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Hades is my choice! The attack heavy approach and awesome area of effect damage will definitely lead to some intense scenarios. Personally am liking the revamp from the original for Hades!

CMDR Henckes's avatar

My main is Anubis, the first reason for I choose him is because I love Egyptian mythology and Anubis looks really cool. The other reason is that I find him easy to learn how to play since I'm not a hardcore player neither wan't to be so I always choose easy characters to play and have fun with my friends.

Inpunktion's avatar

Jing Wei is currently my main in Smite 2! I picked at random but I'm happy with my choice, they added so much to her kit (admittedly a bit too much). Her second ability is one of the strongest in the game allowing her to fire up to 12 area of effect auto attacks all able to crit! This makes her a menace both when boxing and in team fights. She is able to absolutely melt everyone around her if shes given enough space and if she doesnt have said space she is able to make space using her ultimate! This ability gives her plenty of time in the sky away from the fight while also being able to dish out quite a bit of damage from the air. Definitely give her a try, if you enjoyed her in Smite 1, your enjoyment will skyrocket in Smite 2!


My main is Thanatos - his global ultimate is a lot of fun and has high early damage.


Loki- had one of my few penta kills in smite

His personality

His style


My favorite god is anhur. I really enjoy the changes made to his ult from smite 1 and have really enjoyed messing around with new builds on him in smite 2.

yan57436's avatar

Since I've only just started playing, I went on the advice of some friends and ended up liking Neith a lot. Her kit seemed somewhat simple and intuitive, which allowed me to enjoy what I was playing


My main by now is Neith because is too easy to use and that is important because it let me concentrate more in others aspects of the game, like game modes and how all the items works.

Once I fully understand the game I'll start to look for another and more complicated main but for now Neith is the right answer.

Sturmer's avatar

Currently, my top pick is Hecate.

While I understand this might change over time, among the 23 available gods, this Greek goddess have a unique trait that others lack. I’m not referring to her visuals, gameplay, or awesome teleport skill (though those are great too), no. What makes her special is that she’s the first character fully created using in-engine tools. You could call her the "mother of Smite 2."

During my interview with the Hi-Rez team, I learned that Hecate was an experiment that successfully demonstrated how designers can prototype and create new characters using Unreal Engine tools directly in the editor. This innovation has reduced the time needed to create or port gods from months to weeks. So yes, she’s the first of her kind, and I really like her!

BlaiseMcBaine's avatar

Surprisingly to me my main right now is Fenrir. Playing him in jungle and carry has been a blast thus far and I look forward to playing him in the other roles as well!


Currently I've been playing a ton of Anhur. He was someone I played frequently in Smite 1 and I was happy to see him added to smite 2 so early on. So far I'm very pleased with the direction of the game and how that feels for me and Anhur. The active items play a huge role in my current play style with him and I can't wait to test more builds in the near future. I already have him mastery 5 and plan on getting him all the way to 10.


In Smite 2, I think I'm still enjoying the novelty of facepunch Ymir, but Bacchus is going to be a close second for me.


Currently Jing Wei, I've loved all her art updates and hr mastery skins are probably some of the best so far

AbyKwon117's avatar

When I entered the world of Smite my first god was Fenrir and I was delighted about it, but then the god Loki arrived and since then the two have been my favorite gods with Mastery X and extra stars, what better way to start Smite 2 with my 2 favorite Gods, their character designs, their abilities and especially their voices. 10/10🎉

Cuando entre en el mundo de Smite mi primer dios fue Fenrir y quede encantada al respecto, pero después llego el dios loki y desde entonces los 2 han sido mis dioses favoritos con Maestria X y estrellas extras, que mejor manera de iniciar Smite 2 con mis 2 Dioses favoritos, sus diseños de personajes, sus habilidades y sobre todo sus voces. 10/10🎉


My Smite 2 main is Chaac because I always used to be a joust player. When I played joust I would always play with my cousins and I would always play Chaac. They don't play much anymore but I still play, and when I do I play Chaac because of the memories and because Chaac's kit is very fun.

SYSBradmin's avatar

Loki is my main in Smite 1 and 2! The invis reset on his 1 when he gets a kill makes teamfighting way easier for him and lets me go for some really ✨flashy✨ plays! I also love seeing his Slasher skin in Smite 2!

Cloggedbean's avatar

Thanatos is my smite 2 main. Thanny was my first jungler in smite 1 and currently my highest worshiper count, so playing him in smite 2 just feels so right. Thanny to me is one of the most iconic Smite/Smite 2 characters. My first two games I played him in Smite 2 I went 9/0 and 12/0 so he will definitely be my go to lock in for the jungle


Right now my main in smite 2 is Anhur. His kit feels so smooth in comparison to Smite 1. Furthermore, I like the new achievement system that they added that keeps track of the pillar stuns. It leads me to try and do the cool stuff that I'm not too confident with. Like jumping in and throwing up the pillar to get a stun in the middle of the lane.


Either Kuku or Bellona for me, but I will master them all. Both are a go-to comfort pick in SMITE.

patiently waits for Scylla and Hou Yi to be added


Anubis is my favorite god and my main in SMITE 2, he was the first god I learned to use in SMITE 1, since his mechanics and combos are very easy to understand and use, luckily this god remains similar in SMITE and for me he is one of the gods that even though he is easy to use, you don't want him to play against you.

Unfortunately there is still no Sylvanus, god that I love, nor Nu Wa goddess that I learned to use when my internet signal was very bad, but that Anubis is there is enough for me.

Elech's avatar

Sol in Smite 2. The best gods for me are the ones I can lock in to any role. In Smite 2 that is Sol. I will lock her in ADC and Mid traditionally but you bet I am locking her in solo if I want to find a way to win my lane. Non smite 2 is Ullr. It is the same concept but I dabble a bit with him in Support and Jungle aswell. Ranged cc and damage is so much fun


Kukulkan, he was my first main in Smite 1 and now I had to master him immediately in Smite 2



He is so versitile. Able to escape easily when needed. Great crowd control eith his ultimate. And the ability to change what his basic attack does makes him a jck of all trades.


Right now definitely Jing Wei - the change to the 2 to allow it to have multiple charges means that you can use 12 buffed auto attacks in a row, with multiple hydras procs - definitely worth leveling it up first now. Not a massive fan of the dash change, it feels like it goes way too high now, but the 2 rework (and the sneaky ult rewind extra damage that catches out people who aren't used to it yet!) definitely more than make up for it.


Hecate until Aphrodite returns ♥
She has such a Different kit but the Color abilities and playstyle on her is to die for, Ill still love her when Aphrodite comes out but she may be a close second!


Bacchus, that god is absolutely going to get hit with the first round of nerfs and honestly will probably get turbo nerfed but he is soooooo good right now. Best solo and support in the game easily.


Jing Wei. Still not a fan of her passive not being changed but they changed every single ability for the better. Probably need to reduce the amount of stacks on her 2 but IMO she's no longer just a safe hunter but can bully.


Loki !
Why ? Well why not ! I love trickters and do tricks on people, simple as that


My main at the moment is Hecate! As a player with great technical knowledge about gods, abilities, items, and mechanics, but little knowledge of team strategy and callouts, I find that Hecate can really give me that feeling of being with the big wigs- partly because I’m not playing against 5-10 years worth of better players’ performances, and partly because THAT ULT! I can’t tell you how many triple or quad kills I’ve gotten slinging an Ult straight into the fountain! :)


For now, my main is Bellona. I've played her a good bit in Smite 1 so I am familiar with her kit and playstyle. I also enjoy w-keying and Bellona is great for that. My main in Smite 1 is Shiva. I like the high amount of lane pressure you can put on people with him. You can also scare off junglers with him, which I enjoy.


Based off of my 1 game so far, as an ADC main, I’m probably going to be maining crit Sol. It feels really strong. I went 10-4 and won. I haven’t played smite or smite 2 in months so let’s go


Ymir all the way, his wall launch is my favorite thing, you can get away from situations very quick and his 2 is very good now that you can move around while doing it and it's much more accurate.

JHenckes's avatar

I love assassins and love the north mitology. Sooo... Needless to say, my main character is Thor hahaha. He has high burst damage and mobility. His kit is fun and allows you to dive in, deal a ton of damage, and then escape. Plus, his global ultimate lets you engage from anywhere, which is awesome for making big plays. It's extremely fun! I recommend.

BN_Bears's avatar

With the current roster it has to be Loki. The speed from his Vanish and his ability to one shot just feels great as someone who want to be active all across the map like myself. The new reset on kill added to his Vanish was a nice touch that really helps with quick escapes or to help chain kills

Sinpho's avatar

Initially I thought my main would be Kuku, since he's my second most played god in Smite, but I latched onto Neith! I like the adjustments made to her kit and her backflip feels nicer to use.

Can't wait for my boy Merlin <3

ViewtifulBellTTV's avatar

Neith will have to be my main . Favorite ADC is Izanami but Neith is avaiable now and was my 1st main in SMITE.


At this moment my main in Smite 2 is Anubis, I'm much of mages


Y'all know we gotta tear it up as Loki~ Nothing like sneaking around, popping up to get a kill, and then running away!

He my boy! <3


Ares has always been my go to main and is still he sets up plays for the team when needed and can also put some nice dps out as well! Cant wait to play with new gods to of coursw but ares is always been the god of war for me !


I'm really enjoying Hecate, it's soooo fun to play, her ultimate let you escape as long as you get someone. Her teleport feels cool as her 2 does. I just have to learn about her passive but that's interesting.

Also, I miss you aphro. 🥺


Neith bc she is an all around power house if used correctly and can help teammates get ahead in lanes with her ult


I've decided to main Bacchus in Smite 2, and I love that his abilities scale with protections now!. I wanted to play a God that I could help new and returning players feel powerful with by supporting them, and Bacchus is great since you can just use his 3 to guarantee the knock up follow up with his 2. I did not play him that much in Smite 1, which also drew me to him. Using his 1 all the time is also fun. I would recommend Bacchus to new players since you can use his 2 to run away and flop over walls in a pinch while also being a great initiation tool.


Short answer: Jing Wei. I've mained Jing Wei since the moment she got released in Smite 1. She was my first diamond character and the one I have the most worshipers on! I was pleasantly surprised when she got announced in the roster of Smite 2 and I'm more than impressed about all the changes they made to her kit. Visually she looks very similar, but her quality and details are so much cleaner! I can't wait to level her up to rank 10 in Smite 2 as well.


Scylla is my primary main but with her having not being in Smite 2 just yet, I've been maining Anubis and I love how he feels in mid lane in Smite 2! He has decent mobility and solid lane lockdown, especially with the adjustments that Smite 2 has given him. (Plus the Blight Hound skin is peak.)

Boomer's avatar

10/10 would give head scratches 😊 but I'm not too sure it would go well ...😆...👻


Personally, Ares has the biggest glow out of the alpha release gods. The detail upgrade compared to his previous model in Smite 1 is soooo much better.

Ford James's avatar

Hey Jomur, just a heads up, I think you may have entered the wrong bounty with this submission! This one is all about who your main is (which, if it's also Ares, is totally fine and you can edit your submission to explain why!), while the bounty about the god with the best glow up is here. Feel free to copy your submission over! ✌


Aphrodite! People don’t really like aphro for her abilities but I find her fun to play, I’m not very good at her but I like her ability colours, I like the sounds they make she’s just very pleasing to me! I also own most of her skins now and hope to own most of her SMITE 2 skins in the future, forever an aphro main!!(thanks for the heads up James!)


Kukulkán! I played so much with him in duo with Hadas in 3v3. Great memories


In Smite 1, Susanoo was already the most powerful god for me and my main, but in Smite 2, his first ability is even faster! Now my resets will be even quicker, xD. Plus, his appearance in Smite 2, like the effects of those lightning bolts coming from his sword, is awesome. The good thing is that his ability kit hasn’t changed much, just his ultimate, which seems smaller

HastyBoyX's avatar

I don't really main any of the gods that are available right now, so I just need to wait for my real mains join S2 eventually, really hoping for CuChulainn and Cthulhu joining soon!

SnowieGinja's avatar

Neith! I can play her in mid and carry. I've even dabbled with her in jungle a few times during the alpha weekends (not by choice) and even that was fun! I don't have a "main" in SMITE, I play a lot of gods, but right now Neith is my go to in SMITE 2!


Kukulkán is my favorite god, in Smite 1 I have more than 600 games of Kukulkán and in Smite 2, with the new changes in items and especially in skill 2, I think the god is extremely strong and fun to play. I can't wait to try it out in Smite 2.


Jing Wei i've always loved her kit and the new ability 2 feels really nice


Scylla but she isn't in smite 2 at this moment. For now it's Jing Wei the updated kit is really nice and feels like this is how she should've been when she released


Aphrodite! People don’t really like aphro for her abilities but I find her fun to play, I’m not very good at her but I like her ability colours, I like the sounds they make she’s just very pleasing to me! I also own most of her skins now and hope to own most of her SMITE 2 skins in the future, forever an aphro main!!

Ford James's avatar

Hey Skellyton, thanks for entering this bounty! Just a heads up though - you’ve submitted a comment rather than a bounty entry. Scroll up and make sure you click “submit to this bounty” and paste your comment in to be eligible for a prize!


My 2 mains are Neith and Bellona

Ford James's avatar

Hey Vingamer, could you expand on your reasons why they're your two mains a little? We need a little more detail to be able to award a prize when the bounty closes!


Bacchus, that god is so powerful right now I think he may be the best solo laner in the game

Ford James's avatar

Hey NotAValveGame, just a heads up, you've replied to this bounty with a comment rather than a submission! To fix this, just scroll up and click 'submit to this bounty' instead, then you'll be eligible for a prize. ✌


Thank you for letting me know.


Currently Hecate.. hopefully Amaterasu when she comes.

Ford James's avatar

Hey Dadnaya, could you expand on why Hecate is your main? We need a little more detail to be able to award a prize when the bounty closes! ✌


almost any ADC is good in DMG and just great at a distance


Anubis is my main god and he with new changes is very much better


Susano. Cuz he's just better looking and feels better than other gods in Game


meu personagem principal em smite 2 até o momento é o loki, muito por eu jogar na jungle a muito tempo, mas tambem por ainda nao ter o personagem silvano, que é o meu principal no smite


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