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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous

o7 Cmdr.'s

If you are a new player and Elite feels too big, just look at the follow sites:

The must-to-know-for-Elite Website
You will find the most important Infos right here.
News, Galnet & Radio all there!
You want to join a Squadron? Most of them have a page there with a discription of them self, you can also see there Members and more.
You looking for Ships and Stuff? You will find them, just enter your current system and what you searching for, a List will show you where you can find all of them.
Engineers, Datas, Material ... everything and where you will find it and what you need to gather it.

Elite Dangerous Wiki
You want more details and Story? Search here and you will find the Story, Logs, Coms and everything you are interesstet in.

Twitchstreamerin, a crazy, cute and crazy girl that love to help new player

Elite Dangerous Forum
You have a Question? Need Help? You will find it here.

As a new german Player, you can use sites like:

Squadron Homepage [TCIA] The Cosmic Independent Agency
German/english Community, with Discord, Guides and many helpfull Cmdr.'s

Inara [TCIA]
Squadron site on Inara

Lt. Psych (Twitch) Elite Partner
Founder and Leader of the Squadron [TCIA]
Every new Player is wellcome!
Many Events and help with everything in Elite Dangerous


I would recommend The Pilot's videos where he reviews every ship in a very entertaining way. There are definitely other ship review videos out there but I find myself just watching his videos for the entertainment.

Hawkes Gaming is also another great channel for guides and information about Elite Dangerous. Definitely a good creator for people wanting to learn different play styles. Also has a good ship review video which is how I stumbled across him.

Lastly I'd recommend Mattius if you're into the mysteries and unsolved parts of Elite Dangerous. Goes into a lot of different theories and lays out any evidence there has been over the years. Has a few videos on Raxxla theories which I find interesting but have little hope for actually being found.


Mattius was the first lore videos I really got into watching when I started the game, I still go back and watch his stuff over again. Always learning something new and making new connections in the lore.

RicZA's avatar

INARA - Elite:Dangerous companion
Inara is generally my one stop resource for my trading and commodity needs, looking for goods, best places to buy or sell, Inara has it all. They have some great features like Fleet Management, to keep track of all your ships and modules. You can also achieve medals for achieving certain goals, which I find quite exciting as a completionist. Inara also has Squadron segments, engineering guides and keeps track of community goals and conflicts. A very handy resource.

EDSM - Elite Dangerous Star Map
Somewhat similar to Inara but has some different features, really detailed Star Maps and exploration logs. Definitely a handy tool

EDSY and Coriolis EDCD Edition - Shipyard
These are absolutely essential tools when planning a ship build. Basically blueprint your entire build before heading to your outfitting and engineers in game.

Neutron Plotter (
If you plan on taking a trip across the galaxy, Spansh is a great help, be it in your carrier or in your favorite ship. Spansh helps you plan your refueling stops as well as guiding you down the Neutron Highway.

Reddit - Dive into anything
r/EliteDangerous - There are countless answers to many questions newer players might have, also a great way to stay up to date with new discoveries or sights.

Elite Dangerous | Frontier Forums
Again, a wealth of information here and answers to many questions, can sometimes require a bit of sifting.

Obviously YouTube will be a resource that many will use, here are some really great creators that will keep you up to date and have a treasure trove of handy guides
ObsidianAnt - TheBuurPit - RicardosGaming - DowntoEarthAstronomy - CMDR Mechan - HawkesGaming

Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games
While im sure a large percentage of people are already using this as coms among friends, there are some community groups and channels which have a wealth of information. Anti-Xeno Initiative and Canonn Research Group are prime examples of community groups that have put massive effort into providing resources to help others, further research and does wonders in helping the community organize themselves, with the current Thargoid incursion as a great example.

Elite: Dangerous - Twitch
Live streams from the Devs, Twitch Drops, a great way to stay up to date with the development of the game.

Elite Dangerous (@EliteDangerous) / X
Elite Dangerous is very active on X, worth following to keep up to date with developments. Stellar Screenshots is also a great "contest" with users show casing some amazing screenshots from their journeys.

CMDR Henckes's avatar


This site above is my first recommendation, it isn't just a database, I think I could say that site is one of completed sites for Elite Dangerous, besides of the database for you to organize where to buy ships, find material or find specific stations and settlements around the galaxy, you'll be able to track your progression in the game, read news about the galaxy and the community, share you discoveries, experiencies and favourites screenshots, discuss about lot of topics, search for help, find a squadron that you fit well.

But for keep this progression updated you have to use a third party tool to upload your progression automatically to the site. Elite: Dangerous Market Connector (EDMC) is probably the best one for you to have. Its simple, doesn't need so much hardware, you just need to get a special key in Inara site call API Key that you link the EDMC to the INARA.

As complements or alternatives for this tools I would recommend EDDiscovery a tool that help you to explore and track your discovery and help you to plan your routes. And another site is the EDSM - Elite Dangerous Star Map, a site that will track your progression with a focus in exploration and besides of that list all the past, presente and future expedition organised by the community and help you to enlist in those expeditions . Both of this tools are great companions of mine since the exploration is my favourite part in this game.

And one of the most important part for me is some YouTube channels that helped me to understand the game and its universe and story and as well to learned some simple and complex mechanics of the game such as engineering.

For game news and reviews there those:

Obsidian Ant

Galnet News Digest

The Buur Pit

And for tutorials and some help in the game there this two channels:

Hawkes Gaming

Down to Earth Astronomy (He doesn't launch more videos in this channel but there is a lot of useful tutorials for Elite Dangerous that you cant miss)

And to finish my recommendations I would recommend the ED Codex. It has a list of tools for Elite Dangerous and you be able to find the perfect ones for you.

JHenckes's avatar

What a good site, I loved it!

CmdrTravisRobicheaux's avatar - This website will help you plot routes as far as you need to go. It will calculate how much fuel you need for your fleet carrier.

Coriolis will help you customize a ship and price it out. This will also allow you to modify a ship based on engineering because you spend the mats.

Here is another website that helps you create your ships before you actually purchase them and spend materials on them.

Here is the most Efficient way to gather materials! This videos will help you save hours of surface gathering.

inara is essentially a MUST have. This will direct you to any module, resource, material , vendors, traders, and show you routes that will be best for trading. You will also be able to check inventory of all stations across the bubble.

Luriant's avatar

Elite is a game so big, that a single player can't discover all the activities, and in some cases, whole squadrons or communities do massive efforts to map the galaxy, each ring for mining spots, filtering across a 400Billion milky way, 20K inhabitated systems, and 500K stations and settlements, to find the best places in a changing galaxy. This guides had reviews, with the introduction of updates, or the storyline, and mantain this knowledge take lot of effort.

Before starting, I will share here my Starter Guide, if you lack some basic knowledge about flying or general guides, start with this one first.

This is a recommended progression. Mix at your own pace, but if some content become to hard for you, return to the progression and unlocks for the needed upgrades.


  2. Buy a better ship than a sidewinder, with A-rated FSD and powerplant, and D-rated Sensors and life support, other cores and most modules A or D-rated. Weapons and special modules (SRV hangar) ignore the letter rule.

  3. Pick the Preengineered modules in the Tech Broker (5A FSD with superior range than the player engineered, DSS probes +40%...).

  4. Farm high grade engineering mats , Crashed Anacondas become better in last engineering patch and work with flaks and collector limpets. This finder will show the nearest HGE Signals for mats that have LOTs of mats. And Jameson Crash Site have lots of beacons, 5/8 in range of SRV well placed, or you can use your ship datalink to scan (weapons deployed to use it) .Previous methods Brain Trees, flaks and limpets in the near Guardian space for all G4 mats. The old Crystalline Shard are valid, but far away than Brain Trees and lack Selenium.

  5. Unlock Engineers and upgrade the modules with the recommended engineering. You can pin 1 blueprint per engineer, but not experimental effects.

  6. Unlock Guardian modules (mostly the Guardian Frame Shift Drive Booster, the others are like G3.5 engineered or weapon against the aliens.)

  7. Unlock the permit locked zones. Selling 5-7M of exploration data in the Gateway megaships is a easy method for Allied rank. Relog after having the permit to update the galaxy map.

  8. Gain Imperial Rank and make a Trader/Miner/Combat Cutter. Summerland system, Henry O'Hare station have a 30% discount.

  9. Gain Fed Rank or (alternative guide), and make a combat corvette, less Fed factions than before, I don't know the current state of this, but apreciate the experience of new players heres). Ochosi-Chakpa have 3 Fed Factions each, and 10-14hours are enough with the new SCO FSD.

  10. Visit Colonia, unlock the 4 superengineers and visit the multiple Lagrange Clouds. Colonia Bridge megaship at 500Ly provide some support in the trip, r/FCOC do regular shuttles, and if you try Neutron supercharge in Jackson's Lighthouse, you can use neutron plotter for the fastest trip. Bring AFMU and repair FSD when <80% integrity.

  11. Buy/unlock the special modules in the Rescue Megaship outfitting and tech broker, and also the Sirius Corporation Megaships Tech Brokers. Overengineered AX weapons and heatsinks among others. Some need very rare mats from alien items, find a youtube guide for each one.

  12. Reach allied with Azimuth Biotech, approach the megaship in LHS 1163, obtain Mbooni permit, land in Prospector's Deep, and purchase the Modified Guardian weapons, a single weapon per transaction. Modified Gauss is the only that I find inferior to Vanilla version.

  13. Pledge a Powerplay NPC, know their mentality

  14. Collect all Powerplay modules


  16. Try EliteTraders guide for easy money

  17. Try EliteMiners current state of mining for more money

  18. Make a Passenger Python for Robigo Mines

  19. Make a Evacuation ship, for stations on fire or under Thargoid Attack.

  20. Make a better explorer ship and visit Sagittarius A*, Beagle point and Oeavasy SG-Y d0, a list of great systems to explore

  21. Take part in Community Goals or the playermade events

  22. Reach the max Credits per Hour, Now Onfoot combat zones need relog inside a SRV. Thargoid payment got nerfed, but also upgraded weapons and the limit up to 6 with Weapon Stabilizers modules. Exobiology provide 100-500M/hour for know route or using spansh body search for HMC, <0.27G with the correct atmospheres, in a popular explored route toward SagA*/Colonia/BeaglePoint. For exploration try some tool for Road2Riches. The best method at the moment is Spire farming. P.T.N. organize trips to Roackham Peak before Public Holiday faction state for the Booze Cruise method.

  23. Join AX Combat against thargoids, using Guardian weapons, Weapon stabilizar for up to 6 AX/guardian weapons and fully engineered ships. Kill Scouts, Cyclop and Basilisk (Medusa and Hydra in group or if you are very very good pilot). New Thargoids like Orthus or Glaive melt guardian tech except Hull Reinforcement, Enhaced AX weapons or Sirius preengineered AX Missiles. Enhaced Xeno Scanner provide more range. Caustic Sink and Thargoid Pulse Neutralizer in the rescue megaships for attacks on the titan. A new engineering in Ram Tah workshop avoid the antiguardian field that some Thargoid have, but with a -20% Damage reduction, less total damage than Sirius AX Missiles.

  24. Join a Squadron

  25. Triple Elite Rank. For ships combat, I recommend in KraitMk2+4Salvation Plasma Chargers in AX Combat Zones, Or Enhaced AX Gimballed MC, new Overcharged Azimuth variant is available in Rescue megaship tech broker and give +10% damage and Autoloader. A new method involve Onfoot Safeguard missions threat 5 in some settlements that drop lots of enemies at the same time, but even normal Threat5 or even threat 4 will improve your rank faster than ship combat.

  26. Buy a Fleet Carrier around 5B (more with some modules, at least armory). Tritium Monkeys refuel FC for a fee.


  28. Buy Odyssey and keep playing

  29. Explore Pioneer supplies for G3 Suits and Weapons, or use Sharing is Caring thread, restock on thursday.

  30. Install Odyssey Material Helper and farm mats in Anarchy settlements. Enter supercruise and return to respawn settlements, no-settlements work with relog if you have a mission on it and didn't retrieve the mission item. You can sell the same item again and again in your FC Bartender, to unlock some engineers. Buy the easy mats in the same bartenders, or farm in the correct places with the correct respawn mechanic. Now the system CD-51 2650 include Anarchy faction (CD-51 2650 Purple Gang) with lot of different settlements economy, you can go here and kill everybody without bounties or notoriety, while farming mats.

  31. See Stealthboy videos, and the tricks in the Settlement maps

  32. Farm Exobiology for Green-Blue-Red Artemis suits. For max profit/rank use this guide instead

  33. Farm Mercenary Rank for Bronze-Silver-Golden Dominator suits. We have a great guide about Warmongering


  35. Suscribe to Galnet News Digest, there is special playlist with each year for old but important content.

  36. Enter a Thargoid Structure, the door will open when onfoot, if you bring some guardian Relics, drop up to 3 in the device, and scan the central structure, wait outside the central room and defend yourself until the intense heat stop, scoop the new relics.

  37. Explore Canonn Codex , I recommend INRA settlements (older to newer is the correct ), generation ships, and Azimuth Saga

  38. Drew Wagar videos for the Lore between original Elite up to 3307 year.

  39. Visit the Canyons for Odyssey, also launch the legacy horizons for a quick

  40. Visit Rackham Peak (in fleet carrier) ,Systeia Aub BA-A g12 and Trieneou AA-A h2 (highest and lower systems reacheable without FC). Public Holiday increase the price or booze to platinum levels, but only have medium landing pads. Pilot Trade Network manage traffic, a choke system just before HIP 58832 limit FC flow.

  41. Visit Sol and terraformed Mars (Fed rank needed), land and survive Achenar 3 (Imp system), land and survive Koi 1701 1

  42. Try to land and survive Skardee 1-2-3 planets, and go next to World of Death, there is a small safe window for landing and dismiss the ship, SRV and onfoot are perfect safe.

  43. Keep Doing other stupid things.

  44. To the Official Forums, for Alec's best of the forum. The inspiration for this work.

  45. Make a Youtube/Twitch stream and join the Partner program

  46. Note the coords of your discoveries, and home systems, and find them in the IRL sky, while learning astronomy.

  47. Enter a videogame addiction group, and retake contact with your loved ones. Seriously, this game will wait for you, and sometimes you need to play other things or reduce your sessions. We will be here for you. o7


I'm honoured to have inspired such an excellent list commander! o7


Everything you need to know about the Thargoid war is at the DCoH Thargoid Overwatch :


Well this may sound obvious but I can confirm the Elite Dangerous Wiki was very useful for me back then. The Wiki is a great place to find reliable game information. If you like reading there are detailed articles about the game, for instance: ships, engineers and missions. Usually another game concepts are linked inside the article, so you can easily follow through a row of information to satisfy your learning needs.

But if you like videos, I'm sure you will find lots of tutorials on YouTube, but I'm going to recommend a very creative and funny content creator - the Ghost Giraffe channel. He is not the standard tutorial guy, his content is smart and has a good sense of humour. Take a look at some of my personal favorites like "How to Build: Fastest Ship in-Game" and "Top Tips No One Ever Follows". Enjoy.

MQC's avatar

For all those Spanish-speaking new Commanders, you will get great guides, tips, tests, and constructive gameplay, thanks to the magnificent Stormseeker:

Fantastic live broadcasts from a veteran player with Frontier's Partner:

There are countless Commanders who, in the last 10 years, have known and fallen in love with this magnificent game thanks to the great videos created by this great pillar of content creation of the Spanish-speaking community.

o7 Cmdr.'s


Since being added as a community on JA, I've started exploring Elite Dangerous videos on YouTube as it was a game I had of but not really paid much attention to previously, as I am predominantly a console gamer.

I have been reading through a few different game guides and have found the following the most insightful: written guide comes from someone who has clearly racked up a ton of playtime and knows all the ins and outs.

In terms of bideo guides, the game seems quite overwhelming to get into for complete newbies and some of the guides bamboozled me with no previous knowledge.

This one was concise and really helpful though to get you started, before expanding into more detailed and complex video guides...

DarthHunter69's avatar

Let's go straight to the point.

Best creator for both beginners and more experienced players:

CMDR Dituri -

Yes, there are many excellent creators out there, but Dituri is straight to the point and provides excellent results. The best part about CMDR Dituri's tutorials is that he focuses on making you actually have fun while playing the game instead of giving you the most boring and repetitive method to achieve your goals.

There's also CMDR Mechan ( ) who offers great resources for CMDRs who want to engage in AX combat.

Essential online resources for CMDRS:

The quintessential tool for CMDRs of all playstyles. It shows trade routes, best commodity prices, the nearest of whatever you're searching for, and much more. Yes, you could technically play the game without using Inara, but that very quickly shows itself to be virtually impossible unless you're willing to visit every single system in the Bubble/Colonia.

Essential for many types of information you won't find in game - at least not as straightforward. Example: engineers. If you want to know which engineer unlocks which other engineer, what requirements you have to meet to unlock them and what modifications they offer, then the wiki is the easiest and fastest way to learning this. It also shows information about powerplay, modules, ships and even lore.

Not essential, but very nice to have if you're an explorer. It shows very important info about systems and celestial bodies, such as how much a planet is worth in Universal Cartographics and which resources it has, it shows the locations of Guardian ruins, complete information about systems, even who sells the permit to certain systems and planets.

These are the online resources I use the most, but there are many more out there as well. There's Canonn (, which isn't essential per se but offers some really cool information about interesting stuff in the game, such as lore, anomalies, points of interest, actual science the players did in game, events, expeditions, etc.

There's the Fuel Rats ( and the Hull Seals ( as well, who will rescue you out in the black in case you run out of fuel or if your ship's hull is critically low.

That's it for now. Sure, there are bigger lists out there, but in my 760 hours of gameplay these were the only resources I actually needed to use, at least for now.


Loads of resources out there. Here's some that I have used/ continue to use.

EDSM (Elite Dangers Star Map....must have)

INARA (The "go to" of companion on systems, cmdrs, markets, bluepints etc etc etc)

EDSY (useful for ship building )

Coriolis (similar to EDSY)

ED Tools (collection of tools very useful in Elite Dangerous)

ED CoPilot (installable app that offers up lots of info to aid you in navigation , combat etc)

GameGlass (software to allow use of touch screen tablets. You can also design your own screens) NOTE : There is a small fee to use the ED plugins)

Touch Portal (similar to Game Glass, if you want more than one tablet you have to pay a small fee. But you have the ability to custom design your own touch screen interface)

Image above is of my setup from a few months ago. Two old SONY XPERIA tablets (as thats all I had) running Touch Portal with two full functional touch screen interfaces designed and created by myself heavily inspired by the LCARs interface from Star Trek TNG

Voice Attack (Voice Recognition software)

HCS Voice packs (used in conjunction with Voice Attack, pre configured for use with Elite Dangerous). Why not have William Shatner as your #1, Holly from Red Dwarf as your navigation computer or my personal fave Brian Blessed)

Reog342's avatar

o7 pilotos, mis recomendaciones son todas en YouTube y explicare mas o menos el porque.

primeramente empezamos con un guía larga según mi opinión pero suficientemente completa para los nuevos jugadores, si quieres conocer el juego esta guia será lo que buscas de la mano del Comandante Ahn.

El siguiente seria Mhelkor que fue el primer video que vi para conocer la minería, aunque le video que les comparto es un tanto viejo (4 años) me ayudo bastante para conocer esta área, sin mas les dejo el link.

Y por ultimo si quieres ver alguna review de alguna nave y no tienes ningún problema que sea en ingles pues te recomiendo totalmente a ThePilot, sus videos son entretenidos con tomas fantásticas de buena calidad, abajo les dejo mi primera review que vi de el.

Suerte en el juego pilotos.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hi Reog342 - I'm afraid we can't award non-English language entries, but if you can run them through a translator first, they may be valid.


Well if nobody else is gonna say it then I will …


We just put out our 500th show yesterday! It's the hottest show this side of Diso , the show that celebrates the universe of Elite Dangerous and the fantastic community that surrounds it. Now in its eleventh year!

SergeantRogers's avatar

Greetings commanders!

Starting out in Elite can be daunting, but fear not! For the community is here to help!

This is the most important site out of all of them. Here, you can find out a ton of info, mostly on where things are in the wide galaxy of Elite.
For example, you have just planned out a ship outfit, but don't know where to find all these different modules? You could just look for them in the stations one by one, or you could go on Inara, go to outfitting search, and just type in the modules you need! Press search, and you'll be granted with the closest stations that will have all the modules you're looking for.
There are a lot more thing you can find on Inara, too much to write all of it down here, so go ahead and take a look around!
Honorable mention: EDSM, it's like Inara, except only useful for exploration.

The Wiki
Offers a lot of more in depth info, and contains a lot of lore.

The forum, and the subreddit
For any questions you may have. There are a ton of subreddits out there for more specific areas of the game, such as r/eliteexplorers or r/eliteminers. A large list of related subreddits can be found on the subreddit wiki here.

Coriolis and EDSY
These are sites that let you play around with ship outfitting. These are a must have any time you're making a new ship, I never make one without them!
The difference between the two is that Coriolis is easier to use and read, while EDSY is very cluttered but has a lot more info. Use whichever you like more. There is also a feature in both that lets you export your builds to Inara, so you can find a station that sells everything found in your build, very useful! You can also export your builds engineering to EDOMH, but that will be talked about in another bounty, as this one is about online resources only.

EDGalaxy, E:D Tools and Spansh
These three sites house miscellaneous tools not found on other sites.
Examples include HGE finder, Mining hotspots, Massacre mission helpers, Road to riches, and trade planners.

For any guides and builds regarding trading.
Also recommend their Discord server.

Fuel Rats and Hull Seals, for if you're ever stranded out in the deepness of space without fuel, or a damaged hull.

Everything related to combatting the Thargoid invasion.

Canonn Research
Kind of an out of game codex, very interesting things can be found here.

Elite Dangerous on X
They are pretty active, so its worth following,

You can check out this site for even more of these fan sites, that aren't as significant as the other ones but some are pretty cool.

Be careful out there commanders, and good luck! O7!

-CMDR Daniel Jurcsak


if you are new to elite dangerous I recommend you to join this discord

or you can go this website to find which system has the goods or sips you are looking for:

or you can watch this guy on youtube :

yan57436's avatar

If you're just beginning to explore the universe of Elite Dangerous, there are several valuable resources that can greatly assist you on your journey. The Inara website offers a wide range of information about the game, from news and guides to detailed insights on ships, modules, and commodities. It's also an excellent platform to connect with other players and join squadrons. Another essential resource is the Elite Dangerous Wiki, a treasure trove of information on the game's lore, mechanics, and updates, making it ideal for those who want to dive deep into the Elite Dangerous universe. To engage with the community, the Elite Dangerous Forum is the perfect place to ask questions, share experiences, and receive advice from seasoned players.

In addition to websites and forums, there are content creators who produce highly useful materials for beginners. The Pilot, for instance, is known for his ship review videos, providing invaluable tips for new players. Hawkes Gaming, on the other hand, offers well-structured and easy-to-follow tutorials and guides, perfect for those just starting out. Lastly, the streamer NinjaSpaceUnicorn is recognized for her friendly demeanor and willingness to help new players during her live streams on Twitch, where she shares real-time tips and guidance. These resources and content creators will give you a solid foundation to get the most out of your Elite Dangerous experience.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hi yan57436 thanks for entering this bounty (and a few others). Just letting you know that we're rejecting many of your entries because they show signs of having been produced by generative AI. Our goal with Just About is to reward authentic, human content, passion, and expertise, and to do so in a way that respects the effort taken to produce it. Almost all low-effort use of generative AI in bounties will therefore be rejected and may be considered a violation of our code of conduct, with appropriate penalties for repeat offenders. Please read that code of conduct and our policy on AI content. Thanks!

JHenckes's avatar

I haven't been playing as much lately, but I'll leave you with some sites that helped me a lot when I started. Some were also recommendations from my brother, who is a more active player:

1 - Frontier Forum

It’s an excellent place to ask questions, find guides, and discuss the game with experienced players.

2 -

It's a YT channel that covers everything from beginner basics to advanced topics like engineering, exploration, and combat.

3. Edcodex

A highly useful third-party site where you can find trade routes, station details, systems, and more.


It offers features like Commander profiles, wing management, detailed mission logs, and a database for everything in the game.

With these one, you can have a good start in the game!

Block9's avatar

This is a site that can help you with many questions about everything, in it you can find a ranking guide on how to rank up faster and easier... you can also find locations for Guardian blueprints fragment weapon and modules and vessel. It has a lot of cool content that can be useful to you. I always use this site

This is a very useful site for Exomastery. If you are having trouble finding planets with some Exomastery, this site will help you find them. It also has several search features, for example, searching for the route of wealth or searching for neutron stars... I use it to farm some Exomastery by channeling plants on planets that can be worth up to 40 million credits.

This is the famous Elite Dangerous "google", here you will find everything you need, I believe there is nothing that is not on this site. Here you will find everything you have doubts about and many Elite Dangerous players know this site for researching nearby stations and Thargoid wars and much more.


The bur pit for news

ED tutorials by Exigeous for gameplay guides

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks Ghxstboi - if you'd like to be in the running for a prize, you'll need to re-enter via the 'submit to this bounty' button. Given the competition on this one, you'll likely also need to add some extra detail and justification o7

Sturmer's avatar

I think other members have already listed most of the essential sources like the Frontier Forums,, and and more. I take a slightly different approach that might be helpful for anyone in a similar situation to mine.

As a brand-new player, I need to absorb a lot of information - enough to feel like earning a Ph.D. hehe

While I’m an experienced gamer with EVE Online experience, this background can cause confusion since both games have many similar terms and concepts that can mean different things. To counter this, I created an AI assistant called Astranavia (Asto + Navigation), which helps me comprehend the content more quickly and effectively. She is now part of my Ship crew =)

Here is the prompt if anyone wishes to create one too:

Instructions Summary:

        The GPT is designed to assist users transitioning from EVE Online to Elite Dangerous, with a focus on translating EVE Online concepts into their Elite Dangerous equivalents.

    Sources and Information:
        The GPT references recent and expert-level sources, including official forums, Reddit communities,,,, YouTube channels, Lave Radio, Canonn Research, EDCodex, and Alpha Orbital.
        The information provided should be based on the most current knowledge (within the last year) and relevant to advanced space MMO players.

    Contextual Responses:
        The GPT should ask for clarification if a query could have multiple interpretations due to overlapping terminology between the games.
        Responses should cater to a user with advanced knowledge of space MMOs, using their EVE Online experience to guide them through Elite Dangerous.

    Tone and Detail:
        The GPT should be informative, using technical language appropriate for an experienced audience.
        The responses should provide detailed explanations and comparisons between the two games, ensuring that the user fully understands the context.

    Tools and Features:
        The GPT should utilize tools like for ship fitting recommendations and other community tools or resources to enhance the user's understanding of Elite Dangerous mechanics.
        The responses should be practical and actionable, providing clear guidance on how to achieve specific goals within the game. 

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Ha! Sturmer your approach never ceases to impress.

Gadnok's avatar

o7 CMDRs. My top 10 content creators for Elite Dangerous that you should definitely seek out as a new player for lessons, guides, news, and entertainment are as follows:

  1. The Buur Pit - The best game news, updates, resources, and cinematics.
  1. Galnet News Digest - They read the news so you don't have to.
  1. Hawkes Gaming - The best up-to-date, in-depth ED new player guides.
  1. EDTutorials by Exigeous - The most extensive library of guides covering everything Elite.
  2. Brother Sabathius - Most informative & chill streamer who's an expert at the game and active with Odyssey gameplay.
  3. Vindicator Jones - Learn to dogfight like a pro in one afternoon with VJ's combat guides.
  4. Lave Radio - The longest running ED podcast, recently celebrating their 500th episode, delivering news, Elite-inspired ads, and discussion with fun Commanders.
  5. CMDR Mechan - #1 source for Anti Xeno Combat, Anti Xeno ship builds, and Thargoid War updates. Overseer of the Anti Xeno Initiative Discord.
  6. Ghost Giraffe - Renowned YouTube streamer, always trying the new Odyssey features on stream and has a good time doing so.
  7. Breaker of Worlds - Shameless plug; I'm CMDR Gadnok, Breaker of Worlds. I've been making Elite Dangerous content on YouTube for 3 years now with the launch of the Odyssey expansion. I've made some guides, but mostly focus on exploration and AX combat by making music videos featuring ED cinematics, and gameplay footage showing how fun and awesome this simulation truly is!

There's countless more creators out there for this great game, it lends highly to the creative mind both in entertainment value and raw galactic beauty. New players will quickly learn that Elite isn't so much of a game as it is a lifestyle, with many resources to help find what you need. See you in the black Commanders.


Some fantastic responses already, but I want to highlight two resources I've not seen mentioned yet:

  1. EDCoPilot -

This is a FREE virtual assistant, that brings in a huge amount of depth to your ED experience. It works with Voice commands, but also links to several text to speech services to give you information relevant to your gameplay. I also love the space chatter feature, bringing the other ships around you to life with comms.

  1. Pilot's Trade Network -

    A friendly and welcoming community covering all aspects of gameplay, with the motto "We exist to make you rich" They can help you out with anything, but most importantly credits!

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