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Hunter's avatar

A full guide to anyone who want to start scanning those mushrooms enjoy :

mypets's avatar

First, you need the Odyssey expansion in order to get started with exobiology. With regard to the ship, I recommend one that has a good jump range and is small or medium-sized. I really like the Diamondback Explorer, but there are other options such as the Asp Explorer, Krait Phantom... In addition to the choice of ship, it's also very important to equip it with a Full Spectrum Scanner and a Detailed Surface Scanner, because it's through these that you'll be able to identify areas with life on other planets and map the surface; as well as the SRV, which helps you to be faster when scanning for life forms (these pieces of equipment aren't mandatory, but they help a lot!). The Artemis suit is also essential, it is equipped with the Genetic Sampler, the only device that can scan for exobiological life forms.

Once you've done that, you can set off on an adventure in search of exobiological forms. Choose your direction and start searching, remembering that the initial search begins inside the ship with the equipment you've acquired.

Once you've located the element and landed the ship, you can go on foot or with the SRV looking for life forms, and the scanner will show you the elements that can be scanned. It's important to remember that there are 3 different samples for each species and they must be at a certain distance from each other. When you've finished collecting, you can sell your data to Vista Genomics, with the rewards varying according to the rarity of each specimen. It's good to know that if you're the first to discover a life form, your reward will be much greater! To achieve this, I recommend searching in areas further away from the center, because the further away you go, the greater the chance of finding unexplored places. These are the initial tips, I believe that over time everyone will see how it works best for them.

Caenyx's avatar

There’s a few things you will need; a small/medium ship preferably for ease of landing in some difficult terrains, a DSS, a fuel scoop, an SRV and an Artemis suit of course.
Start by jumping to a system, then head into the system map. If it’s already been scanned, you can easily check which landable planets have biological signatures (the more the better). If it hasn’t been scanned yet, you can score some extra credits and boost your explorer rank by scanning the system and its planets beforehand.
When you find a promising planet, scan it with the DSS. The lighter the blue, the more flora will be in that area. In most cases, you can overlap the flora to group them into one location. Keep in mind that certain species may only grow in specific locations or at certain altitudes.
To fully scan one species, you need to do three scans. Don’t start scanning another species until you’ve finished the current one, or you’ll lose your progress. Keep repeating the process until you’re ready to head back home. The scans will still be saved, but you won’t get any credits or rank for it if you die though so becareful.
Once you’re done, head to Vista Genomics at almost any station and sell all your exploration data and codex discoveries to claim your rewards.

Osiliran's avatar

For my submission into this bounty, and having never done exobiology before, I wanted to offer my perspective as a complete beginner and some approaches I took to get some samples under my belt.

The game and outside sources do a great job of explaining the essential tools needed; the genetic sampling tool that comes with an Artemis suit, the Full Spectrum System Scanner (FSSS) that comes with the ship by default, and a Detailed Surface Scanner (DDS) that must be purchased as a separate ship module. A ship with a small footprint for easy landing is a plus.

Having this knowledge, I took off and scanned a number of systems, looking for biological signals. A finally find one with a single signal and probed the planet with the DDS. It was a bacterium of some kind. All I know at this point is that it should look like a puddle or spot (?) on the planet surface. There is where I got stuck for an hour, having absolutely no luck finding this elusive space plant. What really helped me spot the sucker was some flying techniques with the camera suite that allowed me to eyeball a larger surface area at once. Thanks to folks at reddit and some nice tips here on Just from other Cmdrs. I want to highlight that while this was great technique, I found that graphics settings in game also affected how easily some of this bacterium was seen against the planet surface and playing around with shadows especially was helpful. At certain distances from the surface the bacterium would take on a darker 'puddle' look and be very easy to spot. Up close from the cockpit though it was almost impossible to distinguish.

I've attached some pictures for illustration. I just didn't find graphics settings discussed very much in exobiology guides as much as other tips so I thought this could be a highlight of my submission. I changed my shadow settings to low and the bacterium at higher fly bys was much more consistent in its darker puddle-like colour.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

The exobiology is one of the best part of exploration and was a great addition to the game with the Odyssey DLC, the only con is that it would be welcomed more variations of things you can discover on the planet surfaces.

But to star with it it is simples, and not so expansive you only need a few things:

  • A ship, a small one would be better equipped with a Fuel Scoop, a Detailed Surface Scanner and an Advanced Planetary Approach Suite.

  • An Artemis Suit

  • A SRV (optional)

So with this three things you will be ready to go, the small ship will be better for you to fly close to the ground and they are easy to land as well.

The first thing you must to do is choose a path to fly through and find planets with biological signals to scan, after that you can start to jump, stop and honk the system and then go to a the Full Spectrum System Scanner (SSC) mode to scan the planets there you will be searching the planets with notable Biological Signals, this mean there will be organic plants, bacteria or fungus to be scanned.

When you find this planet go there and when you get up close you can open your Surface scan and throw probes to scan the surface. The planet now will have those blue spots, that will point where the organic signals can be found, if there more than one notable signal you can cycle though them and see each one individually.

Now it is time to land in one of those blue areas with you ship and search for the organic data, it sometimes will be hard to find, but once you find you land your ship and disembark, now take you bio scan and point to the material, you have to scan three samples to complete the scan, remember that the samples must be distant from each other and you can finda another spot using your ship or your SRV .

After scanning the all the samples of the planet you can go to other planet in that system and scan other samples, if not you can go to the next system and repeat the process, until you complete the planned path or you think you have scanned enough. At the and go to the closest station and sell all you data, it will give you a nice amount of credits for you to buy a new ship and a better FSD to go futher in you exploration!

XCezor's avatar

o7 Commanders!

Preparations and general knowledge

Exobiology is pretty easy thing to understand. You only need 4 things to begin it:

  • A ship (preferable small or medium exploration)

  • An Artemis suit

  • A detailed surface scanner

  • An SRV (Scarab, not Scorpion because it's faster and has more energy in thruster boost)

You can localize a planet with organic life in 2 ways:

First one is to use FSS scanner and carefully check if newly scanned planet has Biological features. You can also check here a type of atmosphere (or it's lack) and volcanism.

If you for any reason don't want to check that through FSS, you need to blindly scan planets with DSS scanner and wish to find something.

Organic life can be found both on planets with and without atmosphere, as well as with and without volcanism. If you want to have a surprise, you don't need to worry about that, but if you want to check what you could possible find on a planet, you can check the Wikipedia page:

This page has listed every possible type of organic life you can find in Elite Dangerous, with all required info like on what atmosphere you can find it, what volcanism needs to be active etc., as well as all the prices for scanning the sample. You can also check planet features, atmosphere and volcanism in system map, after scanning it:

Good idea is to also not waste time on previously scanned planets. If a planet has "First Footfall By", it's almost certain that someone already scanned those plants before.

It's important, because first scan bonus grants you 5 times larger reward, reaching even 95 million credits for single Stratum Tectonicas, instead of 19. The lowest reward you can get is around 1 million credits, increased to 5 millions if first scanned. So with such significant difference, I'd recommend everyone to search for new plants away from the Bubble.

Landing on a planet

When you scan planet with DSS scanner that has an organic life, you should get displayed regions of each plant on the planet, which shows where they can be found:

If you go to the highlighted area, after some search you should be able to find your plants. It's important to suit up an Artemis suit before leaving the ship as it is the only suit with Genetic Sampler, the only available tool that is able to scan organic life.

After landing on a planet, switch into your SRV, get to the nearest plant and scan it with Genetic Sampler. Right-clicking while holding Sampler scans the closest terrain and highlights the plants. There are 3 colors, each meaning something different:

  • Green - Plant is ready to be scanned

  • Blue - Plant has been already scanned or you are too close from the last one to get another sample

  • Purple - You are currently scanning another type of plant. Scanning purple plant will reset scanning progress of the current plant.

Each plant needs 3 samples to be fully scanned, and the colony range (the distance after which the same type of plant can be scanned again to get another sample) is shown on the Wikipedia page I shared earlier.

Ship is technically faster than SRV, but SRV is more handy and you don't need to worry about landing zone, especially in mountain area. Most plants aren't that far away from each other anyway.

Selling data

When you decide to sell your organic data, you need to visit Vista Genomics located on a starports, mainly on the big ones like Coriolis:

Kethervir's avatar

I have to say that, even though I have been playing this fantastic game for many years, I am very new to the exobiology activity. One thing that has helped me to do this activity better is definitely having used an external tool for Elite Dangerous.

I am talking about the EDCOPILOT tool which is a truly extraordinary tool. In addition to having many advanced functions and a very fun talking on-board computer, it also has a function that allows you to keep track of exobiological research.

In fact, set up properly, when you enter a system, it immediately indicates if there are planets or moons that have scannable life forms. In the dedicated tab, it even says if they have already been discovered, and if someone else has already scanned them, it provides the type and coordinates to find it.

Furthermore, after scanning, it says how far away you have to go to find another sample and, when you have reached that distance, which is the distance needed to find new samples.

If no one has scanned yet, it says that a scan is needed, and in this case, it does not provide the coordinates, but still indicates the distance after the first scan. This tool provides, if installed and set correctly, even an in-game uhd to see in which direction the coordinates are.


Must haves:

  • Odyssey expansion (to be able to land on planets)

  • Artemis suit (buyable at any space station, needed to be able to scan exobio on planets)

  • FSS & DSS (Full spectrum scanner & Detailed surface scanner to check for exobio signals)

Nice to haves:

  • Small or medium ships with decent jump range (DBX, Krait Phantom, Mandalay - but any ship works in general)

Not mandatory

  • SRV to drive around (I hoover ca. 30-50m over ground with my Mandalay, spot the exobio, land, scan, return to ship. Did never use an SRV for that)

  1. Hop into a system

  2. If you are the first to visit it, scan it with your FSS

  3. Remember the planets with exobio signals (or check the system map)

  4. Probe the planet with exobio signals with your DSS

  5. Enter atmosphere, search for biological structures

  6. Get out of your ship, scan the exobio with your scanner tool (default key "5")

  7. Search for the same biological structure in a certain distance (500-800m)

  8. Repeat until you have scanned 3 times the same structure

  9. Feel like Alexander von Humboldt

USCSS's avatar

Hello Commanders

Exobiology is an easy task to do and also profitable in terms of credits.

I will explain it in the easiest and simplest way.


We will have to equip ourselves with the Artemis suit that is sold in any Space Station


We will have to have the “Genetic Sampler” that does not need to be purchased because it is already included in the Artemis suit


We can choose any ship, but in some circumstances the smaller the ship the better.

(There are biological organisms that are found in mountainous areas where it is difficult to land with a large ship, it is even difficult to land with a medium ship)

Ship module:

After using the system map to check which planets have biology, we will use the "Detailed Surface Scanner" to scan the surface of the planets which will tell us what types of biology there are


We will proceed to fly over the surface of the planet looking for biological organisms. Once we find them, we will proceed to use the “Genetic Sampler” to scan them. We will have to scan 3 organisms of each type to fill the “Genetic Sampler”


Once the process is complete, we will proceed to go to any Space Station and look for the “Vista Genomics” section where we can sell the data we have acquired.

(Translated with Google Translate)

St4r_Lord's avatar

First, buy the Artemis suit as it is equipped with a Genetic Sampler, then choose your favorite ship to explore equipped with any SRV and DSS or build one. Now all that's left is to find the right place, for people who want to make money quickly, I recommend using the planet system from the link below - it shortens the time to look for these planets and arranges them along the way, and for the rest, just find a planet with an atmosphere and scan it and it will show you always at least one plant. And now you're rich and u got some nice views with it.

LiquidMorkite's avatar

I've once submitted an infographic and it was about Exobiology. Only one thing I'd added about it as of today is adding the Mandalay as a very good option for this activity, given it has small footprint to land almost as everywhere as the Courier, very SCO-optimized which saves you a lot of time if a planet is far away.

Other thing worth mention is a tool called Elite Observatory with BioInsight add-on, it's a very useful tool if you're after making efficient money, lets you know what kind of species to expect and their value as long as you've finished your FSS.

Fly Dangerously o7

Doc's avatar

I am a big fan of images with information, so I decided to create a diagram with all the relevant information on how to start in exobiology. Take a look:


exobiology is a great way to make money but it also requires certain requirements

1) own the Odyssey expansion which allows exobiology

2) Buy an exploration ship that allows a large Jump range like the Diamondback explorer ( equip it with class A modules and pre-engineered FSD)

3) buy the Artemis suit inside the space stations Pioneer supplies, this includes the genetic sampler ( the only one that allows you to scan biological and zoological species)

4) buy a Hangar module for the ship and buy an SRV

5) go to a system and scan ( With the D -Scanner and Dettailed Surface Scanner) it and hopefully there is an organic and zeological form

6) land on the planet where there is an object to scan (these are marked in blue)

7) find the Exobiology , equip the Genetic Sampler and the scan begins

8) return to the ship

9) go to a space station and report the discovery to vista genomics

ScreamingRaven's avatar

Its pretty Easy u need an Artemis Suit with the Scanner Equipped and a Planet with some Biological Sites. These are best find with a Surface Scan Drones who you can Shoot and Scan the Whole planet.

After that u can fly to the Sites and Need to Scan 3 Biological Anomalies and u can bring the Results to Vista Genomics on Station to sell your Probes and get a Reward.



Greetings pilots

Getting into exobiology is not difficult.

To become an exobiologist, first you need to buy an Artemis suit, because without it you will not be able to scan biological species.

Then we need a ship that has a good jump, as an example is the Diamondback Explorer it has a pretty good jump, even without fsd guards, but proengineer fsd I recommend.


And then on the way, what direction to choose is at your discretion, because there are many star systems, and in any of them you will definitely be the first.

(The price for discovering a system first increases the price of exobiology 5 times, I think.)

Y0EMINENCE's avatar

Exobiology in Elite Dangerous allows players to scan and catalog alien life forms on planets with atmospheres, introduced with the Odyssey expansion. Here's a quick rundown:

- *Equipment*: Requires an Artemis suit with a Genetic Sampler to collect samples.

- *Profit*: Selling data to Vista Genomics can be lucrative, with bonuses for first discoveries.

- *Rank*: Progress through Exobiologist ranks by selling data, aiming for Elite status.

- *Strategy*: Use tools like the Detailed Surface Scanner to locate biological signals. Planets with specific conditions (like atmosphere type) host different species.

- *Community*: Tools like EDSM and guides on platforms like Reddit and YouTube provide routes and tips for efficient exobiology.

mastercesspit's avatar

lol, hey mate, been a minute since xbox, how's your squad?

Y0EMINENCE's avatar

My life has been hard, my cmdrs are enjoying the game hopefully get back to my special factions couple months. Thanks for you reply! Godspeed

MQC's avatar


Basic concepts

Exobiology is a role recognised by the Pilot Federation that involves scientific activities on foot. Exobiologists must use the genetic sampler, which is included only with the Artemis suit, to collect samples of alien life forms and then sell them to Vista Genomics. This is a new mechanic introduced in the game from the Odyssey expansion, so it obviously requires gameplay on foot.

Not exclusively necessary, but of vital importance, the Commander must equip the ship with a Full Spectrum Scanner and a Detailed Surface Scanner, necessary to detect exobiology on the surface of an astronomical body. In the same way, it is highly recommended to have a SRV, preferably the Scarab model with Sonar.

From the ship

The search for specific locations where biological species can be found is a very important part of this mechanic. Planets with an atmosphere and that are landable must be checked, and once on the chosen body, the planet must be mapped with the surface scanner, which will indicate the presence of the various species on that body. It is likely that the signals will overlap, so that several species will be found in the same area.

The initial search for biological features should be conducted directly from the ship, flying at low altitude from the surface. Certain biological elements will be more easily detectable than others.

On the surface

Once the element is located and the ship has landed, the Commander can disembark on foot or by SRV, always with the Artemis suit equipped.

The scanner will show if there are scannable biological elements through a wave, marking in green those that have not yet been collected, and in purple those that have.

For each species, 3 different biological samples should be taken sufficiently far apart to indicate their diversity. If during the collection of one of these 3 samples, the Commander takes a sample of another species, the counter will be reset.

Biological elements tend to cluster around a certain area, so if one star sector has a cluster of biologicals, it is very likely that other stars in the neighbourhood have the same types and clusters.

Once the Commander have collected 3 samples of each biological element, it is ready to be sold as exobiology data at any Vista Genomics office.

Additional tips

All this could be done without scanners on the ship and without a SRV, but it is easy to understand that the process is going to be done virtually blind, without knowing for sure if there are biologics on the celestial body, what kind of biologics are present, and with long walks being necessary without a vehicle.

If the Commander wish to play this playable role in depth, remind that there are upgrades for the Artemis suit, such as: additional sprint, additional jump, additional battery.

Likewise, if this playable mechanic is complemented with exploration, it is advisable to try to do it away from the bubble, since in addition to getting rewards for Vista Genomics sales, there are also high rewards for being the first to scan a celestial body by making a first footfall.

List of exobiological elements

  • Aleoida

  • Amphora Plant

  • Anemone

  • Bacterium

  • Bark Mound

  • Brain Tree

  • Cactoida

  • Clypeus

  • Concha

  • Crystalline Shard

  • Electricae

  • Fonticulua

  • Frutexa

  • Fumerola

  • Fungoida

  • Osseus

  • Recepta

  • Sinuous Tuber

  • Stratum

  • Tubas

  • Tussock

(The translation has been done with the help of

  1. First you will need the Artemis suit so that you can scan life. Each life form needs to be scanned 3 times and they need to be a certain distance away from each other so between most scans I will just jump back in my ship and fly for a few seconds and look for more of the life I am trying to scan

  2. Second you want a fast and small ship. I use the Imperial Courier for these reasons and because its sleek and has a nice view from the cockpit.

This is the build I use it boosts to 851m/s and can fly at over 300m/s with the landing gear down so you can quickly land scan and take off and repeat 2 more times quickly per organism. If you don't choose the Courier I would still make sure to choose a small ship so that you can land to scan life easier. Small ships with level 3 thrusters can also be equipped with performance enhanced thrusters which make these ships crazy fast which is what you want to speed up your scanning.

  1. If you want to do this to make money I would recommend getting the Elite Observatory program and the Bioinsights plugin. These will give you in game overlays for how much an organism is worth and you can set a price minimum for the app to notify you if a planet you scan with the FSS scanner has life that meets your minimum threshold. I set my minimum threshold to about 7 million credits.

  2. If you want to make the most amount of credits you need to scan life that no one else has scanned before meaning you need to go to systems that no one has been to before or make sure that you will be the one to make first footfall which you can check for in the system map. If you are the first to turn in a bio scan you get 5X the payout. Stratum Tectonicas is the highest paying bio scan at around 19 million credits so when you are the first to scan it and turn it in you get almost 100 million from one bio scan.

  3. To find less traveled space go around 1000 ly from the bubble BUT do not fly towards the center of the galaxy or you will need to fly more like 3000ly away. Once you get about 1000 ly away in your route planner in the galaxy map switch to economical route plotting and then just choose a system a few hundred light years away and slowly make your way there honking and FSS scanning every undiscovered system and wait for your bioinsights to tell you a planet meets your criteria.

AndyRice's avatar

Here we go, let's head towards the black and find some tasty brain trees.

What You Need

  1. A Ship:

Any ship should do the job, but I still recommend using a small or medium explorer ship. The reasons are simple: first, a longer jump range makes it easier to reach distant destinations, and the farther you go from the bubble, the more likely you are to find unexplored planets and exo-life. Second, smaller or medium ships have a smaller landing footprint—sometimes landing an Anaconda on a planet's surface can be extremely annoying.

I personally recommend ships like the Mandalay, the Krait series, Asp Explorer, or Diamondback Explorer. However, I once saw someone on JustAbout mention that the Hauler can also be a good ship for exobiology. I tried building one on Coriolis, and it seemed to work fine.

I'll post the build in the comments below since the website considers Coriolis shortlinks as video links and asks me for verification, lol. It’s good for beginners, since it only costs 2.5 million credits to build the ship and requires only one FSD engineering mod.

Remember to bring a Detailed Surface Scanner and a Planetary Vehicle Hangar!

  1. The Artemis Suit:

You'll need the Genetic Sampler to collect samples.

And that's basically everything you need for the task. Simple, right?

Your Standard Routine

  1. Leave the bubble as far as you can.

As I mentioned earlier, the farther you leave the bubble, the more likely you are to encounter unexplored systems, and the easier it will be to find exo-life, especially with the first-discovery bonus.

  1. Use the Full Spectrum Scanner to identify your target.

Use the FSS to scan all the planets in the system. If a planet (or moon) has exo-life on it, you should see a "Biological Signal" notice in the upper-right corner of the screen when you scan it.

  1. Fly towards your target and launch the DSS probe.

Fly close enough to your target and use your Detailed Surface Scanner (DSS) probe to fully map it. Once the scan is complete, you should see blue marks on the surface of the planet, indicating the distribution of a certain exo-lifeform. If you land in one of those blue-marked areas, you should be able to find the corresponding lifeform. You can switch the filter to see the distribution of other lifeforms if there are multiple on the planet.

  1. Land and scan.

Head to the blue-marked areas and fly close to the surface so you can visually check if there's a sample nearby. Once you find one, land your ship and disembark. Equip your Genetic Sampler and scan the sample.

You need to sample the same exo-life three times to collect enough data for analysis. The three samples should be far enough apart from each other to ensure genetic diversity.

Many people prefer to go back to their ship and take off, using the ship to find another spot for sampling. However, I personally prefer using the SRV. Both methods are fine. Whichever vehicle you use, just make sure to leave the previous spot far enough behind (around 3 km or so) and find another spot to take a sample. Repeat the process to collect three different samples.

And that's it! You've just collected your first exo-biological sample. You can sell it to Vista Genomics and make a lot of money.

Additional Tips for Bacterium Hunting

Bacterium can be extremely hard to find at times. They look like mats on the surface and are very difficult to spot when using an SRV. You can turn on your free camera view (Ctrl + Alt + Space), set your camera to bird’s eye view, lock it, and then start your SRV. Bacterium are much easier to spot from the sky.

AndyRice's avatar

Here's the build for the Exo-Hauler, check this out. But if you have better explorer ship, you can just ignore it lol

CmdrTravisRobicheaux's avatar


Elite Dangerous Exploration Buddy ( )
Elite Dangerous Market Connector

These tools are perfect and Exploration Buddy is going to show you the potential values of Exobiology so you're not wasting time on low payouts. I will also list the suns and what will most likely be found.

A Class: Mostly brown dwarfs, typically boring.
B Class: Low mass, basic systems.
C Class: Start finding Earth-like planets and unique objects.
D Class: Best for exobiology and Earth-like planets. Most discoveries happen here.
E Class: Rarer, often harder to navigate directly between systems.
F & G Class: Increasing mass and rarity, often with exotic features.
H Class: Ultra-rare, one per sector. Expect black holes, Wolf-Rayet stars, and other fascinating phenomena.

Getting into Exobiology is simple once you understand the star system and what could potentially live in these systems. Always filter out your routes and leave out suns that will not contain life or a very low probability. This will make your route very rich in exobiology but it will also make you rich in general.

I recommend not straying from this to make it easier or it will make exobiology boring. Discovering your first stratum and getting a high payout is really nice!

  1. Requirements

  • The Odyssey expansion is required so you can land on atmospheric planets and scan on foot

  • Buy an Artemis suit, if you're lucky you could pick up a pre-engineered one

  • You needs a ship, preferably one with good jump range

  • You need a Detailed Surface Scanner so you can scan the planet before landing on it. After scanning the planet you can cycle through the different exo-biologicals on that planet to see where they are likely to be.

  • Each type of exo-biological has to be scanned 3 times and each scan has to be a fair distance away from the last one

  • You sell your findings at Vista Genomics, either at a space port or a fleet carrier that has that facility installed

  1. My Recommendations

  • If it's your first time I would suggest finding out what certain types of exo-biologicals look like beforehand. Although all exo-biologicals are unique, those of the same type are generally a similar size and shape. It helps to know that when you go searching for them. After you've been doing it for a while you'll get the hang of what they look like

  • An SRV is optional but can be useful to have so you don't have to walk or fly so much

  • Bacterium is hard to find in an SRV. I'd suggest using an external view from your ship and slowly fly over flat ground where it is likely to be

  • I'd take a really small ship just because some rough surfaces are quite difficult to land on, for me that's the Diamondback Explorer. I also have an module installed to auto land if I need to turn that on to find a landing area

Block9's avatar

I personally made a video tutorial mixed with comedy about this subject. But I can talk a little about the basics.

To be able to work with exobiology you need a specific spacesuit called Artemis, and a ship with detailed surface scanning to scan the planets. Once you get to the planet, you just need to scan the organisms 3 times, each in different locations (I can explain this in the video). After finishing the 3 scans, you just need to return to a station and sell the scanned data.

Matt G's avatar

Before you start

For easier landings it's better to use small ships - for example the Cobra MkIII, Cobra Mk V and Dolphin all make excellent exobiology ships.

At a minimum, you'll need a DSS equipped on your ship and you'll need an Artemis suit. An SRV is useful if you plan to drive on planet surfaces.

Locating biologicals

To find exobiology to sample, visit a system and start FSSing bodies. If the FSS shows the body has biological signals then pay it a visit. Map the body with the DSS and it will show you all the Genus present on the body. If there are multiple Genus on the body, select one and then head to the planet surface in any of the shades of blue - I find I have the best luck in the turquoisey areas.

You can either stay in your ship to try and find the species or you can jump in your SRV (if you have one) and drive about. I prefer the SRV but many prefer ship - just don't go too fast or too high, or you'll miss what you're looking for.


Once you find something, jump out of your vehicle (in your Artemis suit) and use the sampler to take a partial sample of the species. This will confirm the genus, species and variant of the exobiology. Next you need to travel far enough away from the sample and then locate another. Depending on the genus, you need to travel anywhere from 100m to 1km. If you're too close to the next sample, it will be blue rather than green when you use the sampler pulse, and not let you take a sample due to lack of genetic diversity.

Keep taking samples of the same species until you have 3 partial samples - this will complete the sampling, then you can locate the next genus and repeat. This might require you getting back in your ship and going back into orbit to see the areas the different genus are located in.

Third-party software

I strongly recommend using 3rd party software to help you when it comes to exobiology. There are addons that will attempt to predict what biologicals will be on a body before you map it which can enable you to focus on high value species. They can also tell you when you've travelled far enough away from your last sample. There are a number of them but BioInsights and EDBuddy are a couple of good options.

Imperial Senator Bluecrash's avatar

I heard that the answer to this , is : ' to smoke a lot of onionhead first.'


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