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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous

Frame shift drive go charge and go brrrr when charge then 5 4 3 2 1 then jump through a tunnel and go werhewrfzSJDfjzdhgdf and the you drop out at your star and get freddy fazbeared with the star go aaaahrahrgah!11! cuz the star jumpscare, and fsd interdictor go erngjadfg and then you gotta toss and turn or slam into something thats what i do, i slam into the star alot im not that good :( but anywasy frame shift supercrusise go weurhaweiu thgsldjghaer and you go so fast its crazy and you go tlike a million miles per second or whatever and you can drop out and go ajdrgjfdpsfd and then you get there. 10/10 would use again


How to refuel your ship

You can refuel your ship using a fuel scoop. To do this you will need to fit a fuel scoop to your ship. Once this is done access the Galaxy map and you want to find systems whose star type is K,G,B,F,O,A,M. You can filter the galaxy map by star type, when you approach the star the fuel scoop will start to refuel your ship. Don't get too close or your ship will melt

Imperial Senator Bluecrash's avatar

I know a lot of you wear your boots into your ships after clomping around on planets and over foliage that we still haven't classified the bacteria from. And feel free to shut this video down after the first 60 seconds - it's longer for redundancy, because I've been in a lot of your ships - they smell, you have not changed your socks in ten years and never washed or shined your boots.

The Thargoids have the only known boot scrubbers in the Milky Way... not so weird when most of you have never seen a door nob in your life. What would you all do if all the doors in your life didn't automatically open for you?

And for those asking about Thargoid Taxation... they still have not budged since we passed this bill in the Senate.

Luriant's avatar

Unlocking Cutter and Corvette, with Supercruise Overcharge.

And other system permit. Relog after having it.

Cutter: Ngallin-Mainani courier missions, and Imperial Navy rank up missions when appear. Summerland System, Henry O'Hare for 30% discount

Corvette: Ceos-Sothis courier to start, Optional continue with Earth&Moon station's donations/assasinations/bounty hunting, or Gliesse 868 centered Massacre Stacking.

System permits: Visit the Megaships in nearby systems (<20Ly), sell 25M in exploration data, and accept the permit. Relog

Jamesom Memorial: Use Road2Riches or Billionaries Boulevard to fast Elite Rank

HIP 22460: Scan Synuefe GB-O c9-8 beacon

If you have a bad faction state, do other things and try again 1 week later.


Bounty hunting involves hunting and destroying WANTED npc ships to claim the bounty rewards on them. A good place to find these ships is at resource extraction (RES) sites (found inside rings around planets) where pirates hunt npc miners. You can also find wanted ships flying around in supercruise (pull them out of supercruise by getting behind them and using a frameshift interdictor). Before attacking (or interdicting) you MUST verify they're WANTED by first targeting and scanning them. Failure to do so is a crime. You can also scan them with a Kill Warrant Scanner to collect additional bounties from other systems. Claim your rewards at the security contact of any station whose faction issued the bounty.

USCSS's avatar

Galnet is the news service within the Elite Dangerous universe. It serves as the official source of information about major events, conflicts, political changes, and discoveries across the game's galaxy. The news covers events that impact all players, as well as stories about key factions or important characters in the universe. Galnet also provides updates on game changes and community events, connecting players to the persistent world of Elite Dangerous.

Delmarfishy's avatar

this game is NOT novice safe

JHenckes's avatar


It is how you pull another ship out of supercruise (faster-than-light travel). You need a Frame Shift Interdictor module to do it. Once you’ve locked onto a ship in supercruise, you line up behind it and engage the interdictor. If you succeed, both you and the target get pulled into normal space, often leading to a fight or a chance to steal cargo.

The target can escape by following an "escape vector" on their screen. If they succeed, your interdiction fails. Interdictions are a big part of piracy, bounty hunting, and PvP, letting you stop ships and force encounters.


The Self Destruct feature destroys your ship.

Mz.DragonGaming's avatar

Docking your ship in Elite Dangerous is like your ship is dancing in space, you have to account for the way your ship moves and sway from side to side to glide gracefully into the docking station without missing a beat. If you want to kick things up a notch with spaceship breakdancing you can boost and drop your ship's speed and roll with style just before electric sliding into the docking station. I've always wondered what that warping noise was as you enter the station, it's the sound of the space station DJ hyping all the CMDRs as they dock their ships successfully.


The Frame Shift Drive (FSD) is one of the most essential and versatile tools in Elite Dangerous, enabling players to traverse the vast galaxy with ease. The FSD has two primary functions: Supercruise and Hyperspace Jump.

  1. Supercruise: This mode allows you to travel within a star system at speeds significantly faster than light, making it possible to cover vast distances between planets, space stations, and other points of interest. Supercruise is essential for completing missions, docking at stations, or reaching resource-rich sites. It’s a seamless way to navigate the complex and enormous systems that make up the game’s galaxy.

  2. Hyperspace Jump: This function is used to travel between star systems. When you engage the FSD for a hyperspace jump, your ship builds up energy and then propels you through hyperspace, covering light-years in just a few seconds. Hyperspace jumps are crucial for long-distance exploration, trading routes, or simply hopping from one system to another to find the best missions or commodities.

Managing your FSD also involves being mindful of your ship’s fuel. Each jump consumes a portion of your fuel reserves, and running out in deep space can leave you stranded far from the nearest refueling station. The fuel scoop is an important accessory that allows you to collect fuel from stars, extending your journey without needing to dock.

Mastering the Frame Shift Drive is key to thriving in Elite Dangerous, whether you’re an explorer charting uncharted systems, a trader moving goods across the galaxy, or a combat pilot hunting bounties in far-off regions. The FSD is your gateway to the galaxy, unlocking endless possibilities and adventures.


Fuel scooping allows a ship within proximity to O, B, A, F, G, K and M type stars to harvest fuel around stars and use it for ship's systems, primarily the frame shift drive. Fuel scooping is very useful to save a fuel credits and in longer voyages can be the difference between life and death. Additionally, fuel scooping can be used in the cone of neutron stars and certain white dwarf stars to boost the range on the frame shift drive at the expense of damaging the frame shift drive slightly.


Docking at a station

When landing a ship at a station at first you must request docking permission (when withing 7.5km).

If you have a docking computer installed, you can then just automatically dock.

If not, you need to fly into the station, find your landing pad, deploy your landing gear and align the ship to the target location and thrust down until contact.

Also make sure your ship is aligned with the arrows. A few times I have spent about 5min to notice that I am trying to dock backwards.

Best of luck commander, O7!



Some BGS actions you should know of:

Selling High Demand at Profit (loss): +Inf, (-Inf)

Turning in Bounties : +Inf

Killing ships: -Inf (What did you expect?)

Inf gains and losses are stronger in less populated systems, as well as it is easier to gain Inf when the faction has low influence.

Block9's avatar

To smuggle in Elite Dangerous, buy illegal goods, use silent running when approaching the station to avoid scans Once landed, sell at the black market to profit without getting caught


The only 1:1 Space game of our galaxy!


Exploration (the nutshell version):

Plot, Jump, Scoop, Honk, Scan

Plot, Jump, Scoop, Honk, Scan

Plot, Jump, Scoop, Honk, Scan

Plot, Jump, Scoop, Honk, Scan

Plot, Jump, Honk, Scan

Plot, Jump, Honk, Scan

Plot, Jump, Honk, Scan, Panic

Call fuel rats, they have fuel and you don't.

SergeantRogers's avatar

Thargoid combat explained

Big flowers that attacks humans. Their weapons mostly ignore shields, so use HRPs, engineering is important. They are resistant to normal damage so you have to use experimental weapons to damage them. The type you're gonna be fighting are interceptors, they deploy swarms that can quickly kill you. Use flak or evade them. To kill them, you have to shoot until they exert a heart, then destroy it and repeat. if you have a xeno scanner, you can subtarget the hearts, otherwise aim for the petal glowing orange. The strategy is to "orbit" it while using thermal vent engineered lasers to stay cold and not get hit. The guardian gauss and modshard is the best weapon.

MQC's avatar

Rare Commodities

"Rare Commodities are unique Commodities that are exclusive to specific markets and only available in limited amounts."

An original, fun and lucrative way to trade is to trade with Rare Commodities; very famous (some with their own ads), with a specific Lore, spread all over the galaxy, and with great profit margins.


Pretty sure people don't understand how far others will go to save someone stranded without fuel, that is something I only ever heard about on Elite Dangerous

Stormseeker's avatar

Unlock the engineers. They are a MUST, a modified ship is like 80% and 120% better.
Unlocking them is really easy, and feels like a tutorial, because the main objective in every one of them is doing some different mechanic: Mine, explore, combat, level up ranks, sell to markets, etc...
Learning how to play plus better ships when you are done is a WIN WIN.


Raxxla is the friends we make along the way.

Also, the default voice assist says "Frameshift drive charging", not "Friendship drive charging".

Granted you will make plenty when you reach out to your fellow CMDR's in-game or in the official Elite Dangerous forums.

Stay Dangerous CMDR


RicZA's avatar

Open, Private Group and Solo Play.

Open - Join all other Commanders in an open galaxy environment. The truest way to play, does make you vulnerable to PVP players. Especially great for community goals and events.

Private Group - "Host or Join" an instance of the galaxy that you have been invited to or invited friends to. Popular amongst Squadrons or Friend Groups

Solo - Soldier on fearlessly without seeing another human soul. You got this!


A brief introduction to SuperCruise Overcharge Frame Shift Drives (SCO FSD)

SCO FSDs are the latest in Elite Dangerous. They allow you to accelerate multiple times faster than your normal FSDs while travelling FTL.

However, they come with drawbacks on current ships, like thermal and mechanical damage to multiple components while in use, and exponentially increased fuel usage. The latest ships like the Python Mk2 and Type 8 Transporter have been engineered to use this module better.

To enable it, tap your boost key while in supercruise. To disable it, tap the same key again.

Use with caution as it may lead to overshooting or emergency drops with increased damage if you hit a celestial object.

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