Between 14-21 April, we want your help making something special happen!
Welcome to the largest reward Just has ever put on. We have $6,000 of prizes to dish out. Yes, you read that correctly, and now we'd like you to read the following instructions very carefully too:
To win one of our 50 $120 prizes, we want you to make a three-minute video that meets the brief: 'This is my Elite Dangerous'. That line should also be the title of your video (feel free to follow it up with additional text). How you interpret the brief is up to you; we're excited to see it met in a variety of ways that capture the many playstyles of the game's diverse player base. That said, a high-quality, cinematic video is more likely to win one of our 50 prizes.
One more important detail: the video must be published to your YouTube, Instagram, or Twitter channel between April 14-21 (no sooner, no later). The plan is that with all the videos going live in a single week, they'll really make a splash!
If you know any other Elite Dangerous content creators who aren't on Just, be sure to point them this way - we have enough rewards to go around. And if you have any questions, just tag me (@AlexSinclairLack) and ask.
Image credit: Frontier Developments and Odinoji as seen in our Elite Dangerous nebulae screenshots gallery.
50 available
Pot total
Created at . Page last updated at .
Deadline at .