Izanami, the matron of the dead in Japanese mythology, is the mother of both Amaterasu and Susano, two other playable SMITE 2 gods. She's also much more flexible in this game than she was in the original thanks to her newfound focus on hybrid scaling.
If you've been playing Izanami in SMITE 2, this is your opportunity to imbue some knowledge on the rest of us. What do her abilities do? How have they changed? What are some of her best builds? What tips do you have for playing her? Teach us all of this and more in a complete Izanami guide!
If you submit a video guide, you'll be eligible for a $10 prize, whereas written guides can net $4.
Izanami is a very versatile and useful carry/Midliner, who thanks to her basics that traverse, her abilities that give her attack speed, a very good escape and the ability to silence, make her A great character to be used aggressively, pressuring the enemy and 1 vs 1 combats
Passive (Death draws Nigh): Izanami gains 0.4% penetration and 0.5 intelligence for every 1% of your Max health taken as damage
This works with stacks and each stack fades 10 sec after the damage was taken having a maximum stack of 50
First ability (Sickle storm):Izanami significantly increases her attack speed for 6 seconds and deals bleed damage and bonus damage to structures.
When using this ability the basics stop passing through all enemies or structures, the attack speed can increase up to 50% and the bleed damage works with stacks and after 4 ticks it scales with intelligence
This ability can be activated without breaking the invisibility of the third ability (Fade away)
Second ability (Spectral Projection): Izanami throws a spectral form of herself in a straight line in front of her, dealing physical damage and slowing enemies hit by the ability.
The spectral form passes through enemies and walls, and can also be launched without breaking the invisibility of the third ability (Fade away).
Third ability (Fade away): Izanami goes underground and comes out at the selected place within the allowed area gaining movement speed and becoming invisible.
Fourth ability (Dark portal): Izanami creates a portal in the place the player selects causing instant physical damage, silencing, slowing and causing subsequent physical damage by ticks to the enemy gods affected by the ability
Izanami can be a Midliner or a carry, I will show a Build that can be used for both cases
Optional items
These items are variations of the previous build in case you need to change it due to the type of game you are playing.
How to play?
You can see that Izanami is not only a great contender in 1 vs 1 but can cause surprise attacks or successfully escape, However, I will give you some tips for playing with Izanami:
Taking advantage of his passive, he can pressure and be aggressive in the early game, having an advantage over the enemy gods by being able to push the wave of minions with just basic attacks.
Her first ability allows her to take down structures faster than other gods and by using the third escape ability, Izanami can surprise in different lanes and take down structures quickly without much risk
While her third ability can be used to escape, it also serves to attack or win a team fight, since the enemy does not know where Izanami went and being invisible you can surprise to the enemy god and kill him quickly using the other skills or in a 1 vs 1 fight you can use this ability in the middle of the fight to disorient the enemy and kill him thanks to that
Her fourth ability is very useful in team fights or 1 vs 1, thanks to the fact that by silencing enemies she can quickly gain an advantage to finish them off and prevent them from escaping with some ability or other cast that does damage to your team
Do not forget that Izanami can have a great attack speed thanks to his abilities, which you can choose to buy other items and sacrifice attack speed since Izanami will generate it with his abilities
Izanami is one of the strongest lane-dominant ADCs in the game thanks to her u basic attacks that pierce through enemies and return like boomerangs, allowing her to clear waves and pressure opponents.
Passive: Festering Wounds
Izanami’s basic attacks apply a stacking debuff that reduces healing and deals bonus damage over time.
1️⃣ Silent Wind (Dash)
- Izanami dashes forward, becoming invisible and gaining movement speed.
- She can fire a basic attack during the dash to end it early and deal bonus damage.
Pro Tip:
- Use this to reposition in fights, escape ganks or chase down low health enemies.
- The invisibility makes it great for juking or setting up ambushes.
2️⃣ Sickle Storm
- Izanami throws a fan of sickle blades in a cone damaging all enemies hit.
- Enemies hit are slowed, and the ability deals bonus damage to minions.
Great for:
- Clearing waves quickly in the early game.
- Poking enemies in lane or slowing them during fights.
3️⃣ Dark Portal
- Izanami summons a portal that damages and silences enemies who pass through it.
- The portal lasts for several seconds, creating a zone of control.
When to use:
- Use it to silence key abilities from mages or assassins diving you.
Why it’s awesome:
- It’s a great tool for both offense and defense, disrupting enemy combos and protecting yourself.
4️⃣ Hino’s Wrath (Ultimate)
- Izanami throws a massive sickle that explodes dealing damage and slowing enemies.
- The explosion leaves behind a pool that damages enemies over time.
Who to target:
- Use it on grouped up enemies in team fights .
- Great for securing kills on enemies or zoning during objectives like Gold Fury or Fire Giant.
🗡️ Playstyle Summary
1. Early Game:
- Focus on clearing waves with Sickle Storm and poking your lane opponent, keep poking enemies with a wave and don't fight between waves you are stronger with waves .
2. Mid Game:
- Rotate to team fights and use your ultimate to zone or burst down grouped enemies and use Silent Wind to reposition or escape dangerous situations.
3. Late Game:
- Stay at the backline and shred tanks with your basics and passive and use Dark Portal and Hino’s Wrath to control objectives and team fights.
Key Tips for Success
- Target Selection: prioritize squishy targets (mages, hunters) but don’t ignore tanks—your passive and basics shred them over time especially if you build quins .
- *Positioning:* Stay at max range and use your abilities to control the battlefield.
- *Objective Control: Use Hino’s Wrath and Dark Portal* to secure objectives and zone enemies.
Remember: Izanami excels at sustained damage and area control. Play smart, position well, and you’ll dominate team fights!
Izanami is one of the most unique hunters in Smite 2 duo to hear basic attacks that go throw enemies and minions.
Her main role is ADC.
Izanami's abilities and passive
Passive Death Draws Nigh: Izanami gains Physical Penetration and Intelligence as she loses health.
Sickle Storm: Izanami increases her attack speed for a limited time, but her basics no longer pierce enemies or return to her during this time, while shes under the sickle storm effect she deals additional damage to structures and causing the enemies to bleed.
Spectral Projection: Izanami sends forth a spectral projection of herself, dealing Physical Damage and Slowing all Enemies hit in a line.
Fade Away:Izanami descends into the underworld, becoming Stealthed, and leaps away from her current position and also gets movement speed while she's under her fade away effect.
Dark Portal: Izanami summons a dark portal dealing physical damage to the target she hits silenced and slow them.
Build for Izanami:
This is my main build for hunters after testing a lot of build, a mix between crit, attack speed, and penetration, gives you and advantage to melt enemies very fast even tanks.
Izanami is a strong 1 vs 1 god because of her passive and kit so when you play in duo lane don't be scared to fight your enemy
starting your fight using your 2 to slow the enemy then ult him for silence and activate your 1 this gives you the advantage to kill your enemy and stay alive.
Izanami is one of the most lane pressure ADCs in the entire game thanks to her ability to push all minions with her basics that pass through enemies and come back at her like boomerangs. In addition, she has a good 1v1 against other carries thanks to her passive, the good attack speed that she gains from her 1 and the silence of her ultimate. Thanks to this, izanami, in addition to serving as a carry, can also serve as mid
Passive: Death Draws Nigh
Izanami gains stacks of 0.4% physical penetration and 0.5 intelligence for every 1% of maximum life missing up to a maximum of 50 stacks. Thanks to this ability, Izanami becomes stronger the longer the fights last, making it possible to win fights that at first would seem impossible.
1 Skill: Sickle Storm
This skill applies several effects, first, Izanami gets an increase in Attack speed and projectile speed with the disadvantage that her basics no longer pass through the targets, also hitting enemies with this skill activated causes them to bleed out, receiving damage over time and at the same time does extra damage to enemy structures
2 Skill: Spectral Projection
Izanami summons a ghost that passes through enemies in front of her in a rectangular area, dealing damage and slowing them. This ability provides considerable burst damage to ensure kills from a distance.
3 Skill: Fade Away
This is a very good mobility skill and the main form of escape. Izanami moves below the ground, becoming invisible at the end of the move and gaining movement speed that can last up to 5 seconds depending on the skill level. Casting Izanami's 1 and 2 do not cancel invisibility, which allows you to surprise your opponent with a lot of damage
4 Skill: Dark Portal
Izanami summons a portal in the ground that silences and slows enemies it hits in addition to dealing instant damage and overtime damage for 2 seconds. This skill can prevent the escape of an enemy thanks to the silence and with the addition of damage and slow, it makes it a very good skill to lock in an enemy and win the fight.
skill order
Here I will leave a build that serves both the role of carry or mid
Izanami Izanami is a basic attack character. Her uniqueness lies in the fact that her basic attacks deal area damage.
Build Builds should focus on attack speed, penetration, critical strikes, and life steal. Items like The Executioner are indispensable for her. Example build: link
Combos Use her second ability to damage and slow the enemy. Then, activate her first ability to gain a power buff for your basic attacks. Use her ultimate to secure a kill or cast her third ability to escape. The ultimate also silences enemies, making it very useful for teamfights and securing objectives.
Izanami's third ability provides temporary invisibility, which can be extremely helpful for escaping enemies. However, note that this ability requires a few seconds before teleporting, so avoid waiting too long to escape, as the enemy might kill you before you can teleport.
Roles She is primarily played as an ADC but can also be used in the mid or solo lane. Thanks to her area basic attacks damage and her second ability, she can clear minion waves very easily. She is very good in Duel, Arena, and Joust game modes.
Izanami is a high-damage ranged Hunter who thrives on burst damage and outplaying enemies with stealth and precision. Her kit revolves around sustained damage, crowd control, and mobility, making her an aggressive yet risky pick.
Passive – Death Draws Near
Reduces respawn time upon dying, helping her return to battles faster.
First Ability – Sickle Storm
Activates spinning sickles for increased attack speed and bonus damage to enemies.
Second Ability – Spectral Projection
Throws a sickle forward, dealing damage and slowing enemies hit.
Third Ability – Fade Away
Izanami becomes invisible and gains movement speed for a short time, perfect for escaping or setting up ambushes.
Ultimate – Dark Portal
Creates a portal in a target area, stunning and damaging enemies caught within.
Playstyle and Build
Izanami excels in the ADC role, focusing on maximizing attack speed and critical hits. Her stealth and high burst make her ideal for aggressive engagements.
Ability Leveling Order
Max Sickle Storm (1) → Spectral Projection (2) → Fade Away (3). Upgrade Dark Portal (4) whenever possible.
Core Items
Hunter Build: Prioritize attack speed, penetration, and lifesteal with items like Death's Embrance, Hastened Fatalis, and Qins Blade.
High Burst Damage: Sickle Storm and Dark Portal deal immense damage.
Stealth Utility: Fade Away enables repositioning and ambushes.
Crowd Control: Spectral Projection slows, and Dark Portal stuns.
Fragile: Susceptible to crowd control and burst damage.
Skill-Dependent: Requires precise ability use for maximum impact.
Cooldown Reliance: Vulnerable during ability downtime.
Tips for Playing Izanami
Engage Smartly: Open with Fade Away to position, then follow with Spectral Projection and Sickle Storm for burst damage.
Use Dark Portal Wisely: Save your ultimate for crucial fights to lock down key targets or disrupt enemy plans.
Capitalize on Stealth: Use Fade Away for aggressive setups or to escape tricky situations.
Izanami may looks a great choice because of her basic attack with ridiculously damage, but in balance her other skills are hard to use , and some time isn't that efficient compared to other carry gods. The best part is that you will deal good damage with you auto attack specially if you do a mix of STR and INT build to be efficient again of all kind of gods!
One good thing about Izanami is that she get strong when she is with low heath because her passive Death Draws Nigh, that will give penetration and intelligence for more damage you suffer, and this will allow you to turn a combat killing the enemy in the end, but this will need tons of practice.
And to see how she is focused on her auto attack the Sickle Storm is a skill that will increase you auto attack damage and speed for 6 seconds!
And the Spectral Projection is more a tradicional active skill that you shot a projection of your god dealing physical damage.
And the Fade Away will be your skill to plan an attack or how to flee from the death, and maybe this will bem the grate diferencial of Izanami and it will let her on stealth and you be able to reproach a enemy group of run away from it without be tracked. And it could be a key point to turn a team fight
Her ultra, the Dark Portal, will create a circle on the ground and deal instant damage and over time, it is a small circle but can hit more than one enemy and can kill it after a few seconds if the hit isn't enough to end the enemy heath!
Izanami stands out as one of the most oppressive ADCs (Attack Damage Carries) in Smite 2, combining exceptional early-game dominance, tank-shredding potential, and superb mobility. In this guide, we’ll dive deep into Izanami’s kit, strengths, and strategies to help you excel in the arena.
Izanami excels in early-game wave clear, allowing her to build a lead quickly and pressure her opponents into submission. Her kit is designed to dismantle tanks with her penetration scaling and to slow and disrupt enemies with her crowd-control abilities.
Izanami's wave clear is unparalleled, allowing her to dominate the lane and force opponents to play defensively.
Her passive (Death Draws Nigh) provides Physical Penetration based on her missing health, making her a tank-shredding powerhouse.
With Fade Away, Izanami can easily escape dangerous situations or set up ambushes, giving her great versatility.
Slows and silences from abilities like Spectral Projection and Dark Portal make her a strong team fight disruptor.
Sickle Storm allows Izanami to deal bonus damage to structures, making her a key player for pushing objectives like towers and Phoenixes.
Her ultimate, Dark Portal, delivers burst damage, applies a bleed, and silences enemies, providing significant control and damage in group engagements.
Like many ADCs, Izanami is fragile with low health and defenses, making her an easy target for burst damage.
While dominant early on, Izanami struggles to match the scaling of other ADCs in the late game, potentially falling off in extended matches.
Her basic attacks require precise positioning to maximize the damage from both the outgoing and returning projectiles.
Abilities like Fade Away and Sickle Storm have relatively long cooldowns, leaving her vulnerable if used inefficiently.
Despite her mobility, Izanami is highly susceptible to stuns, slows, and other forms of crowd control that can disrupt her DPS or escape plans.
While strong early, her damage output doesn't scale as effectively as other ADCs in the late game, making her less impactful against well-equipped enemies.
Izanami shines as a powerful early-game ADC, capable of quickly snowballing her advantage and dominating the battlefield. However, her squishy nature and reliance on early momentum mean that careful positioning and cooldown management are crucial. To maximize her impact, capitalize on her oppressive start and rely on your team to protect her during the late game.
This is a quick and easy guide to playing Izanami at a high level. Izanami is a simple God and great for new players.
Izanami has hybrid scaling which means she benefits from all meta items (see below).
Izanami has fantastic wave clear and can farm efficiently.
Izanami has very high base damage and penetration.
Her dash is technically a jump, so you can traverse over (under) walls.
Doesn't have any hard cc (crowd control) in her kit (stun, knockup etc.)
She also has no cc immunity (protection from cc)
Feast or Famine playstyle. Izanami is considerably stronger as her health decreases, which is when you're at your most vulnerable
Skill Explanation (See Image Below)
Passive – Death Draws Nigh
Izanami gains Physical Penetration and Intelligence for each 1% of her Max Health taken as damage. Each stack fades 10 seconds after the damage was taken, and the stack count cannot drop below the percentage of her current missing health.
Basic Attack
She throws a piercing projectile that deals Physical Damage to all enemies hit. The projectile returns after reaching its max range or hitting a wall, dealing additional Physical Damage to enemies on its way back. Item effects trigger only on the first target hit per attack. Projectile speed increases with higher Attack Speed, up to a maximum of a 45% increase at 2.0 Attack Speed.
Ability 1 – Sickle Storm
Izanami significantly increases her Attack Speed for 6 seconds. During this time, her Basic Attacks deal additional Physical Damage but no longer pierce enemies or return to her. These attacks also deal bonus damage to structures and apply a stacking Bleed effect to enemies hit. The Bleed damage is multiplied with each stack and ticks every 0.5 seconds. Sickle Storm can be activated without breaking Stealth from Fade Away and can be cancelled early to end its effects.
Ability 2 – Spectral Projection
Izanami sends forth a spectral projection of herself, dealing Physical Damage and slowing all enemies in a line. This ability passes through enemies and walls and can be cast without breaking Stealth from Fade Away.
Ability 3 – Fade Away
Izanami descends into the underworld, becoming Stealthed, and leaps away from her current position. While in Stealth, she gains increased Movement Speed. Sickle Storm and Spectral Projection can be used without breaking Stealth.
Ultimate – Dark Portal
Izanami summons a dark portal at a target location, dealing instant Physical Damage and additional Physical Damage over time. Damaged enemies are also Silenced and Slowed. The Slow and Damage over time effects start strong and fade away over 2 seconds. The Slow is not affected by diminishing returns.
Order: 2>3>1>2>4
Max: 2>4>1>3
Combo: 2>auto>4>auto>1>auto + use 3 to dodge or reposition.
Burst : 1>2+4>auto.
Item Build
In the current meta you don't need much else. Although you can potentially flex one lifesteal item (Bloodforge) for Odysseus Bow.
Final Thoughts
Prioritise Farm over anything else, you shouldn't look to fight before 5 if you can avoid it.
You're at your strongest at 50% HP.
Use your 3 to "juke" ganks by turning invisible and changing direction.
Alternatively you can cast your 1 and 2 while maintaining invisibility, (but not auto attack) allowing you to setup an attack on an unsuspecting enemy!
Aesthetically, Izanami is one of the most beautiful characters because she combines strength with elegance at the same time. She has several abilities that allow her to strike both at a distance and up close, so she is a rather versatile character.
Jump Ability
Dark Portal: Through an invocation, Izanami is able to inflict damage and at the same time silence all enemies in her range of action.
Dissolve: This ability allows Izanami to recover and become invisible, thus having the possibility of moving from her position while under attack.
Enhancement Ability
Scythe Storm: For a few seconds she throws her scythes improved in speed and power. While using the ability, she also has attack speed active with additional damage to the basic one.
Death Approaches: The basic attack inflicts 75% damage, allows her to acquire, approaching death, 4% physical penetration up to a maximum of 20%.
Online Skills
Spectral Protection: With this skill Izanami not only slows down her enemies, but also inflicts damage. This skill consists of a spectral projection of herself in attack.
Hey projectazone, thanks for submitting to this reward. I thought I'd share a little piece of advice - submissions that share your personal experience with the game are much more likely to win an award.
For example, if you've played SMITE 2 and you've used Izanami, your submission could talk about how you use the abilities or tell us which ones you feel are most effective or fun. This helps us to see that you (and other members) are connected to the game, and those submissions are more likely to receive an award. Does that make sense?
We really love your enthusiasm so I just wanted to share some advice. I hope it helps 🙂
The new how it works article gives more information and you can always tag me ( Boomer ) or any of our team members if you have any questions.
Once a members' submission has been assessed they're not able to submit to the same reward. Thankfully there are plenty of other rewards available where you can share your knowledge and experience 🙂Best of luck!
Izanami is an amazing ADC in Smite 2, and she has many strengths. She can crowd control enemies, use wave clear & shred down tanks, all of which can help you gain an amazing early lead.
For each one percent of her max health that’s been taken as damage, she gains intelligence as well as physical penetration.
Here are her stats:
Physical penetration - 0.4% per stack
Intelligence - 0.5% per stack
Max stacks - 50
Something super cool about her is she can throw a piercing projectile that deals physical damage to all enemies it hits or passes through. Remember, the projectile speed can also increase with higher attack speed.
She also summons a dark portal at a target location. This deals immediate physical damage as well as applying a bleed which is further physical damage.
Hey JCPeters23, thanks for submitting to this reward. I just want to share the same advice I offered another member in this thread.
submissions that share your personal experience with the game are much more likely to win an award.
We want to see your personal experience with the game featured prominently in your submission, as this is what makes it unique. Having the facts laid out so clearly is really useful, but in future submissions it'd be great if you could tell us about your experience, e.g. what worked and what didn't work for you.
Thanks again for submitting, and feel free to tag me if you have any questions 🙂
Izanami, the Matron of the Dead, is a high-damage hunter in SMITE 2 with a unique attack mechanic and excellent lane-clearing potential. Her kit makes her a formidable choice for players who love aggressive gameplay and high-pressure tactics in the early game. Let’s dive into mastering her playstyle!
Role and Playstyle
Izanami is typically played as a carry in the duo lane. Her strengths lie in her ability to clear waves quickly and poke enemies from a distance. She thrives when played aggressively in the early game but requires careful positioning due to her lack of escape abilities.
Abilities Overview
Passive: Death Draws Nigh Izanami gains increased movement speed and stealth for a short duration after dropping below a health threshold. This passive can help her escape sticky situations or re-engage fights when played strategically.
1st Ability: Sickle Storm Izanami activates spinning sickles, increasing her basic attack damage while hitting all enemies in a small radius. This ability is excellent for both wave clear and boxing enemy gods.
2nd Ability: Spectral Projection She throws a spectral sickle in a straight line, damaging enemies and slowing them. It’s a great ability for poking enemies or securing kills on fleeing opponents.
3rd Ability: Fade Away Izanami becomes invisible for a short time, gaining movement speed and passing through minions and walls. This is her only mobility tool, so use it wisely for escapes or repositioning.
Ultimate: Dark Portal Izanami opens a portal to the underworld, dealing massive damage in a line and silencing all enemies hit. It’s perfect for initiating fights, securing kills, or disrupting enemy abilities.
Build Guide
Core Items:
Death’s Toll: Boosts her early game sustain with basic attack healing.
Transcendence: Gives power, mana, and cooldown reduction, enhancing her ability spam.
Qin’s Sais: Increases her damage output against tankier targets with health-based damage.
Situational Items:
The Executioner: To shred through enemy protections.
Titan’s Bane: For high burst damage against tanks.
Wind Demon: Pairs well with her crits, adding attack speed and mobility.
Early Game
Izanami’s early game is strong due to her wave-clearing capabilities. Use Sickle Storm to clear minion waves quickly and pressure the enemy ADC. Harass enemies with Spectral Projection to keep them on the back foot. Focus on farming efficiently and gaining lane dominance early.
Mid Game
As objectives like Gold Fury come into play, position yourself to deal consistent damage while staying safe. Use Fade Away to reposition in fights, and save Dark Portal for key moments like silencing an enemy jungler diving your backline.
Late Game and Teamfights
In the late game, Izanami becomes a high-damage backline shredder. Stay behind your frontline and use Sickle Storm for maximum damage output. Time Fade Away carefully to escape danger or reposition for optimal damage. Use Dark Portal to silence key enemies and turn the tide of fights.
Tips and Tricks
Wave Clear is Your Strength: Use Sickle Storm early to dominate the lane and rotate faster than your opponents.
Master Fade Away: It’s your only mobility tool, so don’t waste it. Use it to escape dives or surprise enemies.
Ultimate Timing: Use Dark Portal to disrupt enemy ultimates or silence key targets during critical moments.
Positioning is Key: Izanami is fragile, so always maintain a safe distance from enemy threats.
Good Against:
Gods with low mobility, like Artemis or Anubis, who struggle to dodge her ranged attacks.
Struggles Against:
Highly mobile assassins, like Serqet or Ratatoskr, who can dive her easily and exploit her lack of escape.
Izanami is perfect for players who enjoy a mix of high-pressure early gameplay and late-game carry potential. With her wave-clear dominance and strong poking abilities, she can control the pace of the game and secure key victories for her team. Just remember to position carefully and play smart—you’re the Matron of the Dead, not invincible
SMITE 2 Izanami Guide: Mastering the Mistress of the Underworld
Izanami, the Mistress of the Underworld, is a high-damage, stealthy hunter who excels at clearing waves and shredding enemies with her unique basic attack mechanics. Her ability to engage, disengage, and deal massive damage makes her a strong pick for those who enjoy aggressive ADC gameplay. This guide will cover her abilities, ideal builds, and gameplay strategies to help you master Izanami in SMITE 2.
Abilities Overview
Sickle Storm (Enhanced Basic Attacks): Izanami’s auto-attacks become faster and deal increased damage for a short duration. This ability is key to her burst potential.
Spectral Projection (Skill Shot & Slow): She throws a sickle in a line, damaging and slowing enemies. If an enemy dies while slowed, she gains permanent attack speed.
Fade Away (Stealth & Mobility): Izanami vanishes into the shadows, gaining movement speed and becoming untargetable for a short period. This is useful for repositioning or escaping.
Dark Portal (Ultimate CC & Damage): She summons a portal that deals high damage and silences enemies hit, making it a great tool for initiation and disruption.
Recommended Build
Core Items:
Devourer’s Gauntlet – Provides lifesteal and power, enhancing Izanami’s sustain.
Executioner – Reduces enemy protections with each basic attack, making it essential for shredding tanks.
Qin’s Sais – Deals bonus damage based on enemy health, increasing her efficiency against high-health targets.
Situational Items:
Wind Demon – Grants crit chance and movement speed on crits, useful for kiting.
Deathbringer – Enhances critical damage, making Izanami a late-game powerhouse.
Early Game: Use Izanami’s fast wave clear to pressure your opponent. Stay safe and poke enemies with Spectral Projection.
Mid Game: Utilize Fade Away for surprise ganks or escapes. Rotate to objectives and apply pressure in fights.
Late Game: Position yourself carefully, use Dark Portal to silence key enemies, and unleash Sickle Storm to obliterate opponents.
Combos to Master
Engage Combo:Spectral Projection to slow → Activate Sickle Storm → Auto-attack shred → Dark Portal for finishing damage.
Escape Combo:Fade Away to stealth → Reposition → Use Spectral Projection to slow pursuers.
Final Thoughts
Izanami is a strong hunter who thrives on aggressive positioning and high damage output. Master her stealth mechanics, time your abilities correctly, and you’ll become a nightmare for the enemy team.