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mypets's avatar

I'm very fond of an Anhur move I had. Our titan was practically lifeless and defeat was certain, we were defending as best we could, when a Ra simply walked up alone and tried to end the game, I managed to line up a perfect impale, we simply destroyed it. I don't know why, but it seemed like a cascade effect, each one of the enemy team tried and died alone, basically trying to end the game in a totally inconsequential way. We managed to pull the mid and as they had died sequentially, they also respawned and were alone, dying again. I have this memory because I myself thought it was already lost, but we managed to win. It may sound silly, but I just love the feeling of knowing that I didn't give up and won that simple game.

yan57436's avatar

It may seem like a simple thing, but I remember when I started Smite 1 for the first time many years ago to play with my cousin. I had no idea how the game worked, but I had been given early access, I don't remember exactly how it worked, but I was given an account with a nickname (a nickname I still use today haha). So I started the game and simply couldn't play, there was a Loki bullying me hahaha (I can laugh today), and this experience that was supposed to be “scary” simply motivated me to play and understand what was going on, since I was simply dying, I couldn't even see what was happening on my screen. It's a simple thing, but it marked me.


My best memory of Smite was when I started playing, 7 years ago. I discovered the game when I was still at school and ended up becoming addicted to the game. Almost every day, when I got home from school, I would play smite with my friends. We created good memories over the years and to this day we remember some of those moments from time to time.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

I think I would say the first victory, It was very hard, I play the first game only in the first year that it was released and for the first time I saw a MOBA with third person camera, and immediately I thought that it would be a lot easy and a way more fun. I definitely enjoyed a lot more Smite than Dota or LOL but it was as hard as any other MOBA.

I remember that I was playing most with my brother and his friends since they were MOBA players already and with so much effort we could win our first match, I was playing with Zeus since the tutorial was with him but it was nothing so easy playing against other players! But we finally win, unfortunately we went back to the LOL that most of us already had some progress.


It's honestly really hard to talk about my favourite Smite memory. There's so many. I have a few short stories I could tell, I guess!

I remember when I first started the game back during season 1. I was younger then, and the concept of a "MOBA" was foreign to me. My friend had asked me to download Smite so we could play, so I did! I remember playing joust, and whether we lost or won, we just had fun playing the game. I remember picking Cupid a lot, and during game queues I'd look at all the characters. When I saw Chaac, I loved his themes and his kit. I don't know exactly what drew me to him, but I think it had to be his giant axe and his lightning thematics. I saved up my favor and bought him, and I remember playing him in joust with my friends and doing horribly. He did no damage, I didn't understand his passive, and back then his ult didn't even have a knock-up unless you used your axe- but I kept playing, and to this day Chaac is one of my favourite Smite characters!

I remember when my friend and I dared each other to play some of the worse gods in the game at the time- Zhong Kui and Bacchus. I changed my name to ZhongQueefer and he changed his name to Bacchaholic, and we told each other that we can't pick any other character until those two characters were diamonded. This was before boosters and before they did many double worshiper weekends. We played like, a hundred games together playing only those two gods. It was horrible. Eventually, though, I became really good at Zhong Kui, and despite his weak kit, I became really effective on him! This experience really shaped how I see characters in MOBAs- as skills to be honed and not as a binary "good" or "bad"- many Smite gods feel clunky at first, only to become fast and smooth with some practice.

Smite has been one of my daily experiences for over 10 years now. I love the game then, and I love it now. Even if it has had its up and downs, it's something that I'd never trade, as its given me so many good times, bad times, friends and foes.

I love Smite!


I know this guy called Mujtabaa who likes to do the race to diamond. When a new god gets released he tries to get them to mastery ten as fast as possible. Eventually, Titan Forge put in-game rewards for being among the top ten of a race to diamond, which got me interested. Mutjaa has already gotten top ten twice and was going for a third. So I thought it would be fun to race them to diamond on the release. After two nine-hour grind sessions back to back with a half-hour break, I had achieved mastery ten. I was very sleep deprived and tired of playing the god but it was done. I went to bed excited to see if I had done it in the morning. I woke up and the results of the race were not posted. I took this to assume that there had not been ten people to get the god to diamond yet. Then the next day goes by and the winners are not announced. Then another and another. Surely three days was enough time for ten people with the god to diamond. Because the winners were not announced they must not have had ten winners guaranteeing that I finished within the top ten.

A week later the winners were announced and I was filled with anticipation to see my name. It was my first race attempt so I was not expecting to be high up there but surely top ten. First place, a name I didn't recognize. Second place, another name I didn't recognize. Third through eighth place the same thing. Then I read Mujtabaa's name. They got ninth. I failed my mission I could not sneak away a top-ten finish from them. OK, I couldn't sabotage Mujtabaa but surely I got tenth place and can get some in-game rewards as a consolation prize. Nope, I was not in the top ten. I did so much mind melting smite games all for it to result in nothing. I did not stop Mujtabaa from getting top ten and I didn't even finish top ten myself.

After a few hours of being disappointed another tweet by Smitegame comes out about the race and had something to do with me. Because Mutjabaa had already placed top ten in a previous race the list is being expanded to include eleventh place. Who was in eleventh place? It was me Despite not being in the top ten I was getting the rewards. I did not know how to feel about this. One hand I got some rewards, but I didn't really earn them and I did do my main goal.

A few months later a new god is released and the race is on again. This time I can not spend hours playing the game. I will have to go to work and sleep. If I couldn't do it the first time by taking only a thirty-minute break, what are my odds with a break for work and sleep? I had to get top ten this time, to actually earn the rewards I was given. I still ended up reaching diamond on the second day of the race. So I might have a chance but a slim one. A week after the race started the winners were posted to Twitter. I checked it not expecting to see my name, but I saw it. I had redeemed myself and gotten the top ten. Not only mine but also Mutjabaa's. The crazy guy did it again which I think makes them the best diamond racer in Smite. Its was funny to see the two extra names they announced later in the day because Mutjabaa and I had already gotten the rewards for a race.

Would be cool to see the race to diamond winner list keep expanding but smite1 has not gotten a lot of new god releases for the race to exist. Maybe the top ten could have expanded to the top twenty because of repeat winners. Hopefully, it can continue on in smite2 when it goes full access.


dont really use social media to post the clip to but still wanna share it. Im the thanatos yelling penta, my buddy body blocked me as ymir while my other buddy stole the penta.

TheMortonMan's avatar

One of my best friends and long time queue partners was the Anubis in this clip. The video speaks for itself. Snatched the kill right from him.

Cloggedbean's avatar

this is one was kinda tough to choose but I went with this clip. the reasons being that thIS khepri emote is the best emote to every be added to the game, the other reason being that this video cracks me up every time lol. the planning it out before hand, trying to be sneaky in the jungle and just COMPLETELY MISSING XD

Dydo's avatar

In 2015 (i think) I got tired of LoL, so I made my friends play SMITE with me. We would play every single day, and I was the ultimate carry, playing with Loki on almost every match. Then we turned to 1x1 and at first I always won. They started practicing without me so they would have a chance. After some weeks, the best they could do for most of the times, were not to be humiliated. They got tired and made me come back to LoL, not before I mocked them for hours when they were trying to convince me. Good times.


When I met all my friends around the same time as my favourite god release. Baron back in season 5

Elech's avatar

Nothing really funny but when I started Smite it was due to a friend basically begging me to play. I had in my head that he was a really good Smite player. When it came to some of my first games It was a joust. I was Artemis against an Ares Loki. My friend who to me had played this game for a long time would tell me. 'just buy boots' That is literally all I built. No buying beads or anything. Just boots. Looking back I don't think he was as good as I thought he was but I do like the memory of it.


One of the most contentious moments you'll ever have in smite is when the opposing team is angry in the post game lobby and call you out for a private match. They were so salty the lost that too, they decided to pause the game indefinitely until they found out I was streaming it...

ChrisTDickson's avatar

Winning the "Golden Bolt" award for up and coming streamer the first year i started streaming.


So this is probably a strange one but back in Season 4 mostly some of Season 5 the ps4 ranked scene was ripe with trolls and it was honestly hilarious. Nothing actual toxic, but a random one that comes to mind is my Guan Yu jg spam pinging the left side enemy back camps randomly and then spamming “Group up!” x7 is just so funny to me despite being so random, thing is me and my friend always willing to send anything, so of course even though it wasn’t serious our entire team ends up at the back camp getting into a massive fight 🤣. VGS in general has provided some of my best moments in SMITE, I know most people find spamming it annoying but my friend group always just found it so amusingly funny, and I mean come on guys some lines are just too much gotta have fun with it sometimes lmao. Best 1 VGSliners come from the ranked players back then tho fs, my 0-9 Arachne jg just responding with “That’s too bad” when asked why she’s at enemy speed buff at 23 min when the enemy is seiging Phoenix. Then proceeds to just split push/farm till there even build wise and then actually wins the game too fucking much man lmaoooo 🤣. Called it the guys special ever since.


My best memory is grinding the Loki adventure with friends. It was extremely time consuming and we basically repeated the same stage until a certain point where we got an item and quit midway. Then after hours of grinding we finally challenged the boss Loki and lost heavily. Never got around to beating him and getting the awesome chest, but I did get a lot of nice memories with my online friends back then.


Some time in 2016 when I was just starting to get good at SMITE, I kept running into the same guy in ranked queues during demon hours (1-4am LOL). We'd get on the same team and opposing teams pretty frequently and started partying after some time of bantering and trolling each other whenever we saw the other in the lobby. That guy pestered me to install Discord and add him and has now been one of my closest friends for the last 8 years and we play way more games than just SMITE together (he's washed I'm the goat I carried him every game).

JHenckes's avatar

I think my favorite memory is certainly the first time I played Smite!

My brother had told me about a game he was playing and liking and asked me to try it out (yes, it was Smite).

Needless to say how badly I played hahahaI think my favorite memory is certainly the first time I played Smite!

My brother had told me about a game he was playing and liking and called me over to try it out (yes, it was Smite).

I don't need to tell you how badly I played hahaha (I was playing Fenrir, because I've always liked his mythology). My brother cursed at me the whole time and we lost badly as it was practically 5v4 (I was one less).

Even so, I had a lot of fun that day, I played another 5 or 6 times and gradually learned the basics, and before long I was completely hooked and playing every day. It reminds me of the good memories I had with my brother and the beginning of my history with this incredible game!


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