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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
Block9's avatar

The Fer-de-Lance is S-Tier for solo PvP because it has the best combo of firepower, speed, and tankiness. Its hardpoints pack a concentrated punch for devastating strikes while its maneuverability allows it to outflank opponents and avoid counter-fire. Pair that with the best shields and you have an unstoppable one-on-one beast, which also makes it the preferred choice for top-tier pilots. the Fer-de-Lance is one of the best solo PvP ships.

Its starting price is 51,567,040 credits,

insurance 2,578,352 credits.

This type of configuration full-up and engineered will cost in the region of 100 million credits. This will depend on the specifications decided upon.

The Krait Mk II sits at A-Tier thanks to its versatility and solid combat capabilities. It packs great firepower, several hardpoints, decent agility for its size, and it also has the added bonus of a fighter bay. This means it can suit your style of play, if you want another ship that deals damage over time and has turret support or launch fighters. It doesn’t outshine the Fer-de-Lance in any one category to the same degree, but it’s also a more versatile and adaptable design, making it a great pick for solo PvP at the top tier.

Sell Price: 45,814,205 credits

Insurance Price: 2,290,710 bucks

With the best modules available installed, the full budget can be nearly 240 million credits.

The Python gets its A-Tier ranking for being a reliable, tanky combat ship. This ships formidable shields and hull allow it to withstand damage but its powerful hardpoints deliver steady damage over time. While it may not be as nimble as the Krait Mk II, it makes up for that with durability and fire power, giving it to high merit for pilors who desire a ships that can take a pounding and still stands tall in a fight.

Starting price: around 50 million credits

Insurance price: dependent on implemented modules

This is about 275 million credits for a fully equipped and combat-optimized configuration.

The Krait Phantom falls into Tier B, trading some firepower and durability for speed and versatility. While faster and more maneuverable than its larger counterpart, the Krait Mk II, it has a fraction of the armor points, making it less suited to one-on-one combat. Its improved jump range and agility make it an excellent ship for hit-and-run tactics, or while flying, it allows you to better maintain the mindset of using mobility rather than raw power to defeat your enemies. It is a great PvP ship, but not as powerful as the higher-tier ships.

Base Price: 37,472,254 Credits

Insurance Cost: 1,873,613 Credits

For a fully equipped configuration, including high-quality modules, the investment can vary. It can cost around 70 million Credits to build, with a buyback cost of 3 million Credits.

the Alliance Chieftain is a B-Tier ship that excels at dogfighting and remaining evasive in combat. However it features no strong shields at all, thus it must rely on hull tanking to survive in longer bouts. It’s still plenty capable in a skilled hand, but it also has some defensive limitations and requires precise piloting, keeping it from ranking higher. It’s an excellent option for anyone who leans toward a lithe, aggressive style but it does require deft handling.

Base price: 19,382,252 credits

Insurance cost: about 969,112 credits

Depending on the modules selected, a maxed out and combat-optimized configuration will price you between 100 and 115 million credits.

The Federal Assault Ship is a Tier C ship, with okayish firepower and hull, but does nothing but solo PvP. It’s relatively ungainly and doesn’t handle spectacularly well, which means that more maneuverable ships can slip in behind you and making it hard to stay locked on to a target or evade the incoming fire. Its shields are also inferior to those of other medium combat vessels, making it vulnerable in long-term engagements. All that said, its reinforced hull and attaching points can make it a very strong craft in the right hands, especially for fighters or tankers operating with a support hull. But these deficiencies in the agility and defenses department prevent it from flexing on a higher tier of options.

Cost: 19,814,210 credits

Insurance cost: 990,710 credits

For a fully equipped and combat-optimized configuration, including high-quality modules and advanced engineering, the total investment can reach approximately 115 million credits, with a buyback cost of 6 million credits.

The Federal Dropship is D-Tier because, although it has decent armor and firepower, it simply is not designed for PvP combat. Poor speed and maneuverability make it an easy target for more nimble ships, and few weapon hardpoints prevent it from generating enough damage to take the fight back. Dropship was military in nature and typically flew with troops, it was not intended for Pvp combat, which cuts its overhead to effectively compete in PvP.

Base price: 14,314,210 credits

715,710 credits for insurance cost

Depending on the modules, a fully equipped and combat-optimized configuration can be roughly 50 million credits.

The Type-7 Transporter is also D-Tier because it serves as a cargo ship, not a battle ship. Its maneuverability and shields are weak but its firepower is near non-existent, practically disqualifying it for PVP. It’s slow, unarmed and lacks the defensive qualities to endure a fight. It just lacks the kind of attributes that would make it effective in one-on-one challenges, and it's better suited for moving freight than for fighting.

Starting price: 17,472,250 credits

Insurance cost: around 873,613 credits.

30 million credits, depending on the modules for the optimised fully equipped transport configuration.

In my opinion, the Fer-de-Lance stands out as the best choice for solo PvP.

  • The Krait Mk II and Python Both are solid choices for players who value flexibility and survivability in PvP.

  • The Krait Phantom and Alliance Chieftain They can be effective in the right hands, but they require more finesse and may struggle against higher-tier ships in direct combat.

  • The Federal Assault Ship and Federal Dropship These ships are more suited to military operations, not PvP, making them ineffective in one-on-one combat.

  • the Type-7 Transporter is an obvious D-Tier choice it’s not built for combat and is best used for cargo hauling

In short, for solo PvP, I’d recommend the Fer-de-Lance if you want a reliable, powerful fighter. But the Krait Mk II or Python are also excellent alternatives depending on your preferred playstyle.

*This text was translated by a translator that uses AI, and some spelling errors have also been corrected.

some information was consulted on

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That's what we like to hear! :D


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