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Books & Comics

A billionaire with too much free time dresses up like a nocturnal animal to punch people who had rough childhoods. He refuses to use his money to actually fix anything and instead spends it on gadgets he only uses once. Despite being “secretive,” he tells his identity to every sidekick he meets and keeps picking fights with a clown who escapes jail like it’s a revolving door.

JHenckes's avatar

A boy has a dream of collecting all the animals recorded in the encyclopedia from around the world and forcing them to fight each other for pure fame. To achieve this, he fights against the biggest criminal organization of all and defies all the gods he meets...

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Life is so hard and you are so tired of live among humans that you body turns you into a roach. Some how looks like it ins't a bad idea!

yan57436's avatar

A small man is persuaded by an old man to accompany other smaller men and ends up facing a dragon and stealing a ring from a madman

Hunter's avatar

teenage girl who’s way too good at outdoor skills wins a “camping” trip where with other teens can never relax. some want to “bond,” others seem too competitive. She tries to avoid socializing but ends up in a weird friendship with a boy who’s good with croissant .

Sturmer's avatar

Some nerds predict the future, everyone else is like "lol nah," so they make a book club or something to save civilization, and even pitch a budget for it Then, a bunch of people argue about politics and trade, while some dudes invent religions around this book club to keep things interesting.

Dydo's avatar

A middle-aged man is diagnosed with an incurable disease, accepts a dubious medicine from the government, and ends up becoming immortal, developing an irreversible taste for butts, guns, and ugly dogs.

Alucard's avatar

A bunch of super strong, colorful dressed people catch a zombie virus from a golden guy. Instead of just be messing around, they keep their powers and go on a wild undead (and live) eating spree. They devour everyone in sight, including each other, and even some otherworldly folks. Instead of finding a cure, they just get hungrier and more powerful. It all spirals as they wipe out civilization, but since they’re zombies, they can’t even enjoy it properly.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Very badly written book about a college girl falling for the man she's interviewing. Rest of the book is not safe reading for work. Plot? Come on, no one is reading it for that...


A young guy who hates movies wants to go to New York to investigate where are the ducks when the lakes are frozen.

Schadsquatch's avatar

Young man gets uses childhood trauma to join a secret organization that's obsessed with a lady in red and sunglasses. Conspiracies and truths ensue.

MQC's avatar

A bunch of scientists discover that a big thing is approaching the earth, and they have no idea what it is... and when they go to look inside, they are amazed that it looks like a city... but of course... they don't understand anything inside. When they leave it, thinking it's going to crash into the sun, they're amazed because it suddenly goes back the way it came, into deep space.


Poor girl with problems wants to be good and pushes herself in front of her sister, then gets to go to a tournament with others and wins again by cheating. But has even more problems afterwards.'s avatar

Terrible book based on the amazing 2013 movie about some rich guy that has the best life ever, proving money does buy happiness.

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar

This is the story of a man, a man who at first glance seems normal, but who hides a dark secret from you. He may be a man, perhaps he may be a monster. He lives in Europe, he may be in London, may be in Transylvania, or may be in Germany

This character has a kind side, but a monstrous side that can be shown at night. At night he transforms into something with fangs, something with hair, something with buttons.

The fact is that this Dual monstrosity is something that hides many things.


A traumatised mercenary with mental health issues takes a trip to Eygpt, and gets adopted by an Eygptian deity.

Paul's avatar

A multimillionaire with unresolved childhood trauma seeks therapy in beating up the mentally insane at night while wearing cosplay.


A kid with a goofy hat decides he’s going to be the best pirate ever, even though he doesn’t know how to sail. He gets a bunch of random friends with very specific skills like cooking and swordfighting and they all sail around looking for... Gold? (probably? lol). Along the way, they punch a lot of guys with weird powers and questionable fashion sense, but nobody ever seems to stay down. Somehow, their ship gets weirder the longer they sail.

LeoMo's avatar

There is a crazy alien who goes around dressed in a uniform with tacky red underwear over his pants, fighting against evil, and his worst enemy is a bald, rich man who doesn't get hair implants.

Marukosu's avatar

A retired army health worker who limps wants to find a roommate to help with rent. A friend introduces him to a strange individual who enjoys solving social puzzles that assist the authorities. The weird guy then includes the limping man in his adventures, occasionally asking for his help.


An angry mother tries to get revenge on an old man by taking over the mind of another old man and manipulating her son who was the former apprentice of the first old man before "dying". Dies trying

Rixx Javix's avatar

A programmer dies from boredom at his dreary dystopian work place and imagines he is the one to save a world where people are used as batteries, he can dodge bullets, and he falls in love with the embodiment of the son, father and holy ghost - a woman named Trinity, of course. Thing is, the longer his body remains undiscovered - the weirder his dream gets until it makes no sense at all.


A young man inherits jewellery from his uncle. Though he would quite like to keep it, he is tasked by an old friend of the smith who made that accessory to throw it away. This culminates in a gang war of epic proportions, even involving animal fighting. But everything is well at the end, until a friend of the friend of the smith comes into town and decides to become the landlord there, but is driven out by a worker uprising.

Block9's avatar

A down-on-his-luck kid is forced to live in a school that basically functions as a death trap, full of suspicious teachers and creatures that want to kill him. But he gets away with it because he has a scar that makes him everyone's special protégé. Oh, and in the end, the villain keeps coming back again and again.

SIRCAM's avatar

He was silent ignoring every warning while everything started to fail and shaking, unfortunately potatoes wont save him this time, but he had his reasons, some how and in his last seconds he did it, he manage to shout....there is a moment, now he's gone.

TrialByStory's avatar

While reminiscing about his past, a former mental patient renovates a defunct carnival and lets a local law enforcement officer go on several rides for free. After work, he shares a favorite joke with an old friend on the rooftop.


A young kid goes through really bad, traumatic experience in early childhood, but goes on to make some new pals and try out weird jelly beans on the path to retribution.

Horror and Cats's avatar

A very thirsty man of some local fame travels quite a long distance to repeatedly get fresh with his realtor’s wife, then becomes quite beside himself when the stakes are raised

Rich's avatar

Excellent. Fangtastic, one might say.

Georgina_Herdman's avatar

Young girl who likes to wear red bakes her grandma some extra dope muffins, young girl takes a shortcut to grandma’s through ‘stranger danger’ woods big talking dog thinks they should have those super dope muffins, but the child refuses to hand over the goods. Naughty dog takes the super rational decision to gobble up the muffin loving grandma, bid dog then decides to partake in their hobby of cross dressing when… oh no the brat in red turns up- the big dog thinks that if they can play the role of grandma then the child will p*** off, but the big dog is still hungry and the child smells like muffins. It’s unfortunate for the big dog that a random a-hole with an axe was passing by. Our tale ends with the regurgitated grandma, young child and the local axe enthusiast enjoying those dope muffins.

Paul's avatar

A multimillionaire with unresolved childhood trauma seeks therapy in beating up the mentally insane at night while wearing cosplay.

SIRCAM's avatar

Hahah, i like it.

Paul i think you posted it as an answer instead as bounty, same thing happens to me all the time.

Paul's avatar

Thanks, happens sometimes lol

Paul's avatar

Rich the rules state "Format: Written, any length (shorter is better)"

However I can not enter my submission as its less then 30 words. Which one is correct?

Rich's avatar

Apologies, not sure what's gone wrong there; try again!


A small man with hairy feet takes a very long walk with some jewelry he really shouldn’t have. His friends try to help, but they keep getting sidetracked by their own personal issues, scenic detours, and a really dramatic, overly sensitive forest creature. Meanwhile, an elderly pyromaniac with a staff just can't mind his own business.


A young guy takes on a strange quest in hopes of a better life, following clues from an eccentric genius.


An orphan boy who lives with his aunt and uncle discovers that he is famous because of his parents' history in the world of magic, and that he has powers. He goes to a special school where he learns magic tricks, makes new friends, and a lot of strange things happen. In the end, he finds a special stone and faces a very sinister guy who wants it. He wins, but the reality is that no one seems very concerned about the safety of the students.

Limal's avatar

A teen with scar yells at everyone, forms a secret club that’s not very secret. As a result he is staying after school to do extra work for teacher who loves cats and torture and pink stuff. Meanwhile, a bad guy is back, but no one believes he is back. That kid then fights in a department store with his friends. Ends with a big wizard showdown and braking even more things.


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