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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
Hunter's avatar

Commander TerminatorHunter, aboard the Spirit, had spent weeks exploring desolate star systems, charting empty, frozen worlds. One such world, designated XJ-1295, seemed like just another barren ice planet. But unusual sensor readings caught CMDRTerminatorHunter’s attention, prompting a closer look.

Landing on the icy surface, they found the landscape desolate—until cresting a ridge, where an incredible sight awaited. A forest of massive, frozen bleu mushroom-like structures stretched out across the icy plains. Their crystalline caps glittered under the dim light of the distant star, each one encased in ice. The entire forest stood eerily still, like statues frozen in time, yet a faint, pulsing glow came from within the mushrooms themselves.

The silence was overwhelming. No wind, no sound, just the frozen stillness of the mushrooms, towering and ancient. CMDRTerminatorHunter moved through the forest cautiously, scanning the structures, but they appeared to be lifeless—an alien species frozen in time, trapped on this barren world.

Despite the strange beauty, the planet felt empty, devoid of life or warmth. After taking samples and logging the coordinates, TerminatorHunter returned to the Spirit. As they left the planet behind, they couldn’t shake the haunting image of the frozen forest, a reminder that even in the galaxy’s coldest, most desolate places, mysteries still lingered, waiting to be uncovered

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Love the roleplay, this is great.

Hunter's avatar

thank you , happy you liked the story and there are more to come in the future .

JHenckes's avatar

Found in some system around Hawking's Gap on my way back of a personal expedition.

JHenckes's avatar

At the time I had no idea hahaha, it was by searching for the image on Google that I ended up finding that they are Peduncle Trees. They are organic structures characterized by their branching, as if they were a sea urchin

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Aha, well now we know! Thanks :D



They may not look like much, but these two tiny planets, which I discovered a few years back, mean a lot to me. They are incredibly close to one another and to their sun. There's plenty more going on in that system, with beautiful ice worlds, interstellar phenomena and some amazing mountains. But these two little planetoids are special.

yan57436's avatar

Another planet that I've found in this travel is the PRUE PRAO CX-S D4-7 6 that is located near to the mid point of the arm, that is a ringed ammonia world.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hi yan57436 - don't forget to verify your media entries via social media first. o7

CMDR Henckes's avatar

I the end of the Distant Worlds 2 Expedition, lasting only 80 jumps to the Beagle point. I made this satisfactory discovery along my way, this ringed planet in the SYRIAE THAA XM-W D1-6, it's the 8th planet in this system and have a real interesting rings pattern, with great spaces between each rings and white coloured most of them.

AndyRice's avatar

I found this planet on my journey to Sagittarius A*. It is a marine planet with a rocky moon, just like our sweet home Earth.

CmdrTravisRobicheaux's avatar

This photo was taken MANY years ago. I do not remember the coordinates but all I know is its near the center of the map! Discovered it while in a ship named after my son.

Slamscape's avatar

An interesting system I found while exploring in July, HIP 101504, the 10 ringed wonder. It's a system close to the bubble with 10 rings, including 3 that are over 1 LS across.

Osiliran's avatar

A favourite of mine. Just a nice splash of colours. Notable stellar phenomena can come in several tones that make them love beautiful upon entry.

CMDR_Oso's avatar

I've been to many areas of the Elite Galaxy, from Colonia, to Formidine and Elysian Shore, and out to The Veils. But the awe and uplift I get from being at Mitterland Hollow, there is no other. It's a well known site now, and take care landing on New Africa's moon, but I always end up returning. Make sure you CMDRs visit.
(Not wanting to spoil anything for 1st time visitors, but this video is shot in real time, no adjustment!)

LiquidMorkite's avatar

I always find it amusing every time I run into a system with a white dwarf, or even better, neutron star (200ly jump? Sign me in!).

First discovery was inside the Bubble, just casually travelling around the systems when I ran by this:

Second one was out there in the dark, can't remember the system's name, but the neutron has a huge huge cone.

mastercesspit's avatar

my DBX record, 298ly from a neutron boost

Donut's avatar

I found this tube like growth that changes color depending on how the light hits it.

USCSS's avatar
  • My Favorite Discovery: The “Green and Black” Station

    The “Green and Black” station is one of the most impressive I have encountered in my travels through the Elite Dangerous galaxy. Its unique design and strategic location make it a point of interest for merchants and explorers alike. The station is decorated with green and black lights, creating a futuristic and mysterious atmosphere. The view from the station was simply spectacular. In addition, near the “Green and Black” station there is an impressive black hole. This cosmic phenomenon adds a touch of mystery and adventure to the region.

Evoflash's avatar

I'll add a few discoveries here.

My first and finest is the Tourist Beacon Location - "The Holy Twins", two binary ringed Earthlikes orbiting a Neutron Star. A miracle system in the truest sense. My only wish would be that the two planets were closer to each other.

Donut's avatar

Thanks for including the location, I'ma have to check this out myself.

Block9's avatar

I understand that what I'm about to say might seem really obvious, but when I flew near a neutron star and discovered that it could supercharge the Frame Shift Drive, I genuinely felt like I had found something very important. At the time, I was new to the game and didn’t know that these types of stars could do that. However, now I always try to pass by a neutron star to optimize my jumps. Like I said, it might seem silly and obvious, but for me, it was a huge discovery because neither I nor my friend knew about it.

Gadnok's avatar

Three years ago I discovered this amazingly textured icy ringed world with an oxygen atmosphere, and it remains my second most viewed Elite video ever. Note this discovery was after Update 6, freshly into Odyssey, so the distant sheets of ice and mountains outside the crater were brand new and jaw dropping sites to this weary explorer!

Matt G's avatar
  • This is Rhuedgau FG-Y g104. It is a black hole system but it contains a ringed class M star which is rare in itself, but this particular ring is also very dense which makes for some fantastic screenshots.

XCezor's avatar

It's my very first screenshot from this game, including the first encounter with a White Dwarf star. I was flying without any specific goal through the systems, and that big, beautiful blue star appeared on my screen.

Boomer's avatar

That seems like it would be equal parts awesome and terrifying! 😱

Anything like that, black holes, quasar etc. 😅

MQC's avatar

Traveling away from the bubble, heading to Colonia, to the roof of the Milky Way, or to the unknown, is often accompanied by great and precious discoveries... but if ED has taught me anything, it's that you can also find beautiful things “next door”.

On an ordinary day, doing a delivery mission, after finishing delivering the goods to the destination spaceport, I looked at the list of POIs in the system and saw something that really caught my attention:

KUN-080 Amaethon-class Cropper

I approached the POI to discover this wonder:

The Amaethon-class Cropper is a type of Agricultural Vessel. This Megaship, as well as many others, were introduced in the Elite Dangerous: Horizons update “The Commanders” in April 2017.

When I first encountered one of these immense ships and took these screenshots it was in the beginning of the year 2020... 2 and a half years after its in-game release.

Why I had never encountered or looked for these Megaships before, I don't know, probably because I don't usually do the missions related to the gameplay associated with them, or because I hadn't paid enough attention to the POIs present in the star systems I was visiting.

But the reality is that I was blown away, not only by how amazing the Megaship was, but how alive, how logical, how real everything seemed by its mere presence.

I know it may not seem much, but for me it was a real and wonderful discovery... that curiously I had been very close for a long time and I had never seen it.

AlvarZ4's avatar
  • English:
    My favorite discovery is the planet Vulcan. Many years ago I went through the LHS 3006 system and found Vulcan there and a little nod to Spock with the Leonard Nimoy Station. It's lovely to find these details in games, especially when you get such beautiful images like these. I just need the planet to have an atmosphere to be perfect.

  • Español:
    Mi descubrimiento favorito es el planeta Vulcano, hace muchos año pasé por el sistema LHS 3006 y encontré Vulcano en él y un pequeño guiño a Spock con la estación Leonard Nimoy. Es precioso encontrar estos detalles en juegos sobre todo cuando se sacan imágenes tan bonitas como estas, solo me falta que el planeta tuviera atmósfera para ser perfecto.

  • A description of your discovery

  • A picture or video of your discovery (optional)

Whilst on my daily exploration, came across my very first form of life other than bacterium. Seemed as if I was in a star trek episode boldly going where no man has gone before. im about 3k ly from the bubble and decided to land on this desolate ice moon about 12 minutes from the main star. Worthy of the first footfall and well worth the time. a fungoid plant that thrives in the cold nether of space and was hard to spot as most of its kind was scattered across the moon.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hi Ilyssoll - great entry. We've awarded it, but do check the format, rules, and guidance section on how to submit to media bounties, otherwise you might miss out next time. o7

mastercesspit's avatar
  • i've discovered many things in elite dangerous, on my way to colonia i started by going down way past witch head, and then took a wandering path there, first to discover and map many systems, in my early days on xbox, i went straight up from the bubble about 5k ly and put my name on many systems, but my favourite discovery is only 490ly out, my core mining heaven, core mining is no longer the money pot it once was in the game, but i like to go blow things up, it relaxes me, :)

  • have fun 07

LiquidMorkite's avatar

That's a lot of overlap hotspots! Though I don't know if that means anything nowadays, someone told me that it doesn't work the same, but I have no idea. Still, love core mining!

mastercesspit's avatar

it works, i'm afraid your friend is mistaken, i discovered a double platinum hotspot about 10 ly away, so when i get bored with beam mining, i go blow up rocks

200 an hour platinum hotspot

LiquidMorkite's avatar

I know it works though, just curious how would overlapped hotspots work :D I've been jumping into some overlapped as well

mastercesspit's avatar

if you're in the bubble it's probably played out, pristine is the go, i don't mine in the bubble for that reason, just a waste of time, you gotta work smart, not hard. ;)

LiquidMorkite's avatar

I see, gotta study more about this then :) didn't know pristine had to do with this. But what's holding me back is that I don't have yet a fleet carrier to travel back to sell the minerals

mastercesspit's avatar

bugger, that's no good, it's hard now, i got my first fleet carrier in the painite boom, a long time ago, painite reached 1.1 million a unit, had a double painite overlap, so i mined 12 hours a day for 2 weeks storing it on my friends carrier that i helped him acquire, getting 8k painite, i tried to get a mining expedition going here, but i've had no takers, so i jumped out to my platinum hotspot this morning, just doing a vid now, i pay 250k a unit for plat if anyone joins me

mastercesspit's avatar

hit me up if you want to go mining, i'll set the market for plat and change docking access,

LiquidMorkite's avatar

Roger, add me ingame Liquid Morkite and lemme know where you dock your carrier

mastercesspit's avatar

sent in game friend request,

1 billion in platinum set in market



LiquidMorkite's avatar

Roger that, thank you cmdr o7

Cannot promise that I can do the mining every day but I do take one session or two per week for some mining for sure.

mastercesspit's avatar

When your ready, i'll be hunting elites in hazres in saelishi.

LiquidMorkite's avatar

Roger that, I'll be doing some Imperial rank grind in Ngalinn which is near by, hopefully I'll get the Cutter in a couple of days so I can haul more minerals :) meanwhile doing it in my Python

CMDR_Oso's avatar

Overlaps are overrated, they used to be good and a lot of outdated information still says they are still ok, but they were nerfed. They still give a small bonus but not as much as they used to. See below.

More importantly - not all rings are the same - and this has more of an effect on yield than overlaps.

For example, a single hotspot in a good ring has a better yield than a overlapping hotspot in a bad ring.
TLDR; Care about the average yield...see the Platinum Hotspot Survey , anything >20% is good. And thank the work done by Elite players who contributed to this (of which I am one).

mastercesspit's avatar

i remember the nerfing, most people gave up, some found new sites away from the bubble, but a good double in a good ring pays well, been farming the double plat and the core system for years now, always a good yield, musta been awesome before the nerfing

mastercesspit's avatar

the proof of the pudding is in the eating i suppose, i started a vid when i dropped in, and stopped it when i reached 100 plat. 26.45 min, in a t10, not the fastest speed miner, if i were selling to my carrier @250,000, that'd be 25 million. not to bad for a half hour of relaxation.

have fun, 07

CMDR_Oso's avatar

Pretty good form most of the time (keeping your nose down I mean)!
You can try using the Mining Analyzer to give you survey percentages if you like data.

mastercesspit's avatar

that ring shouldn't work, so the mining analiser said back then, it does though, i don't use those, i scan the ring and do test runs, its a bit like cariolis, not very accuate i think


plants planets

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hi danyrr03 - thanks for entering the bounty. If you'd like to be considered for a prize, you'll need to first verify your image with a connected social media account. Please check out the instructions section for a guide. If successful, your post will show a green 'Original' border, as you can see in the other entries. Tag me Alex Sinclair if you run into any issues.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey Imperial Senator Bluecrash, hope you're doing okay. Those YouTube videos aren't showing; they're giving a warning that the account has been deleted. o7

RicZA's avatar

Question. Not going to finish my submission in time, gathering footage took longer than id thought. Id like to post regardless (even though it would have closed). Would you still get value from it?

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Absolutely :) I think especially with a bounty like this people will be always want to read it. You could post it here and/or in the main feed


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