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yan57436's avatar

I thought I'd vary it with a treasure hunt type mode, where two teams are divided and compete to collect artifacts scattered around a dynamic map, which changes every round and some elements can even change during the match. Whoever collects the artifacts will acquire special abilities and buffs. However, getting them isn't that easy and players have to decide whether to focus on combat or collecting, which requires strategy. The greater the reward, the greater the risk of capturing the artifact. The aim of the game would be for the team that collects the most artifacts in a given time to win. It could also highlight those players who capture the most.

JHenckes's avatar

I would call it “DIVINE CONQUEST”:

I thought of this game mode based on what I see and like in other games. The game mode would be 5v5, on an open map and would be based on dominating control points on the map, the team that dominated the most points for the longest time (i.e. adding up the most points) would win! That would be the gist of it.

Detailing further how I thought of the game mode, I would call the points “Control Shrines”, and the team that was ahead in the match would receive benefits for this, something like relics that would confer buffs similar to those of the jungle in normal matches, and we could think about putting really powerful relics here, but maybe it would be too unbalanced...

I believe that in order to avoid the match becoming too stagnant, it would be necessary to have dynamic objectives at specific times during the match (5, 10 and 15 minutes into the match, for example), which would make players need to redeploy and not just keep checking the control points!

I think the map could have 5 control points on the edges and have the central region where the dynamic objectives would appear (certainly a strong influence for good teamfights!).

I think the mechanics of empowered minions would work well here, I think the minions would always leave their base in an attempt to take over the nearest base, and the empowered minions could be one of the buffs granted by the dynamic objectives.

Victory would be defined when a team reaches a certain amount of points, certainly being the team that has dominated the most territories for the longest amount of time. Thinking about the idea I really think it would be an extremely fun game mode that would require a lot of strategy to win, I hope you enjoy it!

mypets's avatar

Maybe it's a bit different, but I was thinking of something like a Race of the Gods haha

Imagine players in a race that mixes elements of combat (pvp) with obstacles provided by the game itself and traps that can be left along the way. The aim is for players to reach the end of the course before their opponents (you could do this in groups or in all-against-all mode). During the race, it would also be possible to collect power-ups to acquire temporary abilities, such as increased speed or something to attack your opponent and slow them down, for example. I think it would be a dynamic and fun proposition.


I think an auto chess game mode would be very good for Smite 2. Something like TFT. I've always liked this genre of game and I can perfectly visualize a game mode of this genre but using the characters from Smite 2. Divided into rounds and managing to earn gold to buy gods of different costs to put them on the field. It was also interesting to create a ranked mode, where everyone would have to play against other players to increase their rank. For example, each match could be of 6 and the best 3 would gain rank while the last 3 would lose rank. Of course, the higher you are, the more rank you gain and the lower you are, the more rank you lose.

Sturmer's avatar

Gamemode: Custom Game

Hi-Rez Studios is known for listening to their community and picking up on ideas. My recommendation is for them to create a Custom Game mode that allows players to create their own game modes.

For the first version, it would be enough to let players select maps and adjust some basic parameters—such as damage, gravity, speed, god bans, skills/items bans, starter gear, and cooldowns. We've seen this in other games like Overwatch, where it was a great decision and a fun way to create personalized game rules to play with friends or strangers.

Imagine an only-Hecate match with infinite "Open the Gates" ult! That would be hilarious portal inception.

Later on, they could integrate the most popular community modes into the official modes list.

The next step could be adding a Workshop feature, allowing players to design their own maps, characters, and mini-games - like snowball fights or laser tag - or even something completely wild, like a Guitar Hero MOBA!

The point is: provide the proper tools, and the community will unleash their creativity on their own.

Dydo's avatar

I'd love to see a card game in SMITE 2, with each god’s abilities as cards. You would first collect only the cards of the gods that are available to you, and these cards could have levels, dealing more damage or enhancing effects.

In this case, it would be a Titan vs. Titan battle, with gods and their powers clashing against each other. There wouldn’t be any mana, but each card could only be used once per battle by either player. If both players have the same card in their deck or hand and one of them uses it, the other player’s card is instantly burned.

The cards placed on the table would remain there until they are canceled for some reason. So, each round, damage is dealt by the cards on the table, which could be mitigated or even nullified if there are defensive cards, such as abilities that heal or provide shields.

A god with CC abilities, for example, could delay the effect of a damage card from the opponent, rendering it ineffective for that round, or even reflecting the damage. Ultimates could also have a direct impact on the cards - removing those of the opponent, buffing your own, being more damaging, more defensive, or even changing some rules of the game, like allowing two cards of the same ability in the game or wiping the entire table.

I’m not sure if these would be the exact rules, and a lot would need to be worked on and balanced, but I think something like this could be really fun in SMITE 2. Even if it was something extremely simplified, it could be a way to pass the time between queue times, where you could practice for the real game mode later, for example.


Think it'd be pretty cool if there was like a 6v6, maybe even 8v8 mode in a large slash/clash-esque map with towers, large jungle and a big, see-through barrier down the middle. Have players evenly and randomly be designated a half of the map to play on, maybe allowing for premades to be on same side as other premades. Then at each 5 minute mark, spawn an objective that unleashes the big fight, bringing down the barrier for a few minutes when beaten. A twist could be that players must get back to their side before barrier respawn or else they're executed.


Footies from Warcraft but Smited up a notch!!

4 teams of 3(maybe 4) each with a ‘base’ in their corner. Protected by 3 semi overlapping towers as the first line of defense, then some stores/shops/barracks that are targetable. Then 2 slightly overlapped phenixes before the titan is vulnerable.

any destroyed structure can be ‘rebuilt’ faster by either spending team gold or having gods sit and actively repair

Basic minion waves get sent every 30 seconds to the team to your left and right(until one is defeated and then the minions go to the other team). But teams can spend their gold in the ‘barracks’ to summon/upgrade stronger minions ranging from basic camp monsters to more expensive late game minions like pyromancer/gold fury. Depending on the level of the barracks is how many minions you can store up before they have to get sent out or you just can’t produce any more. Players can choose which direction to send the ‘Barack’s’ bought minions or to store them for defense

towers, pheniox and base can all be upgraded with buffs so players can play more tanky comps. Would love to see an alternate timeline on a tower/phenolic or an O bow proc every other shot. Maybe a AoE poison/burn effect for any enemies in your base.

Strong side camps to contest, maybe some simple jungle routes on the outer edges of the map. In the center of the map is an ‘exotic store’ where you can purchase powerful artifacts/upgrades. Late game it turns into an expensive pack a punch like machine that each god can use once on one of their items to make them even more godly.

Varying(type of buff provided) King of the hill spots pop up everyone few minutes(early game would have 3 pop up at once and eventually go down to 2 and then 1), your team has to control it with no contest for X amount of seconds to ‘capture’ giving your team a micro buff. Capturing the same type of hill levels up that type of buff so your team can decide which hills are worth fighting for. Hill type examples could be HP5, MP5, defense, movement, attack….

After a team is knocked out weak zombie minions continue to spawn from their base getting continually stronger until the game is over

last team standing wins

You’re welcome hi rez

ChrisTDickson's avatar

Siege (But not the old Siege) (Clan vs Clan)

  • 8 vs 8

  • 3 Control Points in front of a base. Have to be standing in these control points for X duration to secure the point. The more players in the control point, the faster it goes. If both teams are in the control point, it increases or decreases based on the +/- of the majority of players (Order team has 5, chaos has 4, so Order is gaining)

  • Spawn locations are equally far away from the original control points.

  • After all 3 control points are secured. You're able to attack a "Gate" that has a lot of health, autos and abilities will damage it, but its very tanky. 2 Exits on each side of the gate will allow the defending team to come through and defend.

  • After the gate is destroyed there is one final control point in the center of the defending teams base. Controlling the base defense point wins the game. The defending team spawns in that base, making it harder to attack. Attackers spawn outside the base past the control points.

  • 10 minutes counting down to start the game. 5 minutes added for controlling the first 3 points. 5 minutes added for destroying the gate. Sudden death at 10 seconds that will not start until there is no attacker in an objective.

  • These would be clan vs clan specific. Beating higher clans each week would move you up the clan ranks, earning you better rewards for participating clan members only.


Theres a wall in the conquest map that prevents the teams from interacting. The wall lasts for a some time period, I was thinking five or ten minutes. The jungle camp's respawn timers are super reduced spawning every thirty seconds. While the wall is up teams farm up best as possible for when the wall comes down and its time to fight. Then its back to a normal conquest game. This could be expanded on by having a map thats broken into quadrants and have 4 teams.


Imagine a tournament/battle royal duel (or even 2v2, 3v3). A great mode to move up the ranks with just yourself or a friend fighting for 1st place! Each rank allowing you to get 1 item of your choice as you move up! You'd never be allowed to sell a previous item, so you have to make the right choice as if certain counter items would be worth.

If people decided to take too long whether due to being a complete tank or not fighting, each player first after so much time has passed would gain a moderate amount of power, then after another set amount of time passed, both opponents would start taking true damage a second (and maybe both gain more power or cooldown/attack speed) as well as reduced healing.

Basic concept of course but I think it could be a fun experience to play with a friend, even with a spectating mode to watch others fight!


I would love to see a "Capture the flag" type mode in Smite 2. Instead of a central flag both teams fight over, I think each throne room should have a flag that needs to be stolen and brough back to your base. Enemy flags can be captured only when your flag is in your base. To prevent stalemates, the match will end after either 15 or 20 minutes. Most flags win, otherwise it ends in a draw. It would need it's own map, but about half the size of conquest. No towers, phoenixes, or titans, but could have side objectives like apophis, and a new creature that reveals all enemies on the map for a short duration (15-30 seconds) Side camps and minions for farm as well.


I think this one would be tricky for gods with globals, maybe make it so ults can't be cast while holding the flag? Apollo or Athena could be cheese, Horus ulting a entire team. Idk I still think the game would be fun but there should be something to make it a "capture" game where the flag carrier needs to be escorted or if not, a ban system before each game so maybe 6 gods are banned from each team for a total of 12? I like the idea though!


I've always wanted real, always on 2v2 mode in SMITE. Sometimes we only have 1 friend online to play with and I've found the 2v2 match of the days are also a really fun way to meet new people as they're way less likely to be toxic in a 1-on-1 scenario compared to 5 people. Here's my concept I made a little while back on Upheaval, my vision of a 2v2 mode for SMITE!

The text synopsis is that the map starts as a 2-lane fight similar to Siege where each player takes a lane and drains the enemy tickets similar to Arena by taking towers, the Iron Fury, getting God kills and clearing minion waves. After one team's tickets deplete, a giant Cabrakan rampages through the map, collapsing the 2 lanes into one and granting a structure damage and regen buff to the team who still had tickets left. At this point, the game is meant to end fairly soon after as it becomes a single-lane 2v2 brawl similar to Assault and respawn timers will be quite long by this point so a couple of team-wipes will be enough to end the game. The team that still had tickets gets the advantage with Cabrakan's buff but could still lose the game here if the enemy has better coordination or composition for the 2v2.


You were waiting for this moment and it came lol


Format: 5v5
Map: Similar to Arena, however it consists of two rings. The outer ring is the "viewing" area, and the inside ring/circle is the "battle arena".

The gamemode: Players will select their god and enter the battlegrounds at level 5 with 3000 gold. Players have 45 seconds to construct a build before the fighting begins. It's a series of 1v1s, with both teams able to spectate the 1v1s taking place in the inner circle from the outer circle. Players will fight until they die or until one team runs out of players. So, for example, Player A fights Player 1 on the enemy team. Player A beats Player 1, so Player 2 will fight Player A with the same cooldowns, health, mana, etc, that they were left with fighting Player 1. Player A was left on 30% HP, so after Player A does a small amount of damage to Player 2, Player 2 wins and is left on 85% HP. Player 2 then fights Player B, where Player 2 clutches the fight (and was able to save their ultimate against Player A) allowing them to beat Player B, and so on. Once a team runs out of players, they lose, and the next round begins- levelling players up to Level 10 (then 15, then 20), and giving them an amount of set gold. Players have time to then purchase new items, and you continue the series with the order of players fighting changing.

I've done this gamemode a million times in custom games with my friends, and it's always extremely hype. You're hyping up your friends, people are trying to clutch up against people to try and go 2 for 1, and it's always a thrill. It would be an AMAZING rotating gamemode, and it's especially a thrilling blast in 5 mans- always a lot of laughs and goofs.

If anyone at HiRez sees this, get on it!!! (please? :3)


To prevent stalling, the battle arena should be quite small- or, after a set amount of time, a battle royale-style ring should start enclosing on the arena- which would also make tank/healer stall kits valuable as they could out sustain in the battle royale-style "storm".


Players: 5v5

Game Mode: Tug of War

5 capture points on the Map. Done linearly

Objective: Teams must push their minion waves into the other team's base.
Every God kill spawns a champion wave.
E.g. A deicide would spawn 5 champion waves = 30 minions + 5 minotaurs

Tower/Phoenix/Titan Health is tripled from normal Conquest levels

Players can "channel" and rebuild destroyed structures. 20 second channel.

Neutral Map Farm: Boss camp on the left spawns at 10 mins, respawns every 4.5 mins
1st Kill: 25% Health and Damage to minions.
2nd Kill: +50 Protections while in enemy Structure Range
3rd Kill: Minion Waves now spawn catapults, do constant ranged damage to enemy structures.
4th Kill: (Equivalent to FG Buff)

Idk seems like a new complicated assault but could be fun.


That's hilarious and goofy and I like it.


Not sure if this counts but it a competitive format I'd love to see.

So a normal competitive picks and bans happen for game 1 and then game 2 happens and every god that was picked in game 1 is no longer able to be played. I just feel like that would be an amazing way to see more picks in competitive play. This would have to be put in later with a larger cast.

Toretto 70's avatar

CHAOS mode

You will be taken into a very brutal battle because 20 Players will fight each other and victory is determined by who get the most kill point so you have to survive and get more kills to become the winner.

map concept like colosseum but bigger and in every corner of the arena there will be buff like health, agility, strength


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