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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
Slamscape's avatar

I think I followed the assignment. I definitely had challenges getting all the footage and getting it all to work well but I'm quite happy with the final result.


I'm hoping this is ASMR enough, since it really puts me (at least) to sleep.

Here is the very famous (I think) Mitterand Hollow, where ONE planet (and stars) zip by at amazing speeds, and occasionally you can find the rare (or perhaps it's not that rare after all?) lava fountain over which we can roast marshmallows and relax to the bubbling of hot, molten, spewing magma while we watch the very tiny sunset/sunrise in the distance and bathe in the warmth of the mini eruptions. It's a very safe experience and is rated "E" for Everyone.

Disclaimer: Only safe if you react fast enough to your SRV's warning systems and stay at a safe distance from the eruption point. We hold no responsibility for any loss of vehicles while attempting to replicate this endeavour.

I've recorded over 2 hours worth here, so I hope it does help someone to sleep, since it did cost me half a tank of SRV fuel, and oil ain't cheap! At least by OPEC standards XD

MQC's avatar

On The Midas, a Mega Ship in the Zeus system, one Commander waits in the bar for his lover... time goes by and she doesn't seem to arrive.... What could have happened?

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey there MQC, welcome to Just About Elite! I'm looking forward to watching and listening to this, and I approve of your ship name. However, to be in the running for a prize, you'll need to first share it on a connected social media channel and then share that post as your bounty entry. It's how we validate authenticity for original media bounties. Check out Tryohazard's entry for an example. No need to delete your entry; once you've connected your YouTube account, just hit the 'edit' button and re-paste in the video link. o7

MQC's avatar

I have submitted a bug report ticket because, when I click on the option to link my Youtube account and enter my user data, I get a red error saying “no Youtube video / Channels found”. I have managed to link the Paypal, Twitter, Twitch account without problems, but I can't link the Youtube account.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Understood, sorry for the inconvenience. Have you heard back from our tech team? If not, please tag me (@AlexSinclair) and I'll follow up with them. If it's a problem on our end, I'll do what I can to ensure that your entry is considered for a reward. o7

MQC's avatar

I have already solved the issue and edited the post... it now appears “original”. Thanks for everything and sorry for the inconvenience.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

No inconvenience :) Happy to hear you have it sorted, and thanks for letting me know!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey there Beetlejude! I'm looking forward to checking this out. However, to be in the running for a prize, you'll need to first share it on a connected social media channel and then share that post here as your bounty entry. It's how we validate authenticity for original media bounties, and all your future Just About media posts from that connected account will show here with a green 'original' border - check out Tryohazard's entry for an example. No need to delete your entry; once you've connected your YouTube account, just hit the 'edit' button and re-paste in the video link. o7


First ASMR in Elite Dangerous.
Laser mining sounds, I hope you like it!!


Out in the black... we find our intrepid Commander exploring strange new worlds. This planet is over 1800 light years from earth. Enjoy the solitude.

RicZA's avatar

Never dabbled in this before so apologies if I've misunderstood the format. Did some good ol YouTube research, so hopefully its enjoyed.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hi Imperial Senator Bluecrash. It looks like you haven't connected your YouTube account, which is a necessary step for video bounties as it's how we authenticate ownership. Please follow the steps listed in the link below and let me know when you're done (or if you have any questions). It only takes a minute, and you only need to do it once. If you don't, we won't be able to consider your entry here and on the Kill of the Week bounty for a prize. Once done, your future video uploads should have the green 'Original' banner around them, like you'll see in Alec Turner's entry above.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks for your efforts BlueCrash. Try posting a video from your YouTube account as a reply from this post, and we'll see if the Original border now shows. o7

Imperial Senator Bluecrash's avatar

I deleted my other youtube on this email... and made this the main one... I see it says original now.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Perfect, glad it's working. We'll treat all your video submissions made before it was successfully connected as valid too.


Back in September of 3308 Cmdr Mardante Soloist reported an extraordinary find on the ice world of Traikeou KB-X b18-0 A 2 a, some 8000 light years from Sol. Located at latitude -34.46° longitude 25.96°, a steep wall of ice rises up completely enclosing a large area of terrain.

In some way resembling the land of Mordor from the maps of Lord Of The Rings this place was soon christened "Ice Mordor". In October of the same year I flew out there to see it for myself, ultimately creating an SRV rally circuit which roughly follows the inside edge of the wall.

While I was out there I also recorded the following ASMR video, a gentle no HUD/flight assist off tour of Ice Mordor.

Sit back, dim the lights, turn up the volume and spend the next 11 minutes with me as I show you around one of my favourite places in the galaxy.

Moonshade Gaming's avatar

It almost feels like a crime to exclude the atmospheric motifs present in Elite's soundtrack. That said, I definitely look forward to listening to what other CMDRs put together.

Mz.DragonGaming's avatar

I'm a roleplay gamer building my own experiences from different space games and creating a narrative for one of my roleplay characters Tivana Dragon. In an alternate reality she is on a journey to become a CMDR in the Elite Dangerous universe after attending Starfleet Academy in the Star Trek Online universe and discovering her purpose to create peace and serenity in the galaxy.

The track you speak of is called Galaxy by Lime Life Beats which is the intro track for my "Galaxy Gurl" series. I wanted to bring a different feel to Elite Dangerous with the personality of Tivana Dragon.

For instance, she enters into a new multiverse with the same intro track sequence in Galaxy Gurl: Infinity Shift to show that her journey is all connected.

On the other hand, Elite Dangerous is a massive game, I had to speed up the footage on Galaxy Gurl: Breaking Even in order to showcase CMDR Dragon traveling the galaxy and scanning all those planets and systems for selling future cartographic data.

However, the atmospheric motifs in Elite Dangerous are truly remarkable. In my opinion, they give me a overwhelming sense of peace while exploring or auto docking after a long journey through space. It's nicely done.

Thanks I really appreciate your feedback.

JHenckes's avatar

The video was really nice, relaxing to watch (and tense at times haha). Congratulations!


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