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Sturmer's avatar


A game that turns the heat of a busy kitchen into a literal trial by fire (sometimes on a pirate ship, slippery ice floes, lava or space). Surviving in the world of Overcooked would be an extraordinary challenge, even for someone who's faced the real-life pressures of a restless kitchen.

Why Overcooked is a Culinary Hellscape

  • Absurd Environments
    Cooking on shifting rafts or in haunted mansions isn't exactly covered in culinary school.

  • Time Constraints
    Orders fly in at breakneck speed, each with a ticking timer that threatens customer dissatisfaction and lost points.

  • Multitasking Mayhem
    Juggling multiple recipes with different cooking times, all while navigating obstacles, requires… focus?

  • Teamwork Trials
    Coordination is key, but when your teammate is separated by a gap that's widening every second, passing the chopped onions becomes a feat of acrobatics.

My Survival Plan

Despite the insanity, here's how I'd attempt to survive in Overcooked's chaotic kitchens:

  1. I'd recruit friends who can keep cool under pressure and have a good sense of humor. Laughter can be the best seasoning in stressful situations.

  2. We'd assign specific roles based on strengths. If I'm great at chopping and prepping ingredients, that's my domain. Others might focus on cooking or plating.

  3. We'd develop a system of quick, clear signals. Perhaps code words or hand gestures to convey urgent information without wasting time.

  4. I'd train myself to handle multiple tasks simultaneously, perhaps by cooking at home while balancing a book on my head—gotta start somewhere!

  5. Focus on high-value orders or those close to timing out to maximize efficiency and keep customers happy.

  6. Non-slip shoes, heat-resistant gloves, maybe even a helmet for those pesky asteroid levels. Safety first!

  7. Keep Morale High - celebrate small victories. Positive vibes can boost performance.


JHenckes's avatar

As an average human living in the universe of Resident Evil, I would avoid confrontations at all costs. I would be hiding, scrounging my food and water and basic utilities, stealing my way around zombies and bio-organisms such as Lickers and the Tyrant. Not superhuman or military-trained myself, I would lie in diversion tactics, throwing things down corridors for deflection in other directions or starting little fires for a diversion. I would not be close to other survivors except in situations where it is absolutely necessary, since they could also be so dangerous. I want to remain mobile, heading out to safe locations like the police station, but meanwhile preparing myself through a mindset of how to escape. Alert, quiet, and hopeful would probably be my only real chance at survival with such a nightmare.

I'm not so sure I could do all that, but it's certainly what I would try. It's very likely that in many situations I would remain static, not knowing what to do, until I got used to this dystopian zombie apocalypse universe!

Makster's avatar

Harvest Moon/ Stardew Valley

Trying to go a little unusual and lateral thinking with my pick here as a lot of the bounty replies have been post-apocalyptic answers related to zombies, in-coming threats, and fantasty settings. But there is no greater threat than the taxman and mother nature.

In these 'cozy' games, you are given an acre of land and expected to live off it (Of Mice & Men style). Growing veggies, rearing animals, and selling produce as a humble farmer. It's not much it is a simple life. But as Clarkson's Farm has reminded us - it ain't that easy.

In these games you are one person having to operate a farm. Doing all the planting, harvesting, feeding, plowing etc. And personally speaking, my profession is ICT. I rarely go up 2 flights of stairs in my day to day.

Suffice to say, I think my chances of making a living or surviving on a farm is just as if I were in a zombie outbreak. Although my downfall wouldn't be on a nasty infectious bite, it'd be the government sending the baliffs to seize my prized cow and land for not paying income tax.

TrialByStory's avatar

My answer for this one is Baldur's Gate 3. Now a lot of the random citizenry and peasants in any DnD setting manage to live fairly idylic lives, but if you look at mechanically how that world works, every 'regular' person, which is what I would be in this scenario has low stats. BG3 runs off 5e, and in those rules that core statblock uses 10 as the average, most villagers, have their base stats below that level, and HP low enough that the giant rats and poisonous spiders can bring them down in one hit, as you can see anytime a fight breaks out involving random NPCs in the area.

As an average person in Baldur's Gate 3, most of the time nothing exciting would be happening around me. But when something does start to kick off, which is honestly only a matter of time, making it through unscathed is a hell of a longshot.

mypets's avatar

With this bounty proposal, I couldn't imagine a game other than my favorite, The Last of Us, as well as loving the zombie universe itself, I believe that the idea of the infection in this universe being something fungal highlights the genius and innovation even more, leaving aside my admiration for the game, let's get down to business: First I would need to understand what a threat is to me, and unfortunately in this world it would be the infected and at the same time the people who are there, since all the rules and norms that we once knew have been abandoned. With that in mind, I'd like to find a shelter with people who have the same goal as me: to survive, to avoid being seen or attracting any attention, I just want to survive and avoid confrontations with everyone and everything. These shelters could be abandoned buildings, isolated farms, even bankers. Always mapping and taking notes, I understand the geography of the place I'm in.

Now that I have an idea of where I am, I need to stock up and ration food and any raw materials, food, water or relief supplies. I also need to learn about natural medicines and the local fauna that could feed me, as well as how to handle wood to make tools that could guarantee my safety, such as knives and spears.

In order to avoid hostiles, whether human or not, discretion is the key to everything, silence and lack of light don't attract attention, and even if they do, the knowledge about geography and weapons that I and my people have worked on before would have to be used, all the knowledge coming together to guarantee my survival.

I believe that this would be the basics for survival, like what we see in the last of us series on HBO, which lacks in some criteria when compared to the game, but I can assure you that it is still a good experience.

yan57436's avatar

I believe that a very difficult universe to survive in would be Fallout (any of the games haha), since it brings together everything that is most threatening, monsters, radiation, the end of humanity, the fight for resources. So, as a simple human in the midst of chaos, I'm here to share what I would do:

To begin with, we need a safe place, since the world of Fallout is filled with radiation, while we can't focus on urban centers, since people are fighting over resources, let's focus on isolating ourselves in the best possible way, in the “vaults” (which are nuclear shelters) so that they have farms that can supply my basic needs (according to a quick google search, the best thing for us to plant would be potatoes and onions, ok?).

Vault - The Fallout Wiki

a game vault

Now that we have our base and our plantation, we need to focus on the alliances, we can't procreate within our own family, from this point I take the idea that we see in the fallout series, the alliances between the vaults that are formed through the “exchange” of people to guarantee genetic variability and reduce congenital problems. What else can be exchanged? Food, technology, weapons (learn: not all vaults are reliable!)! My goal would be to opt for diplomacy, but it's always good to remember that we're in a world without laws.

Ultimately, I would prepare myself in case it was necessary to evacuate the vault and survive outside, but how would that be possible? I'd look for areas that were covered, in order to avoid exposure to the sun, with places like caves being a good option, but as I wasn't protected by a vault, I'd go in search of RadAways, which is a kind of antidote to radiation in the Fallout universe, as well as having a stock of protective clothing ready. Always avoiding drinking water that hasn't been properly sourced or treated, and trying to set up our dream plantation, even if it's smaller and an appropriate way to purify the water. And, before I forget, never trusting anyone outside the vault.

This was the best way I could think of to survive in the Fallout universe.

And never forget the thumb rule: if you see an explosion on the horizon, point your thumb at it, if it's smaller than your thumb, there's a chance you'll run and survive, if it's not...


Surviving in The Elder Scrolls, any of them- would be difficult. It's like around any corner there's a necromancer or an evil dog or a daedric prince ready to murder the heck out of you or harvest your organs so they can perform any number of dark magics or something. Personally, to survive, I'd try and find myself an extremely remote village, get a peaceful job making elderberry mead or whatever, and dig myself one hell of a fortified dragon/panic shelter. I'd familiarize myself with magic and hope for the best that I don't make any enemies, play things real chill and just hope some kinda cataclysmic event isn't strong enough to break my beautiful self made TM basement.

Shovel's avatar

Alright. I’m picking Life is Strange 2 where I would be playing Sean who is a teenager on the run with his younger brother Daniel after an accident happens. Surviving that situation would be tough especially if you were actually that age.

Here is how I think surviving this game would be super difficult and how I’d try and handle it.

First of, I’d be an emotional wreck. Sean and Daniel’s journey is fraught with trauma. Losing a parent, becoming fugitives and trying to protect a younger sibling while on the run! At that age I wouldn’t struggled with the weight of responsibility let alone keeping a cool head. I’d probably panic, make impulsive decisions or break down from the stress of the situation.

Survival approach: I’d have to take things one step at a time focusing on staying calm. Meditation or journaling would be a way to keep my emotions in check. Writing down my thoughts and fears might help me process everything instead of letting it bottle up. Keeping it together emotionally would be my top priority.

In life is strange 2, you have to make a lot of tough decisions and choices. Things like whether to steal food, trust strangers or hide from the police. As a teenage I’d probably be second guessing every decision. I wouldn’t have the confidence to know what’s right especially the law breathing down my neck,

Survival approach: I’d focus on practical decisions choosing safety and survival over everything else if I was stealing and it was the only way to feed us but I’d also try to minimise risks. Trusting strangers would be a last resort. I’d stick to isolated areas and stay hidden as much as possible prioritising Daniel safety over any moral dilemmas.

Having to deal with a youngest sibling with telekinetic powers would be a nightmare. I’d have no idea how to guide or control Daniel and there is no way I’d be able to teach him restraint. Imagine the fear of him accidentally blowing up something over revealing his power to the wrong people that level of responsibility at a young age would be overwhelming.

Survival approach: I tried to make Daniel feel safe and secure so he doesn’t act out of it or anger. It would be all about making him understand how dangerous the world is for us and emphasise the importance of staying hidden and using his powers only in life or death situations managing Daniel‘s emotions would be a big part of staying safe.

Living on the road with no money limited supplies and constant danger would be a serious test of endurance. I wouldn’t know how to forage for food or keep or sheltered for long periods as a teenager I’d probably take too many risks out of desperation.

Survival approach: I’ll lean into survival skills learning how to find food in unconventional places like dumpsters behind restaurants and figuring out safe spots to rest without being noticed, I’d probably hang around rural areas where the risk of encountering law enforcement or dangerous people would be lower. Hitchhiking and sticking to forest and back roads would be my go to strategy.

To summarise, I think as a team trying to survive the events of life is strange 2. I’d be an anxious and overly cautious, just a wreck. The key to survival would be managing emotions making tough but practical decisions and always putting safety first. It wouldn’t be about heroic just about doing whatever it takes to protect myself and my sibling even if it means making morally great choices.

The beauty of life is strange 2 is that you get to really decide what you want to do in the games, no to say files are exactly the same and it’s why I like the game so much it’s because you have the space and the openness to really choose your own faith for the character and then also when you’re speaking to a friend who’s played the game afterwards and comparing choices. It’s quite fun to see why each of the characters have taken you based off choices you’ve made.


In all honesty, I’d say the Lego universe with games such as LEGO Harry Potter, LEGO Star Wars, LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean and LEGO Batman. You might be thinking ”What!? That'd be awesome! The world would be completely made of Legos!” and you're not wrong, everything would be made of Legos, including you. Realistically in that scenario, you would become a being made of plastic, in just a few kicks and punches your plastic body would be decapitated and dismembered. Sure, you do respawn relatively quickly, but what happens when your body parts pop off your body and suddenly you're a pile of plastic? Could you imagine what that feels like? Lego people might not even feel pain, but I’d say it would still be a strange experience if your limbs were suddenly removed and reassembled.

If you've played the games, you would know that the Lego people can experience emotions like fear and can often be seen running blindly trying to escape lethal waves of certain death brought upon by the game's antagonists. You'd think by the way they run around the map in complete hysteria, the Lego people must feel some sort of negative emotion associated with being dismembered and having their body parts ripped off their body, why else would they act in such a way? How could you walk through your local Lego supermarket (assuming they eat, but I'm 99% sure they do) with the knowledge that at any moment your head could be kicked off by a stranger because you took the last box of Apple Jacks.

Slamscape's avatar

While not necessarily just a game universe, I think the Warhammer 40k universe games would be the hardest to survive. It's a universe in perpetual war, alien invasions, demos, corruption, and more. I'm pretty sure the only way to really survive in the Warhammer 40k games, as myself, would be to be very lucky, and keep my head down and hope the world I was slaving away on wasn't attack.

taha's avatar

As much as I am a fan of the Resident Evil games, Resident Evil 3 to me would be very hard to survive, not just because of the zombies and other mutated creatures roaming the streets, but also because the lack of resources from the aftermath of the widespread infection and evacuation.

The difference between me and Jill Valentine is I'm not a cop and would have no idea how to use a gun or any other kind of weapon! But I think have an idea of how I'd survive. First, I would look for food and drink to survive, then sneak around looking for resources and finally figure out how to get out of Raccoon City. I'd do that by exploring any underground areas like train tunnels or quieter roads to find ways around the zombies and look for a way out of the city.

The key, however risky it may be, is I would try and do it on my own, not because I wouldn't want to meet a very handsome guy called Carlos or be reunited with a friend or two, but because I would imagine there's a Nikolai out there who would probably find a way to kill me for research purposes or simply get me in danger in order to save his own life. That said, I would still try and help where I can but the goal is to simply run away and get out of the city as fast as possible, which is what happens to some of the characters by the end of the game!

Limal's avatar

Eve Online

Surviving in the EVE Online universe as a regular human would be incredibly hard.

Unlike capsuleers, elite beings with cloning and mind-link technologies who can operate starships, you, like trillions of other inhabitants of New Eden, would be limited to living on planets, stations, or asteroid colonies. Space travel would only be available to you as a passenger.

Plus you have tondeal with wars, factions, corporations, and, of course, pirates and aliens. Sturmer's latest fan fiction vividly reminded me about this aspect of eve. the fears and powerlessness that regular New Eden citizens experience.

How would I survive in this harsh reality? Well, it depends on where I end up (hopefully not Amarr, no offense). The key is to avoid dangerous professions like scientists, engineers, marines, or exotic dancers :) unless you want to find yourself as cargo in a capsuleer’s ship, only to be blown up in the next battle.

For me, the path of a colonist seems like the safest bet, perhaps in a quiet, secure place like Rens. It’s a peaceful system with high security standards and a community that values freedom.

R&D or invention could provide a stable income. The best part is that you can rent production lines and research slots remotely, allowing you to live comfortably on a planet’s surface while managing your business.

By expanding your network, building a loyal customer base, and staying out of harm’s way, you could secure steady income and growth in the universe of EVE Online.

Foolish_Imp's avatar

There are plenty of games that I've played that would be hard to survive, but of all the games I've played, I'd have to say Sly Cooper would be the hardest game for me to survive. I'm just too clumsy and I also have a nasty habit of overestimating my athletic abilities. I'd probably survive because, unlike Sly, I can swim. So any kind of acrobatics or parkour that's meant to get me over water will be skipped solely for swimming. I'm also going to nope out of most of the boss battles and just lead Carmilita to the big villains so she can arrest them, and I can steal any evidence from her later. I'm really good at hiding and can stay put for a long time so I can use those skills to either steal from Carmilita or the big bosses. Of course, I'm going to get hurt a lot; with 100% confidence I'll go to jump on an awning or lamp post like Sly and immediately fall. Above all else, my biggest ticket through all the trials of Sly Cooper is my ability to talk my way out of trouble. In all honesty though, there's no way I'm making it past the crocodile lady from the first game. I'm too much of a coward to brave it through her hoodoo voodoo act and don't get me started on the giant snake!

CMDR Henckes's avatar

ARK Survival

Try to survive in a jungle or desert and instead of the common animal that already exist in there you would face giant, monstrous and hungry reptiles.

Survive the wildness is already a deal of a challenger, there is the need to find food and water, you have to take care not to drink water that isn't suitable for us humans, know where you get your food to avoid get poisoned by a strange fruit, if you try to hunter you must make you own tool and know how to hunter. And this is the beginner of the problems, while searching for food or shelter, you face other animals looking for the same thing, and you pombal is their food or is a risk for they shelter and they will attack. But this time won't be a tiger that will hunter you, that would be a big problem already, now it is T-rex with 6m height that is hunting you, and you don't have legs long enough to overrun a T-rex.

And if you survive this adversities while the sun is in sky, there will be the challenges in night time, where you wont be able to see clearly and the other animals will be. And you have to know how to light a fire and ask for yourself if this will be able to scare away every single animal, from the giant insects to the giant reptiles that hunter at night. If it don't attract other humans to you.

So for you that need to survive ate the ARK universe I wish you good luck, a lot of it.

XCezor's avatar

Imo the Binding of Isaac, any of its version or dlc. If I were Isaac I would probably just lay on the floor of the basement and cry for hours, then I would start to explore the basement. After I have encountered the first enemies I realised that there's a lot of things that wish me to be dead and start be very paranoid if nothing is stalking me from the behind. There's no logical survival strategy here. No food, no water so if not the monsters, I'd die from the starvation or dehydration.

The game is kinda linear so sooner or later I'd find a boss room and go to the next floor. Although the chances for me to escape are really low. Normally, the game starts to become easier after many failed attempts, here I have only 1 life, no restarts. And literally 0 info about the enemies, how they attack, and which items give me something good or bad. For sure I'm not swallowing the pills. Like, imagine finding random pair of pills on the bloody, dirty ground and eat them for no reason. Although it can be the only food later...

Unlike the Dark Souls, there's no place for preparation. My equipment is limited to what I can find in the "level". The encounters are dynamic, there's very little time to learn how each enemy works.

With a huge amount of luck I'd probably manage to kill the Mother boss, but I'd find out that the only strategy to survive here is to... kill, or be killed 🌼

Nilly's avatar

I feel like I would be rubbish surviving in the Fallout universe. Not you would have to be aware of levels of radiation but also food and water would be tainted with too. That’s not including random mutated creatures and feral ghouls!

I would have to create a base high up so it’s harder for creatures to get me as well as having a bird eye view of any possible dangers. The main aim would be to create a water filtration system and a mini food farm and try and be self efficient as possible and stay out of danger.


I feel like you are so screwed if you wake up in the Left 4 Dead or Left 4 Dead 2. You have fast moving zombies who don't eat you they beat you to death. Then you have the special infected who can jump ridiculous heights to pounce on you. Pin you to the ground and tear open your chest without getting hurt. Ones that put you in a choke hold with their tongues and strangle you. Ones that literally slam you into walls, heavy objects whatever they want before pounding your body into the ground until you or they die. One that jumps on your head and claws your eyes out, one that spits acid, another one who cries to get your attention and if you scare her in anyway she will tear you apart. Then you have one that literally can pick up cars and throw them at you. Nah dog I'm dead in that universe.

UNLESS, I find some form of weapon to defend myself, as well as people who I can trust to survive with. Some places will be easier to clear out quietly and defend. For example a library, specifically a local one, won't have too many people there so you can clean out the infected. Any alarms can be turned off and won't even work if power is out. If power is on you can also use those alarms as a distraction for the infected that are attracted to noise to make a get away. Libraries generally have multiple floors, meaning you will always have a tactical advantage with the high ground for infected or other people. The only issue would be supplies which supply runs can be done to the local houses for no perishables. Obviously watching out for alarm systems.

Sav's avatar

A really tough one...

Probably the land of Hyrule from Tears of the Kingdom because of how dangerous it is even five years on from Link and Princess Zelda's victory against Calamity Ganon.

You have to contend with Gloom from the Depths which have suddenly appeared and making people sick, weapons and farming tools have decayed suddenly, falling debris from the Sky Islands you have never seen before, new monsters who are absolutely terrifying, the Yiga Clan who have gotten stronger and the regular monsters who seem to have an upgrade.

There is also the matter of the ruined Hyrule Castle floating above the ground too...

I would probably be a villager from Hateno Village and surviving would be even harder than normal.

My life would revolve around helping around the farm above the village and travelling the dangerous roads selling my wares from the farm and village to travellers who are more than capable of fending off the monsters who like to ambush you.

I would also try my best avoid the massive holes on the ground full of Gloom and falling debris.

I do meet other races too on my journey between Lookout Landing and Hateno Village but occasionally I would go to Rito Village and the Stables.

Listening to the people who have been uprooted due to the changes would be sad and heartbreaking.

However, I would have some hope to those trying to solve why it has happened at Lookout Landing.

Finally, despite all of the new issues, I would still try my best to survive as many Hyruleans have before me.

PedroPato's avatar

Text in my native language : Brazilian Portuguese

Com toda a certeza seria os jogos Souls Like, eu não consegui jogar os exclusivos de Playstation, mas já tive a experiência do Dark Souls 1 e 3, e por mim, eu poderia afirmar que seria o mais dificil de se lidar, e eu posso citar alguns pontos para afirmar isso:

  1. Como podemos ver nos jogos, as cidades estão todas ferradas, não tem uma civilização inteira ou viva com humanidade, no caso, pessoas normais só são vistas em assentamentos, e nada te garante que você vai encontrar um desses.

  2. Outro ponto é a dificuldade de se achar comida, os undeads pelo visto nunca se preocuparam com isso, mas comida e água não é algo que vemos com abundancia nesses jogos, nem mesmo animas normais, então acho que o fator sobrevivência normal já seria um desafio.

  3. Mais um ponto é as próprias pessoas que eu poderia encontrar, neste mundo está cheio de pessoas que podem ser igual o Solair e serem amáveis e amigáveis, mas principalmente encontraremos pessoas como o Patches, que só vai querer te enganar e roubar seus equipamentos, então, se você não souber se defender ou lidar com esse tipo de pessoas, acho que não duraria muito tempo

Agora, falando como eu sobreviveria neste mundo, a resposta é simples: Eu não sobreviveria

Este mundo é brutal e cruel, poucas pessoas são vistas com consciência e noção, e nem todas são undeads como o protagonista, eu provavelmente seria só mais uma criatura neste mundo que estaria atrapalhando a vida do protagonista, e caso eu não fosse uma criatura, tenho certeza que não sobreviveria, eu tentaria, mas certeza que eu iria falhar. Vou explicar como eu tentaria mas, nada disso significa que funcionaria ou que eu faria com maestria para funcionar de verdade:

Em questão de inimigos e sobrevivência, eu tentaria ficar o mais longe de cidadelas ou locais com aglomeração de criaturas, tentaria achar um lugar para ficar como cavernas ou a copa das árvores, depois de instalado tentaria armar algumas armadilhas de aviso para me alertar quando estivesse sendo invadido, a comida eu tentaria caçar animais do jeito que conseguisse, provavelmente eu não teria coragem de mata-lo e principalmente esfola-lo, mesmo em medidas drásticas, então na verdade eu tentaria achar algum comerciante para fazer trocas, se eu caçasse o animal poderia vende-lo para poder comprar outro tipo de comida. O quanto mais cedo eu fizesse uma horta, se fosse possível fazer uma no caso, eu tentaria. Em questão de combate, eu não tenho proficiência nenhuma nessa questão, mas eu poderia treinar, principalmente com aquelas criaturas mais fracas que se parecem com zumbis, delas eu poderia até mesmo conseguir alguma coisa para fazer trocas também conseguindo uma renda extremamente baixa, mas existente, e com o tempo eu poderia tentar enfrentar criaturas que providenciariam mais coisas, mas sempre criaturas fracas e sempre com muito cuidado.

Eu acho que seria isso o que eu tentaria fazer, caso eu achasse alguém amigável, eu tentaria pedir ajuda, talvez conseguíssemos montar um assentamento e chamar mais gente, mas isso dependeria muito da sorte.

Text in english:

It would definitely be the SoulsLike games, I wasn't able to play the Playstaion exclusives, but I already had the experience of Dark Souls 1 and 3, and for me, I could say that it would be the most difficult to deal with, and I can mention some points to state this:

  1. As we can see in the games, the cities are all screwed up, there is no entire civilization or living with humanity, in this case, normal people are only seen in settlements, and nothing guarantees that you will find one of these.

  2. Another point is the difficulty of finding food, the undead apparently never worried about that, but food and water is not something we see in abundance in these games, not even normal animals, so I think the normal survival factor would already be a challenge.

  3. One more point is the very people I could meet, this world is full of people who can be like Solair and be kind and friendly, but mainly we will meet people like Patches, who will just want to trick you and steal your equipment, so , if you don't know how to defend yourself or deal with these types of people, I don't think you would last long

Now, talking about how I would survive in this world, the answer is simple: I wouldn't survive

This world is brutal and cruel, few people are seen with conscience and notion, and not all of them are undead like the protagonist, I would probably be just another creature in this world that would be disturbing the protagonist's life, and if I weren't a creature, I'm sure I wouldn't survive, I would try, but I'm sure I would fail. I'll explain how I would try, but none of this means it would work or that I would masterfully do it to actually work:

In terms of enemies and survival, I would try to stay as far away from citadels or places with crowds of creatures, I would try to find a place to stay like caves or the treetops, once installed I would try to set up some warning traps to alert me when I was in danger. being invaded, for food I would try to hunt animals any way I could, I probably wouldn't have the courage to kill them and especially skin them, even in drastic measures, so in fact I would try to find a trader to do exchanges, if I hunted the animal could sell it to be able to buy another type of food. The sooner I started a vegetable garden, if it were possible to create one in this case, I would try. In terms of combat, I don't have any proficiency in this matter, but I could train, especially with those weaker creatures that look like zombies, from them I could even get something to exchange, also getting an extremely low income, but existing , and over time I could try to face creatures that would provide more things, but always weak creatures and always with great care.

I think that would be what I would try to do, if I found someone friendly, I would try to ask for help, maybe we could set up a settlement and attract more people, but that would largely depend on luck.

FUN INC's avatar


This is a really tricky one!

Given the opportunity I would work as crew to get sufficient funds to buy an exploration frigate.

With that frigate, I would of course, go out exploring and start some basic commodity trading.

With those funds, I would look to ship up and grow my funds. This would be focussed in or around hisec - the safest area of EVE - and with time, I would gradually look to get replacement ships to allow me to increase the risk and move to a losec operational base.

With that losec operation developing, as the risk would increase, the reward would also increase, allowing me to further invest in PI and also day trading commodities.

EVE is a game of risk vs reward. Gradually i would look to moving to a nullsec opertaional base, perhaps teaming up with others to work together in combat! I am not saying that there would be ganks... and gatecamps... but only time would tell!

Raven's avatar

One of the most difficult games ever to survive in, it has to be “Dark souls”. Read me out, this game is notorious for its difficult and super tough environments, with enemies that never let you take a rest, they are everywhere! Traps in every corner and barely any help to figure out what to do. You need to be fast, have very good reflexes if you want to survive also each time you encounter an enemy is for sure you’re going to die, but each death is a lesson and you have to keep adapting. Things get way crazier when you encounter bosses, oh lord! Please! Have mercy on my soul! Each one has their own set of moves and believe me pal when I say that you gotta stay sharp otherwise, you’re out. Overconfidence? Yeah, that'll get you killed real quickly.

To survive in this world, I’d focus on figuring out the patterns of the enemy’s attacks and learning them in each area I’d go to, so in that way, I can fight back and win. Also I’ll be careful and aware of my surroundings, because in this game expecting an ambush is a must, I’d make sure to choose the right armor and weapons for each situation cause that will give me the advantage in the field, also I’s work on my healing items and try to make the best out of bonfires cause they are a life saver in this kind of games to avoid losing to much progress. When it comes to boss fights, I’ll stay calm, try to dodge their attacks and only strike when I see an opening and be really persistence.


Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar


When l hear the word SURVIVE automatically l think in a Jungle , Desert island or a lonely soldier avoiding a group o well trained army

and when l was playing Snake Eater for first time l remember that not only the Graphic was better plus James Bond like it music theme plus play a game in a jungle finding the best camouflage, healing or eating wild animals

How l survive that adventure..?

With a mix of patience plus test and mistake to slowly to know what l doing in the jungle in the middle of the cold war ..? Finding my boss /trainer lady that trow me from a bridge , later heal a Broken arm and to find by the way the young Revolver Ocelot , a Russian Lady Spy or find the Dr Sokolov

To be lucky or learn by mistake

Some bosses like THE END must be patient to win the Sniper vs Sniper war (Later l discovered that only changing the internal console clock time you can eliminate him) or THE FURY that feels like still in the space like a typical COSMONAUT

And of course this fight against the boss in the white flowers field and at the end we discover that she….. (No Spoiler) Snske Eater 3 definitely a very hard game to survive

and l can’t wait for the next Remake

God bless you all 😊

Alucard's avatar

Well, ever since I’ve played Final Fantasy XV Ive been wondering how would it be to live in that kind of world while being a normal powerless human being, without special powers or access to the Kingsglaive, would be challenging but not impossible. You’d need to rely on intelligence, adaptability, and making use of the world’s resources and communities. Here’s how I would approach survival in this dangerous yet fascinating environment.

  1. Never go out or the cities (unless strictly necessary)

The world outside cities and towns is filled with dangerous monsters, daemons, and imperial forces. As a normal human without combat training (or minimal at this point) or magical abilities, I would seek safety within urban areas like Lestallum or Altissia. These cities are well-protected, bustling with life, and offer opportunities for work and good living. Staying within the walls of these settlements minimizes the risk of random monster attacks and offers access to resources like food, shelter, and healing items.

  1. Work for a living

Without the ability (nor knowledge)to go out and hunt monsters like Noctis and his crew, finding steady work would be essential for survival. There are various professions in the world like merchants, mechanics, cooks, and more. I could find work in a local shop, helping to trade goods or repair technology. Another option might be working with Cid at Hammerhead, helping repair Regalia-type cars or other vehicles. Earning gil would allow me to buy defensive items, potions, and gear for offense (in case of need), should I ever need to venture outside the safety of the city.

  1. “Meet” people

In the world of FF15, social connections are everything. From merchants to travelers, everyone has a role to play in the world. I’d try to build relationships with locals like Cid, Cindy, or Takka. Perhaps offering help in their respective fields could get me access to better tools, food, or even safe passage between locations. Networking with others also means access to information, such as warnings of daemon-infested areas or imperial movements, which could save my life.

  1. Avoid fighting

As a normal human without access to powerful weapons, magic, or the support of the Kingsglaive, direct combat would be suicide. If I ever needed to travel between cities, I’d use chocobos or travel with merchant caravans that have armed guards. These methods of travel reduce the likelihood of encountering monsters or imperials. I’d also invest in stealth and avoidance tactics, learning the lay of the land to avoid dangerous areas, especially during nighttime when daemons are more active.

  1. Rely on “what we have”

Without magic, I would need to make use of the world’s natural resourcess. Learning basic survival skills, such as gathering herbs for potions or food, would be critical. The world of FF15 is rich with flora and fauna that can be used for healing and other purposes. If I couldn’t afford potions or items from shops, learning to make my own could be a life-saver.

  1. Adapt to what’s happening

This world is shaped by the conflict between the Lucian royal family, the empire, and other forces. While avoiding combat is key, I would need to stay informed about major events. If war breaks out, or if a location becomes too dangerous, I would quickly evacuate and seek shelter in a safer town. Flexibility and awareness of shifting alliances and threats would help me stay out of harm’s way.

In short, my survival strategy would rely on staying within safe zones, earning a living, and avoiding unnecessary risks. By forming connections, learning to use the resources at hand, and avoiding unnecessary conflict , I’d increase my chances of survival in the dangerous yet beautiful world of of FF15

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Excellent one! Lestallum is a great example a lot of people work there and seem to have a normal life in the chaos of the world. Some people took up hunting and are respected for what they do, but it's definitely not a job if your aim is survival.

SIRCAM's avatar

The game plot:
In Halo, humanity fought a 30 years war against an advance civilization with the technological power of glassing entire planets, sometimes i imagine myselft as a normal civil surviving a reality like this.

Join the boys:
The first thing that i would do as a no military person is to find a way to join the army forces to get trained and go to the frontline to fight and probably die, yes i would fight for my planet.

If it bleeds.....:
The enemies physically are taller, stronger and must of 'em smart, the only thing in our side is that our weapons can kill 'em, do you remember the phrase "If it bleeds we can kill it", as a soldier i would make the best effor to become an first class sniper and in the name of our species make every alien killed counts.

They're bigger have better vision than us and are brutaly stronger so as sniper i would stay out their sight and range as i could, their in my planet, i know my planet so with that advantage i would use tactics like distracting them using animals like rats to confuse 'em and reveal their position to eliminate 'em, the enviroment will be my allied.

Probably i wouldn't survive 200 days in a war against a superior enemy but there's something for sure, i would stay alive the most i can and would make every bullet count with every target, with smart tactics and planetary enviroments by my side.

Boomer's avatar

At the end of Reach we try so desperately to survive...

I'd be right there with Jorge!

SIRCAM's avatar

(Choking back tears).... Let's do this!

Remember Reach

SergeantRogers's avatar

Surviving in The Last of Us as a regular person would be really hard. The post-apocalyptic world is infested with Infected, but besides them, there are also hostile humans and scarce resources, so it'd be a constant struggle to stay alive. I’d try to prioritize staying hidden, moving stealthily, and avoiding confrontation whenever possible. Urban areas overgrown with vegetation would offer places to hide. I’d avoid large groups, as they're especially dangerous for someone on their own. Isolated locations would be the best places to hunker down and rest. Having a reliable weapon, even something simple like a knife or a bat, would be crucial for self-defense, but I’d save firearms only for extreme situations. Trust is a rare commodity, but forming alliances with other survivors could prove beneficial if approached cautiously. I’d focus on basic survival needs, like finding clean water, food, and shelter, relying on foraging and setting up temporary shelters in defensible, hidden places like in forests. Avoiding conflict would be key, running and hiding would be the main strategy, fighting only when absolutely necessary. Not sure how well it'd go, realistically I'd probably die very fast.


Theden Ring Silent Hill is a Of the most terrifying and difficult video games to survive. to survive I would expiate all my sins and penalties.

Boomer's avatar

Hi JaciboGirl, that would be a living nightmare 😱

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In original writing or video, tell us what steps you'd take, as a regular old human being, to survive the particular horrors of your chosen video game. The best, most entertaining, creative, or thoughtful answers get the rewards!

AbyKwon117's avatar

The most difficult game to survive I feel would be in any of the Souls saga, I could only think of 2 ways to survive..

1- It would be to go 100% stealthy and cautious

2-Train a lot to be able to face them one by one without any problem while you analyze and discover what each of them are like and see what their weaknesses are or ways to face them and not go crazy against several haha

El juego más difícil de sobrevivir siento que seria en cualquiera de la saga Souls, solo se me ocurriría 2 formas de sobrevivir..
1- Seria irse 100% sigilo y precavido
2-Entrenar mucho para poder enfrentarte sin problema a uno por uno mientras vas analizando y descubriendo como son cada uno de ellos y ver cuales son sus debilidades o formas de enfrentarlos y no lanzarte a lo loco contra varios jaja

Toretto 70's avatar


Rust is very challenging, difficult, and brutal because everything is trying to kill you. the way you can survive is gather resources quickly, build a start base, craft a sleeping bag, gather food and water, stay hidden at night, upgrade your tools, and the most important is learn from experience


Left 4 Dead

Even with a team the amount of zombies you have to deal with, you cant just go guns blazing as ammunition is always scarce. Every shot literally counta, even with consecutive successful headshots. And then when the alarms go off and then you just get a goddamn horde and super zombies its goddamn luck to got to the emergency exits.

Gaypengwing 🔜 Ren Faire Uk's avatar

Since yesterday was Re3 day, I would have to say in Jill Valentine fashion, to survive the game I would acquire an infinite rocket launcher. Just like in our playthrough here:

Usually only available after multiple play throughs, it’s either this or a rail gun from the beginning 😉

AndyRice's avatar

I would say 'This War of Mine' is probably the most difficult game for a regular person to survive. And this is actually what this game trying to tell us, 'In modern war there is nothing sweet nor fitting in your dying. You will die like a dog for no good reason.' - Ernest Hemingway.

War, war never changes.


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