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Thor God of Thunder

Thor is a character that can be used in various roles, he is a slayer whose main function is to generate damage and kill with sneak attacks or individual fights, this character can be used in Solo or jungle, Thanks to his abilities, Thor is a perfect character to surprise and kill enemy gods or cause a lot of damage in team fights as well as being very useful when jungle.


Passive: Thor gains strength for each enemy near him up to a maximum of 3 and after using the 3rd and 4th ability (Berserker's Barrage and Anvil of Dawn) Thor generates thunderstruck on his hammer which causes him to do additional physical damage to enemies hit by his basics up to a maximum of 2 enemies nearby for a short time

The Thunderstruck Also affects structures, jungle monsters and the enemy Titan

  1. First ability (Mjolnir's Attunement): Thor throws Mjolnir which passes through any structure or enemy that is in the way and after reaching the maximum distance, it returns to Thor doing 100% damage the first time it is thrown and 200% damage when it is flying back to Thor.

    Thor can teleport to the hammer's location by pressing the same ability after it is cast, but he must meet certain requirements for teleportation to be possible, the requirements are:

    1. Mjolnir must be in a valid location for Thor to teleport to, meaning it can't be in places where the characters can't be

    2. If Thor is being affected by a strong CC, Cripples or while firing a different ability, will not be able to use teleportation

  2. Second ability (Tectonic Rift): Thor slam the ground with his hammer, creating a fissure and raising a wall of rock in a straight line, which causes physical damage and stuns enemy gods hit by this ability.

    No creature is able to pass through the stone wall or the fissure, but projectiles are able to pass through it, and you can cancel the fissure at any time by pressing the same ability.

  3. Third ability (Berserker Barrage): Thor starts spinning with his hammer dealing damage to enemies around him, making a total of 3 hits, the first 2 in the area around him and the last one in front of him when he finishes spinning doing more damage than the other 2 previous hits

    Thor is displacement immune during this ability, in addition to generating thunderstruck on Mjolnir for 3 seconds

  4. Fourth ability (Anvil of Dawn): Thor spins his hammer to fly into the sky and stay suspended flying for a short time, while you are up you can choose within a maximum area where to fall with Thor doing Physical damage and stun to enemies hit by Thor's fall.

    During the activation of this ability, Thor is immune to CC for the time he is on the ground, however he is not immune to damage and can be killed before flying away. You also gain Thunderstruck for Mjolnir for 6 seconds and it is important to note that if you select an invalid place to land before the time runs out, Thor will be returned to the closet valid point.


Thor can have several builds, below I show you 2 builds that can be used for Jungle and Solo



Optional items that can be used depending on the game situation or to change the build to preference

How to use Thor?

Reading and having clear the abilities of Thor I will give some tips that you can use to play with this character

  • Be careful to always spend the first skill to fight or do damage, since it can be used as an escape route against surprise attacks or in moments of escape, however do not forget This ability is very useful for doing damage from a distance using it together with the second ability making a combo of stunning and doing physical damage, and it also serves to steal jungle Buff from the distance taking advantage of its range and that it can go through everything.

  • The second ability can be used not only to stun and attack an enemy, but also to create a barrier to prevent an enemy god from chasing you or another allied god.

  • The fourth ability is a great tool to see the entire map from above and thus be able to observe the positions of the enemies, what they are doing and if necessary intervene in a fight or steal an enemy Buff or make a surprise attack on an enemy that is fleeing or unaware


Thor is a character who in Smite 1 was an assassin and that remains in Smite 2, this character is made for individual fights or surprises or to do damage without taking much damage since he is not character that can withstand a lot of damage which also makes him an easy target, However, if you take advantage of the possible surprise attacks that Thor can do with his abilities, it would be a great help and addition to your team.


How to Play Thor in SMITE 2:

Thor is a high damage Assassin in SMITE 2 known for his strong initiation and crowd control (CC) . He is a good solo laner but is mainly used in the jungle thanks to his ease of ganking lanes and moving easily across the map thanks to his ultimate.


Thor’s Abilities:

Passive – Warrior’s Wrath

Thor gains bonus power for landing consecutive abilities or basic attacks on enemy gods. This effect resets after 5 seconds of inactivity. Use this passive to maximize your damage output during fights by chaining abilities and basic attacks.

Ability 1 – Mjolnir’s Attunement

Thor throws his hammer in a straight line damaging all enemies it passes through when the hammer returns it deals bonus damage to enemies it hits again. This ability is great for poking and finishing off low health targets.

Ability 2 – Tectonic Rift

Thor slams his hammer into the ground, creating a wall in front of him which deals damage and stuns enemies. This wall does not allow the gods to pass through it but it does allow projectiles and abilities to pass through this ability is very good to combo with Thor's 1, since the duration of the stun is enough for Mjolnir to hit both times.

Ability 3 – Berserker Barrage

Thor spins his hammer in a wide area dealing damage to all enemies around him. Use this ability to clear minion waves or deal damage to a target after you teleport to the target after his 2-1 combo .

Ultimate – Anvil of Dawn

Thor leaps into the air, becoming untargetable, and selects a landing spot. Upon impact he deals massive damage and stuns enemies in the area. This global ultimate allows Thor to initiate fights, ambush enemies, or escape dangerous situations.


Playstyle and Build

Thor is best played as a Jungle Assassin due to his high burst damage and map presence. His kit allows him to gank lanes effectively and secure kills for his team. Here’s how to build and play him:

- Items:

  1. Jotunn’s Wrath: gives cooldown reduction and power.

  2. Brawler’s Beat Stick: gives 60 strength, penetration and anti-heal, making it great against sustain heavy teams.

  3. Hydra’s Lament: give cooldown reduction, power and a passive that increases your basic attacks damage after using an ability .

  4. Titan’s Bane: gives 20% penetration , it is a core item against tanky targets.

  5. Heartseeker : deals damage based on enemies max hp and it scales with strength it is the best strength item and without it you lose about half of your damage.

  6. The crusher: gives cooldown redcution 10% penetration and a passive that deals 30% of your strength as damage.

- Playstyle:

- Use your ultimate to initiate fights or gank lanes. The global range allows you to pressure the map and surprise enemies.

- Use Mjolnir’s Attunement to poke or finish off low health targets and Berserker Barrage to deal consistent damage in close range fights.

-Combo your abilities to maximize damage and CC, taking advantage of your passive warrior’s Wrath.


Final Thoughts

Thor is a high-skill cap god who rewards experienced players. With his strong burst damage crowd control and global ult , he can dominate games when played correctly. Focus on building cooldown reduction and penetration, and use your ultimate to create opportunities for your team.


How to play Thor in SMITE 2!

THOR was one of the most popular gods in SMITE1 and thanks for HIREZ to bring him to smite 2 at the begging.

starting with his kit

his passive Warrior's Madness: Thor gains strength for each enemy god near him, up to 3. After using his ultimate or Anvil of Dawn, he becomes "Thunderstruck."

While Thunderstruck, Mjolnir deals bonus physical damage and can arc up to 2 nearby enemies which is a good thing for a team fight aoe damage.

  1. Mjolnir's Attunementy: Thor throws Mjolnir forward, dealing Physical Damage to enemies as it travels. When it reaches max range, it flies back and deals 200% damage.

Thor can teleport with this ability when it comes back, this is his main mobility ability while he can teleport with it he can move throw walls this mobility makes him to chase enemies and escape in bad scenarios.

  1. Tectonic Rift: this ability make Thor to create a wall by slams his hammer down dealing physical damage and stuns the enemy creating a block movement but allows projectiles to pass through.

  2. Berserker Barrage: Thor starts to spin, dealing Physical Damage to enemies around him, when you complete 2 spins Thor hit the enemies in front of him.

  3. Thor's ultimate Anvil of Dawn: Thor flies into the sky chose a location to land and dealing physical damage to all enemies he lands on and cc them

While he's on his ultimate Thor is cc immune.

Skill order

starting at level 1 you have to level up your 3 (Berserker Barrage) so you can clear jungle camps fast then level your 1(Mjolnir's Attunementy) for more damage at level 3 starting to level (Tectonic Rift) and at level 5 leveling your ultimate

for the rest of levels your should focus on your first ability and your third ability and ultimate the second ability not that important because it's not his main source of damage.

There is some Thor's build

First one:

This build is a pure damage build with 1 shot combo kill but less survivability due to lack of defense.

The second build:

this build works for solo and jungle because there are a lot of defense items and power

Thor has a popular 1 shot combo since Smite 1 it's a little bit hard but a grantee kill

starting with your ult landing on a target your stun him then basic attack after the basic attack throw your 1 and stun him with your 2 then basic attack and your third ability this is a grantee kill if the enemy god does not have beads to escape your ultimate .


Thor is one of the most iconic characters in Smite, combining a lot of damage with the ability to annoy the enemy team with a lot of crowd control. He is a good solo laner but is mainly used in the jungle thanks to his ease of ganking lanes and moving easily across the map thanks to his ultimate. Thor's main strength is being able to turn the tables of a battle by hitting several enemies with an ultimate or being able to one shot enemy carries with the combination of his 2 and his 1 while also canceling the animation of his basics when using his abilities


  • Passive: Warrior`s Madness

    Thor gains strength for each enemy god near him up to a maximum of 3 charges, and after using his ultimate or his 3, his basics do additional physical damage and cause lightning to bounce between nearby enemies. This passive makes Thor very useful in teamfights, being able to enter fights and become stronger when close to groups of enemies.

  • 1 Skill:Mjolnir's Attunement

    Thor throws his hammer Mjolnir, damaging and piercing enemies in its path, and then returns to Thor when the hammer reaches its maximum range. Thor can also teleport to Mjolnir by activating this ability again while the hammer is still in the air. This is Thor's main damage and mobility ability since thanks to teleportation he is able to cross walls and travel long distances, and by hitting a single enemy with both trips of the hammer it is easy to remove 50% of some carry's life

  • 2 Skill: Tectonic Rift

    Thor slams his hammer into the ground, creating a wall in front of him which deals damage and stuns enemies. This wall does not allow the gods to pass through it, but it does allow projectiles and abilities to pass through. This ability is very good to combo with Thor's 1, since the duration of the stun is enough for Mjolnir to hit both times

  • 3 Skill: Berserker Barrage

    Thor spins around twice, striking with his hammer and then making a strong cone-shaped blow in front of him. This ability, as I said before, activates Thor's passive making his following basics stronger for 3 seconds. This ability is good for comboing after teleporting with 1 to an enemy and then dealing a large amount of damage.

  • 4 Skill:Anvil of Dawn

    This is the same iconic ability that characterizes Thor in the original smite. Thor rises in the sky, immune to crowd control for a time, and then chooses a spot to fall to the ground, stunning and damaging all enemies he hits. Like the previous ability, after Thor falls to the ground his passive is activated for 6 seconds

Skill order


Here are some useful builds for jungle and solo lane




Here's my full guide on playing Thor like a GOD in SMITE 2!

Daxonn's avatar

SMITE 2 THOR GUIDE | How to play - Where to play - What to build


Thor in SMITE 2 is a high-damage melee Assassin with potent initiation and disruption capabilities. His kit excels at controlling enemies and punishing isolated targets, making him a deadly force in Jungle or Solo roles.


Passive – Warrior’s Wrath

Thor gains bonus power as he lands consecutive abilities or basic attacks on enemy gods. Resets after 5 seconds of inactivity.

Ability 1 – Mjolnir’s Attunement

Throws his hammer, dealing damage to all enemies it passes through. The hammer returns, dealing bonus damage if it strikes the same enemies.

Ability 2 – Tectonic Rift

Thor slams the ground, creating a fissure that stuns enemies and blocks their path.

Ability 3 – Berserker Barrage

Thor spins his hammer in a wide area, dealing consistent damage around him.

Ultimate – Anvil of Dawn

Thor leaps into the air and selects a landing spot. Upon impact, he deals massive damage and stuns enemies.

Playstyle and Build

Thor thrives as a Jungle Assassin due to his burst potential and map presence. Build for cooldown reduction and power, focusing on penetration items like Jotunn’s Wrath and Brawler’s Beat Stick for maximum burst.


High Burst Damage: Thor excels in quickly eliminating key targets.

Strong CC: Two forms of stuns make him excellent at disrupting enemies.

Global Ultimate: Allows for unmatched map pressure and ambush potential.


Ability-Dependent: Needs precise timing for his combos to be effective.

Squishy: Vulnerable to being burst down if caught out.

Long Cooldowns: Can struggle when abilities are on cooldown.

Tips for Thor

Engage with Anvil of Dawn: Initiate fights with his ultimate for surprise CC and burst.

Follow Up with Mjolnir’s Toss: Secure kills or re-engage by leveraging its high damage on return.

Control Zones with Tectonic Rift: Use it to split enemy teams or protect allies.

Maximize Combos: Chain abilities for maximum damage and CC, leveraging Warrior’s Wrath.


Thor is a very strong god in SMITE2 and is a versatile character both as a jungler and as a laner. Among his most exciting abilities is the one that deals damage from a distance, and is very useful in case of difficult fights. Definitely a must-have for his great damage that he does during the fight and not only that, but he also slows down the enemies. To build Thor, focus on items that increase physical damage and resistance. During the game also use his Ultimate to turn the fights you have. In every phase of the game, Thor is devastating. If you're playing solo, don't forget to also focus on survivability items like Ymir's Shield to balance out her damage output in battle.Feel free to take some tests to test his skills, they will definitely come in handy later in the game. If you're playing solo, don't forget to also focus on survivability items like Ymir's Shield to balance out her damage output in battle.

kamiel's avatar

Added the overlays, own gameplay in the abilities and in the item build part.


SMITE 2 Thor Guide: Wielding the Power of the Thunder God

Thor, the God of Thunder, is a high-impact warrior-assassin hybrid who excels in both jungle and frontline disruption. With his strong engage potential, high burst damage, and mobility, he is a dominant force in the battleground of SMITE 2. This guide will cover his abilities, optimal builds, and gameplay strategies to help you master Thor and strike fear into your enemies.

Abilities Overview

  1. Mjolnir’s Attunement (Ranged Damage & Mobility): Thor throws his hammer, dealing damage to enemies in its path. The hammer returns, dealing damage again, and Thor can teleport to it mid-flight.

  2. Tectonic Rift (Wall & Stun): Thor slams the ground, creating an impassable wall that stuns enemies in a line. This ability is great for disrupting fights and securing kills.

  3. Berserker’s Barrage (AoE Damage): Thor spins his hammer in a furious attack, dealing damage in an area around him. This is a powerful tool for clearing camps and brawling in close combat.

  4. Anvil of Dawn (Ultimate Engage & Stun): Thor soars into the sky and selects an area to land, dealing massive damage and stunning enemies caught in the impact. This ability makes him an exceptional initiator and playmaker.

Recommended Build

Core Items:

  • Jotunn’s Wrath – Grants cooldown reduction, power, and mana sustain for frequent ability use.

  • Brawler’s Beat Stick – Applies anti-heal and boosts ability damage, effective against healers.

  • Hydra’s Lament – Enhances burst damage by empowering basic attacks after using abilities.

Situational Items:

  • Titan’s Bane – Helps shred through high-protection enemies.

  • Magi’s Cloak – Provides protection against crowd control for safer initiations.

  • Shifter’s Shield – Boosts both offensive and defensive capabilities based on health levels.

Gameplay Tips & Strategies

  1. Early Game: Focus on clearing jungle camps quickly and look for opportunities to gank overextended enemies. Use Mjolnir’s Attunement for poke and quick mobility.

  2. Mid Game: Rotate often and use Anvil of Dawn to surprise enemies. Use Tectonic Rift to separate enemies and secure kills for your team.

  3. Late Game: Position yourself wisely in team fights. Look for opportunities to dive the enemy backline and eliminate key targets while using Berserker’s Barrage for sustained damage.

Combos to Master

  • Engage Combo: Anvil of Dawn to initiate → Tectonic Rift to stun and isolate → Mjolnir’s Attunement for damage → Berserker’s Barrage to finish off opponents.

  • Escape Combo: Mjolnir’s Attunement to throw and teleport away → Tectonic Rift to block enemies’ path → Use Berserker’s Barrage if forced into a fight.

Final Thoughts

Thor is a versatile and explosive warrior who thrives on aggressive play and high-impact initiations. Master his combos, time your ultimate wisely, and you will become a game-changing force in SMITE 2.

Good luck, and may the thunder strike in your favor!


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