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I think we underestimate the fridge enormously, especially recently.

Because of our jobs - I usually work the late shift and my wife often works 24 hours a day - pre-cooking has become very important for us.

I've also started to change my diet and protein stuff and shots are currently in high demand.

You can also give open cat food the next day in a relaxed way.

MagmaMelon's avatar

Here's the piece of tech that makes me hear if someone's at the door, and also, the one that saves my toes from getting painfully bumped into stuff at night! It really hurts... But not anymore!

It has 58 different sounds when someone rings. All sorts of famous melodies from movies and songs! This will have you humming random melodies all day.


Without this part of the sound equipment we could not listen to music. We always concentrate on playing music but never with the object that makes it sound clear. That is why I say that this is my anonymous hero.

schlumberger's avatar

At home, the computer and Wi-Fi are often taken for granted, but without them, everything could be a mess. The computer is used for work, investments, and entertainment, yet its importance is only noticed when it suddenly slows down or crashes. Wi-Fi is the same it quietly connects all devices every day, but the moment it goes down, everyone panics. They’re the unsung heroes that make life much easier.



Without this we could not enjoy the television we watch every day, we only focus on what we see in the image, but without this we could not enjoy it, that is why I can say that it is our forgotten hero.

USCSS's avatar

My unsung hero is air conditioning.

I suffer a lot in the heat. I sweat a lot. There were many summers when I couldn't sleep because of the heat.

Recently, last year, in September, I was able to buy an air conditioner.

It was the best investment I ever made. Let me introduce them to you:

Nathan09's avatar

my unsung hero is my mosquito racket ,I have a phobia of insects like cockroach ,grasshopper even house lizard
this thing protect me from them
one day there's cockroach flying directly to my face and i accidently throw this racket
RIP my handsome electric sword.


My unsung hero is my fan, living in a tropical country My unsung hero is my fan, living in a tropical country with high temperatures makes me have to continue using my hero's services, spinning tirelessly even to the point of breaking its neck. Thank you alone is not enough I am forever indebted to my unsung hero.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

  1. Solution for dirty water world wide!

  2. You get nearly pure Water (less cleaning)

  3. If you are healty boi this is the best water you can drink

    Proof of conecpt:
    If it would kill you, all the people in the mountains would be dead aswell Greenland, Iceland and so on.

    Note: If you buy bottle water you are part of the problem by fueling an industrie which shouldn´t exist at all.


How can we forget about the magic of the internet, but what about the small box that you need to deliver all that high speed goodness to your home, this little black box works 24/7 with no drama, and my entire gaming life would be lost without it! Unsung hero indeed!!

ENDERS's avatar

This may seem mundane and odd, but this device I made is an absolute hero, it saved my very expensive computer rig from possibly frying and being totally inoperable for months, this helped me make lots of art, music and money doing various jobs on my desktop PC.

Now I know what you are thinking;
How did this small USB powered fan device save anything?

Well it's actually really simple;
The fairly new modular Corsair RGB power supply I purchased a few years ago ended up having a defective fan in it, thus stopping my power supply from being cooled. So my temporary solution until a replacement power supply arrived was this, A USB power conversion, with a LED power switch and a fan, all zip tied to my case's power supply filter/screen. With a little bit of basic electronics knowledge, soldering skill and a absolute need for a solution this is what I came up with, and it is defintely the hero in my tech world. It kepy my PSU cool until I got a replacement, so now it lives permanently under my case, assisting the other fans at circulating air into my PC components.

Sturmer's avatar

Tip: Most PSUs use standard case fans, typically 120mm or 100mm. They follow common specs in terms of size, voltage, and pinout (usually 3-pin, static RPM).

To replace one, just unscrew 8 screws total: 4 on the PSU casing and 4 on the fan itself.

Open the PSU carefully, check where the fan connects, and read the specs on the fan’s sticker. Then just buy a case fan with matching specs.

My personal recommendation: go with Noctua. These things last for decades - I’ve swapped out three PCs over the years, and I’m still using the same set of fans.

p.s. the fan on a pic might miss proper CFM to cool down the rail under load, so it's important to use the same or more powerful fan.

ENDERS's avatar

Actully I have a bunch of old PSUs but the spcific fan header for this PSU uses a proprietary Corsair connector you can not buy. This specific fan was never sold separately so just any 100 or 120mm would not work.

Ive worked in IT and computer repair for about 15 years.

The first thing I tried was replacing the fan.

To no avail, due to the specific ARGB PSU connector on this specific PSU.

Since then I have ordered a used version of this PSU from Ebay and have an extra for parts.

ENDERS's avatar

Wow! Now this is useful. Thanks a ton for sharing. I'd love to get one of those crimper tools, seems very useful.

Marukosu's avatar

My unsung hero is definitely my microwave. A lot of people take it for granted and don’t realize how valuable this technology is. I spent a long time without one, and I can say for sure that it saves a lot of time warming up food. It can also help with many recipes, sometimes even making food taste better, and of course, it’s perfect for making quick popcorn.

Horror and Cats's avatar

I went a stretch of years without a microwave. It really is one of those things that you don't even notice until it's gone

Marukosu's avatar

Exactly. Microwave is a must have

ENDERS's avatar

While I can't agree because I've intentionally not owned a Microwave my whole adult life, it is admirable that you all value it so dearly.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Definitely wasn’t intentional when I didn’t have one lol. I lived on the road in an RV for a while and ran off solar power. Microwave would have killed my battery basically instantly


The unsung hero in my home is Fibre:

With the previous 4G connection everything would slow down as soon as one of the kids started watching a single YouTube clip. Now with fibre we have streaming devices everywhere and no slowdowns whatsoever.

mastercesspit's avatar

this is the unsung hero of my house, 3 years of running my entire property, went from $800-1200 a 1/4 , or $250-300 a month, to maybe $ 25-40 a month generator fuel to supplement for cloudy weather, soon to be upgraded to a 4.8 KW,

have fun 07

Sutaware Shu's avatar

Mouse on the right is my old mouse, and the left one is my newest. The Left is a great mouse that really improve my skill.
only for a year, it died. then i back to my old mouse.

After many trial, i improve my skill using old mouse.

Vivisector's avatar

the washer machine is the unsung hero of my house. No connettivity, no wifi, no special modes, no digital, a little bit rusty, but still here washing clothes. Sometimes can bit a little bit noisy or shacky but hey, find who can still work with lots years on their rusty shoulders :D thanks to them if we can wash clothes automatically and not in the river or handmade anymore!

Lanah Tyra's avatar

The most important tech in the house, as life only starts after the second coffee. Don't try to talk to me before that XD

0ffworld's avatar

I used to use rechargeable battery packs for my gaming controllers but after a few years, they just didn't hold their charges as well as they used to.

I've since upgraded to the best solution for wireless gaming with a controller ever. A friend suggested I get these Panasonic Eneloop Pros. These are magic. They last forever, I was literally stunned. If you're using wireless controllers, like the Xbox ones, for gaming, I highly suggest you give these a try.

Gaypengwing 🔜 Ren Faire Uk's avatar

It’s a very small piece of tech but it’s so useful 🙌 my little pumpkin lamp! My bf bought it from TikTok shop, which you can find linked in my profile if you fancy one yourself -


First off, aestetically I love Halloween and pumpkins, so I think it’s adorable but it’s also perfect for when you need to get up in the middle of the night. No searching for a switch or a button, he’s wireless and you just bop him on the head and there’s light. It comes with 3 modes of light, all of which aren’t blinding so you can get back to sleep very easily too.


The AC is my unsung hero once I live in Bahia (a hot state from Brazil) and I hate heat hahaha So imagine how this tech saves me everyday and imagine the lenght of my energy bill LOL

NarratorID's avatar

I always use this phone brand (Sony) for listening to my fav musics.

I've been observed almost every famous brand that has a better audio than Sony,

But my eyes just stopped right into this Brand.

FEBRIAN_574H's avatar

This hero accompanying me to sleep everyday and the quality long last until now

Y0EMINENCE's avatar

it’s my unsung hero because it supplies me with the essentials of life - water!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

In our home it's...

The Alexa in our home is a saviour to all of them, we have four across the house, all linked with synchronised alarms for morning wake-up, with ages ranging from 9-17, each child during the week needs to be up and out of the door for buses and or walking to schools.

It also enables the older children to have their music on in their rooms, without having to try and drown each other out as it can be right next to them, of course, it also helps with their homework as well as they can ask her facts and information as they go.

For us this tiny little piece of Tech, is our un-Sung hero of the house.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Any room I'm in, any IR-operated device I use, I still use Peel Smart Remote on the IR enabled Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge.

Sony TV, Sharp TV, an old DVD player, even the TV/VHS combo unit in my RV: it all works.

The app lets you pick the device brand/type and set them all up to switch between at will. It also automatically changes available devices depending on the network you're connected to, so you can set up all your friends' and relatives' devices as well without crowding your settings.

Genuine unsung hero of the house is a ten year old cell phone.

If only Samsung still did the IR port thing... and the 3.5mm headphone jack.

projectazone's avatar

I know it's a bit of a mess, but we're finishing fixing it. I just can't live without my home automation system, I'm addicted to it now! It's the hero that takes care of all my needs, and I can do a lot of things with my voice... am I lazy? Enough :D since it's been here. And then the save system with attached servers... I couldn't live without it. It's my hero

Borrrrr's avatar

The technology that I consider to be my unsung hero at home is my laptop. I realised that throughout the day, the one thing I always use is my laptop. To me, a laptop is not just an object, but more than that. If we use it wisely, its potential will shine-whether it's for working for a living, digging up information and knowledge when we're bored, or enjoying entertainment in various ways such as playing games, watching, or listening to music.

That's why I consider my laptop an unsung hero. That's all.

Thank You :)

MQC's avatar

Ultra Slim Wireless Bluetooth Headphones

I simply can't live without them... I need them every night to get to sleep listening to rain or white noise. For those of us who, for one reason or another, have difficulty sleeping, this type of device is tremendously necessary and ends up being a daily hero.

Horror and Cats's avatar

I've got a pair of those! Love them for my thunder/rain sounds at night.

TrialByStory's avatar

It didn't take much thought for me to land on my wireless headphones. They're a dual-function powerhouse in my life. Obviously it gives me a way to listen to music/audiobooks/the two podcasts I follow, which shouldn't be understated because if I'm ever in a horrible mental state the three questions to answer are 'Am I hungry?', 'Am I caffeinated?', and 'When did I last listen to some music?', so having the ability to fulfill that last one even when I'm out in the world doing stuff is a big help. Their other use is to connect to my gaming PC so I can stay on voicechat with my friends while playing VR games, since my normal headset doesn't work very well with with the strap on my Quest.

These particular headphones are a recent acquisition, they're open-back/air-conduction, which is slightly worse in terms of sound quality, but they let me keep more aware of my surroundings, which I count as a fair tradeoff for the scenarios where I use them. Also not having something inserted into my ear means they're quite a bit more comfortable for longer periods than my old earbuds.

GoJapan's avatar

My hero is the oven of course, it allows me to prepare my delicious (so to speak) pizzas! Always ready to fill the environment with the perfume and open it in winter is a cure -all for the cold!

Koohi's avatar

The Unsung Hero of A Resident of The Semi-Arid Region

I live in a semi-arid region, a hot and dry area with little rainfall and low seasonal variation. I had many difficulties staying productive in my office until I got an air conditioner. In this region, an air conditioner is essential for a better quality of life.

I've had it for many months, and because of that, I often forget how important it is in my life and work and I take it for granted. It's a privilege for a few people having one.

Block9's avatar

I love this ❤️❤️❤️❤️

I really love having this kind of technology in my house because it really saves me a lot of time, we usually arrive tired from work and come across that pile of dishes to wash, just thinking about it already gives me a headache. But with a dishwasher everything becomes easier like having a washing machine, have you ever imagined washing clothes by hand like in the old days, it would really take a lot of your time, and time is something that unfortunately no one can recover, and I appreciate all kinds of things that save me time, because time is and everything! I really appreciate people enjoying every moment of their lives, so don't waste time, save time.

That's why this dishwasher became a hero for me, because it saves my time and a lot because every day we have dirty dishes.

Ford James's avatar

Hi Block9, it may seem obvious to you, but we need a little more detail as to why it's the unsung hero to be able to reward you here. Can you edit your submission and add a little extra to it please? Thanks!

Block9's avatar

OK, I can explain better 😂😂😂

Syaraaa's avatar

My unsung hero is my tablet. I often use it for drawing, design and a lot of my other freelance work. When I'm bored and want to watch or need entertainment I also always use it.


Rechargeable batteries! I use my Xbox daily to watch TV or play games, and it’s surprising how quickly batteries lose charge! To have this plugged in with two sets of fully charged replacements is so handy & saves money on usual batteries in the long run!


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