Team composition is a crucial component of any hero-based game because you need to ensure you have every aspect of the game covered, from dealing damage and being aggressive to playing support and healing your teammates. SMITE 2 has roles which help with this, but with so many gods available in each lane, it's not easy to know the best team comp.
This is where you come in: we want to know the team composition you think is the best right now in SMITE 2 and why. Six gods, imagine bans are off the table so they're all available, and tell us why you'd go for each one.
Chaac (Solo Lane) (No Aspect) Early Game: He has an easy wave clear with Thunder Strike and Torrent. Thanks to Rain Dance, he can sustain well in lane. Mid Game: He has a great escape and area damage by this point in the game, making it difficult to kill him. Late Game: In team fights, Chaac can initiate with his ability Storm Call, but make sure to have good positioning.
Ra (Mid Lane) (With Aspect) Early Game: Use Solar Blessing to keep yourself safe while dealing damage to enemies. His ability Celestial Beam is excellent for clearing minion waves and poking opponents. Mid and Late Game: Focus on team fights. Use Solar Blessing to heal your team and Searing Pain to shred enemies with your area damage.
Hun Batz (Jungle) (With Aspect) Early Game: Use Scared Monkey for quick ganks in lanes, and use Overhand Smash to disorient enemies and gain map control. Mid Game: Use your crowd control and high mobility to overwhelm the enemy team in mid-map fights. Late Game: In team fights, his Fear No Evil can turn the tide of the battle. Use it to interrupt enemies and leave them with no options.
Afrodita (Support) Early Game: Take advantage of her healing with Kiss and Love Birds to keep your allies alive. Use Back Off! to control enemies and protect your ADC. Mid Game: Use your healing and crowd control abilities to ensure your team doesn't fall behind in team fights. Keep in mind that you can be fragile, so make sure to maintain distance. Late Game: Afrodita is great at protecting your ADC and weakening enemies. Keep healing your team, especially remember to use Undying Love if someone is in serious danger.
Jing Wei (ADC) Early Game: Use her mobility to farm safely and poke enemies with her basic attacks. Explosive Bolts will help you deal a lot of critical damage. Don't forget to use Agility to keep yourself safe. Mid Game: Her Persistent Gust gives her great kite potential and damage, so use this ability to deal damage in fights and stay away from enemy assassins. Late Game: With her ability Air Strike, you can reposition quickly and change the course of fights, ensuring you can deal damage from a distance without putting your life at risk. Always use Explosive Bolts, especially in team fights, as by this point in the game your crit chance will be increased by your items.
This team has a great amount of area damage thanks to Chaac, Hun Batz, Ra, and Jing Wei. Chaac provides area damage with Thunder Strike and Storm Call, allowing him to hit multiple enemies in team fights. Hun Batz can cause havoc with Overhand Smash and his ultimate Fear No Evil, which not only deals area damage but also disrupts the enemy team. Ra contributes with Celestial Beam and his ultimate Searing Pain, capable of hitting multiple enemies from a distance. Finally, Jing Wei enhances this potential with Explosive Bolts, allowing her to deal critical damage in an area with her basic attacks.
In terms of crowd control, the team is well-equipped. Chaac can interrupt multiple enemies with his ultimate Storm Call, stunning them if they are within the area. Hun Batz is a major threat with his ultimate Fear No Evil, which forces enemies to scatter and can completely change the course of a fight. Aphrodite also provides control with Kiss, which stuns an enemy if it lands successfully, and with Back Off!, which pushes enemies away from her and her linked ally.
Additionally, the team has excellent healing capabilities. Ra can heal his entire team with Solar Blessing, giving them sustain in extended fights. Aphrodite, on the other hand, offers constant single-target healing through her Kiss link, allowing her to keep her ADC or a frontliner alive in critical situations.
Finally, the team also has great burst damage potential. Jing Wei, with her critical build, can deal massive damage in a short amount of time, especially in the late game. Ra, with his ability to attack from long range using Searing Pain, can punish enemies before they even reach the fight, weakening them before the direct engagement.
Overall, this team combines area damage, crowd control, healing, and deadly burst potential, making it a serious threat in team fights and difficult to defeat in extended engagements.
There is a lot of great team composition in Smite 2, but I will show you the best one in my opinion. I will focus on the gods that are great in team fights due to their team fights ultimate and abilities.
Starting with
Solo lane
Hades: he is a great magical god for solo lane, strong lane phase, with good abilities for clear minions, and his ultimate for team fights is one of the greatest
Mid lane
Poseidon: good magical with great abilities for lane pressure and clearing minions, with cooldown build you can spam his abilities so fast, strong ultimate that can one shot some of the gods late game.
Hun Batz: best assassin in smite 2 for now, good abilities for fast clear jungle camps, and can get kill by gank lanes early due to his good damage abilities, and his ultimate is by far one of the strongest ultimates in the game, his ult is a great combo with Hades and Poseidon.
hunter (adc)
Cupid: great hunter can handle any 1 vs 1 fights, strong on duo lane with good abilities for clear, has a healing ability which gives him sustain, his ultimate is the strongest ultimate for a hunter in smite 2 and it's a good combo with this team.
Ares: powerful guardian with a lot of cc abilities, he can 1 vs 1 any god even when he is a support with tank build, and his ultimate makes him the perfect support for this team combo.
I chose Bellona because in my opinion she has a series of abilities that allow her to have a good chance of winning the lane, be aggressive and kill the enemy god in her lane, rotate quickly, steal buffs without much risk and in team fights with his ulty he would be a great help for the entire team
Morrigan is a very versatile character, but I chose her for midliner because she is a god who can attack by surprise and do a lot of damage quickly which is useful against other Midliners who normally They have a short life bar, and can also steal Buffs from a distance thanks to her second ability, she can attack by surprise in other lanes thanks to her third ability and with her ulty or Fourth ability can transform into any enemy god in the game giving many options on how to win in team fights or 1 vs 1 combats
Ulr I think he is one of the most powerful carries currently in the game, and in combination with Ymir, the support I chose, they would make a great combo in the early game thanks to their stuns, high damage abilities and the possibility of stopping an enemy in case of escape. It should also be noted that a well-used Ulr is a big problem since it can instantly kill if hit the right combo on enemies with a short life bar
Ymir is my favorite support but I chose him because his abilities are very helpful in all lanes as well as dealing good damage if necessary, can help stun enemies with his freeze, create a wall to prevent them from escaping or help an ally escape, with his Ulty or fourth ability he can do great damage to ensure A jungle buff or in a team fight, it deals great damage, and thanks to its basics, the enemies will be slower and that helps the allied team to kill them faster.
Hun bratz
Hun Bratz is a god recently added to Smite 2 but with some slight changes with Smite 1 that made him one of the most powerful characters in the game and a very dangerous jungler, Thanks to its great damage at a distance, its ability to stun in an area and to carry out surprise attacks with great damage in a short time, they make it a great tool for the team because he can clear the jungle quickly, kill enemy gods in the different lanes and even in 1 vs 1 come out victorious due to his damage and speed.
This team in my opinion has a good synergy when together since each god complements the strengths and weaknesses of the other, and if they coordinate they can create combos that without a doubt allow them to win team fights throughout the game and ultimately win the game.
I'm late to this one so somebody already took my OP comp... That's ok though, here's a similar one that I think can perform just as well.
Chaac (Solo) - Chaac is an underrated menace right now, he keeps flying under the radar thanks to all the Ra and Sobeks in the solo lane. He has short cooldowns and deals crazy damage while remaining very tanky in team fights. His large AOE silence ultimate can cause an entire enemy team to wipe provided he has the right team by his side.
Aladdin (Jungle) - Aladdin even after countless nerfs is still the undisputed best character in the game in my eyes in the right hands, he is hard to master sure but once you understand everything about him late game he cannot be defeated. Early game is pretty meh though so don't feed early!
Hecate (Mid) - Hecate has shown us that again in the right hands she can pull off miracles, her giant AOE ultimate pairs nicely with the likes of chaac to sweep up an entire enemy team, chunk their hps bars and then displace them into your backline. She also has crazy good safety again with her displacement ult, shield, and self peel from her AO1.
Ra (Support) - I chose to put Ra here because of his aspect and the fact that this comp already has a nice frontliner being Chaac. He will help keep immense pressure in duo lane with healing and good wave clear and late game he will be able to stay alive while buffing and healing his team.
Jing Wei (Adc) - There are a few adcs I thought to put in this spot but Jing Wei just has such incredible safety and with her passive she is able to return to lane quickly even if she is pushed out. She is a farming MACHINE and will usually hit level 20 before most others because of that. Her AOE crits pair nicely with this comp and even alone she can tear apart just about anyone.
After playing a lot of ranked and watching the vegas tourney i think this is the best team composition in smite 2 currently
Solo: Ra, hes an amazing pick for solo right now. with his new changes in smite 2 he gets pressure in solo against any other pick. and together with his aspect he becomes ever better. the ability to aim his ult makes him so much better. the only downside he has is that he falls of lategame, but thats ok because the other gods i chose wil fill that gap.
Jungle: Aladdin, this god is just great, does insane damage. has a good kit to hyper carry the game on his own. and he can easily pick of an enemy with his ult.
Mid: Hecate, the best artillary mage in the game. A late game hypercarry with great damage and an amazing ult that can be used for defense or to engage. she also has good secure for jungle camps. so u can easily contest and look for fights around early/midgame.
Support: Yemoja, She has always been a staple in smite 1 competitive. and she wont be going anywhere anytime soon, she generates instant pressure with her ability to spam abilties. the skill ceiling on this god is massive. she can easily chance the way a teamfight will do with her ult.
Adc: Jing Wei, this is the obvious choice. She is mobile, good at farming, has insane pressure in lane and does incredible damage. Utilizes crit amazingly well and has good objective shred.
Currently in SMITE 2, balance changes are happening very fast. This means that the "best" team comp generally changes from patch to patch as new items and gods release that shake up the existing meta game.
At the most recent Vegas Founder's Series LAN, there were some clear picks that were favoured above others in certain roles. This is generally because these character's have favourable build paths on a given patch, good lane matchups or just being overtuned. This is what I would consider to be the strongest current team composition:
Solo - Thor: Thor proved to be invaluable at the Vegas LAN due to the utility, cc and backline dive potential that he has. Abusing items such as stone of binding, void shield and gargoyle's, Thor was able to played as a pseudo frontline/diver that could provide tankiness and backline threat all in one.
Jungle - Aladdin: Aladdin was banned in all but one game at the Vegas LAN, which was game 4 of the finals. Safe to say, there was a reason he was perma-banned all tournament. Between his passive wishes that grant him incredible tempo and 1v1 ability, his mobility and slipperiness is uncontested in the game and paired with his incredibly overtuned damage numbers - Aladdin is pretty strong.
Mid - Hecate: Hecate was head and shoulders above the other mid laners, this is due to her safety, self peel, high damage, insane scaling and good teamfighting ability. With characters like Neith falling out of the mid lane meta, there was not many early game characters that could be used to try and bully the Hecate matchup meaning that late-game scaling was an inevitability. (On the current patch, Gilded Arrow is broken which means Hunter's are insane in mid, meaning that Hecate loses some value as these are not good matchups for her, this item will be nerfed quickly though)
Support - Aphrodite: Aphrodite was another pick that was heavily banned throughout the tournament. This is due to her ability to peel, heal and increase damage for allies. Aphrodite's Jealousy mechanic if used well is incredibly strong. In SMITE 2, if optimally switching allies, you can provide this Jealousy buff to 3 people (2 allies + Aphrodite) which is a very strong damage buff numbers wise. Utility + CC + peel + healing means that Aphrodite as she stands, is incredibly strong in support.
ADC - Ullr: Currently in the ADC role, the variation is decent as there are many strong picks. Medusa and Jing wei currently are very strong picks, I just think that in combination with Aphrodite support, Ullr is a slightly better pairing. This is due to his incredible laning phase which beats every other ADC currently (goes about even with Medusa), his incredible burst and utility, and general survivability. His presence on the map when a good player is playing him is scary!
After watching Vegas this is what I would describe as the best comp. Note: It might not necessarily be the strongest gods per say. Its about how well they mesh together to create a balanced teamcomp.
In Vegas we found out that Relic forcing as very important. Sunder was out of the picture and thus Supports had more options for themselves. There is also the factor that we can only choose 1 Relic for the whole game. So forcing people on Shell can be very advantageous.
With this context here is what I would say is the best comp:
Solo: Thor. With his walls and Ultimate he is very all around initiator being able to choose from which angle to engage from. He is insanely OP because his wall can be dangerous not only as CC but also as pathing disruptors.
Jungle: Fenrir. With tank jungle meta, fenrir will always be good to play given that he is very good at beads forcing and he is very slippery with his 2 movement abilities. Being able to force beads for your teammates to capitalize on is something that is considered important.
Mid: Hecate. A mage with long range CC, given the space that your team will provide you Hecate is the hardest Mage long range hyper carry there is.
Support: Yemoja. Having heals and shields on almost no cooldown PLUS having double wall ultimate puts her above everyone else in this role. Long range CC and movement ability on top of all of this makes her perfect to be the team's anchor.
Hunter: Jing. With this team comp you need the hardest hunter carry. Jing with her new 2, building crit, can 100 to 0 a squishy in 2 autos in a very small time frame. Her safety is uncomparable aswell giving her a smooth ride to late game.
Playing ra with his aspect in the solo lane gives you a lot of pressure in the lane. It is very easy to clean the wave thanks to the bluestone pendant and the basics of its 2. In addition to that it provides a lot of healing for the team at the time of teamfights.
Aladdin (Jungle)
Currently Aladdin is not only the best jungler but one of the best characters in the entire game. It has the ability to clear buffs very quickly, has good mobility to gank lanes, a very good ultimate for 1v1 fights and a lot of damage in the late game.
Ullr (Mid)
Probably the best character in the game currently. It has an immense amount of damage and playing it in the mid lane allows you to add more pressure to the entire map. The combo of 1 and 3 can oneshot enemy carries easily and in addition to that it has very good mobility jumping over walls.
Geb (Support)
Geb is always a very good pick for any composition since thanks to his shield he is capable of countering many different characters and saving allies in the process. In addition to that, it has a very good ultimate that becomes better the more minutes pass in the game thanks to the percentage damage of the enemy's life.
Jing Wei (ADC)
Playing Jing Wei can be difficult at first because it has a very weak early game but after a few items it becomes an unstoppable beast. Her ability to deliver critical hits in area makes her one of the best adcs at the moment. In addition to that, he has very good mobility thanks to his 3 and his ultimate.
Mid: Anubis He has very high damage and a strong early game, which provides good control over the jungle buffs around the middle lane. He can synergize well with Athena's second ability if she attracts enemies to stay inside Anubis' third ability.
Support: Athena She has decent damage and strong crowd control (CC). Her ability to rotate easily across the conquest map with her ultimate makes her very versatile. Her second ability can force enemies into teammates' abilities, creating strong combos.
ADC: Ullr He has a versatile kit with a stun, high damage, and escape potential. Ullr's damage output is very strong, making him a threat throughout the game.
Jungle: Pele She has high burst damage and a knockup ability. Her ultimate also deals area damage, making her a strong teamfighter. Pele's knockup can set up combos with her teammates' stuns, CC, or damage abilities.
Solo: Chaac He has good wave-clear potential even in the early game. His third ability provides excellent sustain in the lane, which can translate into securing jungle objectives and putting pressure on the enemy solo laner. His ultimate also includes a knockup and increases his movement speed, which is helpful for both teamfights and chasing down escaping enemies.
In my opinion the best team comp smite 2 has seen was one played in the Vegas qualifiers the team Borscht drafted this and it was a comp that featured baron, yemoja, thanatos, morrigan and cernunos.
Baron Samedi (Solo): His sustain through healing, crowd control and devastating teamfight potential with his ult make him a cornerstone. Baron brings excellent setup for his team, forcing enemies into bad positioning and capitalizing on grouped targets.
Yemoja (Support): Yemoja’s utility as a healer and zoning god provides endless sustain for her team in fights, while her ult creates teamfight-changing walls that isolate enemies or protect allies. Pairing her healing with Baron's allows your team to dominate extended teamfights.
Thanatos (Jungle): Thanatos brings early-game dominance and snowball potential with his execute, ensuring that enemies are punished for mispositioning. His global mobility and ability to shut down squishier targets make him the perfect assassin for high-prio carries.
Morrigan (Mid): Morrigan’s ability to duplicate any god (especially Thanatos or Baron or even gods from the enemy team) adds an unpredictable element to fights. Whether she duplicates Thana for a double execute or Yemoja for extra healing and barriers, she can swing fights decisively.
Cernunnos (ADC): Cern is one of the most versatile hunters,his ult is a powerful teamfight tool that provides CC and follow-up for Baron’s or Yemoja’s setups. And his early game together with yemoja is insane to stomp duolane.
Why This Team Comp Works
This lineup excels because it combines sustain, CC and burst damage.
In my opinion there is no real best team, it all depends on your playing style, however I suggest you follow mine and why.
Hercules: Excellent for supporting teammates during the attack, also ideal for solo play.
Yemoja: Offers healing to the team, it is essential to protect allies and at the same time have control of the battlefield.
Zeus: Has the power needed to dominate the battlefield, making a good contribution to teammates during battles.
JingWei: He is a rather mobile character, he can inflict constant damage over time, and is especially effective in the advanced phase of the battle.
Thor: Last but certainly not least, he can make a significant contribution in battle, exerting some pressure against opponents, as well as being a rather mobile character.
In my opinion this is the best composition in Smite 2.
Solo Lane - Hercules
Hercules offers incredible sustain, crowd control, and damage potential, making him a dominant force in the solo lane. His ability to win trades with Mitigate Wounds and create kill opportunities with Driving Strike ensures he remains relevant throughout the game. His late-game tankiness and initiation capabilities are key for teamfights.
Support - Yemoja
Yemoja excels at providing sustain, healing, and versatile crowd control. Her Omi resource system allows her to spam abilities like Moonstrike and Riptide, keeping allies safe and enemies out of position. Her ultimate, River’s Rebuke, is game-changing for controlling objectives or splitting fights.
Mid Lane - Zeus
Zeus is a high-risk, high-reward mage whose sheer damage output can win games. Paired with strong protectors like Yemoja and Hercules, he can safely dish out devastating damage. His Chain Lightning and Detonate Charge make him a teamfight powerhouse.
ADC (Carry) - Jing Wei
Jing Wei remains a top-tier Hunter due to her safety and scaling potential. With her passive and Agility, she’s difficult to lock down. Late-game, her critical hits and sustained damage can shred through tanks and squishies alike.
Jungle - Thor
Thor is a versatile and impactful jungler with strong gank potential and teamfight presence. His Anvil of Dawn provides global pressure, and his Berserker Barrage deals significant area damage, perfect for disrupting clustered enemies.
Hey NiteDark, thanks for entering the bounty, we've awarded your entry. Can I ask though, did you use ChatGPT or other generative AI software to help you produce this?
Hello, not really. The only thing I did was use a translator to translate it into English. My English isn’t the best, so I prefer to write in Portuguese first and then use a translation app to translate it into English.
For Casual Conquest games, this is what I think a Meta team looks like. Assumption is team is equal in skill, only difference is god choice. Mirror matches come down to player making better plays.
Support: Sobek (tons of cc for peel and engage, brick wall with prots + antiheal)
Has an AOE execute. Need I say more?
Passive: Gets tankier as he attacks (great for engage) stacking prots
Built in Anti-heal (3-Sickening Strike)
Charge prey can be used for engage or peel.
ADC: Izanami
Sickle Storm has unmatched Tower pressure.
Synergizes with attack speed items and buffs (highest achieved in my testing 4.26 AS)
Tower pusher + piercing autos great for team fighting and lane phase.
Jungle: Susano
High Burst damage
Strong CC with ultimate and pull
High mobility with teleport and dash
Great at hit and run with AOE dmg output
Mid: Ra
Current Itemization makes him the most sustainable god in the game
High burst and mobility in team fights
Ultimate is great for fights, objective secure, and initiating team fights
AOE healing for teammates + prots
Solo: Hercules
His kit is built to beat the current warriors in the game.
This question is a bit vague, I don't have specifics. What gods am I against? Who am I playing with (the actual players)? What are those players comfortable on? A MOBA as so many aspects to it that it makes a question like this difficult to answer without any context. Even if bans off the table this question is difficult. If we look at the current META in the patch, right now this is probably what I think is strongest baseline lets say its 5 good players playing who know what every god does and can play them well.
Solo Lane: Ra
Ra does not die, you build gladiators shield and phoenix shield and suddenly you can rotate out of lane and get objectives for you team through the use of your 3. You never die because of your healing in kit and from your items. You do absurd damage and have short cooldowns because of how the Cooldown rate system works.
Jungle: Fenrir
Fenrir has been the only strength based character that has been strong for the entirety of SMITE 2's life span. The god is good and can flex into 4 roles, He can build full damage, he can go full tank, he can do a mix of the two. He is so flexible you be hard pressed to find anyone else who can do more in terms of build than him
Mid: Zeus/The Morrigan
I say two picks here. Mages are strong, CDR is really strong , Zeus does insane damage and just kills people so fast. If Zeus lives any fight you win the game its that simple.
The Morrigan is on here because if you can play her you can dominate a game. You can be any of the gods on the map for a time and use their relics. Fenrir is an amazing transformation for her.
Support: Yemoja
This god keeps getting buffs she doesn't need and is very very good. She can solo carries in the late game. She has healing shielding and player made walls. Insanely fast map movement and very high damage. Yemoja can keep Zeus safe and is a good transform for The Morrigan.
Carry: Jing Wei/Zeus
Jing Wei is safe, can keep a carry player safe and does really high damage in the late game.
Zeus is on here because you can build him basic attack based because he is absurdly strong and can explode people anyway. If Zeus lives any fight you win the game its that simple
Plenty of frontline presence and crowd control to account for having a Baron in support that doesn't play frontline quite as much and wins Solo lane in almost every matchup (or at least goes even) which helps this more late-game team get there without getting snowballed into an early loss. Also just one of the best Gods in the game right now.
Support - Baron Samedi
Also one of the best Gods in the game. Crazy healing, good crowd control and even decent damage with a full tank build. His extra early lane clear also helps out Jing Wei through the early levels in duo lane. You could swap Baron and Sobek around and the team functions almost identically so that's an option too.
Mid - Zeus
Arguably the best God in the game, does absolutely insane damage if he can be kept alive which is what Sobek and Baron are there for. With a Baron playing more defensive and peeling for the zeus and a Sobek frontlining to create space and occasionally peeling also, you can keep Zeus alive and if Zeus stays alive, you win that fight. He just does way too much damage.
ADC - Jing Wei
One of the top ADCs in the game at the moment that, if she can get to late game, shreds harder than almost any other God. Paired with Baron for duo she has the early game help she needs and will come out swinging late game in combination with Zeus for huge damage.
Jungle - Loki
The best Jungler in the game, period. Can zip in and out of fights using his Vanish and clean up kills from Zeus' poke damage very easily. Baron, Sobek and Zeus are also all very good at splitting up the enemy team through crowd control or large damage areas which helps Loki find isolated targets to close in for the kill.
I think the team can vary according to the style of play but also experience, at the beginning it is advisable to use one that is quite reliable and simple to use, both in defense and attack, as the gameplay is mastered, you are able to create a solid, valid and masterable team. In any case, I recommend the following team:
Aladdin: despite being new as a character, it is quite strong and could be an excellent solution for those who prefer the attack.
ULLR: an excellent support character, is quite flexible and can change the fate of a game.
Athena: It is also a support character and must not be missing in a party, also because it provides excellent help to teammates.
Vulcan: Excellent Tank -type Build character and for those who want to inflict great damage to the Aversari.
MID: It is an excellent character in the fighting, especially with his ultimate.
As I said, the party varies according to the style of play and experience.
Here’s my take on the best SMITE 2 team composition, based on role balance, synergy between gods, and current meta strength:
Solo Laner - Cthulhu (Warrior/Guardian)
Cthulhu is extremely tanky and has strong crowd control (CC). His ultimate can completely shift team fights with massive AoE damage and high sustain.
Jungler - Thor (Assassin/Warrior Hybrid)
High mobility, great burst damage, and an ultimate that allows him to gank from a distance.
Mid Laner - Thoth (Mage)
Strong long-range burst damage, great for poking enemies before fights, and decent mobility to avoid ganks.
ADC (Carry) - Hachiman (Hunter)
A versatile pick that performs well in various situations, with a passive that allows efficient poking and an ultimate that can be used both offensively and defensively.
Support - Yemoja (Guardian)
Yemoja provides excellent sustain with healing and CC to control fights. Her ultimate can block enemy movement and dictate engagements.
I think, Tankiness & Sustain Cthulhu and Yemoja ensure a strong frontline. Burst & CC Thor and Thoth provide high damage and reliable crowd control. Late-Game Scaling Hachiman can transition into a hyper-carry in the late game. This composition thrives in objective-focused and team fight-heavy metas, offering multiple tools to control engagements and deal consistent damage over time.
This team is built for long engagements, objective control, and outlasting opponents.
Solo Lane:Bacchus: Bacchus is a great Tanky bruiser and Anti-Dive god, he has a strong presence zoning presence with his ultimate in fights
Jungle:Fenrir fenrir has a strong early game pressure with great pick potential. He can quickly burst down squishy targets early and transitions into a great initiator later on.
Mid Lane:Baron Samedi Baron Samedi is great mage who provides consistent damage to wear enemies down, he can stun enemys with his ultimate
Support:Ymir Ymir brings strong crowd control, zoning, and damage mitigation. His freeze and walls disrupt enemies, while his ult forces them to reposition or take heavy damage.
ADC:Neith Neith has a great capacity to clear clear waves and excellent tower shredding.
Why? because this composition is exellent for pushing lanes and objective control, providing strong healing for prolonged fights.