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mypets's avatar

Sobek is a very powerful guardian who can be a valuable differential in any match, as he is very good at group control, starting fights and protecting allies. In general, I like to use him as a support in the duo lane, but some people also like to play him as a solo laner.


- Passive (Blessing of the Nile): whenever he hits an enemy with an ability, Sobek gets additional protection for a short time, increasing his resistance in fights.

- Skill 1 (Charge Prey): advances and throws the first enemy hit behind him. Very useful for starting fights or saving allies. But it's important to keep an eye on your positioning so you know where to throw your enemy, either to your team or to the tower, for example.

- Skill 2 (Tail Whip): Sobek spins very fast, pushes enemies around and deals damage. It's a great choice for destabilizing the front line and creating space for your team.

- Skill 3 (Sickening Strike): He delivers a cone attack that deals damage and heals according to the number of enemies hit. This skill also reduces the healing of enemies, making it very useful against those compositions that focus on healing.

- Ultimate (Lurking in the Waters): Sobek submerges and becomes unkillable, as well as reducing the speed of surrounding enemies. After a few seconds he emerges and deals area damage. I like to use it to split up the enemy team and disrupt fights.

With regard to the build, I recommend essential items such as Sovereignty (to increase physical protection and provide buff to allies); Amulet of the Heart (magical protection and support for the team); Binding Stone (increases the damage of allies). And situational items such as Pestilence to reduce enemy healing; Spirit Robe, Winged Blade... focusing on reducing damage received and immunity to slowdowns.

Sobek is a very impactful and versatile support, very useful for starting fights, protecting allies, destabilizing enemies... He's very useful against teams with excessive healing and bad against highly mobile gods. As always, focusing on positioning is always very important, throwing your enemies in the wrong direction can be costly. The Ultimate itself puts pressure on enemies, it's common for enemies to use their defense skills just to see Sobek using his ultimate. Understanding the right moment to act will make all the difference in the match.

JHenckes's avatar

Sobek is a character I like a lot because of his mythology and design, I play him often, and I have to say that he works very well in his role as an aggressive God. He has skills that are great for starting team fights and also for interrupting enemy advances.

In addition, the character has a lot of stamina (and that's also what the build should be about). At all times you'll be taking the lead in the game to pressure the opponent or to start a fight, so make sure you have the stamina to take the initial damage!

Let's talk a bit about your skills:

  • Passive (Blessing of the Nile): Your passive strengthens what I mentioned above: your stamina. Whenever you deal damage (basic attack or skill) you gain a stack that increases your protection (up to 3 stacks). It's great to start the battle with this protection already in place!

  • Ability 1 (Charge Prey): This is a skill that makes the character very annoying to play against. Sobek crawls forward and deals damage to the first enemy he hits and throws the enemy backwards (it's almost a guaranteed kill if used well).

  • Ability 2 (Tail Whip): This is a useful skill, but it's not much, it's mainly interesting for escapes or to combine with Charge Prey. Sobek spins his tail in a circular area, dealing damage and pushing enemies away.

  • Ability 3 (Sickening Strike): That's a good one. The skill is very complete! You deal damage to a cone in front of you with the sword, decrease the enemy's healing efficiency and even HEAL YOURSELF! What's more, hitting the enemy also reduces the skill's cooldown. It's great for staying in lane all the time and putting pressure on the opponent's lane!

  • Ultimate (Lurking in the Waters): His ultimate is incredible. You submerge into the ground and create a large circle of water around you. You become immune, increasing your mana regeneration. After 4 seconds you jump back to the surface, dealing damage to everyone in the area and being able to execute enemies with low health! The skill is extremely strong and when used at the right time can define the outcome of a team figth, even if the character is focused on the support role!

Let's talk now about a build that I really like to use on my character:

Talking a bit about the build, you'll notice that the focus on it reinforces what I've already been saying: The character needs to be a tank, he needs to have a lot of stamina and life for his playstyle to work! In addition, items that provide mana recovery and reduce the cooldown allow him to stay for a long time without returning to base

That's why items like Mystical Mail, Genji's Guard and Ruinous Ankh are great for this endurance. Yogi's Necklace and Blue Stone Brooch are good choices for increased mana recovery. In this way, I believe Sobek will become a GREAT character who can fill several roles!


How to play Sobek in Smite 2!

Sobek is a tank that remains threatening the moment he has his "pluck". He is an extremely crowd control heavy god that will displace you to hell and back. Building tank on Sobek is the most optimal way to play him.

Sobek's 1 is his most important ability of all, it is his identity that no other god really can match. His 1 is a dash forward that knocks an enemy god (and minions as it is single target) behind you upon impact. This ability is one of the most powerful displacements in the game. It allows for set-ups for kills, peeling for a squishy teammate, and engage. Can also be used to escape a sticky situation. Do be cautious using this ability in certain situations, as sometimes it can actually benefit the enemy rather than harm. For example, if your Carry and Solo laner are fighting a winning fight against an immobile mage, do not pluck the mage away from them as they could actually escape because of improper use of your 1.

Sobek's 2 is a twirl that knocks enemies up and back around him. This ability is simple and usually used to peel or lockdown after using your 1st ability. It also is good for interrupting certain channeled abilities such as Cabrakan's 3.

Sobek's 3 is a large cone ability that deals damage, heals and applies disease which also applies tick damage that spreads, even amongst minions. This will be your main way of clearing the wave. As simple is the ability looks, it is very strong due to its range and its disease that it spreads. Don't forget the CD reduction for hitting gods as well.

Lastly, Sobek's ultimate is a large circular ability that slows, deals damage at the end of casting and has an execute. This ability is a great way to secure kills in general, you can execute low health targets (especially valuable against tanks), slow gods who burned their movement ability, and deal major damage against squishies.

Sobek can either be played support or solo and will build slightly differently depending on role chosen. Here are items/a build I would commonly use on Sobek in support.

Selflessness: This item goes well with Sobek due to always wanting to build tank. Being able to make a shield for a CC allied based off your health will always be valuable.

Gauntlet of Thebes: Mixed protections at full stacks is very useful for being extra tanky against every damage time.

Talisman of Purification: This is a must-have item for any support, the ability to have team wide CC-cleanse is immensely useful and never should be left unpicked.

Screeching Gargoyle: This item gives CDR, Magic protections and an active effect of silencing in a cone as well as reducing protections. Very useful for shutting down mages and other strong ability users.

Stampede: Huge movement speed boost for the team will always be useful for escaping and engaging.

Stone of Binding: Since Sobek's CC is so strong, this item makes it even stronger by reducing their protections every time they get hit with one of your hard CC's. Mixed protections as well to be tanky against magic and physical damage dealers.

Situational items such as Hussar's wings, Ankh, or Spectral Armor: This category is just for counter-building usually. Supports need to keep track of what they are going against and counter-build appropriately.

Here is what I would build in solo lane as Sobek.

Sands of Time: This helps with mana consumption, gives a nice CDR boost and some additional damage against minons.

Depending on what you're going against, you will either get Gladiator's Shield first for some extra damage, CDR and protections, or Genji's Guard for magic resist and a powerful passive to counter magic damage.

Shield of the Phoenix: This item gives a heal every time you hit an ability, it works extremely well with his 3.

Mystical Mail: It is hard to get away from Sobek and the damage from Mystical mail will add up. Also helps with wave clear.

Shifter's Shield: This makes Sobek scarier when he is at full hp, and harder to kill when getting low on health. Very useful.

Circe's Hexstone: An additional engage tool from Sobek that easily sets up his 1. Keep in mind that this item does not give protections, only max health.

Situational items such as Hussar's wings, Ankh, or Spectral Armor: This category is just for counter-building usually. Solo laners will counter-build just like the support but it's not always as important, you can fit a lot of items into your final slot. One of my favorites is Talisman of Purification because having 2 players in the match with team wide beads is infinitely valuable.

Sobek is an absolute monster in team-fights and can single handedly scare off squishies just by walking up to them. If your team follows up on your plucks, you are bound to get a lot of kills that would have not happened with any other support god.


Sobek is one of the best and most fun supports since the original smite, his ability to disrupt the enemy team with his pull and knockback, the antiheal that his 3 provides and the execution of his ultimate make him one of the best gods to carry ranked being support or even solo.


  • Passive: Blessing of The Nile

    This passive makes Sobek gain physical and magical protections when hitting enemies up to a maximum of 3 stacks, thanks to this Sobek is a good god for long fights in lane or late game teamfights

  • 1 Skill: Charge Prey

    This is one of the most fun abilities in the game. Sobek rushes forward, colliding with the first enemy he encounters, damaging them and pushing them behind him. This ability can change a game on its own, in lane pulling the enemy carry practically guarantees you getting a kill, and in late game getting a pick on someone before fighting an important objective can change the course of the game

  • 2 Skill: Tail Whip

    Another good ability that pairs well with Charge Prey, Sobek spins and deals damage around him and pushes enemies away. You can combo by attacking someone with this ability and while they are in the air, use Charge Prey to guarantee the hit

  • 3 Skill:Sickening Strike

    This is Sobek's main damage and sustain ability. He hits in a cone in front of him, damaging and healing Sobek in the process. Another characteristic of this skill is that when you hit an enemy you apply antihealing and lower the cooldown of this skill. This ability makes Sobek have a lot of sustain in the lane and thanks to the antihealing it becomes a good counterpick for gods like Aphrodite or Ra.

  • 4 Skill: Lurking in the Waters

    Sobek dives below the floor, becoming immune to crowd control and gaining protections and mana regeneration and slowing down enemies within the area for 4 seconds. When that time expires or when the ability is canceled, Sobek comes out of the water dealing damage and executing enemies that are less than 10-25% health (Depending on the time spent underwater). This ability is good for securing kills thanks to the ability to execute or for escaping thanks to crowd control immunity.

Skill order


Here are some useful builds for support and solo lane




  1. Passive – Blessing of the Nile

  • Effect: Hitting enemies with abilities grants Sobek stacks of protections.

  • How to Use:

    • Stay in the thick of combat to consistently proc your passive and maintain maximum protection stacks.

    • Use your abilities frequently in fights to build survivability as a frontline tank.

  1. 1st Ability – Charge Prey

    • Effect: Sobek dashes forward, grabbing and throwing the first enemy hit behind him, briefly stunning them.

    • How to Use:

      • Engage: Use Charge Prey to initiate fights, isolating key targets (like enemy carries) and displacing them into your team.

      • Peel: Throw enemies away from your vulnerable teammates, such as squishy mages or ADCs.

      • Avoid overextending when using this ability, as it can leave you vulnerable if your team isn’t ready to follow up.

  2. 2nd Ability – Tail Whip

    • Effect: Sobek sweeps his tail in an area, dealing damage and knocking enemies back.

    • How to Use:

      • Control: Use it to knock enemies away from objectives, disrupt their positioning, or peel for your allies.

      • Follow-Up: Pair it with Charge Prey to extend your disruption after isolating an enemy.

      • Zone Control: Use in tight spaces to prevent enemies from advancing toward key areas.

  3. 3rd Ability – Sickening Strike

    • Effect: Sobek strikes in a cone, damaging enemies, healing himself, and applying healing reduction for 5 seconds. Hitting gods reduces the cooldown by up to 4 seconds.

    • How to Use:

      • Sustain: Use Sickening Strike during fights to heal yourself, especially when facing multiple enemies.

      • Anti-Heal: Target enemies with high healing potential (like Aphrodite or Hercules) to reduce their sustain.

      • Cooldown Reduction: Position to hit as many enemies as possible, especially gods, to maximize the cooldown reduction.

  4. Ultimate – Lurking in the Waters

    • Effect: Sobek submerges into water, slowing enemies, gaining protections, regenerating mana and allowing him to pass through enemies and spawned walls while submerged. He erupts after a delay, dealing heavy damage and executing enemies below a health threshold. Executed or killed enemies heal Sobek and grant him bonus health.

    • How to Use:

      • Engage: Use it to dive into the enemy team, slowing and zoning them while absorbing damage.

      • Execute: Time the eruption to finish off low-health enemies, swinging fights in your favor.

      • Zone Control: Use the ability to block off escape routes or keep enemies away from objectives.

      • Cancel the ability early if enemies try to escape the eruption radius and reposition for a follow-up.

Skill Level Priority


Playstyle Tips

Early Game

  • Focus on controlling the lane and peeling for your ADC.

  • Use Charge Prey to set up kills and displace aggressive enemies.

  • Use Sickening Strike on the side of the wave to help clear

Mid Game

  • Rotate to mid-lane and jungle to assist teammates in fights and objective control.

  • Use Tail Whip and Charge Prey to disrupt enemy positioning and set up kills

  • Position yourself as a frontline tank, absorbing damage while maintaining passive stacks for protection.

Late Game

  • Prioritize protecting your carries by peeling with Tail Whip and Charge Prey. If you can pluck an enemy then do so with caution.

  • Use Lurking in the Waters strategically to zone enemies, secure kills, or disrupt objective contests.

  • Time the execute on your ultimate carefully to maximize its impact, healing you and granting bonus health.


Note: Try to always combo these with a blink.

  1. Basic Engage Combo:
    1 → 2 → 3

    • Charge Prey to throw an enemy into your team, follow with Tail Whip for additional crowd control, then use Sickening Strike for damage and sustain.

  2. Teamfight Disruption Combo:
    2 → 3 → 4 or 1

    • Start with Tail Whip to knock enemies away, follow with Sickening Strike to reduce healing and sustain yourself, then dive in with Lurking in the Waters to slow and zone enemies.

Item Build - Meta Options

You have to be flexible in your item choices and always adapt to counter the enemy composition. Work out what items you'll need in the loading screen!

E.g. Do I sacrifice a utility item for my team and get a "Helm of Darkness" for myself so I can go invisible and attack their backline?

Final Thoughts

Good Peel is greater than Poor Engage in most scenarios. If you are struggling to engage in any match, always default to helping your own teammates. Sobek has brilliant disruption and can execute a target below 25% hp!


Sobek has been a popular god since the days of Smite 1, his appearance commands respect, and his stats confirm it. He is used both as a support and as a Solo laner, sometimes even in the jungle depending on the build and the skill of the controller.

Sobek has strong control in his abilities, and this should always be used in conjunction with his teammates, always paying attention to the cooldown of his and his allies' abilities.

Sobek can withstand a lot of damage and should always be annoying his opponents to gain space in the fight, drawing the attention of potential targets.

He has a small life regeneration on his abilities, which gives him sustenance to remain active for a long time without returning to base.

His ultimate can be used to execute weak enemies, escape, and steal objectives. Use it at the right moment!

Below is a guide I made on items that are potentially strong in this latest patch. I hope you guys like it!


Sobek is one of the few gods that has remained perfectly fit for guardian. He can be played in solo as well but he shines in the guardian roll. Now for using him.

In the guardian roll sobek is perfect for catching this hard to reach enemies. When starting try to pick off the enemy teams adc by plucking them away from the enemy team support to get a kill for you and your carry. When your pluck its using your tailspin to knock them up as they land will help with this. However be very careful to not pluck enemies out of critical moments like ults such as Cupid ult of posiden ults. Unfortunately it will happen but try to remain wary of it.

For his 3 it’s his form of antiheal try to target the enemy team healing as a priority. It will spread but antihealing the healer could very well change a game.

His ult is extremely useful for securing a kill with the execute. But it is better to use on high health gods. You should be targeting the tankier gods in the game with this.

When positioning for team fights you should be not in the back line but close to both the carry and the mid. Try to stay in a spot you can protect them from people diving them. If they do dive use your pluck and tail whip combo and both the mid and carry should be able to kill the enemy pretty quickly.

When pushing towers or objects if you don’t have a wave late game you should be stepping onto tower to take tower shots and let the carry attack objectives. But DO NOT DO THIS TILL LATE GAME.


Sobek is a tank style of character in Smite 2. Best played in the Support or Solo positions in Conquest, Sobek excels at an aggressive style of play where the player will dash into the enemy team, breaking their ranks displacing members of the enemy team and thereby allowing your teammates to pick them off creating a mismatch in your favor.

Sobek's kit consists of

Blessing of the Nile (Passive)

  • When Sobek deals damage he gains a stack of protections . Each stack provides 2 protections plus an additional 0.4 per level. This effect can stack up to 3 times and lasts for 10 seconds. Each of Sobek's abilities can only provide 1 stack per casting.

Charge Prey

  • Sobek dashes forward stopping at the first enemy he hits, dealing magical damage and stunning them before throwing them behind him. While Dashing Sobek is displacement immune and CC immune while throwing.

Tail Whip

  • Sobek spins his tail, dealing magical damage and knocking back enemies in an area around him.

Sickening Strike

  • Sobek strikes out in a cone in front of him dealing magical damage and applies a disease that reduces healing received for 5 seconds. Enemies hit also take damage over time for 2.5 seconds and can spread the disease to other nearby enemies. Sobek also reduces Sickening Strikes cooldown and heals for each enemy hit, up to a maximum of 4

Lurking in the Waters (Ultimate)

  • Sobek dives underwater slowing enemies in an area above him and grants himself CC immunity, Protections and Mana Regen. After 4 seconds Sobek emerges dealing damage to enemies in range. Sobek can cancel this ability to emerge early, dealing less damage. Enemies below 10-25% HP, will be executed depending how long Sobek stays emerged granting Sobek healing and 25 permanent bonus Health.

A good way to initiate with Sobek is to use Charge Prey to dash into an enemy god and throwing them behind you, so that they are separated from their team and can be easily attacked by your allies. Follow this up by using Tail Whip to knock back the enemy and prevent them from running back to safety. Use Sickening Strike to deal additional damage and regain some health you might have lost in the fight, and finally if you get the enemy god to less than a quarter health, use Lurking in the waters to finish them off and give yourself a permanent boost to your own Health.

Able to throw around enemies, reduce their healing while healing himself, Sobek can be a menace to fight who quickly breaks down a teams ranks and singles them out allowing him and his allies to make short work of their opponents. If this playstyle sounds like it suits you, try Sobek out and watch as your enemies quickly learn why they should fear what lurks below the waters of the Nile.


Sobek is a guardian-type character with an aggressive style, designed to break through enemy defenses. His abilities include granting himself protections after dealing damage, a forward dash, and the ability to deal damage with his tail while knocking back enemies.

Sobek's uniqueness lies in his ability to apply debuffs to enemies, such as reducing their healing. When used in water, Sobek can slow nearby enemies and regenerate mana while dealing magical damage within a certain radius.

There’s no need to wait for the ability to fully charge; it can be used earlier, although it will deal less damage. Sobek is highly agile and has considerable potential, as he can protect allies while simultaneously dealing damage to enemies.

However, unlike Cupid, Sobek requires team support and isn’t a solo character. He is often used to push back enemies and reduce their healing, and while he can eliminate weaker opponents, he thrives on collaboration to maximize his potential.

I’d describe Sobek as a battering ram, used specifically to breach enemy defenses and force them into adopting a different strategy. He is ideal for absorbing damage while in action thanks to his resilience. Sobek is not a defensive guardian but rather an aggressive one. Like every character, though, he has weaknesses, such as the high cost of his abilities and the need for careful management of available items. If a fight drags on too long, you risk running out of resources.

Sobek is best suited for experienced players with good aim, who can time their actions and use their items wisely. Despite this, he remains a durable and effective character in team settings and, in some situations, can even perform well solo.


SOBEK GUIDE AND I DIDN'T USE THE IMAGE EVERYONE USES. Its a really good image and I wanted to but I also wanted to be original. (As of 10:22 AM 12/10/24 it is still processing but I need to work on finals) It'll be up soon

TheMortonMan's avatar

Seeing all these upcoming guide bounties helped me decide to start up a smite 2 god guide series, and this is the first episode of that series. Very excited to start doing this, with not just the bounties in mind, but also helping new players get involved with SMITE 2

yan57436's avatar

Sobek is an Ancient Egyptian god who was linked to the cult of the River Nile, the divinization of water and was represented as a crocodile or a man with a crocodile's head. In smite we already have an extremely aggressive god who can occupy the position of support or solo, while still having a huge impact on the game.


Passive - Blessing of the Nile: As you deal damage to your opponents, you gain protections by stacking up to 3 times.

Skill 1 - Charge Prey: You advance forward and throw an opponent in the direction they came from, if you manage to hit them.

Skill 2 - Tail Whip: You spin your tail and hit surrounding enemies, knocking them away.

Skill 3 - Sickening Strike: You strike in a cone in front of you, healing yourself according to the number of enemies affected, as well as applying anti-heal.

Ultimate - Lurking in the Waters: You submerge, becoming immune, gaining protection and regenerating mana. After 4s, or by canceling, you emerge and deal area damage, as well as executing enemies with low health.

Order of Skill Priority


4 > 2 > 1 > 3

Solo Lane

4 > 3 > 2 > 1


I never make my own builds, I don't feel capable of it. Creator of the build I follow:

Smite 2: Sobek Build Guides - Closed Alpha 6 for SMITE 2 (SMITE-2) by Overlay | Tacter

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Do you want a god that will annoy some enemy gods, maybe the Sobek is that god, he has great amount of life and you can nice tank building and he is perfect for the Duo lane and team fights.

His passive, Blessing of the Nile, is very simple, when you attack you can protection bonus and can stack this passive 3 times and will last a few seconds, so more you attack more protection you get.

His first skill, the Charge Prey, like the name already said you make dash forward, hitting the enemy dealing damaging and the best part is that the enemy is thrown behind you, and if you have allies this enemy is F**ked up, and if you go into a enemy area the enemy area will then have one god less for you to worry.

The other two skill are simple, will have damage in an specific area, the Tail Whip, will hit the enemies inside a small circle while you spin you tail, and Sickening Strike, will hit the enemies inside a cone and will give a debuf of healing in the enemy gods hit by this skill.

The Lurking in the Water, his ultra skill is maybe a challenge comparing to the other skills since it is easily avoidable by the enemy team, you will create a circular lake and dive into it, the enemies inside this lake will slow its movements at least, and i the end you will emerge from the lake dealing a good damage, or you can chose to emerge early and take a little less damage to not loss your targets.

Sobek is a easy god and maybe is a nice one to start with since the only thing will need to mastery with more effort is his ultra that still easy to use, just try to manage a little more when finishing it early or not.


Sobek, the Crocodile Guardian

Sobek in SMITE 2 excels as a durable guardian capable of high crowd control, sustain, and enemy disruption. His reworked abilities emphasize displacement and AoE damage, making him effective in Support and Solo Lane roles.


Passive – Blessing of the Nile
Sobek gains stacking Physical and Magical Protections for 10 seconds upon damaging enemies.

1st Ability – Charge Prey
Sobek dashes forward, stunning and throwing the first enemy hit behind him, disrupting their position.

2nd Ability – Tail Whip
Spins, displacing and knocking back enemies in a wide radius.

3rd Ability – Sickening Strike
Deals cone damage, applies Disease and heals Sobek for each enemy hit.

Ultimate – Lurking in the Waters
Sobek submerges, slowing enemies, becoming immune to crowd control, and executing enemies below a threshold upon emerging.

Ability Leveling Order

We can start with maximizing Sickening Strike, then Tail Whip and finally Charge Prey. Whenever possible increase Lurking in the Waters.


Support Build: Focus on Crowd Control, Aura Defense, and team utility with items like War Banner and Genji’s Guard.

Solo Build: Prioritize Cooldown Reduction and tanky sustain with Mystical Mail and Shield of the Phoenix as main items.


  • Crowd Control: Sobek excels in controlling engagements with abilities like Charge Prey and Tail Whip.

  • Sustain: His healing from Sickening Strike provides durability in prolonged fights.

  • Disruption: Sobek can isolate enemies effectively, disrupting team compositions.

  • Durability: His passive grants stacking protections, making him a strong frontline tank.


  • High Mana Costs: Frequent use of abilities drains his mana quickly, requiring careful management.

  • Skill Dependency: His effectiveness depends on precise use of abilities.

  • Anti-Heal Vulnerability: Healing reduction items or abilities greatly hinder his sustain.

Tips and Playstyle

-Initiate with Charge Prey to disrupt and isolate enemies.

-Use Sickening Strike in close-range skirmishes for self-sustain and healing debuffs.

-Position carefully with Tail Whip to peel for allies or zone enemies.

-Save Lurking in the Waters for team fights to punish grouped enemies or secure executes.


Sobek - God Of The Nile

Sobek in SMITE 2 fills the role of a frontline tank or bruiser that crowd controls enemies, controls space, deals significant damage and generally makes the lives of squishy damage dealers a living hell.

He builds primarily tank and scales with Intelligence while playing both Solo Lane and Support effectively.


  • Passive - Blessing of the Nile: Sobek gains protections every time he deals damage up to 3 stacks, each stack grants 2+0.4/level protections so 10 at level 20 for a total of 30 of both protections at max stacks.

This is a simple passive that you don't need to track or pay attention to. You're just more tanky when you're fighting, simple!

  • Ability 1 - Charge Prey: Sobek dashes forward, stopping at the first enemy hit, stunning them and, if possible, throwing them over his head a far distance.

Affectionately known as 'The Pluck'. This ability is the core of Sobek's gameplan. Fishing for this in teamfights is your way in as it throws enemies far out of position and if used right, straight into follow-up damage and CC from your team. Get good at hitting this and you get good at Sobek, it's that important!

  • Ability 2 - Tail Whip: Sobek spins his tail, damaging and knocking back all enemies around him.

A simple ability, it just deals AoE damage around you and knocks enemies away. The knockup is fairly short and is mainly there as an interrupt, not a lockdown. This is great to use right after your Pluck to interrupt enemies trying to jump away.

  • Ability 3 - Sickening Strike: Sobek strikes in a cone in front of him, dealing damage while healing for each enemy hit and applying disease to the targets that spreads to nearby enemies. The disease deals damage over time and reduces healing taken by 40%. Each enemy God hit by this ability reduces its cooldown by 1s.

Another fairly simple ability that's just used on cooldown for damage, wave clear and healing. Its antiheal component makes Sobek especially valuable against enemy teams with strong healing or sustain.

  • Ultimate: Lurking in the Waters: Sobek submerges, gaining CC immunity, protections and restoring 10% mana per second. During this time, enemies in the area are heavily slowed and sobek charges up. After a duration or if cancelled early, Sobek emerges dealing heavy damage to all targets in the area and executing enemy Gods that are below 10-25% health depending on charge time. Executed enemy Gods provide a permanent 25 bonus health to Sobek.

This ultimate is incredibly scary in SMITE 2 due to the added execute effect. The heavy slow can be a great follow-up to an enemy that you plucked out of position with Charge Prey as it can prevent them from retreating back to their team.

Items and Builds:

Sobek is generally built as a frontline full tank or bruiser from either Support or Solo Lane. You're looking for protections as needed, cooldown reduction for more plucks and CC and occasionally a bit of damage sprinkled in, especially from Solo Lane. Here's an example build for both Solo lane Sobek and Support Sobek:

Solo Lane Sobek Build:

This Sobek Solo build focused heavily on cooldown rate to increase the frequency of your key crowd controls on enemies in teamfights. It has a balance of both protections but as with all tank builds, you can adjust the order or even the items themselves if you need more of one kind of defense than the other. It also has a bit of intelligence sprinkled in through Pendulum of Ages, Chronos Pendant and Triton's Konch for added damage.

Support Sobek Build:

This Sobek Support build still has a focus on high cooldown but includes crucial active item effects like Purification and Amanita Charm that can support your team mates alongside the starter item of the build, Heroism, which gives allies a shield when they are hard crowd controlled near you to keep them alive. This build is also more full-tank focused as the support doesn't really need to be dealing high damage, their main focus is keeping their damage dealers alive through crowd controlling enemies and using the aforementioned powerful active items.

But that's it for Sobek!

Hopefully this guide was helpful for you to better understand how to play Sobek as he's extremely strong in SMITE 2 right now and having him in your God pool will improve your chances of winning dramatically, peace!


Sobek, the Crocodile God of the Nile, is a versatile guardian in SMITE 2 who excels in disruption, initiation, and peeling for his teammates. Here’s a detailed guide to help you dominate the battlegrounds with Sobek:

Role and Playstyle

Sobek is typically played as a support in the duo lane, but he can also thrive as a solo laner due to his sustain and crowd control. His kit is all about controlling enemies and protecting allies, making him a cornerstone for team compositions that require a strong frontline.

Abilities Overview

  1. Passive: Blessing of the Nile
    Every ability hit grants Sobek protections for a short time. This makes him tankier the more he engages in fights.

  2. 1st Ability: Charge Prey
    Sobek dashes forward, tossing the first enemy god he hits behind him. This is Sobek’s signature ability for initiating fights or peeling for his carries. Aim carefully to avoid throwing enemies in the wrong direction.

  3. 2nd Ability: Tail Whip
    A knockback ability that deals damage in an area around Sobek. This disrupts enemies and keeps them off your squishy teammates.

  4. 3rd Ability: Sickening Strike
    A cone attack that deals damage and heals Sobek based on the number of enemies hit. It also applies a healing reduction debuff, making it useful against healing-heavy teams.

  5. Ultimate: Lurking in the Waters
    Sobek submerges into the ground, becoming untargetable and slowing enemies around him. After a short duration, he erupts for massive damage. This is perfect for zoning, disrupting, or finishing off a teamfight.

Build Guide

Core Items:

  • Sovereignty: Boosts physical protections and provides an aura for nearby allies.

  • Heartward Amulet: For magical protections and team sustain.

  • Stone of Binding: A cost-efficient early-game item that adds extra damage to your crowd control.

Situational Items:

  • Pestilence: To counter enemy healing.

  • Spirit Robe: For additional damage mitigation during crowd control.

  • Winged Blade: To handle slows and improve mobility.

Early Game

In the duo lane, focus on setting up kills for your ADC. Use Charge Prey to throw enemies into your team or under your tower. Be aggressive but mindful of your cooldowns and mana. Always prioritize zoning enemies and securing farm for your carry.

Mid Game

Sobek shines in rotations. Look for opportunities to roam and gank other lanes. Charge Prey is a great tool for catching enemies out of position, while Sickening Strike provides sustain for prolonged engagements.

Late Game and Teamfights

In teamfights, your role is to disrupt the enemy team and protect your backline. Use your Ultimate to zone enemies away from objectives or carries, and combine it with Tail Whip for maximum disruption. Always be ready to peel for your squishies with Charge Prey.

Tips and Tricks

  1. Positioning is key: Sobek’s abilities require precise positioning to be effective. Always think about where you want to throw enemies with Charge Prey.

  2. Time your ultimate: Use Lurking in the Waters to bait out enemy abilities or force them to scatter.

  3. Healing reduction: Don’t underestimate Sickening Strike against healers—it can turn the tide in prolonged fights.

  4. Communicate: Let your team know when you’re about to engage so they can follow up.


Good Against:

  • Gods with predictable dashes or leaps, like Anhur or Artemis.

  • Healing-focused teams (thanks to Sickening Strike’s healing reduction).

Struggles Against:

  • Highly mobile gods like Janus or Chang’e, who can avoid your crowd control.

  • Teams with strong anti-tank shredding, such as Bakasura or Kali.

With this guide, you’re ready to dominate as Sobek in SMITE 2. Remember, your primary goal is to disrupt enemies and keep your team safe, so focus on timing and positioning. Now go out there and rule the battlefield like the true guardian of the Nile


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