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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
Caenyx's avatar

I think asking people on how they would personalize and decorate the cockpit of their favorite ship would be a pretty fun idea. One thing I would love to see more in ED is more cockpit design and this might actually give the team some great ideas down the line!

Eralm_237's avatar

A few ideas come to mind:

  • Community submitted prebuilt ship ideas ("For a [role], what ship would you build?" Submit it through EDSY or Coriolis so players can build their ship effortlessly.

  • Player designed banners in Elite. We got the Fuel Rats, Hull Seals, Buckyball, but nothing for AXI, DSSA, Canonn Interstellar, or PMF's in their own space.

  • Player icons in game menus. This can be either logos in the Squadrons tabs (especially for rankings), or banners in stations/settlements, and decals on ships/fleet carriers.

  • Ship inspirations. Players submit an image of an animal or aircraft or something completely off the wall (like a Borg Cube out of Star Trek - it's a literal cube)

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey Eralm_237 - lots of great ideas here, and I've awarded you a prize. But if you could provide a bit more elaboration on the ideas, it'd be much appreciated. Specifically, if you could provide some screenshots of which banners and icons you'd have players design that'd be great. And for the ship inspirations, are you suggesting that members share images that they wish future ships would be based on?

Eralm_237's avatar

Absolutely I can elaborate, and apologies for the bombarding of pictures and text.

  • Banners & Icons.

    These could be similar to the icon that pops up during pledging to a powerplay faction. Whether it be Aisling Duval or Yuri Grom or someone else.

  • Squadron icons/logos could be placed within the squadron management menu/screen.

    Ship Inspirations.

    Just like you guessed, an image can be submitted of an animal or existing aircraft (or spacecraft) for inspiration of a new ship design. Could be something like a Golden Eagle or a Gripen (Swedish aircraft) , or even such as a Peregrine Falcon as examples. The submitter could elaborate as the Falcon could be a multi-role, where the Gripen ( could be a fighter, and the Golden Eagle a new large hauling ship. As examples (Who knows, people may submit something really off like a salamander inspired ship who hauls).

If you wish me to elaborate on anything else, please let me know.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

That's super useful, thank you Eralm_237! I'll look at logistics and inserting these into our calendar. As an aside, the last one touches on biomimicry, which is an excellent Wikipedia rabbit-hole to descend into - how wind turbines are modelled on whale fins and architects have modelled ventilation systems on termite towers and whatnot.

ThePunisher99's avatar

this is my first time suggesting reward for elite maybe this has been suggested before but here we go:

Guid how to upgrade suits and weaponry :

from first time buying the suits and weapons to building loadouts suited for diffrent play styles, to upgrading them and getting the requirements and the meterial

to engeneering and specializing the loadouts. this Idea could be split between play styles to more then one reward :

Fire blazing plays tyle reward 1

Stealth and the art of assansination play style reward 2.

this reward can be in format of Video explanation or Text + Image entries

verified with the linked social media.

the more detailed your guid the more your prize will be.


Ask people to send clips of their most memorable moment from Elite dangerous, either it could be a bad momment or jackpot. Not everybody records everything so make lower reward for text. Minimum words would be as it should be kind of a short story 50 words.

USCSS's avatar

I actually wanted to send this as a mass reward but I didn't get around to it, but it could also be used as a normal reward. The idea is this:

When there is a Community Goal, you can ask the commanders to do this.

They can send pictures or videos showing the following:

1) Signing up for that Community Goal

2) Performing the activity that is related to the Community Goal

3) Delivering the Community Goal contributions (on the space station or the Mega ship or wherever they need to be delivered).

(Translated with Google translator)

XCezor's avatar

Since the colonisation is going to be released tomorrow, share the most attractive system you have found, that is suitable for colonisation (max. 10 Ly from any populated system). Describe what you have found there, a neutron star, black hole, interesting order of planets, anything that you think is worth checking!

Hunter's avatar

Create a faction in Elite Dangerous from scratch : the origins , the lore, different characters with back ground , of course banners and colours, the most used ships , region under control or if its only space faction like nomads ...
this reward can be Text + images or text + video with a 3 best entries and also others, the more the details about the faction the more points you get.
the minimum for text could be more the 250 words with images
the minimum for video could be more then 5 minutes also can be joined with text for more details .

Stormseeker's avatar

Create a Ship commercial... like a video or image for newspapers etc.

Video should be like the commercial for a car like 20 sec
If it is an image, just think about it if was the rear of a newspaper or a big billboard

Sturmer's avatar

This reward is straightforward yet nerdy and challenging - build any ship from Elite Dangerous using LEGO bricks!

Whether it's a small, clever build or a highly detailed 400-piece masterpiece, the effort and creativity you put in will define the podium rewards. Push your engineering skills and bring those legendary ships to life!



Post a video of your longest, wackiest, and/or most daring jump in your SRV! Add a little description/preface (reason it happened, what the gravity situation was) of what's happening in the video. Bonus points for EPIC background music!

Osiliran's avatar

TIme trial: FSD boost off a white dwarf as fast as possible.

Description: players are to enter a white dwarf system, overcharge their FSD and jump out of the system as quickly as possible. Timer starts from the moment players exit the hyperspace tunnel and stops as soon as they have entered the next hyperspace tunnel. No limiting factors with this challenge, any ship, loadout or white drawf system of choice is allowed. Players can choose any system to exit to as well. A video showing completion of the above is necessary to verify for a submission.

Rewards: this sounds more like a tiered reward but I prefer the idea of having to beat a certain time to qualify for a reward. Say, under one minute to complete the above. I think players will want to resubmit as soon as they're over taken by another cmdr, so to avoid the constant cancelling and resubmiting, I think the same reward for all successful participants will be a neat idea. Just could do an ordering of fastest times in their curated article :) I was doing this activity often with neutron and white dwarf stars so I'd be happy to submit an example if Just considered running this. White dwarf exclusion zones should make this challenge very spicy.

ayebawl's avatar

Take a screenshot of your SRV in full race mode for a chance of winning $X (5?). To make it a little more interesting a bonus $1 will paid for each additional SRV in the shot, up to a maximum payout of $X ($20?). Organise your race crew and start your engines!

Did you know EDCopilot has a Timetrial feature that lists a whole heap of different SRV racetracks you can compete on around the bubble and beyond? Not only will it record your fastest time for posterity and rank it with other rev-head Cmdrs, every competing Cmdr in Feb goes into a draw for a chance to win a cool 2 Billion credits. And they're off!

MQC's avatar

Your dream Community Goals...

Create a pair of weekly Community Goals that would be fully applicable to the actual game;

It could contain the current conditions of the official GCs;

  • Descriptions that relate to in-game events.

  • A system and station as a base for the delivery of actives.

  • Have defined playable roles on the actions to be performed; bounty, exploration, delivery, etc.

  • That they have a target amount to reach.

Or it could be something completely new, but that is really applicable to the game.

Block9's avatar


Create some fictional or real story based on Elite Dangerous. To be very creative the story has to have a coherent beginning, middle and end.

Requirements to enter the reward:

•Text and Image or video.

•To have a title

•Do not use vulgar content or images and languageAdd your social media post here alongside any additional information!

CelestialFlea's avatar

Create a new alien species

We already have the Thargoids and the Guardians, but if Elite were to have a new Alien race what would they be called and what would they look like? Let your creativity flow!


  • Tell us what the aliens look like, drawings and artwork will unlock the higher tier prizes.

  • Tell us how or if they interact with the other alien species currently in the game.

  • Give details about their ships, if they even use any. Are they unique like the Thargoid ships or are they more conventional?

  • Do they bring any artifacts for players to discover, and maybe even use?


  • Text, images or video. Images & video obviously unlock higher tier prizes.

  • At least 500 words explaining their background, traits and other characteristics


One possible idea for a submission could be to invent a brand new animal / creature. It could be based on a pre-existing animal or a mythical creature, but has to be something that doesn’t already exist as an entity. You’d have to describe it’s physical features, any skills or particular traits it has and even describe the climate or country is may be native to!

LiquidMorkite's avatar

As everyone's working on colonisation

Projected plan of what you gonna do with your newly colonised systems, both mechanic-wise and roleplay-wise

  • Superpower/Allegiance/Minor Power faction

  • Economy

  • Type of station

  • System's main activity

  • A short backstory

Alex Sinclair's avatar

LiquidMorkite - thanks for the idea, it's quite similar to the second way of entering this live reward:

"Enter with a social media post which describes a single, specific location you think would be an excellent spot for colonisation. Be sure to explain why it's a good location and what you'd do with a colony you built there."

LiquidMorkite's avatar

Oops, I'm already to late I see, lol

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Either that or you're just in time. Loads of prizes remaining :)

CMDR John Wick's avatar

Since we are living in the era of suggestions for "weapons", "ships", etc.... why not suggest a megaship? Have you ever thought about the Independents and the Alliance not having megaships? Create one or think about what it could be like!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks commander, am I right in thinking you'd like people to design one - i.e. the aesthetics and what it would do?

CMDR John Wick's avatar

Something less complex, so more people can participate.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

We'll need some more specifics if we're going to run it. Have a think and get back to us o7


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