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Slamscape's avatar

These are all ships that I've personally explored in, I look at exploration ships overall, jump range, how they handle in supercruise, how they handle on planet surfaces, how well they handle Exobiology. I also tend to use ships for shorter range exploration, I'm not taking these out for 6 months at a time.


These ships have a great jump range when engineered, they have a small footprint so they can land almost anywhere, but still have enough space to fit everything needed to explore. They're also pretty fast and snappy in real space as well.


Great jump range, good space for all that you need to explore but harder to land, not great speed and slower to turn in supercruise but great otherwise.


Decent jump range but need engineering and FSD boosters, however, they are very fast and are great for exobiology, also people think you're crazy when you go exploring in it, but you show them :)


Great jump range but need to be stripped down to make use of it, adding an SRV alone cuts off several light years


It's an adder, it can do okay but is just average


I guess I should explain my tiers -

S - the top would be the Mandalay - which is already winning the race for everyone. I've put my other beloveds there.

A - is the T6 which is a cheap and earnest little chap. also I have the traditionalists favourite; the Aspex, and the Cutter I took out, which fitted the kitchen sink and looked wonderful in a photo!

B - Haulertaxi, Orca passenger tourbus and the Anaconda ( which if you choose it you have to look at the nose of the ship for 20,000 LY)

C - is for Cobra, for the photos and the nostalgia, the T9 you alwys end up using for the long range CG and the Courier that isn't the longest legged but it sure is FAST!

D - is that Vulture you get sent to the prison ship and have to make your way back to the RES in, the Python you spent allll your money on and now you have to use it out of bloodymindedness, and finally, the Mamba. Fast and firey and can jump 2 lightyears.

LiquidMorkite's avatar

With the newly released Mandalay, we're seeing cmdrs coming back and embarking on new journeys to the black. It might be the best, but still we have plenty of ships that can fit perfectly on an exploration role, whether it's about jump range, maneuver, normal space speed, or sometimes simply because it's stylish and looks good for your screenshots.

So I have made a tier list about exploration ship, all the ships in the list are decent and worth buying and giving them a try, I have a couple of explorers myself.

Note that this list is heavily organized due to jump range, and on well optimized/engineered ships, where I will provide a bit of side inputs about what I think about them, and a little compration between ships that are at the same tier. (I know a lot of cmdrs would say that jump range doesn't matter if you're out there, as the next unexplorered system doesn't matter if it's 5 ly away or 80 ly away, but, you have to get there first don't you :p)

1. S-tier: Mandalay and Anaconda

The Mandalay can easily be the best exploration ship at this moment, meanwhile it doesn't really beat the Anaconda in term of jump range, I have to agree that it is an overall better ship for exploration, with decent footprint for landing, very optimized SCO usage, it is S-tier for in-system exploration. And of course it handles way better than the Conda, though I know cmdrs who prefer the thrill of piloting a large ship, including myself. The Conda of course has more optional module slots if you want to fill in extra coffee on your cargo, those sessions can be long in the black, and it's best not to fall asleep while you're at it!

2. A-tier: Diamondback Explorer, Asp Explorer, and Krait Phantom

Meanwhile the AspX has always been one of the most famous exploration ships, lots of cmdrs do prefer the DBX (Diamondback Explorer), due to its smaller size, better foot print, being cheaper and being more nimble. Plus there's a prebuilt version if you want to get right into it, though I'd recommend against it (sorry FDev) since you'll have to spend the same amount of time engineering it (the prebuilt is not engineered), and if you're planning on upgrading to better ships, you'll still have to go to unlock the guardian FSD booster, the prebuilt gives you one with the ship, but you still have to unlock it if you want to buy some for your future ships.

The DBX also beats the AspX interm of jump range, but its smaller fuel scoop means you'll be spending more time scooping.

The Krait Phantom feels like an upgraded version from the AspX, with further jump range, and the interior feels like a more luxury ship. Overall it's the best of this tier, though I find myself prefering the AspX as it was on it where I made my first 5kly trip to unlock Professor Palin. It's like when you're rich and you got yourself a better car, you'd still prefer your old little sedan as you had so much core memories on it.

The AspX also has the best cockpit over the three. It's just a really great ship to have, and to start your career with, after the Cobra of course.

3. B-tier: Imperial Courier and Dolphin

Really, really fun ships to fly, fast and nimble, both of them, with decent jump range, given that they are engineered. I'm currently flying a Courier for exobiology, and I don't even need an SRV with me! A fully engineered Courier can get about 54-55ly, so it's still very reliable. Only one thing is its small fuel tank, which means you cannot SCO on it for too long.

The Dolphin provides the same features as the courier, with better jump range but slower normal space speed, I can't really compare their footprints for landing as I've never taken out a Dolphin for a long trip, but it's more accessible than the Courier as it's cheap, and you don't need Imperial Navy rank to be able to buy it like the Courier.

4. C-tier: Beluga Liner and Orca

At this point, it is all about taste. Yes, both of them look great, both inside and outside, decent jump range, with the Beluga having a large fuel tank means you can travel a lot between having to stop to scoop some fuel. I love my Beluga Explorer, I have some Orca builds in mine which I'll soon give it a try.

5. D-tier: Adder

It's a newbie friendly ship, and one of the most purchased out there when one starts their pilot career beside the Cobra. An unengineered Adder with proper outfitting can get about 33ly if I recall correctly, might be more, and a fully engineered can get about 50ly, I've heard a lot of good things about it being very fast and nimble in normal space.

Honorable mentions could go to the Asp Scout and Diamondback Scout in this tier, but I'd just buy the explorer versions.

6. ???: Thargoid Ship

Well I've never been on one, so I'm not really sure. But we all know that they come from a galaxy far, far away. And how would they be able to do that? Of course they would have some decent jump range! Plus, those things are crazy fast in normal space, easily a god-tier!


I didn't pick up all the ships, considering those who didn't make it in the list aren't really worth it if you want to pick up a long trip to the black. But hey, as I said, it's all about style and flying what you enjoy most!



Mandalay: Overtaking the long-reigning champion, the Anaconda, in terms of jump range, this marvel of engineering has the longest jump range we have yet to see. It provides ample space for all your modules and seems almost perfectly designed for exploration. You will not bring any fighters on your trips though, the Anaconda keeps that one single edge. But at the price of half a Phantom (or just above 10% of the Anaconda), this ship will soon enough be the exploration ship charting new systems throughout the galaxy. And all that in an easy to land medium size!

Diamondback Explorer: The ship of choice for any explorer with a small wallet or a love for the rough design. No sleek panels or fancy designs, just a metal box with some yellow painted stripes that will jump you to Beagle Point before your nav computer is done calculating the route. Jump range just below the Anaconda and handling like you could spin it on a needle, the DBX is the ship that will make you fall in love with exploration.

Asp Explorer: Needs no introduction. For those commanders who loved their DBX but needed just a little more leg room and a little better view out the cockpit windows. Great jump range, lovely handling, enough room for all essentials, this ship is ideal for all long range trips undertaken without the funds to take a Mandalay out there. The top and only choice for many commanders who never came back out of the black because they fell in love with the solitude and their ship.

Krait Phantom: Before the Mandalay, this was the ideal exploration ship for people with a lot of stuff. Enough space, a great jump range, what else do you need? It may not jump as far as the Anaconda, but you'll have a much easier time circling the star to your next destination, so you'll make up that lost jump range by faster jumps through each system.

Anaconda: When you can boast such a jump range and even fit a fighter bay to do some racing on newly discovered planets, what other tier even is there for you? If only it didn't handle like a city block in supercruise.


Orca: Great jump range with a hint of luxury for your trip. Or at least for your passangers, not like you are allowed into the luxury suites you bought.

Krait Mk II: A great allround ship for most tasks in the bubble and a direct rival to the Python in most areas. The Krait has the edge in jump range but lower optional internal space. But still enough for all your essentials, so who needs even more space?

Hauler: Not a great exploration ship, lacking enough internal space and the jump range needed for long trips. But at this price point, anything that will fling you out there and not tear itself apart in the first jet cone is a great deal! If you're just starting out, taking a hauler down the road of riches is a surefire way to afford a better exploration ship.

Dolphin: Slightly less great jump range than the Orca but still a good showing by Saud Kruger. Great price for what you get, though there are better deals out there.


Asp Scout: Nobody wants to fly the Asp-S when the Asp-X has defined a whole generation of explorers. But it is far cheaper than its bigger broter and lets you feel like you almost have the real thing. Nobody knows if it would benefit or suffer from not constantly being compared to the Asp-X, but at least it does most things it has to fairly competently.

Python: Outclassing the Mk II by a long shot, the original Python boasts more internal space at the correct class sizes to bring all you need in a compact package. Better suited for other roles, the Python can still do well as a short-range explorer. Even more so when transporting passangers, all but the most needy ones in luxury cabins.

Alliance Chieftain: It's not a good exploration ship, but with an alright jump range and just enough slots to bring all the gear you need, it can be forced into the role. And with a beautiful ship like this, I can fully understand any commander doing exactly this.

Type-7 Transporter: Enough space for all your stuff and surprisingly manoeuvrable considering the elegant coffin-shaped design.

Type-6 Transporter: It doesn't give you the greatest leg room out of all in this tier, but at least it's pretty cheap to get running. Outclassed by others in the same price range, you still get a competent little explorer for at least our arm of the galaxy.

Type-8 Transporter: You get a decent jump range with a lot of space. Not super cheap but at least you won't contract space-madness trying to get this ship to the nearest nebula.

Python Mk II: You get a decent jump range but way too many hardpoints and utility mounts for the amount of optional internals you can bring. The class 6 internal slot is also too big for the Guardian FSD booster, forcing you to either waste space or reduce your jump range in favour of a faster fuel scoop. But then you can't bring shields. A split class 6 into two class 5s (or even a class 5 and a class 4) would have been far better.


Adder: This little bumpercar of a ship brings an impressive jump range to the table for the price. But with such lackluster internals and nothing setting it apart that much, it just falls flat relative to the competition. Not a bad choice, but outside of a few die-hard fans nobody's first choice either.

Imperial Clipper: Okay-ish jump range with enough space for a huge fuel scoop.

Imperial Courier: Good handling and fairly okay jump range. At least you'll look stylish in your camera suite drone footage!

Imperial Cutter: Huge space for all your stuff, but you won't get far with that jump range. Still, mighty impressive to bring out of the bubble!

Keelback: Good maneouverability but fairly poor jump range. You'll have fun flying, even if you don't get anywhere. Much better suited to stay close to the bubble and land on planets.

Cobra Mk III: The Mk III is like a tiny Python. It's pretty good at a lot of things. But like a tiny Python, being good at exploration is not enough to make a huge impression. A Jack of most trades, everything but exploration.

Beluga Liner: Oh the luxury! Oh no the price for that jump range...

Alliance Challenger: There is nobody in the black to challenge. Go with the Chieftain, you'll be glad for the extra jump range over larger internals.

Diamondback Scout: How did this ship get it all so wrong? With a big brother like the DBX, you'd think the small ship will save on internal space, perhaps even some core internals to keep the FSD as big as possible. A scout needs to do one thing after all: Jump ahead. But for some reason, it sits right in the middle when it comes to jump range. Perhaps it is a scout because it runs so cool and is hard to detect, but even then the DBX is the far more competent scouting ship. It would benefit greatly from a different design and name, not calling upon the myth, the legend that is the DBX. A comparison like that is lost no matter what the DBS brings to the table.

Eagle: Couldn't afford a ship that lets you bring a fighter into the black? Why not just fly the fighter itself out there? The eagle will let you zip around mountains and through canyons that nobody else has ever seen! Shame that it will take you months in supercruise to get there...

Imperial Eagle: Like the eagle, but fancy. Which is nice for anyone you meet, which will likely not happen on your trip. And for that offchance, you get to pay a little extra. It's the imperial way after all.

Viper Mk. IV: In all aspects worse than the Cobra Mk. III if your aim is exploration.

Vulture: Why you would ever think the Vulture is good for exploration is beyond me. Hardpoints are the most useless slots for these types of adventures and that is what the Vulture has been geared towards. You can take it out there, by there are better, cheaper, and better and cheaper alternatives out there. Unless you need to be really prepared for a xenos attack at least, but even then the Chieftain has been designed for exactly that fight. I suppose piracy between the bubble and Colonia is unexpected for all your victims, perhaps there's some money in that idea...

Sidewinder: Second worst maximum jump range out there, but the only ship you can get to its peak range for less than a million credits. Between that and some fairly good handling, bringing this "little ship that could" out into the black is a great way for explorers to really consider what modules they need and which they can go without. Just don't leave your fuel scoop at home, the Sidewinder doesn't have a big enough tank for that.


Mamba: It's expensive, it has the internal space of a shoe box, and it will let you jump about as far as a frog without legs. This is the quintessential non-exploration ship. Woefully unprepared for anything that is more than 10k ls from the nearest station, outpost, or Carrier. It only takes the top spot of D-Tier because it looks so good that I really want to see it in front of Sag A*, and I have spent many hours pouring over the outfitting options to see how to make this work. Probably enough hours to just fly the thing there, but where would be the fun in that?

Federal Assault Ship: How this one remains terrible while being much better than its brothers is a mystery. Somehow it has a better range, perhaps because it lacks the same space as the FDS and FGS. You may not fit all your required modules in there, but at least you'll make it out of your home system before giving up.

Alliance Crusader: Fighting ships just don't do well in this category. The Crusader is an awesome ship that has strengths in all the areas irellevant to exploration.

Viper Mk. III: In all aspects other than price worse than the Mk. IV. Please just don't...

Federal Corvette: With a jump range like that, I'll be surprised if you even make it out the bubble. At least you'll never need to make a return trip with all your possessions in the ship.

Federal Dropship and Gunship: Let's be honest: There is nearly no difference between the two for exploration. You will not get anywhere, your fuel tank will be empty with each jump and you are hauling around a hull tank thousands of lightyears from the nearest threat.

Type-10 Defender: Unwieldy in supercruise and small jump range. It looks and feels like a small city. Probably because it's the size of a small city. You could probably start a colony with one of these.

Type-9 Heavy: Similar to T10, even smaller jump range. Unless you need to bring home a lot of Jaques Quinentian Still, this one is probably not the right choice. And even if you need to bring that much home, I'm almost sure two trips in an Anaconda will be faster and more enjoyable.

Fer-de-Lance: I'm sorry, did I say the Mamba was the antithesis to exploration? Unless you want to shoot a planet apart, taking the FDL out of the bubble is like bringing a circular saw and impact drill to a child's arts and crafts project. Not just the wrong tool for the job, but also wildly dangerous. At least it is technically possible to explore in this, points for being technically correct.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Wow, you've gone above and beyond the call of duty here TheHappyHans - thank you!

CMDR John Wick's avatar

This is my vision of how to use and how I have already used ships for this purpose. In a deep exploration I prioritize the following settings on a ship:

FSD and Booster (Mass Ratio) > Fuel Scoop > AFMU/SRV/Scanner slots > Size Ratio.

For me, long exploration requires suitable ships that can handle themselves well in a void, and this list is focused on that.


Mandalay and Anaconda: I can't put them at different levels, because although size matters depending on the situation, in Elite even with large ships an explorer can land well, we always land (I haven't unlearned that). They have good AFMU capabilities, good collectors, respectable SCO's are the elite of exploration ships.


Krait Phantom, Asp Explorer, Orca, DBX, Dolphin: What makes them lose classification is the reduction of useful modules in an exploration and their fuel collectors, and jumping capacity, which makes them slow in the process. It doesn't take away the shine, just because the ones above are better in these aspects.


Krait Mk2, Python and Imperial Corrier: A long exploration I find problematic due to the amount of AFMU and its modest collector/Booster/FSD. The other ships vary in these things too.


Python MK2, Beluga, T-7, Cutter, T-6: These ships are no longer intended for exploration, they have other functions that they will perform much better. Can you jump? Of course. But they are very massive and there are other things that do not favor this type.


Another Ships in game: I already consider it a complete misuse of function. They are simple ships with other functions that shine or are too basic.

Exploration through fleet carriers, any ship will do. Small explorations, believe me, choose your favorite.


Here are my top 5 Exploration ships in Elite Dangerous

1 - Diamondback Explorer
This is the first of my long range exploration ships - It has a jump range of over 70ly and has a very small footprint so is excellent for Exobiology. A good feature with the Diamondback is that it can withstand a lot of heat, so when entering a system with two hot stars in close proximity it does not overheat quickly. The only drawbacks with this ship are it only has room for one small vehicle bay (1 SRV) and there is only room for one AFM.

2 – Python

This is the second of my long range exploration ships – It has a jump range of over 38ly and is also very good for exobiology as with some manoeuvring it can get into small areas that an Asp or Krait would not get into. The advantages of this ship are that it has room for a larger vehicle bay (2 SRV) and also two AFM units. The only drawback with this ship is on very long voyages it can take a long time because of the 40ly jump range.

3 – Imperial Courier

This is the first of my short range exploration ships. This ship I use for exploration in areas that are close to high population areas because it is fast and very manoeuvrable and is very handy if someone tries to interdict you. It has a jump range of 30ly and can make very short work on short journeys. It also has a very small footprint and is ideal for exobiology.

4 – Hauler

This is the second of my short range exploration ships. This ship I use for in system or nearby system exploration and exobiology. It has a very small footprint so ideal for the job. The main drawback with this ship is it is very slow so if you get into trouble it can be a handful.

5 – Anaconda

This ship I used for very long range exploration. It has a jump range of 70ly but is very hard sometimes to fly. It is also no real use for exobiology as it has a very large footprint. This ship I will more than likely replace with the Mandalay when I get back to civilisation and engineer it.

Hunter's avatar

Tier S : Mandalay + ANACONDA

The Mandalay is the New Apex Explorer after the ascendency update, medium ship with an FSD that can reach astronomical values if upgrade, on top of that the shape of the ship makes it more stable for the new technologies called SCO, if you want the ultimate explorer ship this is it !

The Anaconda is well known for its jump range of over 60 light-years when properly outfitted, making it an excellent long-distance jumper. It also provides enough room in the modules for installing top-range scanners, refueling scoops, and repair modules, which are essential for deep-space exploration.

Tier A: ASP Explorer
ASP Explorer — This fan-favorite is a ship we're all used to seeing, with a great jump range and fair module space. It's affordable and boasts one of the best cockpit views in its class, making it a popular choice among explorers.

Tier B: Diamond Explorer
Diamondback Explorer – A small, agile, and economical ship with a respectable jump range for its price and class. It’s a budget-friendly option for newer explorers with decent range, although it only has space for a few modules.

Tier C: Krait Phantom
Krait Phantom: A smaller and quicker version of the Krait Mk II, the Phantom offers good jump range while providing several module slots. With solid exploration potential combined with defensive capabilities, it’s an ideal ship for players looking to explore near the bubble or cover moderate distances.

Tier D: Beluga Liner
Beluga Liner – As a large passenger liner, the Beluga has limited exploration capability due to its bulk, handling, and suboptimal jump range. However, it can be modified for exploration if players want to carry luxury passenger cabins to ferry tourists to various points of interest in the galaxy.

Matt G's avatar



Hands down currently the best ship in the game for exploration. It has the manoeuvrability, jump range, module slots and easy to land. It also has enhanced SCO and runs very cool. There are no real downsides to the ship, but if you're being picky the Zorg Petersen logo on the downwards window might be annoying, and because it's so light it does get thrown about a bit more than other ships when neutron boosting.


Asp Explorer

For a long time, the best exploration ship in the game. It has great jump range and exceptional roll and pitch in supercruise. It also has a fairly small footprint comparted to other medium ships when landing. On the downside, most ships don't have great yaw in supercruise but the Asp Explorer is one of the worst for it. Some people dislike the fact it has 4 feet rather than 3 and that allegedly makes it harder to land.

Krait Phantom

Very comparable to the AspX. In a like-for-like build, the Phantom will jump marginally further than the Asp Explorer but cannot match it's manoeuvrability. It also has a larger footprint making it more difficult to land.



When built purely for jump range, the Mandalay can just outjump the Anaconda - but when built with a proper exploration build the Anaconda still has the highest jump range. It has a huge amount of space for modules. The biggest downside of the Anaconda is it's awful manoeuvrability in supercruise. Because of it's large size, it is also more difficult to land than most other exploration ships.


In complete contrast to the Anaconda, the Dolphin is the smallest ship on the list. It runs very cool, decent manoeuvrability and is very easy to land. It can be built with a decent jump range, though not as far as the Anaconda. On the downside, it lacks module space and isn't particularly bulky.



Often overlooked, for a large ship the Orca has decent manoeuvrability and a good jump range. It has a lot of module space. Because of it's size, it can be difficult to land and it's jump range doesn't match that of the previous tier ships.

Diamondback Explorer

The DBX can be built with a decent jump range, and is one of the easiest ships to land with it's small footprint, only being surpassed by the Dolphin. The weakness of the DBX is it's ability to scoop fuel - because of it's internals it has to run an undersized scoop meaning it takes about 3 times longer than most other ships to refuel.


Everything Else

Every ship can be built for exploration and do very well at it. Whilst they might not match the capabilities of the ships I've already mentioned they can still be built to do exploration. In truth, the best exploration ship is the one you have fun in.


Evening Commanders, This is my list, keep in mind, Im not trying to beat on a dead horse with all the same stats, so ive gone for a different approach..

  1. Mandalay; up to 86 ly if engineered right and stripped, plus great asthetic for exploring.

  2. anaconda (jumpaconda); up to 65 ly stripped and fully engineered. also Just a massive ship to explore with and allows for one or 2 srvs and a fighter if you want to scout the area before landing. as well as protection from the environment if you get attacked.

  3. The orca; 76 ly, but its just ugly, and i dont like ugly, doesnt look good for screenshots and its more of a liner than an exploration ship. do what you will but it just doesnt fit, it only gets 3rd place since it has 76 ly jump range.

  4. The Krait Phantom; ive personally messed around with it and its very agile and very good at exploring, but it has a 54 ly range and the wingspan hits everything when your on the surface, otherwise very good looking ship and nice landing capability.

  5. Asp X; now...yes its a good started ship but its too fat and heavy for a medium explorer. with a 63 ly range and open cockpit view...the only downside is that is doesnt have a lot of room for extra modules with make the quality of life better while exploring. looks good though. i love this one but it doesnt quite compete anymore with a mandalay out now.

XCezor's avatar

Okay so before anyone will look at this, I have to say that personally I really really dislike huge exploration ships and I can be slightly rough while speaking about them. Even tho Anaconda isn't that bad Anaconda, I am very sceptical about this ship. It's big, it's heavy, it rotates forever. When I go to exploration, I like to visit planets and sometimes land on them (especially for exobiology). Landing on most planets in Anaconda for me is very uncomfortable.

Also I cannot put here Mandalay because I don't own this ship and I don't know how good it feels to fly. It may be something great or something overrated like Anaconda so to put it in this list I'd had to get into one of them.

That was the introductory word, so let's get into the tier list:

S tier - Krait Phantom. It's medium ship so it can carry quite decent optional internal modules. Besides that, it has Grade 6 optional internal like the ships in A tier which is perfect for 6A Fuel Scoop. Something this powerful can fuel up your ship from reserves to full tank in no time. Very high jump range and the design is very smooth, I love it.

A tier - Python and ASP Explorer. Python isn't that bad but it's heavier than Krait Phanton and takes longer to rotate so I've put it in the A tier. But it's a decent multirole ship so you can use it either for combat, trading and passenger missions keeping high jump range at the same time. ASP Explorer isn't much worse but it's made mostly for the exploration. It's lighter than Python but if you are looking for ship that can do more than just an exploration, aim for the Python or Krait Phantom.

B tier - Dolphin and Diamondback Explorer (DBX). Both are small ships. Dolphin is a good ship for passenger missions even tho has very limited amount of optional internal slots to put passenger cabins. To be honest, I always preferred using Python for passenger missions rather than Dolphin or its bigger variants. DBX is a good ship for beginners but I do not recommend leaving the Inner Orion Spur in that ship. The highest optional internal slot is Grade 4 so it cannot hold big fuel scoop and refueling can take a bit long. But as a starter it's a good ship.

C tier - Orca and Anaconda. I've already shared my opinion about big exploration ships. I can only tell that Orca is better than Beluga Liner in D tier. Orca is smaller and good for passenger missions inside Bubble. Anaconda is in C tier because of its huge (the biggest as I remember) jump range which is cool. But I prefer to use it for combat rather anything other, and for big combat ship I still prefer Imperial Cutter so that's it I guess ¯\(ツ)/¯

D tier - Beluga Liner. It's only real purpose are luxury passenger missions. It's big and heavy and fits best for the long-range missions. What's the disadvantage of that? It's big size makes it very uncomfortable for casual exploration and even while doing passenger missions outside the Bubble, it's just a system-to-system travel because exploring planets in this ship can be frustrating. If you want to do passenger missions, use Python or Orca.

AndyRice's avatar

The ranking is based solely on my personal experience.

When it comes to choosing an exploration ship, jump range is not my only concern. While jump range is important, I won't sacrifice everything to enhance it (e.g., downgrading the power distributor to the point where your ship can't boost). The ship I choose to fly in deep space should be a reliable fortress and home, equipped with every necessary function to handle any possible situation during the journey.

When building an exploration ship, I focus on two main aspects:

  • Jump Range: This increases exploration efficiency and allows you to traverse sparse star sectors.

  • Sufficient Optional Modules: This enables you to equip essential tools for exploration, such as a fuel scoop, AFMS, SRV hanger, shields, and even a rescue limpet controller.

Based on these criteria, here is my ranking:

S tier: Mandalay

The Mandalay is simply outstanding. In my opinion, it is the best exploration ship available. It boasts a very good jump range, sufficient optional module slots, excellent agility (both with thrusters and in supercruise), and impressive heat efficiency (with a proper setup, it won't overheat even when charging the FSD near a star). It also has a small landing footprint and costs only around 10 million credits according to Coriolis data. The Mandalay is undoubtedly the top choice for explorers, whether experienced or beginners.

A tier: Anaconda and Krait Phantom

The Anaconda was the reigning king of exploration before the release of the Mandalay, known for its impressive jump range. However, achieving this range requires significant sacrifices in core and optional modules. Additionally, piloting an Anaconda feels cumbersome, and I personally don't enjoy its flight handling.

The Krait Phantom is an excellent option despite its slightly shorter jump range compared to the Anaconda. It offers a sufficient range for exploration, decent optional slots, and good maneuverability.

B tier: Krait Mk II and Asp Explorer

The Krait Mk II, the sibling of the Krait Phantom, has a decent jump range and sufficient optional slots. I placed it in the B tier due to its slightly shorter jump range. Interestingly, I chose the Krait Mk II over the Phantom for my first journey to the Galactic Core because I love its design, especially the two large thrusters!

The Asp Explorer is a solid budget choice for beginners. It has everything needed for long-range journeys, true to its name.

C tier: Python

The Python is a great multi-role ship. Before the release of the Krait Mk II, it was arguably the best medium-sized multi-role ship. It has sufficient optional slots to be a reliable space fortress and a relatively good jump range.

D tier: Diamondback Explorer

From what I remember, the Diamondback Explorer and the Asp Explorer were the main exploration ships before engineering modifications were available. The DBE is still a good exploration ship and a budget-friendly choice for beginners. However, there are now many better options than the DBE.


The most important thing for an exploration ship is jump range, however, there are some things that make for a good exploration ship:

S - Diamondback Explorer - It's small and nimble for landing on planet surfaces and can still carry a SRV

A - ASP Explorer - You can fit a bigger fuel scoop than the Diamondback Explorer but is a medium ship so not as nimble

B - Anaconda - Hollowed out it can jump real well but as it's a large ship landing on planet surfaces could become an issue if that is part of your exploration journey

C - Orca - Can make a good explorer but also for doing long range passenger missions at the same time

D - Dolphin - Not the biggest jump range but a real good looking ship

Note: I'm waiting until the Mandalay becomes available to the general public before checking it out so that's why I haven't included it in my rankings at all

CMDR Henckes's avatar

This is my tiers list, it's not a surprise that the top 4 is the Anaconda, ASP Explorer, Krait Phantom and Anaconda, but almost the Anaconda didn't get down one position because of the the size and manoeuvrability of her, but she still doing a great job for high distance travels but now I prefer the Mandalay, it is a great addition to the game and for players like me that love to do exobiology and in game photography (because the Asp Explorer was terrible in the design)

And how you could see one important criteria of this ranking was the ship for be suitable for the exobiology , so big ships aren't so great for that and the cockpit is so important, that's why the ASP Explorer is at the A-Tier group. And the ship range and modules slots was important to the rest of the ships since you will need some repair limpets and AFMU to keep your ship alive for long distances, and smaller ships have issues to travel great distances and keep all fixed up!


Greetings pilots and beyond, let's start my list from bottom to top.

Category D

Dolphin, Sidewinder, Beluga Liner.

Generally you can start exploring on any ship, but you won't get a lot of credits, and you won't have much fun either.

In this category I put the ships on which you can start researching, but it will be quite inefficient.

Category C

Adder and Diamondback Scout

Pros: Low price, small size.

Cons: Small jump of 32 light years (with full engineering), few slots.

Pretty versatile ship to start exploring, which will help save up for the next better explorer ships.


Category B

Diamondback Explorer

Pros: 70 light years jump (with full engineering and guardian technology), high maneuverability, small size (allowing a net anywhere).

Cons: Weak top-end fuel intake,

Best ship for beginning and intermediate explorer, of course the small fuel intake affects refueling time, especially if there are a lot of jumps, but it is still a pretty handy and versatile ship.

In this category you can also add Asp Explorer, also a good explorer, but more expensive jumps as well.


Category A

Krait Phantom

Pros: High energy efficiency, high thermal resistance, higher number of modules and their size.

Cons: Higher price compared to category B.

Pretty good ship for its price, 75+ light years jump, not as maneuverable as smaller ships, but can also land in hard to reach places.


Category S

This is where I got the two best research ships in my opinion.


Pros: 80+ light years jump, large number of modules and their size, high payload capacity and spacious fuel tank.

Cons: Quite expensive to buy and equip, large size makes it hard to find a convenient landing pad everywhere, low maneuverability and mobility

Before the addition of Mandalay was the best ship for research activities due to its jump and long range without refueling, but its low maneuverability and large size had a negative impact on the research process especially for exobiology in terrain with high altitude differences.



Pros: 90+ light years jump (by far the biggest jump, with engineers and guardian technology), medium size, very high maneuverability, high fuel efficiency, ignores effects of engine overload, 10 slots of extra equipment with high classes, price of only 19 million credits (when shared) much cheaper than Anaconda.

Cons: It has them, but not in the explorer role.

A classy ship for research, with great jump and high maneuverability, it is not yet available to everyone for credits, but soon everyone will be able to get this beauty.

(Translation made with DeepL.)

Dydo's avatar

Mandalay has come to be the exploration GOAT in my opinion.

Although Anaconda has the best jump range, I think it's maneuverability a BIG heads down.

Asp and Diamondback can fight for the same spot, but I decided to stick with Asp because for its cockpit and more modules capacity. For local exploration and "farming", specially exobiology, Diamondback is the winner though.

Krait Phantom is the most stylish, but never liked it that much when compared to the others.

Orca is for those madness CMDRs, nothing but respect

And the Scouts should be a good start, but it's better going directly to the explorers itself, so they don't make sense to me. Do anyone even uses Scouts?


Five tier list for Elite dangerous exploration ships.



Anaconda with jump range up to +/- 90 light years with engineering¡. It's a large ship and very good for deep-space exploration due to its versatility. The only record breaker with 7 class fuel scoop. Landing on rough planets, it's the only issue.



New exploration era has a new exploration ship, adorable medium size with jump range, +/- 87 light years. Good atmospheric entry, making it well-suited for planetary landings on any worlds.

This ship is quite unlike anything we've seen so far in Elite dangerous game, very different design and yet completely unique.

This ship is mainly for long-range exploration with SCO frame shift drive. It can achieve a high jump range of light years while retaining strong maneuverability.


Krait Phantom,

This ship has a jump range, around +/- 79 light years, with good cockpit visibility. It’s suitable for planetary landings and performs very well for all space explorers everywhere. All-rounder with plenty of module space.


Asp Explorer,

One of the best ship in the game for most space explorers due to a great jump range of, +/- 76 light years, decent maneuverability, and you also get a gorgeous view wherever you are in space because of Lakon classic canopy. It is accessible and reliable medium ship.


Diamondback Explorer

DBX has a high jump range of +/- 72 light years. It's a small and affordable ship for most commanders and has oversized grade 5 frame shift drive and can only fit class 4 fuel scoop. Overheating, it's the only issue with limited internal space but sufficient for exploration.

Block9's avatar

1. Anaconda

  • Why #1: With unmatched jump range and internal space, the Anaconda stands out as the top exploration ship. It’s fully customizable for long expeditions and can carry numerous essential modules for deep space.

  • Best For: Pilots who need extended travel range, durability, and comprehensive outfitting options.

  • Cons: Due to its large size, it is harder to land on planets and maneuver in tight spaces. It’s also quite costly to fully equip and maintain.

2. Mandalay

  • Why #2: As a new model, the Mandalay is optimized for modern exploration, boasting high jump range and innovative features like its transparent cockpit for planetary surveying. It combines power with ease of use, making it an elite choice.

  • Best For: Explorers who value advanced features and design improvements, particularly for planetary mapping.

  • Cons: Slightly lower top speeds in Supercruise compared to some medium ships, making it a bit slower for quick surveying.

3. Krait Phantom

  • Why #3: Its versatility and effective jump range, coupled with numerous internal slots, make the Krait Phantom highly adaptable for multi-role exploration. Its maneuverability also outpaces larger ships, offering a smoother experience in various environments.

  • Best For: Explorers who enjoy a customizable, versatile ship for both short and medium journeys.

  • Cons: Its price can be high compared to dedicated exploration ships like the Asp, and it might not reach the absolute jump ranges of the Anaconda.

4. Asp Explorer

  • Why #4: Though less powerful than the Anaconda or Mandalay, the Asp Explorer is affordable and efficient. Its solid jump range, fuel economy, and outstanding cockpit view make it a reliable, budget-friendly choice.

  • Best For: Mid-tier explorers who want a dependable, efficient vessel for regular exploration.

  • Cons: Limited maneuverability when compared to smaller ships, and the hull is somewhat fragile, meaning it’s best for pilots who can avoid combat encounters.

5. Diamondback Explorer

  • Why #5: Despite its excellent jump range for the price, the Diamondback Explorer’s limited internal slots and slower fuel scooping rate make it more challenging for extended expeditions. However, its affordability and efficient cold running make it a solid entry-level choice.

  • Best For: Newer explorers prioritizing jump range and operating costs over cargo space.

  • Cons: Slower fuel scooping speed due to its smaller slots and limited internal compartments, which might make longer journeys more challenging without modifications.

Each of these ships offers distinct strengths and limitations, allowing players to choose based on their exploration priorities and gameplay style. For optimal performance, outfitting with engineering modifications, such as lightweight hulls or Guardian FSD boosters, can make a significant difference in jump range and efficiency :)


My Esploration Ship Tier List

this is the list of all the ships unfortunately choosing the most suitable one is very difficult since the game has so many different ships divided by purpose, there are ships suitable for combat, those for trade and those dedicated to exploration, the Mandaley in addition to being beautiful is the best choice for exploration, the only shame is that at the moment it requires Arx to be used, not to be underestimated are the Anaconda and the Diamondback Explorer which are not bad.

MQC's avatar

This is my list of 10 exploration ships for ED:


* Mandalay:

  • Jump Range: 91 ly. approx

  • Cost: 58,170,000 cr. approx

* Anaconda

  • Jump Range: 86 ly. approx

  • Cost: 261,540,000 cr. approx

Without a doubt, for me, the Mandalay is currently the best ship for Exploration in terms of price and features. Fast, versatile, with great vision capacity, with magnificent SCO... it has it all. The Anaconda has been, and still is for many, the best ship for its great jumping ability, especially if it is engineered, but its high price makes it an option for more advanced players in the game.


* Diamondback Explorer

  • Jump Range: 82 ly. approx

  • Cost: 14,000,000 cr. approx

* Dolphin

  • Jump Range: 73 ly. approx

  • Cost: 12,500,000 cr. approx

I consider both the Diamondback Explorer and the Dolphin to be wonderful options for a very high level of exploration at a brutally low price. The Diamondback Explorer is probably preferred by many, not only because it is perfect for the role, but also because it is aesthetically ideal. The Dolphin is perhaps best suited to the role of transporting people, but it does a superb job of exploration.


* ASP Explorer

  • Jump Range: 78 ly. approx

  • Cost: 47,780,000 cr. approx

* Krait Phantom

  • Jump Range: 80 ly. approx

  • Cost: 77,520,000 cr. approx

In the higher price ranges, we have both the ASP Explorer, Lakon's flagship for this purpose, which for its jumping ability and versatility is still a great choice. The Krait Phantom has an amazing jump capacity and great module configuration capability, but at a somewhat higher price.


* Hauler

  • - Jump Range: 72 ly. approx

  • - Cost: 2,750,000 cr. approx

* ASP Scout

  • Jump Range: 70 ly. approx

  • Cost: 15,220,000 cr. approx

The Hauler deserves a special place among those ships worth considering for the exploration role, mainly because it has a very interesting initial jump capacity, and above all a very low price, which makes it an accessible option for any player who wants to start exploring this role early. The ASP Scout can be seen as a cheaper and much smaller version of its sister, the ASP Explorer, but its price and manoeuvrability make it an option to take into account.


* Adder

  • Jump Range: 65 ly. approx

  • Cost: 3,180,000 cr. approx

* Imperial Courier

  • Jump Range: 65 ly. approx

  • Cost: 5,620,000 cr. approx

Finally, we have ships that have a much more limited capacity for exploration roles, and that are perhaps more intended for exploration close to the bubble, or within the bubble itself... but their price makes them possible options for novice players who can also consider acquiring these ships for an initial multirole purpose. They are small, manoeuvrable and cheap... who can give more for less?

(Translation made with DeepL.)

USCSS's avatar

Hi everyone. Here's my list of exploration ships:

S) Mandalay: The latest ship for short and long voyages optimized for the new warp drive. I don't have it yet because I can't buy it with in-game credits but I'll give my opinion based on other commanders' comments

A) Anaconda: Excellent jump capacity and lots of space for exploration modules, ideal for long voyages.

B) Krait Phantom: Versatile ship with good jump capacity and maneuverability, perfect for intermediate explorers. Reminds me of the Millennium Falcon from Star Wars

C) Asp Explorer: A community favorite, reliable and with good jump range. I went to Beagle Point with one of these

D) Diamondback Explorer: Good for beginners because it's cheap, has good jump range but less space for modules compared to the higher options. I use it to go to Guardian sites since it's a very small ship so it's easy to land on tricky surfaces

(Translated with Google Translate)

CMDR_nailz_'s avatar

Are we to rank every ship in the game?

Alex Sinclair's avatar

CMDR_nailz_ that'd be great, but it's not necessary. It's up to you how many ships you include, but I'd recommend a bare minimum of five.

Toretto 70's avatar

in S rank we have ASP Explorer and Anaconda

in A rank Orca and Krait MK II

in B rank Krait Phantom and Dolphin

in C rank ASP scout and Type 6 Transporter

in D rank Type 7 Transporter and Python


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