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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
ENDERS's avatar

There are three I'd like to submit, as they instantly came to mind when I saw this, and I didn’t see them in the previous glossary submissions/posts. As someone mentioned in the last round of these, I'll "save some for the rest." ;)

Onionhead / Onion Head (noun): A fruit-bearing plant with a flower and seed head, first discovered in the HIP 55118 system, it has since been cultivated into various strains. The fruit has medicinal and hallucinogenic properties, making it both addictive and euphoric. It has since become a widely used and traded drug across the established systems. The narcotic is legal in Empire-controlled systems but illegal in Federation territory. Grown on Panem in the Kappa Fornacis system, it is embraced as a staple crop and rare trade commodity. The word is also colloquially used as a derogatory term to call someone "stupid".

• He dropped some Onionhead and took spacewalk without a suit.

• Those gankers in Minerva are such onionheads.

HAZ RES / HazRES (noun): The hazardous variant of a Resource Extraction Site (RES). These locations are generally found within asteroid belts and planetary rings. Pirates in these areas are often more skilled and have higher combat ranks. System Authorities may not be present at a Hazardous Resource Extraction Site, depending on the system's overall status. Skilled Commanders brave HazRES zones due to the higher frequency of wanted ships, which offer greater bounties.

• Brave and skilled Commanders love to hunt bounties in HazRES sites.

• I just spent an hour in a HazRES and made out like a bandit.

Witchspace / Witch Space (noun): A slang term for the mysterious dimension that ships travel through when making a hyperspace (faster than light) jump between star systems. Often associated with strange phenomena and anomalies, Witchspace is both awe-inspiring and unsettling to many pilots. Thargoids have been known to hyperdict Commanders mid-jump, adding to the eerie and dangerous nature of this space.

• My ship barely made it out of Witchspace before the Thargoids could finish their hyperdiction.

• There's something unsettling about Witchspace... Every jump feels like something is watching from the void.

MQC's avatar

Remlok [aka Remlok Industries] (proper noun): Manufacturer allied to the Alliance based in Bragurom Du and creator of the famous space suits and survival masks.

Remlok Industries is a well-known corporation, extending its main economic sphere around the Bragurom Du system. The high-tech station present within the system offers high quality components and modules, as well as Remlok survival products. The corporation is also notable for its contribution to the development of xeno-technology research.
'Bonjour Commander, you are welcome in our borders.'

— Bragurom Du In-Game Description


Prismatic Shields (noun): A special shield that can be installed in the optional components section of your ship which can only be obtained as a Powerplay reward. It has greater shield strength than a regular shield generator of the same size but also has more mass and power. It regenerates a bit quicker, although not as quick as a bi-weave, and is a pretty green colour.

USCSS's avatar

Tranquility's Stop (proper noun): Tourist facility in orbit around the black hole inside a green nebula, located in the Shrogea MH-V e2-1763 system

ayebawl's avatar

Honk: (Verb) : The colloquial term that confused me the most as a newbie. Everyone seemed to do it, but it's not immediately obvious just how to do it. Just assign it to a fire group...! Ok... what's a fire group and how do I assign a honk to it?!

It's the Discovery Scanner action. It makes a deep satisfying hoooonk when you fire it.

Gotcha, that's when I scan ships right? Nope. Is that a module I buy to scan wakes? Nope. Scan planets. Nope. Scan cargo? Nope. Sheesh, just how many scan types are there?! Sooo many.

Good luck Cmdr, and happy honking!

XCezor's avatar

FC (Abbreviation) - A shortcut for Fleet Carrier, large ship that can be bought by players for 5 mln. credits, which serves as a private shipyard, huge storage space, but also a trading center and mobile operations ship.

Eralm_237's avatar

Aggressively Helpful (noun): (1) Unofficial slogan of the player community (2) the over enthusiastic desire to help new or returning players learn and enjoy the game (3) the communal desire to help emotionally or financially to members of the community or charity groups

History: Originated in March 2023 when Leo McTwiggy was expectantly fatally injured.

ENDERS's avatar

This is the kind of Elite: Dangerous slang that makes me smile.


Flyving (verb): The act of flying/driving your SRV fowards at extreme speed by bouncing and/or boosting up into the air and then tilting down and applying more boost to push the SRV forwards in much the same way as a helicopter. By doing this consistently over a series of bounces the SRV can easily get up to speeds well in excess of 100 m/s.

ThePunisher99's avatar

CMM Composites ( Abbreviation + noun ) : a refined product of Carbon and metal required for building new stations in the colonization gameplay.

Hunter's avatar

System Architect (Title of 2 noun): A Title that signifies that you are the one who made the claim to colonise the system


FSD ( noun) : Frame Shift Drive or abbreviated FSD is a module for ships that allows the ship to make jumps to a star using the speed of light,

Sturmer's avatar

Leaving the term 'Mining Salt' to the next member :)

For the sake of UX for Curated:

Ganking (noun): The act of attacking and destroying another player's ship, often without provocation.

In Elite Dangerous, ganking refers to player-versus-player (PvP) combat where the attacker disregards consequences, such as retaliation from crime systems or other players. Ganking can be profit-driven—targeting high-value ships—or purely for amusement, preying on new or defenseless players. The latter is often associated with "mining salt," referring to the emotional reactions of the victims. Universally regarded as toxic gameplay behavior.

projectazone's avatar

Fuel Sccop (noun): is a module used mostly in exploration ships, once installed it allows you to collect fuel to refuel the ship from the fuel stars present in the galaxy, without the player having to return to a station.

Vivisector's avatar

I shared on my X the AFM description for the glossary rewards


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