik, Raphael, or Seong Mi-na. Same with Tekken really, my go-to character is Hwoarang, and keeping players just where you needed them with his kicks was always the winning strategy.

You've given me an idea for a new Just About EVE bounty: a comparison to other games and a discussion of transferable skills. I'll be sure to tag you if we run it.

FUN INC's avatar

Welcome to JA EVE O edition! :D

Get stuck in and active! o7

Boomer's avatar

Hey Davon Sanders, it's great to meet you! It sounds like you've got a lot of diverse gaming interests which is awesome, and always great to meet more game jammers 😊

Alex Sinclair and Rich are more active here in the Just About EVE Online community, but you'll see me around the Video Games, Content Creators, and the general Just About communities.

Feel free to tag us (I'm Boomer ) if you need anything.

Wadd Enderas's avatar

Weclome Davon! Good to see some more Industrial/Supplier minded members joining the EVE Online community here!

To echo Alex Sinclair i'm very interested in the comparison between EVE and fighting games, I think you're going to have some pretty excellent contributions to add over in Just About Video Games too!

Amoni P's avatar

Hi, I'm Amoni Panala (the filter seems to think my last name is obscene/vulgar and I can't figure out why). I'm a small YouTube creator. I started out just making recordings of classes I was teaching at EVE University and then began recording fights and setting them to music. Now I've begun to stretch my legs a little and make things that require a little more editing. It's been a slow process of learning various tricks to make my videos really pop but I am slowly learning.

Here's one I made for the John Bellicose Day cyno vigil

Rich's avatar

Hi Amoni, a very warm welcome to Just About! Always glad to see and support creators of any scale.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey Amoni P! Welcome to Just About EVE! We're big fans of EVE University, so it's fantastic to have some of its faculty join us here. Do tag me if you have any questions Alex Sinclair o7

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

Welcome, hope you enjoy your stay.

It's probably the four letter word in the middle of your last name

Amoni P's avatar

Oh that's pretty funny. It's a last name that was generated from a pool of in-universe names so that's pretty funny.


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