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Just About

Just About
Damien Mason's avatar

I know some of the pretty cool people behind it. They already had an impressive career behind them, and I trusted their judgement, which led me to try Just About out as soon as I could.

Sturmer's avatar

Got invited by Eve Online PR.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I was looking for a Community Manager role and saw one advertised on LinkedIn, I liked the idea of what the platform would be so applied, not even realising I was waaaaaaay to small for such a project 😅 Anyway, wanted to check out the platform so registered during Alpha and one day got the invitation email.

avrona's avatar

As I was invited to EGX as a creator, I got an invite to an event with Just About. However as I just so happen to lose my voice that weekend, I couldn't really go to it. Still hoping to get to meet and collab with the guys at Just About one day though.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Self-proclaimed “internet pest” Platform32 had a sponsored stream of Nightingale. It seemed like a great idea and worth a try. Turns out it is and it was!

Stella's avatar

I found about JA through a friend and I signed up for alpha and got an email a few days later to join :)


Peer pressure from someone who works at JA while in another community.


To be fair I could have said "The Head of Growth Marketing did fantastic at their job"

Dave's avatar

This bounty isn't really aimed at me but I will enter anyway...

I randomly by chance came across this article, maybe in my google news feed or something or another sites version of the story at the time. it sounded interesting and of course Eurogamer and other gamer network sites were amazing to visit over all the years of growth and changes, along with the community around it that it doesn't have so much of now in my opinion due to removal of community features.

I signed up to a newsletter for updates, then applied for the alpha once it was available to do so.

I think I was accepted a couple of weeks into the alpha when there wasn't really anything on here other than a picture of Rupert and staff liking it.

Thomas's avatar

We still like that picture of Rupert!

Rupert's avatar

Yeah, that’s one of the key employment terms and conditions…

Rixx Javix's avatar

You know, I don't actually remember. I think I've been here the entire time? I do remember not being here, but that seems long ago and very faint. It's home now.

greybill's avatar

I think it was Twitter. Probably via a tweet via the Eve Online account. As so often, curiosity got the better of me and I signed up.

Cpt Armarlio's avatar

Rixx Javix put me onto it. I was talking to him about getting all the current partnered artists onto the Partnership Program; as we were partners before the program was a thing and never got added to it. In conversation he linked me to it and the rest is history o7

Makster's avatar

It was actually through Reddit. People were reminiscing about the closure of Rooster Teeth and I saw @boomers post stating that he had gained a lot not only from RT's content but also the community that was built around it. I got curious and one deep dive later I ended up here

Boomer's avatar

I'm really glad you can join us 🙂 The RT community has been such a big part of my life for so long, and it's been nice reconnecting with people.

It was a real shame when RT swapped their community platform for a Netflix-style service, and the members always asked them to bring it back.

The Just About community feels like the good old days of RT, back when it was about the members rather than the content. Even though I'm employed by Just About, they wouldn't need to pay me to say that. 🧡

Martin's avatar

Simply a tweet from Rupert, saw it and signed up straight away...


a tweet from the official account of Nigtingale


I think it was some form of CCP Games official advertisement for JA.


I pley Eve Online and saw your site on the game news screen. Curious, I clicked and here I am. The idea is very innovative.

Demonsmustdie's avatar

I found out from Ian from Platform32 on YouTube


I signed up during the alpha testing phase, through facebookFacebook I believe. Honestly I completely forgot about it until beta went live as the emails had gone to my spam folder. So glad to be part of this fun community now though!

Letitia Lemon's avatar

I attended EGX and went to a number of creator-exclusive panels, which included Just About. The talk was very interesting and informative, then with the sign-up offer afterwards, I figured I'd give it a go and see what it's like- you all managed to sell it pretty well!

If I'm not playing games, I'm offering reviews and opinions on them so this seems like just the place for me to do that and if it can help enhance my career in ANY way, then I'm going to give it my best shot!

Mike's avatar

Followed the link from WASD


i found link on Eve online X ( Formally known as Twitter ) Profile.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

on r/eve was post about just about which was consider as scam by the reddit community. I am brave internet boi, so i checked it out and since then i am here.

I was here before they advertised it on the Fanfest 23.


Boyfriend suggested it


Knowing some of the great people making this!

Paul's avatar

I am an avid Platform32 Watcher and hears about JA on Ians Nightingale stream. The idea of a friendly social media platform was more alluring then the bounties!


I was discussing reddit alternatives with friends and subjects of reddit's sell outs and distaste for management decisions lead me on a search on google. After some time this platform came up, which i am currently trialling. I'm also sick of the bot content on reddit.

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

So... my tale is disturbing...

There I was, just finished a few videos with team members when my phone dinged, I got this email from this dodgy dude called Alex Sinclair who wanted me to join a random website, I was very sceptical at first!

I honestly thought it was just another "we need creators to boost our online presence" - - But, I decided after some emails back and forth to join, so I did and here I am, never looking back, sorry Alex but I am not going anywhere!

cyruz's avatar

I also found Just About when Platform32 did his first Nightingale stream.

While I'm not playing Nightingale myself, I was happy to see the different categories that were already available. A place where I can freely gush about movies and video games? Say no more - I'm in!

Boomer's avatar

Hey cyruz, excellent! We'll be right there with you! 🎬🥰🎮

Wadd Enderas's avatar

One day I got pinged in the EVE Partner discord that there was this new system the CCP were collaborating with that was going to offer some kind of financial bounty system for content creation. I went to the Q&A session with the JA team and liked what I heard! Joined the platform with a healthy dose of sceptisism, but found the platform and the ecosystem to be exactly as described by the team in the Q&A


a discord group called Youtube Creator Café


Discord partner “Youtuber Creators Café”.


in a discord server


I got the info from one of my discord server named, "YouTube Creator Cafe"


Eyekenspel told me while we were playing Eve Vanguard that the devstream mentioned there being bounties. We already met several of the criteria for the bounties so we made accounts, submitted some bounties, and won a few. Easy as that.

FrostySomething's avatar

recommended by a friend 😊

Rich's avatar

That's great to hear 😊 very exciting to learn we're getting some good word of mouth. Welcome and hope your experience meets their recommendation!

Boomer's avatar

Now that's a good friend @Frosty 😄

Retro Stu's avatar

You have your very own Nicole to thank for me being here! She was one of the first people I found on Twitch because she was playing Spyro at the time and that was about... 3 and a half years ago now I think!

She messaged me back in December to tell me about this exciting new site and I thought knowing I was having a baby the following month that it could be a good way to still create content and I'm never looking back!

Boomer's avatar

So you were a pre-member for a while then Retro Stu? 😝

Samuel's avatar

I was browsing through Instagram before an advertisement caught my eye and the word "bounty" just popped right out at me - seeing this, I just had to find out more. I'll be honest, I was a little skeptical at first, and I read every single minor print on the T&Cs, PP and whatnot because there was no way that there was a site that was FOR the gaming community, by the community. But, everything seemed tip top alright, so I signed up during the closed Alpha testing (Might've just been Alpha)

This is the first time since the Beta opening I've written an article - it's nice to be back

Rich's avatar

It's good to see you back again Samuel!

Boomer's avatar

Hey Samuel, it's great to have you back and just in time to meet some of our newest members 🙂

NightyMooncle's avatar

Just got Just About from Discord Server, they are cool btw


I work in the games industry and someone at work told me about it!

Boomer's avatar

Hey Sam, welcome to the platform!

If you're happy to say, what part of the industry are you in? There are plenty of content creators and journalists in the community, and I've seen some others chatting about game dev.

FUN INC's avatar

Via the Partner discord of EVE online :) - never looked back! \o/


I found out about Just About through Platform32 and really liked the idea of a creative, interactable space to partake in discussions/bounties on subjects I was interested in! Also thought it was a really nice touch for Just About to be in the chat for P32's stream to answer questions 😊

Boomer's avatar

Hey Kirsty_HighLady, welcome to the platform! We really enjoyed hanging out in chat during Platform32's stream 😄



I just found out about you guys from CCP twitch stream showing the total bounties you have provided and that you guys are legit. CCP Bee made a great introduction for this place and so i decided to give it a try.


I read an article several years ago (I cannot remember the source), where someone cited all the complexity of managing a corporation (logistics, interpersonal relations, leadership, finances, etc.) had a lot of skills in common with "real-life" job skills and running a business. It was very detailed and showed the intricacy of building a viable corporation as well as real-life business.

The sheer nearly-unlimited potential of the player-base has become a source of continuing interest since.


Having just been casually watching the latest Platform32stream of Dragon's Dogma 2, I decided to take a look at a little place called 'Just About' and wow! What a concept! I think I'll be sticking around for sure.

Rich's avatar

A very warm welcome, Tasha! (Just quickly: you've made a regular reply to this thread - if you'd like to be considered for the bounty, please click 'submit to this bounty' and just copy your comment here across, then we can get you your first reward :-)


I heard about Just About through Platform32 .

Damo's avatar

I was watching the Platform32 YouTube channel as he played Dragons Dogma in a sponsored video. I’ve been on the lookout for a less toxic challenger to Reddit so thought I would check this out.

Boomer's avatar

Hey Damo, welcome to the platform! Feel free to tag me ( Boomer) if you have any questions.

Platform32's streams are always so funny! What's with him throwing pawns and jumping off cliffs? 😆


Eurogamer's Ian Higton/Platform32/Jorts Lover was talking about it on his stream today. The site and community looked interesting so here I am.

Rich's avatar

Welcome aboard, Sacamano! We really hope you like the place. Just tag me (Rich) if you need anything.


I found out all about through the wonderful sponsored stream with Platform32 on Dragons Dogma 2.

Seems like a great concept of creating positive engagement for online communities especially when social media and other places can be the breeding ground for keyboard warriors and hate. This is a space that pays to be kind.

Boomer's avatar

Hi Hellini, welcome to the platform and thanks for the kind words!😊


Discovered Just About from a sponsored stream on Platform32


Platform 32 on YouTube

Juuni's avatar

From the fantastic Platform32 streams (Nightengale and Dragons Dogma 2). Looking forward to checking this out a little more as time allows.

Boomer's avatar

Hi Juuni, welcome to the platform! 😊

MikeCatDaddy's avatar

I discovered Just About from Ian on Platform 32.

Boomer's avatar

Hey MikeCatDaddy, welcome to the platform! It's great to see so many new members joining us from Platform32's streams 😄

Konquest's avatar

I follow and watch Live streams on Eurogamer and found Ian Higton who I now follow as well on Platform32 and that is where I learnt Just About, Just About.

Nicole's avatar

Welcome! We're glad to have you!


Through the lovely Ian at Platform32! I was looking for a positive, more user-oriented Reddit alternative. Ian is always super fun and positive online so I figured if he's advertising this, it has to live up to it.

Rich's avatar

We love working with Ian; we like to think our values align 😊 we hope you find that in our community. Welcome!

Scrbzy's avatar

It was my buddy Ross that told me about it when I visited him late last year, think he mentioned that he saw you guys at a con and had a good chat about what you were hoping to achieve with the platform :)

TheGrapeOfSpades's avatar

As with Many of the others here, Platform32 was my introduction to Just About. Ian did a great job of promoting it! (And nightingale too, which has eaten many hours of my time) It's alot of fun here.

antibird's avatar

I was introduced to Just About by the drummer in our band. Now I can imitate the Mandalorian and be a Bounty Hunter. This is the way.

Rich's avatar

This is the way 🤘


I found about Just About for the r/EVE subreddit where many people complained about it. I was very interested in the concept as I used to write more quality thoughts back before social media took off and the initial forums/board aspect of the alpha seemed attractive.

Horror and Cats's avatar

People on Reddit are complaining about Just About?


Platform32! Ian Higton's livestreams. Top tier stuff! Looking forward to taking part in more of his bounties.


My journey to Just About was a random one!

I actually read an article about it & Rupert on Eurogamer i think it was? In the article Rupert mentioned if anyone was interested or wanted to help to reach out, so I did lol

I sent Rupert an email with some chat on why I wanted to get involved / who I was, and to my surprise he emailed me back! (Thanks Rupert!).

This led to me being invited to apply to join the Just About Creator Circle (I was lucky enough to be accepted) where a group of creators & mods were doing some assignments to help shape Just About and kind of be early testers of the Just About teams hypothesis i guess!

Then after the site went live I got an invite to check it out!

And here I am, still here today, loving it, using Just About daily, and still very keen to get involved as a community member and as more if required/possible as I see much potential with the platform! (and also the team all seem like a great bunch so who wouldn't wanna work with these people!?)

So to round up I am glad I fired an email over to Rupert as its been a cool journey so far and were just getting started!


my friend from work asked me if i wanted free money, i said hell yeah, he sent me this website!! awesome stuff love to get involved in with this community

JAKEL33T's avatar

Invited as part of the Eve Online Partnership Program.

ThomasBlackflame's avatar

I found out about it thanks to the Sponsored Streams done by Platform 32. The concept is nice so I had to give it a go and see it for myself.

Nicole's avatar

Welcome ThomasBlackflame - we're happy to have you!


As someone who used to be a fairly big fan of Eurogamer, I wanted to find out as to what Rupert Loman had been up to since he sold the site to Reedpop. After doing a Google search, I discovered an article on GamesIndustry.Biz which outlined Mr Loman's future (current?) plans.

I then sent Mr Loman an email which outlined my request in wanting to interview him. He accepted the interview request, and I sent over the questions soon after. Upon getting the necessary responses, and when looking to publish the completed interview on my blog, I used the opening blurb as an excuse to outline some of the commonly held grievances which gamers had against Resetera - one of the biggest gaming forums currently on the planet.

I don't know if Resetera ever found out about the interview and its opening blurb... Which is probably for the best.


recommended by my husband who seems to be addicted already

Jenna 's avatar

Not sure if I remember correctly, but I believe i was searching for gaming community sites that I could make friends on and this popped up! Loved the whole idea of a community sharing opinions and stories, and I loved the idea of bounties!

Brother Grimoire's avatar

I am part of the EVE Online Partner Program and was able to adopt JA pretty early

foxywas's avatar

I was on the YouTube Creator cafe Discord when they announced a partnership with Just About. This seems like the best way to find a community on the internet right now!

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