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Maybe make kill goals or getting a triple kill, quadra, penta things like that. Have them post the clip also. Could also put a bounty on winstreaks or playing certain gods and getting multikills with them.

Sturmer's avatar

Bounty Idea

Create a video showcasing your journey with a god you've never played before. If you've played all of them, choose the one you're least familiar with. Jump into any game mode, including AI games, to avoid impacting your teammates.


Record a 60-second edit demonstrating how you improve over time with a new god.

Why This Bounty

This approach mirrors a common tactic used by game developers - encouraging players to try new things through daily quests or achievements. It keeps players engaged and pushes them out of their comfort zones, leading to new discoveries. Just About can implement this idea to foster a similar sense of growth and exploration!


We really need more bounties that ask for people to make content about Smite on YouTube and the like- things like tutorials, full gameplay videos- stuff like that- use Just About as a way to incentivize a Smite 2 online culture to exist! Smite 1 has a real big lack of content, especially educational content, and it'd be a great help to see Just About use their system to influence that.

Stuff like-
How to Play - X God
Full Ranked Games
How to Jungle
How to Mid (etc)
How to Build
New Player Guide

and so on!


a good bounty for content purposes would be a choked penta kills bounty.

for examplem a player gets a quadra kill and just completely drop the 5th kill and lose the penta.

TheMortonMan's avatar

"What Gods do you want to see brought into the SMITE universe??"

It may prove difficult to word it so that players understand that we're not looking for Gods that will be brought in from SMITE to SMITE 2, since the idea of a question like this is to help Hi Rez gauge interest on gods that aren't in SMITE or SMITE 2. But people responding with some of their favorite mythological gods that aren't in SMITE yet, could prove helpful for multiple reasons!!

BlaiseMcBaine's avatar

I would love to see bounties like the following:

  • Steal an Objective

  • Showing off the best way to get a 3+ Kill or setting one up.

  • Showing off spicy unconventional builds.

Neyamavu's avatar

I think funniest play would be good as a bounty idea. There's a lot of plays that aren't necessarily top tier, but are still hilarious to watch whether it be through reaction or just what happens.

Another bounty could be weirdest builds. I think there are some under-utilized items that could use some love.

There could be one for designing a god kit. Not everyone who wants to take part in design is an artist, but it could be that you choose a god and create a kit that would fit that god in mythos (it's me. i'm that person. i have great ideas for Aeolus).

And last, skin ideas/art. Artists being more out there is always a win for the community.


I think a good one would be Best Penta Kill clips, they would be very hype. It could also give insight to the best god for team wiping is. That is my idea


Bounties for active item effects would be unique. You could ask for abilities in Smite 1 that could be incorporated as unique active items, could ask for item ideas for effects with no cooldowns that toggle, or perhaps active items that enhance existing item effects.

Another bounty idea could be to rank gods from smite 1 from a list for excitement to see in smite 2.

Finally, you could ask for what abilities make you feel the most excited to use correctly or what interactions are satisfying.


Funniest momments in smite. Just uploading a video of a funny moment and the community votes for the funniest of them each month.

Bug hunter. Smite 2 is on Alpha phase so looking for bugs is part of the experience of the game I think clips of the weirdest, funniest or game breaking bugs might be a good bounty.

Guides to new players for each different role or gamemode.

Off-meta builds or crazy builds. To show some weird builds that, surprisingly, work well with a god.

Smite meme contest. Memes are part of how a ccmmunity grow around a game. Giving little rewards for memes made about the game might be a good idea for people to create content about the game.

Cosplay contests might be good for those people who like to dress up as their favorite characters

Art content. For this one I think there can be different categories. Like new god concepts, different art styles or just their version of an existing character.


A few ideas:

Tierlist for different roles (e.g., ranking gods as support)

Guide for different roles (support, adc, jungle, mid, solo, etc.)

Unique build guides for gods or roles. Maybe highlight the current typical build and then ask for creative builds and why those builds work. E.g., in Smite 1, you might have somebody build a caster-type Neith rather than the typical hunter build.

Cloggedbean's avatar

post a clip of your self commentating over smite 2 matches.

could be like a highlight reel or just casting over 1 really good fight or end game.

(this could help engage creators that cast more then they play the game)

Inpunktion's avatar

I think there are plenty of different directions that bounties could be taken, you could do build guides for specific gods where the community also gets to vote on what they agree to be the most fun/best build for a specific scenario, perhaps a certain number of objective steals or even just a bounty for funny moments as those happen quite a bit. Could even do a bounty to live stream the game for a certain number of hours.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Share your favourite build for any god you play!

Tell what is its purpose, if it build tank, ADC, support, hybrid.

Post a screenshot of your favourite skin in the game!

Take a screenshot of the god with your best skin, could be in menu screen or even in combat, but the skin can not be obstructed or hard to see. And tell why you loves this skin so much.

JHenckes's avatar

Sharing builds can be extremely useful, it's a real challenge for new players!

yan57436's avatar

I really like the idea of exploring people's creativity, so I find the idea of reimagining the gods in new colors interesting, almost like a Marvel “what if” experiment. I'd also say unusual situations, again exploring creativity, like different builds that work. Or even the creation of narratives, as we see in other bounties


Concept ideas for Active Items that would synergize with each other
or even have have an evolution-like glyphs that changes how that active item works.

An example : An item active item that on use sends a meteor from the sky that deals small amount of damage.

Upgrade: Teleport to the hit area if it hit an enemy.

JHenckes's avatar

I could think of two things that are a bit specific, but that I think would be good ideas:

  • My first bounty option is a video bounty that I think would be cool to do would be to make an edited video of at least 1 minute playing with your favorite God and show why he's the best character (We can name it "God Gameplay Montage"). In this bounty it would be interesting for the player to show good moves with that character (multi-kills, epic saves, skillful escapes) and make an edit that would be judged by the quality of the video/edit and the quality of the gameplay and moves made. (NOTE: I know it's a more complex option, but thinking about bounties that would enhance the game and that could be well rewarded as a form of incentive, I believe it's a really good idea)

  • My second bounty option is something that mixes art and literature: I think I could name it “recreate a new god”. It would be a bounty where the idea is to draw one of the gods from the game in a completely different style or theme to the original (for example, making Zeus as if he were a steampunk character, but obviously without losing the traits that define him, because then it wouldn't be a re-imagining/re-creation). This would be the art part, but I think it would be cooler if this bounty was added to what defines literature: this part would ask the community to make a new lore for that God recreated in their drawing, that made sense for what was created and that still managed to be something that reminded you of that God (OBS: Yes I know, another bounty that would probably be unrealistic, but it's a stop that I think could bring very creative posts and that would be a nice community interaction).

    I can think of simpler bounties like “Tell me what you most want to see in Smite 2 in the future?” or “Create your tierlist of Smite 2 gods”, but the examples above I thought would be cooler to detail!

yan57436's avatar

Very creative, even more so when we see the infinity that your second idea could generate

ChrisTDickson's avatar
  • Create A Montage Bounty

  • Active Item Bounty (Make a highlight with ______ Active Item)

  • New God Highlight Bounty (Show Best Play With Newly Released God)

  • Create A Tierlist (Gods)

  • Casting Bounty (Review a clip by casting and breaking down the play)

  • Competitive Prediction Bounty (Break down an upcoming Tournament)


I really liked the bounties so far, I especially liked the guides, I had to play several games with gods that I don't usually play much to be able to create a useful guide.
Here I leave some examples of bounties that I think could be good

What changes (From Smite 1 to 2) did you like/dislike the most?

Which gods (2 or 3) would you like to see in Smite 2? And why?

What abilities of the gods from Smite 1 would you like to see changed for Smite 2? And what would you change?

What items (1 or 2) did you like and dislike in Smite 2? And why?

What do you think should be changed in Smite 2?

More guides on how to play certain gods in Smite 2. (Like Kulkukan, Ymir or Bacchus, for example).

Elech's avatar

After reading a few submissions the map doesn't really get much talk.

Aspects about the new map that you like/dislike - How would you improve it.

What possible ideas are you hoping to see in Smite 2 when it comes to the map. Themes such as pantheon that we might not have seen from Smite 1.

Art contest for Gods that are not in Smite at all yet. Always good to see originality.

Competitions within game - Milestones towards certain god achievements. Since Smite 2 has a lot of personal God accolades it would be cool to see milestones hit first. Not only kills but the more original ones such as distance to sun for Sol etc.

Design Merch for Smite. Hirez has not really done the best merch for the game so would be cool to see what ideas people have.


A SMITE 2 esports related bounty could be exciting.

A "things I noticed in the tournament", "tournament recap" type of content. It does really well in most other games but there are very few who do it for SMITE.

The founders series starts September 14th and is open qualifiers so there is even chances to follow and give coverage to more unheard of teams the main broadcast may not pick up.


What god do you wanna see most in smite 2?

Who is your favorite Smite 2 content creator?

What sort of things do you want out of SMITE 2 esports?

Stuff along those lines.


I think it would be cool for there to be more bounties that are fun and informative for both experienced and new players to participate in and benefit from.

As an example, perhaps there could be a "speed run to level 20 in conquest" bounty within which participants post screenshots of them hitting level 20 as fast as possible, sharing tips on how to farm more efficiently with the goal of helping everyone learn. It would thus be both an image and written submission, which could perhaps be verified with a post-lobby screenshot as well. Winners could then be awarded based on the fastest level 20's based on their in game screenshots with some awards also handed out to the best tips for farming more efficiently as well. In this way, participants that main roles that may not be able to easily reach level 20 as fast as others like support could still be awarded in the bounty, while also sharing knowledge on how to obtain more farm while in these roles.


Personally i'd love to see some more in-game challenge type bounties - gets people involved in the game directly too. Some random spitball examples:

  • win a game with the most kills (post lobby screenshots or match link to verify, top x submissions by kills get the prize)

  • post a clip of your highest multi-kill so far in the alpha

  • character specific in game bounties (post your best play with x god, or even a specific "challenge" like hit a ymir freeze on 3 enemies, get a double kill with kukulkan ult etc.) - these maybe stretch what would normally be considered a bounty on this site from what i've seen so far, but could be a cool expansion if they can be verified

Other, not in-game ideas:

  • suggest an unusual/unique build/strategy for a god

  • pick a smite 1 god that isn't in the game yet - what changes would you make to their kit if you were porting them to smite 2?

  • teach us a little-known tip or mechanic for a god in smite 2

  • if you could make one change to a god currently in smite 2, what would it be?

  • suggest a buff or nerf that would improve the current balance of the game

  • post a video of the funniest / your favourite bug you've found so far in the alpha

Ford James's avatar

I love running suggest-a-bounty bounties, because it allows us to see just how closely our upcoming bounty schedule aligns with the ideas of the community. Rest assured, a few of these are in the works already, and the ones you've suggested that we haven't previously considered are excellent ideas. Cheers DiscoFerry!


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