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mypets's avatar

In general, I liked the Closed Alpha 3 (CA3) update for Smite 2, as I think there have been some interesting improvements.

Several aspects have changed, with both positive and negative points... but for example, replacing the War Horn with the Totem of Ku was a good choice, giving it a more natural look. In addition to the mana regeneration and movement speed bonuses which are welcome and necessary!!!

Another point would be the two new gods Baron Samedi and Yemoja, but I'm among those who find them unbalanced. They have versatility and strength that bring cool dynamics to the game, but I think a lack of effective healing items and shields is an important problem to consider, which can end up hindering the dynamics.

Cloggedbean's avatar

Starting off with my favorite thing about this patch, Baron. I really liked baron in Smite 1 and im glad hes in smite 2 now. His dmg probably needs to be nerfed a bit he feels alot stronger than the other mages right now. but other then that hes really fun to play. Yemoja is fun but i havnt played her enough so say if shes balanced or not, but im leaning towards needing a nerf. i think Nu Wa maybe got hit too hard with her nerf. anubis is too strong now and i think he needs to be dialed back a bit. Other than that I thinkt he patch was good and the balancing was done well

TheMortonMan's avatar

Huge fan of everything we're getting our hands on for this patch. Graphics wise, the Battleground is looking better and better each patch, but this one made leaps and bounds foward compared to the steps that we've been seeing so far. Yemoja feels great and all, but Baron Samedi is my new favorite god 100%. How they handled his scaling is a great way for him to feel at home in the world of SMITE 2.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

The Update 3 introduces the new god Baron Samedi that is that hard to learn to me so I’m enjoying a lot to play with him along my friends 

There are some nerfs and buffs that I am  always paying attention to. And I think this time we have really good changes especially in items like the Warrior’s Axe and the Sundering Axe give a little more attack and protection for your gods and some the nerfs focused in magical protection that is very welcomed especially for me that still have some difficulties facing gods with buildings that use those kinds of items. 

I see that there are some changes in gods, nothing that I could notice while playing but I hope that keeps a good balance. I love to play as Anubis I a loved to see a lot of buffs for him but as I said I didn’t noticed so much changes, maybe I just bad and I refuse to accept that hahaha

But one special addition that makes my eyes light up is that in stores it is easy to buy and sell items now, one thing that should be implemented from the beginning: sell and buy just with one click, the right click of the mouse!


I think this patch brought few changes to the game.

I really liked the new gods for smite 2, Baron Samedi and Yemoja. Their addition brought a little more variety to the gameplay and that is always positive.

Regarding buffs and nerfs, I think it was positive. There weren't any major changes to the gods but the ones that were made the game a little better to play.

yan57436's avatar

I'll start with what I found most impactful and end with what I found least:

The addition of Baron Samedi and Yemoja:

  • Baron: I really liked his addition, he's much loved by players, but he arrived extremely impactful and without any bad moments in the game (which already earned him a nerf in a bonus patch) and with a very low ultimate cooldown. In other words, he arrived very strong in the game.

  • Yemoja: I'm not a big fan of the goddess, but I thought she came into the game balanced to the point where she even deserved a buff, she's not a god that made me want to go back and play more with him.

Totem of Ku: We've had the War Horn replaced by the Totem of Ku, bringing a good dynamic to those who play solo, having more of a focus for fights. I liked it a lot .

Communication: I really like Titan Talk's initiative, mainly because it doesn't act like other companies (riot) that “don't make mistakes”, hi rez is willing to admit any mistake and learn from it, that's incredible!


CA3 was a smaller patch but was sort of the turning point for me in terms of the game feeling much more crisp and general gameplay making big strides to where it needs to be. Baron is OP as all hell but it's an alpha and he's already been nerfed in a bonus balance patch which is good. Overall great patch, having a lot of fun with it!

BlaiseMcBaine's avatar

Honestly, this patch has been the best yet! The game is feeling a lot better as far as performance and just getting a few new gods into the game feels good.

The variability we are seeing the the classless system is really providing some cool comps and just interesting picks overall. Casting comp for Smite Prime we have seen Susano ADC even, which is super fun.

Yemoja ADC with Sun Bow is a must try!

Baron Shenanigans is always fun.

Overall great patch and we should hopefully continue moving in this positive direction, especially with the hotfixes coming multiple times during the week!

Sturmer's avatar

To quote the Baron himself, "Let's liven things up, shall we?"

Quite an interesting selection of new gods, but I believe Hi-Rez is driven by data or some internal agenda to explore different archetypes sooner. During my interview with Alex Kantatore, I learned that they plan to introduce new gods while also bringing back old ones from the first game. The new UE5 engine allows them to work at a much faster pace, and ultimately, they’re aiming for a roster of 160-200 gods.

As for the latest update, I completely agree with @NotAValveGame about the frequency of ultimates. In my opinion, they should have much longer cooldowns. Ultimates - a strategic tool, where proper timing can change the tide of a battle or even the entire match. That’s what brings real satisfaction, not spamming for flashy visuals.

JHenckes's avatar

This patch made me happy, I liked practically everything that was done... And I think the community has followed suit, it was a patch that generated a lot of positive reactions, I feel that the company got it exactly right this time!

Baron Samedi and Yemoja are really cool, they're versatile characters and have proven to be very strong, I liked seeing more characters arriving so quickly, the game is in full swing! The patch brought some changes to items and added some new ones, but I don't feel that it had that much impact, at least not for me. I feel that the game's balance still needs a lot of tweaking, but that's normal for any online game, and this time the patch was a great step forward.

Oh, it's worth mentioning that the Anubis bonus was very welcome, he was already a character I loved.


What I really like about the CA3 update is the change in gear from the Hirez team. The new Titan Talk Tuah and the willingness to admit their mistakes and grow from them has been something that really struck a cord with me, and it renewed my confidence in the ongoing success of Smite 2.

But, some highlights from the new patch for me are:

  • The Totem of Ku! It feels way better to fight around compared to the awful War Horn. It feels natural, and the increased mana regen and movement speed you get from the effect feels great and it was something that was missing from not just solo, but the game. Also at the Las Vegas LAN we will definitely hear the people go "KUUUUUUUUUUUUU" which is absolutely based.

  • The CD changes are wild, not necessarily healthy, but after the hotfixes the cooldown builds are in a relatively fun place.

  • Baron and Yemoja! They're both very exciting, though quite strong- poor access to powerful antiheal items and no existence of an anti-shield item does feel rather bad, but both Yemoja and Baron are super fun to play and add another interesting dynamic and much needed extra variety!

Ultimately, the update was a great one, the increased communication was lovely, and the fact that they're patching every couple days is thrilling to say the least. This game is on the up and up!!


I actually really enjoyed this patch, some of my highlights: Anbuis buffs overall 180ed the god in the sense that he went from unviable to good nearing broken, the 1 change of getting slowed less fanilly vindicates leveling his 1, it feels so much better to get barely slowed. The 3 and 4 damage increase was nice too, but it was the passive change to give him more early prots and life steal which is really making him difficult to deal with, so much fun tho lol. One other big thing for me was The Reaper fix - this item always baits me on paper because I feel when it works, it’s the best life steal item full stop. I tested on Anbuis and it does work on him, would def say that’s worth trying but with the Typhon’s Fang change giving that INT, it’s debatable. Besides the point though, I however have still found some cases where The Reaper is not working, and it does not work in a way where when you Auto/Damage an enemy in the threshold like the passive states, you just won’t get the buff with the extra STG and lifesteal, literally making the item worthless. I noticed it on Zeus it not working, so I would build the item with a grain of salt. Anyway went so long on those changes lol, I definitely really like the teleporters is a neat feature which can help with early struggles. Baron is fun but seemed a bit overtuned just in the fact that he gains niche scaling through CDR and Prots, these are already proitized stats for Baron so him getting increased benefits from them is a little much. Haven’t gotten to try Yemoja yet, but just from playing against her she doesn’t seem too different.


So my review, I personally find the game really really fun. However, its hard to play when ever mage doesn't have cool downs. Cool down rate is very very over tuned. Baron Samedi have 2-3 ults per fight minimum is not fun to play with or against. Cool down rate has to be changed for the game to be in a better place.

Baron and Yemoja are both fun character however Baron is a bit bloated.

Otherwise though I'm happy with the state the game is in.

Elech's avatar

For me I think what Smite needs to more of is just making the game feel better so I zone directly in on any changes that make the gameplay more fun and the game feel better.

Starting off with the damage number changes. The orignal Smite 2 damages numbers hurt my eyes. I'm hoping to see a closer look on things in Smite 2 that just changes it from 'wow bigger better' into something that they know everyone likes.

Stats page at post game lobby. Love it. We all love comparing who did the the least in the game.

I personally think the mastery awards from Smite 1 was a huge addition. A lot of people I spoke to hated that a lot of what they had didn't transfer. This was a good homage.

BUYING AND SELLING. What a smart feature to add in to the game. Why was this not added in Smite 1. Having the right and left click just feels right.

Away from the non God aspects.

I think bringing Yemoja and Baron was great. Sure they were not everyones first choice but I personally think they are two really fun Gods and I am excited to play them in Smite 2


I feel like this update has been a bit lacking, especially as we see that we're planned to have double the gods every patch soon. I feel like Baron has been a great addition to the roster with his brew (which also got some interesting changes) and on Yemoja I'm half half since I don't really play her

I'd also want to see more interesting items. They did make a few recently but I feel we need more to justify the actives system.

ChrisTDickson's avatar

It was a rough Week for SMITE 2. This patch single handedly revitalized the community. The overall sentiment of the game and the state of things prior to this patch was rough. Feedback directly after the patchnotes on all changes were wildly positive.

Baron and Yemoja feel great. Fun additions, both feeling immediately viable in various roles. Gave even the haters a moment of peace before the next patch.


Ive been really enjoying the closed Alpha, Bacchus and yemoja have been my main gods selected. Untill my favourite god geta added to the game. Really fun to play with your friends. Ranked has been enjoyable to play aswell.

TheMortonMan's avatar

Favorite god geta?? Who is geta, did you mean to say Geb?? If so, me and you are in the same boat friendo

Ford James's avatar

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no problem, i'll double check any ones that are still pending for future bounties


Revisión de la Última Actualización de SMITE 2

Actualización de la Alpha Cerrada 3 de SMITE 2: Reseña

La última actualización de la Alpha Cerrada 3 de SMITE 2 ha traído consigo algunas adiciones emocionantes y significativas al juego.

Nuevos Dioses

  • Baron Samedi: Un personaje intrigante con habilidades que combinan daño y curación, ofreciendo una jugabilidad versátil y estratégicamente diversa.

  • Yemoja: Trae una dinámica única con su control de agua, permitiendo tanto apoyo como agresión. Su presencia cambia el flujo de las batallas.

Teletransportadores Base

  • Una adición bienvenida que facilita la navegación rápida por el mapa, permitiendo a los jugadores reposicionarse estratégicamente y mantenerse en la acción constante sin perder tiempo valioso.

Nueva Poción Múltiple

  • Este consumible proporciona una opción estratégica adicional para los jugadores que buscan mejorar su sustentabilidad en las batallas, permitiendo curaciones múltiples sin la necesidad de regresar a la base con frecuencia.

Cambios de Balance

  • Los ajustes de balance en esta actualización parecen estar bien dirigidos, buscando un mejor equilibrio entre los personajes. Sin embargo, algunos jugadores podrían sentir que ciertos buffs y nerfs necesitan más ajustes para alcanzar un estado óptimo de balance.

Conclusión En general, la actualización Alpha Cerrada 3 de SMITE 2 introduce cambios significativos que mejoran la jugabilidad y la estrategia del juego. Los nuevos dioses aportan frescura y profundidad, mientras que las mejoras en la navegación y las opciones de sustentabilidad elevan la experiencia general del juego. A medida que la comunidad continúe probando estos cambios, será interesante ver cómo evoluciona el equilibrio del juego.

Boomer's avatar

Hi aslan, thanks for getting involved in the community. I just want to point you towards my reply on your other bounty submission. Please read the reply and let me know if you have any questions.

Hola aslan, gracias por involucrarte en la comunidad. Solo quería indicarte mi respuesta a tu otra propuesta de recompensa. Lee la respuesta y avísame si tienes alguna pregunta.


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