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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous

Show us your best landed ship screenshot.


Enginneers : who whould you recommend for new players to get a better ship ?


Bounty Title: What's the biggest group-kill contract you have accepted?

Bounty description: Post screenshots or video compilations of the biggest multi-kill PVE contract you have accepted from an NPC, and your completion of it!
Submission format - Images or videos, bonus points for tales about the most difficult fights when completing the contract and mid-combat screenshots.

I feel like this could be a good way to get some extra love from the PVE community, us pirate hunters like to share too!


"Show us your ED rigs!!!".

Lots of awesome cockpit setups at home, from those that have been setup by Cmdrs with limited space and resources, to those where the Cmdrs seem to have an endless amount of free time, and resources to create something quite spectacular (not jealous in the slightest)


If you had to choose only one engineer to upgrade your ship until the end of the game, which one would you choose, and why ?

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Share your favourite personal discovery in Elite Dangerous.

It could be a tree star system, a colourful gas planet or even 2 earth like planets orbiting each other. Just share the marvellous you find with us.


How about ships designs for beginners in specific gameplay, miners, explorers, traders combat etc. As the game always changes and ngear gets nerfed it would be goos to see what other players use and how it might work for newbies


Offer mildly sizable bounties for remote universe outings. Include proof of system, scanning, submit your report on your expeditions on foot or mining. Find artistic photos of nebulae from various points in space.

Heart & Soul
Horse Head
Etc Etc Etc

Proof of destination or image proof would consist of Screenshots of System Maps indicating your location in the system. A write up/ cmdr report about the system you took the still from, why this angle was planned.... etc.

Ex: in 2018 my partner geared up and flew out to get a picture of the heart & soul nebula, Rose Nebula, and others from a distance that would make them clearly visible. She spent 2 months traveling the stars to get the stills and to line up her arrival with our anniversary.

The universe is full of literally ENDLESS potential. The limit does not exist.
Have faith in the vast expanse of space and the base worth that exists in longer term bounty runs to remote locals.

Below isn't of her location to take the photos but shows the idea behind showing your location when taking your stills.

Get CMDRs engaged in exploring the wider universe and not just the bubbles. <3

Happy Flying

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I really like this idea, and I'm intrigued how you envisage it. Would you suggest Just About sets the destination, and pilots have to take up the challenge? If so, we could make it a recurring challenge to specific destinations


Post the scariest thing to happen to you in Elite Dangerous!

CMDR_Oso's avatar

Well, I love 'hooning'; flying around starports/installations at breakneck speed and racing.
Anyone can shoot stuff, but hooning takes skill and a LOT of rebuys to master.

Show us/link us your most recent hoon/race!

TheHermit's avatar

Give us a rundown of your ship build! In a video, or text assisted with images, explain the pros and cons of your ship. Are you a bounty hunter wth a specific set of hardpoints? A transport vessel with the best fuel effiency and cabin space? Tell us all about it!

OrangePheonix's avatar

Why Elite Dangerous?
For many in the Elite Dangerous Community the game is held dear to them and that one game you never stop playing or always come back to. It's been referred to by myself and others as a comfy robe and slippers, a safe place to find comfort or that itch that can't be scratched by any other game.
My suggestion is asking why?
Is it because of it's second to none community? Is it because of the sheer vastness of the galaxy you can explore? Is it because its a true sandbox style game that the journey is yours to choose with no hand holding?
So I ask... Why Elite Dangerous?

Stormseeker's avatar

The wrong way to die in elite dangerous... like stuck in a station etc...

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey Stormseeker, we're planning to run this reward in the new year. Question: did you envisage: 'the worst ways players have actually died in Elite Dangerous' or 'the worst ways players could theoretically die in Elite Dangerous'?

Stormseeker's avatar

Uhm could be both, the original idea was ... something like I forgot to exit the station in 5 minutes and I die, or I tried to pass through some weird place and my ship was stuck. Something you know if you do it you are going to die hehehe


Thanks to my dyslexic brain I suggest "Share your own new bounty/quest type for Elite Dangerous"


Several years ago Frontier hosted a stunt show livestream where they judged videos of commanders showing off various SRV stunts (jumps, somersaults, etc). They also planned a second show featuring ship stunts (maillot flips, trench runs, etc). Why not do a "show us your best Elite Dangerous stunt in a short video" bounty?

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Love it. We'll run an SRV version and a ship version!


When Frontier did it they limited the length to 1 minute which was really restricting (but I guess that was because they had to fit them into a 1hr livestream). Could you make it longer than that as some stunts take a bit of time to set up and/or perform.


What is the craziest thing you discovered in Elite? If you have a screenshot, post it (optional) .

What made you keep playing Elite Dangerous?

Which leader did you pledge to and tell a reason why you pledged them. Would you defect them?

What plant has made you go "hmm..."?

Take a photo of a pulsar or black hole.

What is your favorite nebula to go to?

What is the farthest place you have gone to?


Maybe a bounty related to Superpowers, sice it will be updated. Like "How would you rally other players to the superpower you defend, and why?" It would make a nice spot for roleplaying and shake BGS.

CMDR_OptimusKoala's avatar

I suggest « If you were a module in the game, which one would you be? »

if I can answer, I will choose to be a Life Support because I bring a fresh air in the community 😏

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Ha! This sounds like a lot of fun. Leave it with me.


To me Elite Dangerous has always been a game about mystery and exploration with moments of horror sprinkled in. I'd like to hear other peoples stories about what unexplained or strange things they've come across in Elite Dangerous. Screenshots and videos would be cool too.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Great idea! We'll schedule this in around Halloween

Luriant's avatar

Where is RAXXLA?

Feel free to add any conspiration, conections with the club, hidden patterns in the galaxy, spectrograph of audio, or braben's words, to defend your theory.


Lol, i like the suggestion but a bounty reward like that will likely have to bd similar to the reward for the eve online mystery challenge, it may even be unachievable. But then again hell i would love to understand more about this raxlaa :).


What almost made you quit Elite and Why you dont?

What had to happen? A single situation or was it an ongoing process that almost made you quit?
What happened that made you keep playing?


Post the biggest trade with the least profit! 😎

Donut's avatar

Visit a guardian site and get some photos!

AndyRice's avatar

Share a screenshot of those old generation ships. Those ships are the pioneers in early space time, though most of them ended up tragically, we still need to remember the sacrifice those pioneers had made.

Or even more, share a self-written novel based on the story of those generation ship.

ScreamingRaven's avatar

Are the Guardians from Elite Dangerous somewhere out there still alive ?

Do you think we will ever find the Thargoid Homeworld ?


What is your most useful third-party tool ?


I would love to see a bounty on places people want to be colonized, kinda like Colonia.

for instance, my friends and I have been saving up for fleet carriers to go to the Monkey Head Nebula.

Delmarfishy's avatar

Whats your favorite ship! what have you outfitted it for?


Make a picture of a mountain on a planet.


Screenshots from deep space and/or undiscovered systems are always incredible!

I'd love to see a bounty for screenshots of Nebulae taken by explorers!


Screenshots of Planetary sunrise/set

Exobiology pics

(Requires Odyssey though)

CMDR Henckes's avatar

I would definitely subimit for this bounty. I love the planets with atmosphere so much.


Why do you play Elite Dangerous?

How did you hear about the game?

How long have you been playing Elite Dangerous and why do you keep playing it?

Have you made friends inside and outside the game?

These are the possible options that I was wondering about myself.

See you at the final frontier, Commanders.

JHenckes's avatar

Tell us about your first experience against a Thargoid (no need to omit any vexatious deaths!)

Setting de scene. Tell your initial reactions. You were prepared or was a surprise? Don't forget about de vexatious death!
Try as much as possible to tell the story as if it were an epic narrative, to make the experience more fun

Sturmer's avatar

Since we have two space-oriented games in JA, I think it would be great to cross-promote both to attract more players. This bounty targets two communities, encouraging players who enjoy both games:

  • For Elite Dangerous players: Highlight similarities with EVE Online to entice Capsuleers to explore this new game.

  • For EVE Online players: Share why Elite Dangerous might appeal to those who love New Eden.

As a result, moderators could create curated content for each community, like, "Hey EVE Online/Elite Dangerous players, here are X reasons why you should try Elite Dangerous/EVE Online."

This dual bounty could enrich both communities and bring in more new Capsuleers and Captains.

RicZA's avatar
  1. Perhaps a gallery and some recommendations for exploring the many nebula out in the galaxy. Additional support by way of ship builds and how to find them.

  2. How to obtain Guardian technologies, where the sites are etc.

  3. How to obtain engineering materials.

Some fun ones and some to help the newer players.


I would like an animation of entering and leaving the ship's seat, leaving the ship, or being able to leave the ship's cabin. It would be interesting to be able to customize your room inside the ship.


what will be the next evolutionary device?

PedroPato's avatar

I think that a reward for the best self-created character concept/story, such as an RPG or a book, can be a great opportunity for people to demonstrate their ideas and creativity.

Another idea would also be something similar, but now with a story concept for an RPG campaign, the initial idea, how you imagine it would end, ideas for interesting NPCs along the way, specific adventures that may appear as the story unfolds, I believe that in addition Although it is interesting to write, it would be very useful for anyone who would like inspiration for a character, campaign, adventures, etc.

I gave the idea of ​​doing this about adventures, characters and campaigns, but this can encompass anything, such as: NPC sheets, magical items, dungeon ideas, bosses, character sheets inspired by real or fictional people from the our world and so on!

(Note: I've been thinking a lot about RPGs lately, this idea just came to me. :])


Rank your 3 favorite ships in the game

Tell how to use this ship or would use if you don't have it yet. And tell why what make it a good ship to be in top 3, if it has good speed, or it has nice FSD jump range, or it has sufficient hardpoints for you to make the chaos in the Milk Way.

fosteriboza's avatar

Get me more original, creative video bounties. Make a challange. I really like filming.


Surviving in shinrata dezhra for an hour without getting blown up


Your Elite Selfie

Take a selfie in Elite Dangerous

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks LCU No Fool Like One, and welcome to Just About Elite! This reward has closed, but we're planning to launch a new version of it next week. I suggest returning then and sharing your idea (ideally with a bit more detail) and then you could win a prize for it.


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