It's honestly really hard to talk about my favourite Smite memory. There's so many. I have a few short stories I could tell, I guess!
I remember when I first started the game back during season 1. I was younger then, and the concept of a "MOBA" was foreign to me. My friend had asked me to download Smite so we could play, so I did! I remember playing joust, and whether we lost or won, we just had fun playing the game. I remember picking Cupid a lot, and during game queues I'd look at all the characters. When I saw Chaac, I loved his themes and his kit. I don't know exactly what drew me to him, but I think it had to be his giant axe and his lightning thematics. I saved up my favor and bought him, and I remember playing him in joust with my friends and doing horribly. He did no damage, I didn't understand his passive, and back then his ult didn't even have a knock-up unless you used your axe- but I kept playing, and to this day Chaac is one of my favourite Smite characters!
I remember when my friend and I dared each other to play some of the worse gods in the game at the time- Zhong Kui and Bacchus. I changed my name to ZhongQueefer and he changed his name to Bacchaholic, and we told each other that we can't pick any other character until those two characters were diamonded. This was before boosters and before they did many double worshiper weekends. We played like, a hundred games together playing only those two gods. It was horrible. Eventually, though, I became really good at Zhong Kui, and despite his weak kit, I became really effective on him! This experience really shaped how I see characters in MOBAs- as skills to be honed and not as a binary "good" or "bad"- many Smite gods feel clunky at first, only to become fast and smooth with some practice.
Smite has been one of my daily experiences for over 10 years now. I love the game then, and I love it now. Even if it has had its up and downs, it's something that I'd never trade, as its given me so many good times, bad times, friends and foes.
I love Smite!