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yan57436's avatar

I always like to understand the lore of the gods so that I can understand the connection between their lore and the skills. In general, the developer manages to connect a lot, as I've said in other guides. In our case now, we have Nemesis, who is the goddess who represents the distribution of justice, balance and revenge of the gods, also known as “the inevitable” (I got this information from a brief search on wikipedia, I'll leave the link at the end of the post in case you're interested).

Moving on to our beloved game, Nemesis has a balanced kit between attack and defense, perfect for those who want a melee god that will do a lot of damage but also won't be easily blown up (Yes, you, Sett player in lol haha).

Why play Nemesis? In addition to what has already been said, its great balance, versatility and mobility, passive Stats Steal (I'll explain soon), reflecting damage back to whoever is attacking you, in short, it does it all!

Let's get to the skills:

Passive - Scales of Fate: When you deal damage to enemies, you steal stats from them, such as strength and intelligence. This makes it incredible for prolonged fights.

Skill 1 - Swift Vengeance: You advance in a straight line and deal damage, and you can cast the skill once more. Here you have great versatility to engage or escape from unfavorable situations, use wisely.

Skill 2 - Slice and Dice: Causes damage and slows down an area in the shape of a cone, slowing down and causing additional damage to enemies in the center (For you who play lol and are just starting out in smite, it's Gwen's Q).

Skill 3 - Retribution: You will create a shield that absorbs damage and reflects a certain percentage of it back to your opponents, healing them according to the damage received.

Ultimate - Divine Judgement: Target an enemy and deal damage to them and all nearby enemies, robbing them of their speed and defensive stat. I like to use this skill on tanks, making them more vulnerable.


I like Nemesis in the jungle, but many people also use her in the solo lane, for her great x1 potential, it's up to you to adapt your style of play.


I usually use overlay's build, but I'll also leave you the link to his tacter page in case you're interested.

Jungle build:


Overlay on Tacter

Nemesis - Wikipedia

mypets's avatar

Nemesis is an excellent hunter. She offers considerable crowd control, is highly mobile and also provides a lot of destruction in team fights. I like playing with her because you can see her impact in fights, whether as a team or 1v1 (she's almost unbeatable in this one).

  • Passive - Scales of Fate: when she hits her enemies, she steals power, strength and intelligence, making herself stronger.

  • Skill 1 - Swift Vengeance: she advances in a straight line and deals physical damage to all the enemies she passes, as well as being able to make another attack 2 seconds after the first.

  • Skill 2 - Slice and Dice: Nemesis attacks in a cone in front of you and all enemies hit take physical damage. But those right in the middle of the blow take more damage and are slowed down (so if you want to centralize that enemy you're most worried about, try here).

  • Skill 3 - Retribution: She gains a health shield which, while the shield receives damage, Nemesis can heal a portion of the damage suffered, as well as reflecting the damage they inflict on enemies. But here you have to be careful not to get hit by a crowd control, which breaks the shield. Watch your timing and position yourself.

  • Ultimate - Divine Judgment: a divine judgment is invoked on an enemy god, dealing physical damage to him and to opponents in the surrounding area. When it hits an enemy, a guided projectile is launched at them and, while it is active, Nemesis gains additional movement speed and a bonus to the target's protections equal to what they have lost (what her target loses, she gains).

She's excellent in the jungle as an assassin, and for her build I recommend some very useful items such as “destroyer blade” which increases her damage and attack speed; “hydra's lament” which boosts basic attacks after using skills; “qin blade” where the damage is based on the opponent's maximum life... In the solo lane I recommend some builds such as “sword of rupture”, “nullifier” and “technique of the gods”.

Very good to play for those who like melee combat, not so much my style but I recognize how strong and versatile Nemesis is. With the right strategy and a good understanding of the goddess, you can do very well!


Nemesis is a very versatile goddess that can be used in the jungle and in the solo lane mainly, her high mobility and her ability to win practically any 1vs1 thanks to her ultimate and her passive make her a great threat against fragile gods.


Passive: Scales of Fate

This is a pretty simple passive to understand, by hitting enemies with basic attacks, Nemesis will steal strength and intelligence from enemy gods. It is a very useful ability to fight against enemy carrys.

1 Skill:Swift Vengeance

Nemesis dashes forward, dashing through enemies and dealing damage. After using this ability once, it can be used again for a short period of time. This ability is very useful for chasing enemies, as the 2 dashes can cover a long distance in a short time.

2 Skill: Slice and Dice

Nemesis slashes her sword in a cone in front of her, dealing physical damage and slowing and dealing additional damage to enemies in the center of the cone. This is Nemesis' primary ability for pushing waves of minions or clearing the jungle in the early game.

3 Skill: Retribution

By using this ability, Nemesis receives a life shield that will reflect part of the damage received and heal Nemesis for its duration. This is probably the most unique ability in her kit as it allows her to easily win fights against other gods by returning damage to them and healing her in the process.

4 Skill: Divine Judgement

Nemesis selects an enemy god to steal a percentage of their protections, movement speed and also do a certain amount of physical damage in an area around them. With this ability it is possible to win practically any 1vs1 since you are stealing statistics from the enemy god which makes them weaker at the same time that you become stronger.

Skill order


As I said, Nemesis can be used mainly in the jungle but also in the solo lane, so I will leave two basic builds for those roles.




This is my nemesis guide, Hope you like it ^^

 Lets start with the Order of the skills:

Always prioritize the ultimate, then the second ability followed by 3 and 1. (4>2>3>1)

[Skill 4 + Skill 2 + Skill 3 + Basic Attack+ Skill 1 + Basic Attack + Skill 1]

-Passive: Scales of Fate

Hitting enemies with basic attacks reduces their power, strength, and intelligence, granting them to you.

Tip: Always try to hit at least 3 times to stack the maximum reductions.

1º- Swift Vengeance

Dash in front of you passing through enemies dealing damage. Can use it a second time.

Tip: Try using the second skill or attacking with basics between dashes.

2º- Slice and Dice

Area damage cone, enemies in the center of the cone are slowed and deal increased damage.

Tip: Very useful to use in teamfights and hit several enemies at once.

3º- Retribution

Gain a shield, reflecting 40% of the damage and healing you for 50% of the reflected damage.

Tip: Always use it when you have massive incoming damage, like an ultimate.

4º- Divine Judgement

Removes % of the target's HP and all enemies in the area, gaining movement speed and stealing protections. Reduces the target's movement speed and their protections too.

Tip: Always use it on targets with a lot of protection like tanks.

-God Aspect

Divine Judgement will no longer do damage but will equalize the life of both characters. Use it whenever you can when you have less life and always targets with max HP.

My Main Build

I use this active item to slow down and reduce the attack speed of hunters.

You should have this item if you have blink, very useful for teamfights.

I hope I have helped you with this guide. ^^


Nemesis Guide

Passive : vengeful strikes.

What it does: Hitting enemies with basics weakens them and powers you up .

Key tip: Focus on hitting basic attacks on dangerous enemies (mages, hunters) first to cripple their damage and boost your own.

1️⃣ *Swift Vengeance*

- **How to use:**

- Nemesis's first ability is a short dash that does damage. She can cast this dash twice before it goes on cooldown.

- Pro tip:

Use basics or other abilities between dashes.

2️⃣ *Slice and Dice*

- How to use:

- Aim the center of the cone for max damage + slow.

- Great for:

- Bursting groups in team fights.

- Slowing enemies chasing you or fleeing.

- **Key Tip:** Practice spacing to land the sweet spot!


3️⃣ *Retribution* (Shield)

When to use:

- When you’re about to take big damage (e.g., enemy ults).

- In 1v1s or diving into crowds.

- **Why it’s awesome:**

- Blocks damage and **reflects it back**.

- Heals you based on damage taken.


4️⃣ *Divine Judgement* (Ultimate)**

- Who to target:

Tanks: Steal their defenses to make them squishy.

- Bonus: Stealing protections makes you tankier and faster.

Key Tip: Use ult on tanks first in team fights, THEN kill the squishy damage dealers.


**🗡️ Playstyle Summary**

1. **Early fights:** Poke with basics to weaken enemies.

2. **Engage:** Dash in → Slice and Dice (center hit) → Shield if they fight back.

3. **Ultimate:** Use on tanks to shred them or finish off fleeing squishies.

4. **Survive:** Shield + dash out when things get risky.

Remember: Nemesis is all about target selection. Kill the biggest threat first, but don’t be afraid to melt tanks with your ult!


Nemesis (GODDESS OF VENGEANCE) is one of the most played gods in smite one and bring her to smite 2 was a good idea.

lets start with her passive (SCALE OF FATE) allows her to reduced enemy strength and intelligence damage when she hit with her basic attack and increases her strength and intelligence.

Nemesis first ability( swift vengeance): is a dash that does physical damage to enemy, she can cast this dash twice befor. Her dash go to cooldown.

Nemesis second ability( slice and dice): Nemesis slash in a cone dealing physical damage to evrey enemy she hits but enemy in the center of the slash take more damage and slow

Nemesis third ability(retribution): In this ability NEMESIS gets a health shield and reflect a percentage of the damage taken from gods as a physical damage and she heal for a percentage of the damage taken during the cast.

Nemesis ultimate (DIVINE JUDGEMENT): Is a single target ability dealing physical damage to all enemies in the selected area and steal movement speed and protections from the selected gods.

NEMESIS ASPECT ( aspect of Justice): this aspect changes her ultimate from a single or multiple target hit to a new passive whi h is (average nemesis and the other god's health, if nemesis has less health than the enemy she heal.

Now lets talk about how to play and buol her in smite 2 

Nemesis can be played either in the jungle or in the solo lane and will build different depending what role you play.

Here is an example build for the jungle.

Bumba's Cudgel: This item is good choice on junglers and a great one on nemesis because its upgrade gives you a passive which is reduced active cooldown by0.75s per hit, this is great for nemesis because we focus on her ability damage so we need as much cooldown as we can get.

Jotunn's Revenge: A great rush item since it is cheap, give us a good cooldown rate and a good early strength and give us cooldown reduced by 1 sec for non-ultimate abilities and 5 sec on ultimate.

Hydra's Lament: This item is the best item for all assassins especially for the one who focus on auto cancels play style like NEMESIS. hydra's passive gives you 30% increase basic attack damage after using any ability which is a great item for nemesis.

Oath-Sworn Spear: cheap early item give good amount of strength and a 5% penetration.

Heartseeker: a great choice for nemesis when play abilities, it does damage based off the target's max HP the %hp is equal to 2.5% of your strength

Titan's Bane: this items gives 20% penetration after hit god with ability so its a good item for nemesis especially when you start your fight with ult that makes tanks like nothing vs you.

THE CRUSHER: another penetration item with cooldown rate, this item deals 35% of your strength over 1s.

last item you can build

SERRATED EDGE: this item gives you lifesteal which is a sustane item and its passive give you 10 strength and 3% lifesteal for every non-ultimate ability on cooldown.

Here is what I would build in the solo lane as Nemesis.

Using her Aspect of Justice which removes her area-of-effect damage from her ultimate in favor of averaging her health out with whoever she targets. This makes tank hard to kill as she can just heal her health back up when getting low.

Bluestone Pendant: a good start for almost all solo laners gives strength hp5 and mp5 which is a good thing for solo laner and dealing damage overtime for 2 sec is a good thing for clear.

Depending on what you're going against, you will either get Gladiator's Shield if the enemy solo laner is physical god, or Genji's Guard if if enemy solo laner is a magical god.

Shifter's Shield: is a mixed between physical and magical protection with max mana and health a good passive which gives you 40 strength or 55 intelligence depending which is higher if you are over 75%health and 20 protection if you are under 75%health.

Screeching Gargoyle: this item gives magical protection and cooldown rate but it has a great passive which is silence enemy god infront of you for 2 sec and lose 10% physical and magical protection for 4 sec which is a good thing with nemesis abilities.

Void Shield: This allows for nemesis to do more damage as a bruiser and helps her physical teammates as well with the physical protection reduction. Also gives a bit of strength which nemesis.

Qin's Blade: Gives attack speed, strength and a  powerful passive that makes you win any 1vs1 fights so easily.

titan's Bane:this items gives 20% penetration after hit god with ability so its a good item for nemesis especially when you start your fight with ult that makes tanks like nothing vs you.

Nemesis is a great choice for securing kills and 1 vs 1 scenario.

when you start fights make sure to use your ultimate on the enemy team this will slow him down and give you time to get close to him, when you get close to him make sure that you hit him with your second abiloty so you will get slow him again, when he start to run you can follow him with your 1 ( the dash ability) make sure to use it carefully, last thing use your shield when the enemy team starts to hit you or wheb your health is low thats make you get the uper hand on your enemy and win almost every 1 vs 1 scenario.

Awwadeuwu's avatar

Introduction and Skills

Nemesis is a murderous Greek goddess who relies on hurting her powerful sword, she is a goddess who is based on strength and close harm.

Her passive Scales of Fate is that each basic that gives up to 3 stacks, reduces statistics of damage from the enemy and increases them to you, with a duration of 5 seconds.

First skill is called Swift Vengeance, you get the opportunity to use 2 dashes that go through units, you can use one and then you have a few seconds to use the second, with the opportunity to use other skills or basics attacks to make deadly combos.

Second skill is Slice and Dice, will help her chase enemies and clean waves of minions, always try to hit the center since there you will add a slow effect and extra damage to enemies.

The third skill is Retribution, this is a more defensive skill, you create a shield to protect yourself from damage, if you get hit while you have the shield you will reflect some of the damage and heal yourself.

Definitive skill (without Aspect) Divine Judgment, is more effective when the enemy has the maximum possible health, because the less life they has the less damage you will do, also debuff them of protections and speed of movement and it boosts you for 5 seconds of the same statistics.

Definitive skill (with aspect) Divine Judgment, is more effective when you have less health than the rival, you get heal part of life compared to the life of the enemy, you will always win, in the same way you lower protections and speed of movement and you also boost it to yourself for 5 seconds.

Skills levels priority

2 > 4 > 3 > 1

We will prioritize our Slice and Dice secondary ability for further damage in our fights, then whenever we can we will raise our ultimate ability Divine Judgment for a greater impact in ensuring we win 1vs1, the next priority is our third ability Retribution to better withstand enemy damage, finally we will raise our first ability Swift Vengeance which is our last option, it will help us do more damage with the dashes.

Role position

She is mainly a very useful goddess in the jungle but you can also take her in the lane of the solo, in the jungle she is usually carried with offensive items that provide strength, attack speed and penetration, instead in the solo lane she should be carried more warrior type with hybrid and attack speed items.

Example of Jungle builds

Attack speed:

Critical chance:

Example of Solo builds

Attack speed with protections:

Attack speed with protections and inteligence:

Good against / Bad against

She is good against characters that have little movement and is bad against characters that have stuns and have a lot of burst damage.

She is a bad choice against: Bellona and Cabrakan, Aspect of Hun batz.

She is a good choice against: Ra, Kukulkan and Zeus.

Combos and final tips

Use after each dash a basic hit to the enemy, after the secondary ability give a basic too, whenever you see that they are going to hurt you use the shield to protect yourself, in case you have the Aspect equipped and have little life , do not hesitate to use the ultimate ability in the enemy with more life than you.

Nemesis is a very fun and flexible goddess, take advantage of its high mobility.


How to play Nemesis in Smite 2!

Nemesis is an assassin that excels in one-on-one fights, whether building ability damage, basic attack focused, or bruiser, she is a force to be reckoned with.

Nemesis's passive allows her to steal basic attack damage, strength and intelligence through basic attacks. Her passive also reduces their basic attack damage, strength and intelligence as well. This passive is something to keep in mind for basic attack cancels, as it will boost her damage significantly while also making her enemy much weaker.

Nemesis's 1 is a short dash that does damage. She can cast this dash twice before it goes on cooldown. Her dash combined with her 2 makes it very difficult for opponents to escape you. Don't forget to weave in basic attacks between each dash!

Nemesis's 2 is a large cone ability with a "sweet spot" in the middle. The sweet spot gives the ability a hefty slow. This ability has a huge range and makes it extremely difficult to escape Nemesis's grasp. Using this along with the 1 makes it hard for enemies to even escape you. This ability also has hybrid scaling, which means it scales off int and strength.

Nemesis's 3 is a self-shield that reflects and heals a percentage of damage taken during the ability's duration. The reflect is based off your strength and the heal is based off your int. Always consider what may be more valuable against your opponents and build accordingly for either a strong reflect, strong heal, or a mix of both at the cost of exceling at neither. One important thing to remember is that any crowd control will immediately remove Nemesis's shield, so make sure to time shields' appropriately.

Nemesis's 4 is a single target ability that allows you to immediately steal a percentage of an enemy's protections as well as gain a movement speed buff. It also applies the movement speed and protections you gained negatively to whoever you target. In Smite 2 it also deals physical damage in an area instead of just one person. This ultimate ability should be used the moment you want to engage on someone so you can maximize the value of the debuff.

Nemesis can be played either in the jungle or in the solo lane and will build differently depending on the role you chose.

Here is an example build for the jungle.

Bumba's Cudgel: This item is great on nemesis when you are focusing on ability damage as it allows for hard-hitting basic attack cancels, as well as some CDR for hitting an enemy with a basic attack.

Jotunn's Revenge: A great rush item since it is cheap, has a good amount of strength, a lot of CDR and a handy passive that assists in securing more than one kill in a gank.

Hydra's Lament: This item almost feels like it was designed for Nemesis with how amazing it feels on her. It simply increases the damage by 30% on your next basic attack. Basic attack cancelling is something that should be done on Nemesis already so this just rewards you even more for doing so. Also gives a good amount of mana and mana regen to alleviate early game mana issues.

Oath-Sworn Spear: Gives some pen, decent amount of strength, and an amazing passive for dealing with other squishes who may try to face you in a one-on-one fight. Also partially assists against tanks but it's not the reason it is taken.

The Crusher: This item gives a decent amount of strength, some CDR and pen, and most importantly, a very powerful passive. The passive adds a lot of damage when building mainly strength and hurts a lot. A staple in many ability-based assassin builds.

Heartseeker: Another item we are grabbing mainly for the passive, it does damage based off the target's max HP as will as some of your strength. Also a staple in many ability-based assassin builds.

Titan's Bane: An item I love to grab on Nemesis because of how she already steals protections. This will make even tanks fear you.

Here is what I would build in the solo lane as Nemesis.

Firstly, I would use her Aspect of Justice which removes her area-of-effect damage from her ultimate in favor of averaging her health out with whoever she targets. This makes tank Nemesis extremely difficult to kill as she can just heal her health back up when getting low.

Bluestone Pendant: Very strong option for Nemesis as she already hits hard early. This item will just chunk enemy gods and works extremely well in the solo lane.

Depending on what you're going against, you will either get Gladiator's Shield if facing a physical god, or Genji's Guard if facing a magical god.

Shifter's Shield: Gives mixed protections, max health, max mana and an extremely powerful passive that gives strength or int, depending on whichever is higher, when above 75% health. Also gives protections instead when dropping below 75% health. Works well with Nemesis since you will heal with the Aspect of Justice and do even more damage when at high health.

Pharoah's Curse: This item gives mixed protections and attack speed as well as an active effect of slowing enemies and their attack speed around you. Nemesis likes to have attack speed and being able to stay on top of people so this item is a must buy when building tank.

Void Shield: This allows for nemesis to do more damage as a bruiser and helps her physical teammates as well with the physical protection reduction. Also gives a bit of strength which nemesis uses well.

Bloodforge: This item is a damage item, but it has a defensive active effect that helps Nemesis have even more shields. Also gives attack speed which is valuable.

Qin's Blade: Gives attack speed, strength and a super powerful passive that makes you win pretty much every fight in a one-on-one scenario against tanks, mages, assassins, and some carries.

Nemesis excels at picking off targets in the 1v1 and chasing down targets to confirm a kill. Just be sure to be smart with your dashes as they are your only mobility tool and you'll be stuck stranded without them if going into a bad situation.


Still uploading as of 11:00 EST but I needed to publish it here before I forgot lol.

Ford James's avatar

Hi kamiel, thanks for taking onboard our feedback. We're happy to award this one now as it meets our minimum quality threshold. We'd urge you to continue trying to improve your videos, as some more editing and overlays with builds could go a long way, but they're at a standard now where they're useful enough to a budding Nemesis player. If you can improve upon your other video submissions to the same standard, we'll be able to award your video entries across the board for these god rewards. ✌

kamiel's avatar

allright will do thx for letting me know!

kamiel's avatar

could you tell me which god guides this would be cause i also made some in this style more so i dont know which ones i still need to rework!

Ford James's avatar

Hi kamiel, any of your god videos that have been flagged as ineligible will need another look to bring them up to par.

One thing to add: I spotted on the Bellona video you improved the editing. This is great, if you can combine that style of editing with the gameplay of your own and overlays, you're onto a winner!


Nemesis Master Guide- Jungle (Best Role)

Overview of Nemesis' Abilities


  • Try to consistently land basic attacks on enemies to weaken them while simultaneously empowering Nemesis.

  • Target high-damage enemies to reduce their output and make yourself more potent.

1st Ability - Swift Vengeance

  • Engage or disengage with the first dash, then use the second dash to either chase down enemies or escape.

  • After using the first dash, basic attacks or other abilities can be used between the dashes.

  • It's also effective for jumping over obstacles and quickly positioning yourself in or out of the fight.

2nd Ability - Slice and Dice

  • Position yourself carefully to hit enemies in the center of the cone for maximum damage. This requires good spacing and timing in team fights or skirmishes.

  • Use it when you’re in the thick of a fight to burst damage and apply crowd control with the slow.

3rd Ability - Retribution

  • Use Retribution when you are about to take heavy damage, especially in 1v1 engagements or when diving into the enemy backline.

  • The shield can reflect significant damage, especially if enemies focus you during its duration.

  • The healing component makes you much harder to kill while keeping you in the fight longer.

Ultimate - Divine Judgement

  • Use Divine Judgement on high-health enemies or tanky gods to cripple their defenses and turn their Protections against them.

  • This ultimate is excellent for executing squishy enemies in late-game team fights.

  • Be sure to use it on priority targets, as it can also boost your own survivability through the Protection and Movement Speed steal.

Aspect of Justice

I recommend using her Aspect most games, you can toggle this on or off once you've locked in Nemesis.

Item Builds

Jungle :

Skill Priority


Key Tips for Maximizing Hydra’s Lament Combo on Nemesis

  • Timing: Hydra’s passive applies bonus damage on the next basic attack, so always combo your abilities with basic attacks in quick succession. The faster you do this, the more effective Hydra's passive will be.

  • Positioning: Ensure you’re in range to land a basic attack immediately after using abilities like Swift Vengeance and Slice and Dice. This is critical for triggering Hydra’s passive.

  • Utilize Retribution: While Retribution provides defensive utility, its damage reflection also allows you to survive longer in fights while dishing out bonus damage with Hydra’s passive.

Final Thoughts

Prioritise flanking and killing carries. If you have to fight a tank or front liner open with your ult, unless you have the aspect then you want to use it for hp steal on a high health target.



Nemesis is a basic attack character, so builds focused on attack speed, penetration, life steal, and critical hits work best for her. My favorite build for her includes: Bluestone Brooch, The Executioner, Dominance, Bragi's Harp, Avatar's Parashu, Bloodforge, and Deathbringer. Other items like Titan's Bane and Bracer of the Abyss also work well.

Essentially, you need to analyze your enemies. If most of them are warriors or guardians with high health, you'll want to replace The Executioner with Qin's Blade and prioritize penetration over other items.


She performs best in the jungle but can also be played in the solo lane. She is particularly effective in duel mode.


Use your 1 to get closer, your 2 to slow the enemy, and your 3 to reflect damage and gain a shield. The ultimate can also slow enemies if they are trying to escape. If your enemy sees you coming, it’s better to use your 3 before your 2 to reflect incoming damage, as the enemy will likely attack you first.


She can escape with her first ability and reflect damage with her third ability, which also grants her a shield. This gives her strong combat potential—if you can’t secure the kill, you can still escape. Her slow also makes her excellent at chasing enemies.


While i'm not exactly the best at making guides, Nemesis is a god i hold near and dear to my heart, so it felt wrong not to at least try to throw my hat in the ring and give it the old college try.
I wanted to make a video but my social anxiety and lack of editing skills quickly reminded me i can't, so here's a written one instead:

Nemesis, the Goddess of Vengeance, is a hybrid scaling god, sure, but the few places inteligence shines makes it hard to justify going anything but strength.

This is why items like Bracer of the Abyss or Demonic Grip are useful, as they have powerful enough passives that the investment into int doesn't feel like it's a waste.

I personally however build into strength heavily, making use of Jotunn's first item to brawl a win out early game, and making moving around the jungle easier with dash up faster than normal.

The build i personally use is Bumba's Hammer into Jotunn's, then a detour for The Reaper for it's tasty passive before getting Hydra's, Right here is where i start getting crit items, Mushashi's and Deathbringer, but depending on how mobile my enemies are i might first get hastened fatalis to keep up, if that's not needed then i'll also get Demon Blade.

When playing Nemesis, your goal is to choose your fights and win them, after all, no one can escape her vengeance if they are ambushed, by choosing your fights, i specifically mean looking for an overconfident midlaner that's a little too close to your ally for your liking, or a solo laner that's always barely slipping out of your ally's fingers.

Her one is a dash, pretty self explanitory, but she gets to use it a second time after you press it the first time, there is a timer but don't let it rush you, it's perfectly okay to dash once, land a few basics, and then dash again!

Her passive is really focussed around the fact she's made for combat, giving you more and your enemy less strength and inteligence per basic attack you land, this can give you the edge in a fight but it's not overpowered so don't expect to be invicible.

Speaking of feeling invincible, her Shield is very helpful for when you for example thought you were invincible and are now losing the fight, by pressing it you gain a shield that reflect part of the damage dealt to you and heals you for part of the shield when you get hit.

Lastly her 2, slice and dice, it's your standard damaging ability, but it's made out of 2 halves that overlap in the center, so make sure to focus there if you want to deal the most damage, it also slows your enemy for 2 seconds, which is useful for catching up

Her Ultimate, Divine Judgement, let's the player deal a percentage of the enemy's health while also stealing the enemy's protections and movementspeed, this is exceedingly useful for chasing someone or ambusing when the enemy no longer has their escape

more than that i can't really say, other than that i love playing her and hope you will too!


Nemesis, the Goddess of Retribution

Nemesis in SMITE 2 is a versatile melee Assassin excelling at isolating and dismantling single targets. Her abilities combine mobility, survivability and devastating damage, making her a threat in skirmishes and team fights alike. Nemesis is ideal for players who enjoy calculated, high-risk engagements with a focus on taking down priority targets.


Passive – Scales of Fate
Striking enemies with basic attacks or abilities reduces their Physical Power and increases Nemesis own, empowering her in prolonged engagements.

First Ability – Swift Vengeance
Dashes forward, damaging enemies in her path. Can dash again within a short time.

Usage Tip: Use for mobility in and out of fights or to chase escaping enemies.

Second Ability – Slice and Dice
Slashes in a cone, dealing damage and slowing enemies hit in the central zone.

Usage Tip: Aim carefully to maximize damage and slow key targets for follow-ups.

Third Ability – Retribution
Creates a shield that reflects a percentage of incoming damage while healing Nemesis.

Usage Tip: Use as a counter to burst damage or in trades to gain an advantage.

Ultimate – Divine Judgement
Reduces an enemy’s protections and slows them while stealing a percentage of their movement speed.

Usage Tip: Prioritize using this on high-value targets like carries to maximize its impact.


Jungle Build: Focus on Physical Power, Attack Speed, and Critical Chance with items like Hydra’s Lament and Titan Bane.

Solo Build: Build Physical Power and sustain with items like Spirit Robe and Shifter’s Shield for a balance of damage and survivability.

Ability Leveling Order

  1. Max Swift Vengeance for mobility and consistent damage.

  2. Prioritize Slice and Dice next for AoE damage and slows.

  3. Level Retribution last, upgrading Divine Judgement whenever possible.


Nemesis thrives in the Jungle role, leveraging her mobility and burst to secure kills on priority targets. She is also capable in Solo Lane, where her sustain and dueling potential shine. Use her dash to engage or escape, and carefully time Retribution to counter bursts from enemies.


  • High Mobility: Two dashes and stolen movement speed allow for dynamic positioning.

  • Survivability: Retribution makes her surprisingly tough in trades.

  • Single-Target Focus: Divine Judgement and Slice and Dice isolate and eliminate priority targets.


  • Skill-Dependent: Requires precise ability use for full impact.

  • Cool down Reliance: Loses potency without Swift Vengeance or Divine Judgement available.

  • Squishy: Poor durability without proper timing on Retribution or a bruiser build.


  • Engage Smartly: Use Swift Vengeance to initiate and escape, avoiding over committing.

  • Ultimate Timing: Save Divine Judgement for carries or tanks disrupting your team.

  • Target Weaknesses: Prioritize squishy targets or those heavily reliant on protections.

  • Adapt Your Build: Adjust based on enemy composition; go bruiser against heavy CC or damage against weaker back lines.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Nemesis is a Junge for you to test you skills, and maybe is a good start to start training the more advanced gameplay since you won't be facing other gods alone, just some times.

She has one interesting passive skill, Scales of Fate kind steal strength and intelligence from the enemies with you basic attack

His first active skill, Swift Vengeance, will allow you to dash twice, dealing damage while passing through the enemies, after the first dash you have a few seconds to use the other and have the opportunity to interleave with auto attack or with your second skill. The ability to use the dash twice will help you to attack the enemy and flee away from the danger.

The second skill, Slice and Dice, is perfect to finish groups of jungle monsters since it will create a attack cone dealing damage to enemies in a large area, and the center part of the cone will deal even more damage

And the Retribution is the skill that will compensate you lack you health and defence since it will heal heal and reflect the enemy attack to themselves, it will be perfect in a team fight when some enemy use a strong attack and ultra to you team group and will hit themselves with this skill activate.

The Nemisis' Ultra, Divine Judgement, has some cons and pros, it will deal 20% of current health of the chosen god, but it is impossible to miss, and will also cause damage the gods close, it will also you steal part of the enemy protection and speed, try to aim for the tanks one that this will be very useful!

For her build I prefer to maximize the skill powers, her auto build always work fine to me.


Nemesis - Goddess of Vengeance!

Nemesis in SMITE 2 fills the role of a true assassin, with some flexibility into a bruiser-style build. She focuses on high mobility, in-and-out gameplay and has the unique feature to take her enemies' power for herself using her passive and ultimate. Here's how to play her in SMITE 2!


  • Passive - Scales of Fate: Hitting enemies with basic attacks steals their basic attack power, strength and intelligence at 7% per stack, max 3 stacks.

This is a simple but effective passive, at max stacks there's a 42% swing in power between you and your opponent as you gain 21% of their power and they lose 21%. This makes Nemesis an excellent duelist as she inherently has a stat-based advantage in 1v1s.

  • Ability 1 - Swift Vengeance: Nemesis dashes a short distance in a line, dealing damage to enemies hit and may dash again within 2s.

The 'double dash'. This can be used twice in quick successtion to close the gap or escape a chase but you can use abilities and basic attacks in between the 2 dashes so you can just use 1, drop your abilities on the enemy and save the second dash for chasing them afterwards. Though keep in mind you only have 2 seconds to use the 2nd dash or it will be wasted.

  • Ability 2 - Slice and Dice Nemesis strikes in a cone in front of her, dealing damage which doubles in the smaller center hitbox and slows targets in the center also.

A simple ability, this just deals AoE damage and applies a strong slow to enemies in the center of the cone which is very easy to reliably hit on enemies. The slow is amazing for lockdown and keeping enemies in range of Nemesis' strong basic attacks.

  • Ability 3 - Retribution: Nemesis shields herself for 2 seconds. In this time, any damage taken to the shield will reflect back to the enemy that dealt it at 35% of the initial damage and will heal nemesis for 50% of the initial damage. The shield has up to 300 health and is broken if hit by a hard crowd control.

This ability is core to Nemesis' gameplay and allows her to make risky plays that other Assassins might not be able to as she can turn the tides by shielding massive damage, dealing a good chunk of it back to the enemy and healing big. Using this ability properly requires a lot of game-sense in terms of knowing exactly when enemies are going to throw big damage at you as well as avoiding getting the shield cancelled by hard crowd control. Proper use of this ability combined with her passive makes Nemesis an extremely scary threat in a 1v1 scenario.

  • Ultimate: Divine Judgement: Nemesis choose a single enemy God, damaging all enemies in an area around the target based on their current health. She then steals the movement speed and protections of the highest protection target hit, reduces theirs and increasing hers by the same amount.

This ultimate is where Nemesis really comes together as a character. Like her passive, this focuses on stealing an enemy's power to turn the fight massively in her favor as not only does she get stronger, the enemy also gets weaker giving her a 5s window where she has an inherent massive advantage simply due to better stats. This hits in an area around the initial target but only steals stats from the enemy with the highest. Again, this is very scary in a 1v1 scenario but due to the AoE nature of the damage, it can be very useful in teamfights as well. This is also best used on tankier targets as the protections stolen are a %, not a flat value so targets with higher total protections provide more back to Nemesis. The damage is also % current health based so higher health pools take more damage. Dropping this Ultimate on a tank and focusing them down with your team can be an incredible unique strategy for Nemesis that other Junglers cannot achieve.

Items and Builds:

Nemesis generally plays Jungle and that's the build I'll provide for here, but you can experiment with her in Solo Lane as well with a more bruiser-heavy build. She's mainly looking for high Strength, Attack Speed and Movement Speed in her builds. But she also enjoys a bit of cooldown rate just to make sure she has abilities ready when she needs them.

Nemesis Jungle Build:

This Nemesis Jungle build focuses on a mix of high strength, high penetration and high attack speed. Early on, you'll be focused mostly on cooldown rate and Hydra's Lament passive which enhances basic attack damage after using an ability, while later on the build transitions more into an attack speed focus with Executioner that reduces enemy protections on-hit and Qin's Blade that deals % max health damage on-hit. This build can deal with both squishier targets and tanks and is an excellent 1v1 duelist build in the late game!

But that's it for Nemesis!

Hopefully this guide was helpful for you to better understand how to play Nemesis, thanks for reading!


Nemesis is a melee fighter designed for players who enjoy versatility and a mix of offense, defense, and utility. Her unique ability to weaken enemies while boosting her own stats with Scales of Fate makes her a strong counter to high-power opponents. With Swift Vengeance, she can dash into fights or retreat to safety, while Retribution allows her to reflect damage, shield herself, and heal, making her a durable skirmisher. Her ultimate, Divine Judgement, is the perfect tool for shutting down key targets by stealing protections and movement speed, giving her team a significant advantage in crucial battles.


  • Stat-Stealing Passive: Scales of Fate weakens enemies while empowering Nemesis, giving her the upper hand in prolonged fights.

  • High Mobility: Swift Vengeance provides two dashes, perfect for engaging, repositioning, or escaping.

  • Sustained Defense: Retribution reflects damage, grants a shield, and heals Nemesis, significantly increasing her survivability.

  • Single-Target Focus: Divine Judgement lets Nemesis shred protections and steal movement speed, making her lethal against powerful enemies.

  • Versatile Playstyle: Nemesis excels in both offense and defense, adapting to different combat scenarios and handling both squishy and tanky foes.


  • Positioning-Dependent: Swift Vengeance is essential for mobility and damage; poor usage can leave her vulnerable.

  • Limited Crowd Control: Aside from the slow on Slice and Dice, she lacks strong CC, relying on damage and survivability to succeed.

  • Skill-Intensive: To maximize Slice and Dice, precision is needed to land the center cone for bonus damage.

  • Burst Vulnerability: Retribution provides a shield, but its duration is limited. Poor timing can leave her exposed to high burst damage.

Nemesis is not a tank, but she’s built to sustain and outlast enemies in fights while dealing heavy damage to priority targets. Her kit is all about timing, positioning, and precision—missteps can leave her exposed, but when played well, she becomes a relentless force on the battlefield.

GoJapan's avatar

Nemesis is an ideal character for those who prefer fray fighting, despite having defensive skills. It can weaken enemies and at the same time increase statistics, it is able to adapt to different situations. Its strength undoubtedly lies in the possibility of weakening enemies but at the same time enhancing itself. Strong in attack and excellent in defense, thanks to its flexible gameplay.

Nemesis is a choice not to be overlooked, due to its skills, can control the flow of the battle and is suitable for both players who prefer a vindictive and defensive style. How to use nemesis at best? Simple, just get closer to the enemy and attack him, since his fort is precisely the combat with close distance. It has three different skills, and a fourth passive.

When Nemesis hits with basic attacks, it can increase its statistics. Among his skills there is the possibility of shooting towards enemies by inflicting them damage, slowing down the enemies and inflicting greater damage to the enemies in his trajectory and obtaining a shield that absorbs the damage and reflects the same with a certain percentage. Her Ultimate allows her to inflict large damage to a single target or to a group of enemies in a selected area.

Nemesis is an excellent choice to eliminate isolated enemies, given that in 1 VS clashes 1 usually has the better, but when it is near multiple enemies, need for adequate support.


Nemesis, the Goddess of Revenge, is a highly versatile assassin in SMITE 2. Her kit combines mobility, burst damage, and the ability to shred tanky opponents, making her a fantastic pick in both jungle and solo roles. Let’s dive into how to master Nemesis and strike fear into your enemies.

Role and Playstyle

Nemesis is primarily played as a jungler, but she can also thrive in the solo lane against gods who rely on protections. Her playstyle focuses on diving into fights, eliminating key targets, and disengaging before taking too much damage. She excels at picking off carries and countering tanks with her true damage.

Abilities Overview

  1. Passive: Scales of Balance
    Nemesis gains power based on a percentage of the highest power among enemies near her, making her stronger against fed opponents. This keeps her relevant even in challenging matches.

  2. 1st Ability: Swift Vengeance
    Nemesis dashes forward, damaging enemies in her path, and can dash again within a few seconds. This is her primary mobility tool for engaging, escaping, or repositioning in fights.

  3. 2nd Ability: Slice and Dice
    A cone attack that deals damage and slows enemies hit. It’s great for clearing camps, poking enemies, or slowing them for a follow-up combo.

  4. 3rd Ability: Retribution
    Nemesis activates a shield that reflects a portion of incoming damage back at attackers while healing her for a percentage of the damage absorbed. This ability makes her deceptively tanky in duels.

  5. Ultimate: Divine Judgment
    Nemesis selects an enemy god, stealing a percentage of their protections and slowing them, while dealing damage over time. This ultimate is devastating against tanks and high-priority targets like ADCs.

Build Guide

Core Items:

  • Golden Blade: Boosts Nemesis’s jungle clear speed with AoE damage.

  • Stone Cutting Sword: Adds mobility, power, and protection shredding, which synergizes perfectly with her kit.

  • Heartseeker: Increases her burst damage, especially against targets with high health.

Situational Items:

  • Void Shield: Adds penetration and physical protections for diving backlines.

  • Bloodforge: Enhances lifesteal and survivability in prolonged fights.

  • Mantle of Discord: Provides crowd control immunity and survivability when diving risky targets.

Early Game

As a jungler, focus on farming efficiently and ganking vulnerable lanes. Use Slice and Dice to clear camps quickly and Swift Vengeance for mobility across the jungle. Look for opportunities to punish overextended enemies, especially squishy ADCs or mages. If you’re in the solo lane, play carefully until you’ve built some sustain, then trade effectively using Retribution.

Mid Game

Once you’ve completed your core items, start focusing on objectives like Gold Fury and towers. Use Divine Judgment to isolate and eliminate key targets during team fights. Coordinate with your team to secure kills on priority enemies, especially those with high protections or damage output.

Late Game and Teamfights

In teamfights, Nemesis thrives as a backline diver. Use Swift Vengeance to initiate or reposition, and follow up with Divine Judgment to shred tanky targets or delete squishy carries. Time Retribution to absorb heavy bursts of damage and reflect it back onto enemies. Always prioritize staying mobile and retreating when cooldowns are down.

Tips and Tricks

  1. Target Selection: Use Divine Judgment on the most impactful enemy, like a fed ADC or a tank initiating for their team.

  2. Shield Timing: Activate Retribution just before taking significant damage to maximize healing and survivability.

  3. Mobility Mastery: Swift Vengeance can be used creatively to chase, escape, or bait enemies into overcommitting.

  4. Farm Smart: Keep farming jungle camps even in the mid to late game to stay ahead in gold and levels.


Good Against:

  • Tanky gods, thanks to Divine Judgment and true damage.

  • Immobile carries, like Anubis or Artemis, who struggle to escape her chase potential.

Struggles Against:

  • High-burst assassins, like Thanatos or Kali, who can out-duel her if she’s not careful.

  • Gods with strong CC, like Ares or Ymir, which can lock her down and negate her mobility.

Nemesis is perfect for players who enjoy a mix of strategy and aggression. She rewards calculated plays and precise targeting, allowing you to single-handedly swing the tide of battle. Whether you’re shredding tanks or assassinating carries, Nemesis offers an immensely satisfying and versatile playstyle. Get out there and deliver some divine justice


SMITE 2 Nemesis Guide: How to Dominate the Battleground

Nemesis, the Goddess of Vengeance, returns in SMITE 2 as a highly mobile assassin capable of shredding through tanks and carries alike. With her mix of mobility, sustain, and true damage, she excels at isolating and eliminating key targets. This guide will walk you through her abilities, ideal builds, and gameplay strategies to help you make the most of Nemesis in SMITE 2.

Abilities Overview

  1. Swift Vengeance (Dash Ability): Nemesis dashes twice, dealing damage and allowing her to quickly reposition or chase down fleeing enemies.

  2. Slice and Dice (AoE Damage & Slow): A circular strike that damages and slows enemies, making it a great tool for initiation or escape.

  3. Retribution (Shield & Sustain): Absorbs a portion of incoming damage while healing Nemesis, giving her significant sustain in fights.

  4. Divine Judgment (Ultimate): Reduces an enemy's protections and steals a percentage of their health, making Nemesis a devastating force against tanks and squishies alike.

Recommended Build

Core Items:

  • Jotunn’s Wrath – Provides cooldown reduction, power, and mana sustain.

  • Serrated Edge – Grants lifesteal and movement speed, enhancing Nemesis’s dueling potential.

  • Hydra’s Lament – Boosts burst damage through empowered basic attacks after using abilities.

Situational Items:

  • Titan’s Bane – Great for shredding through tankier opponents.

  • Bloodforge – Adds extra lifesteal and survivability.

  • Magi’s Cloak – Helps counter crowd control-heavy matchups.

Gameplay Tips & Strategies

  1. Early Game: Focus on farming efficiently and securing jungle buffs to build up your power. Avoid unnecessary fights until you’ve acquired core items.

  2. Mid Game: Look for opportunities to gank enemy laners. Use Swift Vengeance to engage and Divine Judgment to burst down high-priority targets.

  3. Late Game: Stick to the enemy backline and eliminate carries before they can deal damage. Use Retribution wisely to negate burst damage and survive longer fights.

Combos to Master

  • Engage Combo: Dash in with Swift Vengeance → Slow enemies with Slice and Dice → Activate Divine Judgment → Secure the kill with auto-attacks and Retribution.

  • Escape Combo: Use Retribution to absorb damage → Dash away with Swift Vengeance → Slow pursuers with Slice and Dice.

Final Thoughts

Nemesis is a highly rewarding assassin when played correctly, excelling at punishing overextended enemies and disrupting backlines. Master her abilities, optimize your build, and play smart to become a true force of vengeance on the battlefield.

Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor!

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