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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
CMDR_nailz_'s avatar

No talking, just 2 minutes of visuals and music aimed to trigger curiosity, enjoy.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Very nice CMDR_nailz_! The $15 prize for best video is yours!


Remdinds me a bit on a ship from Guardians Of The Galaxy and on one from one of the other space sims, but overall very stylish design. And flies good... 😉

CMDR Henckes's avatar

The new Mandalay is really good!!!

Was already using to gather raw material outside the bubble, she is fast has the best manoeuvrability among the medium ships, it has one of the best designs in Elite, this ship looks like a dream!


Loving this new ship and I think the only one worth the price of the early access!

RicardosGaming's avatar

💥 the Zorgon-Peterson Mandalay is the new darling Explorer Ship for Elite Dangerous with the Elite Dangerous Acendancy Update - It comes in two versions Standard or Stellar - which one will you buy if any?? 🚀 This Video : ➤Link:

@JustAbout__ #elitedangerous

mastercesspit's avatar

i had some extra funds, so i bought the stella, don't know what it was designed for, but it was heavily overweight for exploration, small matter to gut it and build it properly, but i feel it was a waste of money, should've waited and just bought the standard version with game credits and built it myself from the ground up.

it's a brilliant ship, but the microtransaction ship wasn't worth the money considering it had to be gutted and rebuilt to get a decent jump range, but the finished product after rebuilding properly has a max of just short of 84ly, and current just over 78ly

won't make the microtransaction mistake again.

have fun 07

mastercesspit's avatar

darling explorer? lol

i found a much more exciting use for it, standard build, reconfigured and half engineered, fortunately the microtransaction ship wasn't a total waste of cash, got the paintjob and ship kit to use i suppose.

have fun 07

Dydo's avatar

The Colonia journey took me a week or so, and I was lucky enough to be docked with my Asp Explorer, which has the same modules size, in a midway station when the Mandalay released. So, I bought it, switched modules and ended my journey with the GOAT (and +8Ly with the same outfit).

Alex Sinclair's avatar

You didn't hang around! Nice work.


I think they've done a great job on the Mandalay. it's pleasingly like the Diamondback in it's engine layout and it has the grace and curves of the Cutter


The California Nebula makes a lovely fiery backdrop.


especially with california freeport on fire


California Freeport on fire? June 3307? I remember it well....

Moonshade Gaming's avatar

Naming my Mandalay "Leaf on the Wind" might be a touch controversial (iykyk), but c'mon, just watch how she soars!

Donut's avatar

Got some sick shots of my Mandalay!

I love this ship!

Gosht's avatar

This might be a good AX ship to jump around from combat zone to combat zone as it has 44 ly range with G5 AX setup. Hull of around 4500, boost of 550, she carries 2 mod shards and 2 AGF Gaus with two small thermal vent turreted lasers. Awesome to fly in supercruise, she'll prob make a great Titan bomber as well as she's def not short of slots, like the Pythin Mk2. She's named "Illusion of Reality" and looks good in red, don't you think?

CMDR_M's avatar

Hey there Alex, just wanted to check - if one has both pics & video for this competition, should they be posted as separate entries, or rather all in one?

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey CMDR_M, they should go in the same post (you can only submit to bounties once). o7

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks for the great videos and screenshots everyone. We've turned them into this piece of curated content: Elite Dangerous Mandalay.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

We've turned your reward entries into a piece of curated content, check it out: Elite Dangerous Mandalay


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