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EVE Online
Rixx Javix's avatar

Warp Core Stabilizer

For years and years I annoyed everyone with my unending campaign against WCS in Eve Online. I wrote blog posts, created memes (like the one above), left stickers on Dev's desks at Fanfest, and generally made such a nuisance of myself that they eventually created an entire spaceship (The Maulus Navy Issue) to make me stop. Didn't work. Although I do love the Maulus Navy Issue and appreciate being the only player to have a spaceship created to mollify them. How awesome is that?

Anyway, eventually the WCS issue got dealt with and we've moved on from the campaign. Although Stay Frosty notoriously continues to wage a never-ending war against the module - blowing up Ventures mostly. We haven't forgotten.

So it seems only fitting that my module would be the infamous Warp Core Stabilizer. I'd prefer something else, but I should own my history.

PS: I should explain the meme. I started a rumor that every time you used a WCS to escape a kitten died.

Sturmer's avatar

Ouch, I used 7 of them on my Smartbombing Phoon!

Rixx Javix's avatar

They also cause other issues if you use them too much.


Small Gremlin Compact Energy Neutralizer that's for sure. My friends sometimes really are just sick of me, so I guess that would make me a bit of a little gremling depleting everyone's battery 😌🖐️

FUN INC's avatar

I would be a Light Neutron Blaster II - if I'm gonna shoot at ya, i want to see you from the cockpit winder... this allows me to do so! :D

orik Kado's avatar

My choice would be the ORE Strip Miner. Just like in the game, in my life, I try to be as efficient and effective as possible—knowing how to acquire and make the most of any resource to turn it into something positive and valuable. In both the game and real life, I love creating things that others can benefit from.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks orik Kado, admittedly, this could have been a little clearer in the reward description but we're looking for which module best reflects your IRL personality. I could be wrong, but I'm assuming you're referring to enjoying in-game mining! Feel free to edit and resubmit!

orik Kado's avatar

Thanks for the correction, it's now updated.


It might sound funny to you but I remember, when I was young kid I always loved to take with me every can I can find (people used to throw them all the way around in those times), and squish it to make some money from my parents! So i think I'd be salvager!

Lumin's avatar

Lurm the Slurm would most definitely be an Afterburner!

When playing EVE Online I generally tend to like to go fast, without stopping, and I often burn into situations and only stop to think about what I have done after the fact...

Now if only the game had some sort of specialized communications module I could attach to my ship to transmit my messages into space more violently...

Limal's avatar

If I were an Eve Online module, I’d be a Capital Tractor Beam II, pulling in everything within range. Cans, wrecks—whatever I can reach. I'm so hoardy!

CommanderA9's avatar

I thought about this for a bit, and given my job in the IT industry and my desire to help and improve things, I’ve found that a Large Remote Armor Repair module fits best.


I’m a systems administrator, among other responsibilities, and typically my job involves fixing what’s broken or damaged. It doesn’t matter if you broke it, or I broke it, or it just simply broke. If it’s broken, I fix it! Even if it’s a minor issue, it can impact your work eventually, cracking away at your armor until it compounds into a bigger issue and fails.

So I’m your fix-it person! No matter where I am or how far away I am, I’ll be there to reach out and keep you in the operation, and make sure you stay intact to do the job you need to do!


Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher II. I do a ton of work when I'm able to work, but it comes with overheating and I burn out very easily.

greybill's avatar

I'd be a 50MN 'Enduriung' Microwarpdrive.

Not quite the fastest, but with the endurance to reliably get you there in an economical way.


If I had to be a module in EVE Online, hmm... I would definitely be a *Covert Ops Cloaking Device* because I could move around unnoticed, making it a strategic move for my plans. This module represents me because before doing anything, I think it over and over, observe carefully, and then decide how to act.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Cyno Field Generator!

My YouTube channel is about helping people bridge the gap between Eve Online and themselves in our efforts to teach as much as possible, so bridging the difficulty gap, is what we do, so cyno!

CelestialFlea's avatar


Your cyno license has expired


Pulse Activated Nexus Invulnerability Core (P.A.N.I.C.)

In case of danger to my comrades, I protect them from all damage, allowing them to pull themselves together and fight off the attacker, or wait for reinforcements from allies who can protect all those who extract resources to build their ships


100Mn Afterburner on a tier 3 cruiser.

I came back to Eve Online almost a year aago after a ten years break and i'm still driving thruogh the new content and still speeding up.

Sturmer's avatar

If I were a module, which one would I be?

Easy - Sisters Expanded Probe Launcher!

Why? Because I love exploring things… and people. People too! There’s something thrilling about uncovering new places, unearthing secrets, and—who knows—maybe even tracking down a new friend for my BOX_OF_PEOPLE in cargo (totally not in a creepy way... no, definitely not).

Kane Carnifex's avatar

I would be a red damage control, not the new green one... the illegal one which you can activate.
Because strong hull, more core, if all drunk i get you home, somehow... xD

Mismoboy's avatar

If I was a module in Eve Online, I would be a high slot energy weapon turret because I do not need reload ammo or charges making my job easier. The most important benefit is pilots will overheat weapons but they will tend to let it be damage to a point of unusable. Therefore, I will have a longer live span than other modules.

Wadd Enderas's avatar

Caldari Navy Warp Scrambler

In my day job I spend most of my time keeping sales people and customers grounded. I have to keep expectations realistic and keep all parties 'on grid' so that we can engage in productive discussions and deliver well on what we promise. In an EVE context... I guess so that our operations teams can deliver more missiles...

And I'm quite good at it, so might as well go faction!

Y0EMINENCE's avatar

If I was a module I would be faction module.

Faction modules in EVE Online are like the souped-up versions of regular ship gear. They cost a pretty penny.

Because of my special factions in Elite Dangerous! 🤔🫡


425mm Autocannon II


Alex Sinclair's avatar

Sumfin7 - can you tell us why/how you're 'MORE DAKKA!!!' in real life? :D

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Sorrry couldn´t resist. This like the same if we get TOP post in reddit for the corpse collection:


Video Script: I Am a Warp Core Stabilizer

[Opening Scene]

Background music begins softly. Show a sleek ship warping away from danger in low-sec.

Narrator (Voiceover):

“EVE Online is a game of strategy, risk, and adaptability. Every pilot has their quirks, strengths, and weaknesses, just like the modules we use in New Eden. So, which module best represents me? After some thought, I realized I am… a Warp Core Stabilizer.”

[Scene 1: Why a Warp Core Stabilizer?]

Visual: A close-up of a Warp Core Stabilizer module in the fitting window.

Narrator (Voiceover):

“Why the Warp Core Stabilizer? Well, I’m all about preparation and resilience. Just like this module helps you slip away from danger, I thrive on staying calm under pressure and finding a way out when things get dicey. Whether it’s navigating null-sec or real life, I always have a backup plan.”

[Scene 2: Staying Calm and Adaptable]

Visual: A ship narrowly escaping a gate camp as hostile ships try to scram it.

Narrator (Voiceover):

“One of the things I value most about the Warp Core Stabilizer is its subtle strength. It doesn’t boast high DPS or flashy effects—it quietly gets the job done. That’s me. I’m not the loudest person in the room, but when it’s time to act, I know how to adapt and stay one step ahead.”

[Scene 3: Knowing When to Fight and When to Flee]

Visual: A fleet engaging a battle, followed by a ship warping away to regroup.

Narrator (Voiceover):

“In EVE, as in life, knowing when to fight and when to flee is crucial. The Warp Core Stabilizer doesn’t make you invincible—it’s not about avoiding challenges altogether. It’s about choosing your battles wisely, living to fight another day, and understanding the value of timing.”

[Scene 4: A Module with Personality]

Visual: A humorous montage of ships evading scrams while the chat window lights up with frustrated opponents.

Narrator (Voiceover):

“And let’s be honest—there’s something a little mischievous about the Warp Core Stabilizer. It’s not flashy, but it definitely leaves an impression on anyone trying to lock you down. Sometimes, it’s fun to be the underdog who outsmarts the big guns.”

[Scene 5: What Module Represents You?]

Visual: The ship fitting window, scrolling through a variety of modules.

Narrator (Voiceover):

“So, that’s why I’m a Warp Core Stabilizer: calm under pressure, adaptable, and always ready to make a quick exit when the odds aren’t in my favor. But what about you? Are you a Shield Extender, a Smart Bomb, or maybe a Micro Jump Drive? Let me know which module represents you and why!”

[Closing Scene]

Background music swells as the ship safely warps to a distant planet.

Narrator (Voiceover):

“EVE Online is more than just ships and modules—it’s about the pilots who bring them to life. Fly safe, and embrace your inner module, Capsuleers!”

Text on Screen:* “Fly safe, and stay one step ahead!”

[End Screen]

Show the EVE Online logo, your character name, and a call to action: “Which module are you? Share your story below!”


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