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Film & TV
JHenckes's avatar

The thumbnail of this video speaks for itself hahahaha. Just a random thing making me laugh more than I already do at this show!

Dydo's avatar

Although some of the answers are funny, for me, what makes this clip so comical is what I think everyone was thinking every time Steve repeated the phrase... or maybe I just have a very dirty mind lol.

Hunter's avatar

Used To watch these Japanese gameshows when I was little with my sister, they bring back memories, somehow till know they still have the best funny gameshows ever made and they take it very seriously too which makes it more funny :D

mypets's avatar

I'll always laugh when I watch this one 😂. I don't know how he thought of fish love haha

SIRCAM's avatar

When i want to laugh out loud, i use to revisit this particular Jimmy Fallon Show every time for this video, Kevin Hart reactions to animals 🤣

PD: I know this is not a gameshow, just wanted to share it for the laughts 🙂

CMDR Henckes's avatar

How I can see everybody love Steve Harvey here! And how don't? Now this clip with Shaq is pure perfection! jhahahaha

You can see in the face of Steve before asking to Shaq that he knows what was coming!

Family Feud has the best and funniest clips of all time!

yan57436's avatar

It's impossible not to think of Steve Harvey simply throwing his cards away hahahahaha


It's an all-time classic response on Family Feud. He ain't necessarily wrong, either...

MQC's avatar

Brain Wall - Nōkabe

It is a game that is part of ‘The Tunnels’ Thanks to Everyone’, a Japanese television variety and game show.

It became so popular that it eventually ended up being exported to other countries, being known to everyone in its different formats.

You simply have to make your way through the wall in the requested position... or fall into the pool. This original Japanese programme is so absurd and funny at the same time, that it is inevitable to laugh and have a good time with what happens.

I just can't believe that the participant at minute 6:45-7:30 actually considers for an instant that he is going to make it through the gap, hahahahahaha.


Adding the Bloodborne music is a masterpiece!

Retro Stu's avatar

Luckily for me someone else got there first with Catchphrase - I'm, a little competitive when it comes to Catchphrase so probably a good thing I did not open that can of worms again!

So lets go for the wildly weird reaction on The Chase:

Ford James's avatar

Hahaha how have I never seen this before?! Thought I'd seen every hilarious clip from The Chase!

Fras_Shoyo's avatar

the first time I saw this on reals I was shocked because the statement made me laugh out loud, when they suggested the answer together.


When we see Brad's face after the contestant "locks in" his answer - masterpiece.

Makster's avatar

Golden Balls

This one requires a little bit of context as it isn't readily understandable. At the finale, two contestants face off and given 'Golden Balls' which either say 'Steal' or 'Split'.
There are three outcomes:

  • Steal-Steal, no-one gets money

  • Steal-Share, the person that picked Steal gets ALL the money

  • Share-Share, each person splits the total sum of the money

It's a very intense finale where the wit, fortitude, and deceit of each player is tested as they have to convince each other which ball they are going to pick. This clip is viral as straight off the bat as the man on the right in the brown shirt does something unorthodox as he 'promises' to split the money with his opponent after the show as he will pick 'Steal'.

It was only after studying the "Monty Hall Problem" have I realised what a genius move this was.
The brown shirt man was limiting his opponents choice to just "Share" as convincing him that he himself was going to "Steal" made it seem that there wasn't really a choice to "Steal" as well.

Ford James's avatar

Makster Just got round to watching this full clip and I think the funniest moment is in the last few seconds when Ibrahim says "with the money I've won, I'm going to respray my yacht". The look Nick gives him is incredible 😂

Horror and Cats's avatar

There is truly nothing finer in the gameshow world than a bad guess on Wheel of Fortune, and this is the BADDEST guess lol.

It doesn't even have the right number of characters for the first word!


This is what happens when you given a question but is pressured into giving the wrong answer.


over all the funnest tv show i have seen is gabriel iglesias

Raven's avatar

I love family feud an belive me Steve Harvey and his guest nevers get old and this compilation, proves it! xD


i enjoy laughing at gameshows but i find nothing funnier than sport runs and steve harvey but theres some good ones so i cant say this is the funniest but i enjoy a good ooof nothing wrong with a good sport gameshow laugh

Borrrrr's avatar

When I was a child, I really enjoyed watching this program on TV because it was funny, full of surprises, and always had fresh comedy. Now that I’m older, watching this program again feels nostalgic—it's so fun to watch, haha!

Thank you :)

Sturmer's avatar

While I really enjoyed Takeshi's Castle as a kid, for this bounty, I’m picking KASSO, a Japanese skateboarding show. While it also has its fair share of challenges and laughs, I find it even more entertaining because it’s a competition between professional riders.

In KASSO riders performing tricks in unexpected settings. The mix of skill, innovation, and a touch of humour makes it a unique watch for anyone, even if your are not into skateboarding.

Koohi's avatar

Silvio Santos was the greatest communicator in Brazilian television and is deeply loved by the Brazilian people. One of the factors that contributed to his success was his enormous charisma and his personality of not taking himself too seriously, making jokes about himself and having fun while hosting the shows.

In the following video, you can see a water tank and a wooden board where a person must sit. The other people must hit a small ball at a target, and if the target is hit, the wooden board is knocked down, causing the person sitting on it to fall into the water.

In this clip, Silvio Santos decides to sit on the wooden board before the game starts to make sure it's firmly in place. However, things didn’t go as Silvio Santos had imagined...


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