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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
JHenckes's avatar

The only region in the galaxy that has stellar systems inhabited by humans but the Bubble is the Colonia and the origin of that region must be told here, it started just by an accident but it is fantastic how civilization can expand in the galaxy.

It all started with a great station that was promised to be able to jump across systems like a ship, the Jaques Station. But it failed at its first jump disappearing in the nothingness of space as we thought, the station was find later in an far region of space close to the galaxy center, and since then the region receive a lot of people that are moving to there, and even a “road” was created with a lot of stations along the way to give support who goes out in an adventure in direction to Colonia!

yan57436's avatar

I believe that one of the most iconic moments in the history of Elite Dangerous was the Distant Worlds Expedition (DWE), a journey of exploration organized by the community. Launched on January 14, 3302, the expedition brought together more than a thousand commanders and kicked off several other major expeditions in the game. It was the brainchild of CMDR Erimus Kamzel, who had previously completed a galaxy crossing in the Distant Suns journey, which motivated him to create a new expedition, only on an even larger scale, uniting players' desire to explore the great universe, with the goal of reaching Beagle Point, 65,000 light years away from Earth.

With the expedition already underway, the players crossed several unexplored regions and formed new camps, expanding their knowledge. A highlight was the arrival at the center of the galaxy, where a mass jump took place in Sergeant A*, where several players synchronized their hyperspace journeys at the same time. Imagine several commanders jumping at the same time, a real milestone in player unity, serving as inspiration for several other expeditions and event formations.

mypets's avatar

The sad moment that we discovered the fate of CMDR Jameson

Our hero from the 32nd century who was responsible for humanity's victory in the First Thargoid War was in reality manipulated to do so, or at least in part. Jameson’s Cobra was found by CMDR Robbie Junior in 3303 in the system HIP 12099 in the plante HIP 12099 1 B. At the crash site is possible to find old logs about his final moments and we discover that he used a biological weapon thinking that it was another thing, just a weapon that would deactivate the Thargoids ship and for this information don’t be reveille his Cobar was sabotaged and it felt on the surface of this planet.

The biological weapon killed every single one in the thargoid mothership. we won the war but the cost was too high and Jameson knew that.

Dydo's avatar

In my opinion, the guardians are the most intriguing and exciting narrative on ED.

The guardians are only the third sapient space-faring species known to terrestrial science. The others are humanity itself and the insectoid race known as the Thargoids. However, unlike humans and Thargoids, the guardians are currently believed to have become extinct between one and two million years prior to the current era. Badly decayed ruins of guardian civilization have been found in various parts of the Synuefe Sector, the first being discovered in October of 3302.

Expeditions also discovered guardian structures in the following years… remarkably, despite their great age, some of the guardian technology remains active and operational. Explorers are warned that some of these structures are guarded by guardian sentinels: drone-like autonomous craft which can quickly turn hostile and attack both ships and surface vehicles.

During 3304, the detection of some strange energy signatures led to the discovery of a series of guardian beacons. These space-based devices are vast and appear to have been part of a widespread and possibly Faster Than Light (FTL) communication network.

From research conducted by the engineer Ram Tah and assisted by the efforts of many commanders, the following information about the guardians has been revealed:


At some point during the expansion throughout the galaxy, the guardians encountered the Thargoids and their seeding, known as barnacles. Initially the purpose was unknown, but the Thargoids eventually returned to the seated sites and thus interacted with the guardians who had settled or occupied those planets.

According to information retrieved from the guardian sites, the Thargoids immediately launched an assault, making no effort to communicate with the guardians.

According to their own records, the guardians were reluctant to take up arms against the Thargoids and made significant efforts to communicate with them. Apparently, they did manage to develop a comprehensive understanding of the thargoid language, but to little avail, the Thargoids continued hostilities regardless and the guardians were forced to employ new techniques to counter the thargoid incursion.

This, of course, is the guardian account, and the thargoid side of the story remains unknown.

The guardians invested vast amounts of time, energy and research into producing artificial intelligence to enhance their warfare. This allowed warfare against the Thargoids to be conducted first with remotely controlled warships and war machines and later with fully autonomous systems.

The emerging guardian AI migrated to the existing FTL network, ensuring it spread throughout the guardian's entire domain. With the increased resources available to it, the AI developed rapidly, and the technological singularity was reached and passed before the guardians were able to put effective controls in place and the AI itself became fully self-aware.

The constructs themselves determined the guardians were fundamentally flawed and would never be able to transcend their violent tendencies. By this point, the constructs had complete control over guardian munitions and war machines, and determined that the guardians themselves should no longer exist (classic sci-fi).

The strike was swift and surgical: strategic nuclear and chemical weapons were executed, and the guardians were utterly destroyed within days, a few managing to log various accounts of their folly before succumbing to radiation exposure.

During 3306 and 3307 a pair of obsolete mega ships, the Hesperus and the Adamastor, were discovered. Investigations into the fates of these vessels led commanders to remote planets in the Trapezium Sector, and upon arrival they discovered an old Anaconda called the Proteus which had been converted into a scientific research facility. The site is of particular note in this context as the planet contains a pair of ancient guardian sites and several crashed Thargoid vessels, thus being currently the only known example of the two species present in the same location, corroborating the account of a conflict between them.

As to the ultimate fate of the guardian constructs themselves, little information is forthcoming at this time… there is some evidence to suggest that the non-military guardian constructs, those devoted to civilian utility, were instrumental in reaching the decision to destroy their creators, co-opting the military constructs to that end. Regardless, these machine entities may still exist out in the void… with a million years of technological evolution having taken place since their condition, disposition, composition and intent remains entirely unknown.


This is the plot: the constructs may have evolved beyond the need for a mechanistic existence, perhaps floating through the void in the dispersed microscopic form or even present in the fabric of space itself.

If they do exist, they represent a major potential threat, having already been responsible for the genocide of an entire human-like species, it seems entirely possible they might make a similar assessment of humanity. The guardians themselves are long dead but their legacy may have a huge and long-lasting impact on the future of the galaxy.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Salvation and the climax of the Second Thargoid War

This moment was crucial for the tides of war… it was a hope for billions or trillions of people, but it ended like a nightmare for humanity, our Salvation was dead… literally dead. 

The second Thargoid war was already happening for some years already but for most of humanity it was something very distant and the battles and attacks were rare. It was frightening even for me that was already an Elite pilot, but my focus was on exploration, most of the time I was alway from combat! 

From a few years ago the name Salvation started to appear in the news and was growing in a fast pace, he choose this codename on purpose, he was pretending to be like a messiah that would save us all from the Thargoid threat, the problem is that the Thargoids didn’t look like a thereat… Their behavior was more like they were defending their home and possessions. They wouldn’t attack you if you were just a normal pilot flying by, so in my vision the attackers were always us, humanity.  

Salvation announced and started to produce super-weapons planning to destroy and repeal Thargoids in mass. The first ones were successful and brought hope for most of us, the weapon was able to disable great numbers of thargoid vessels all at once but the radius even being big was not enough to stop the war. And now we have to go back to no so long ago, when all that disgrace started in HIP 22460 whe Salvation fired Proteus Wave, which was promised to be able to affect all the Thargoids and give the war an end once for all. In the end it did the oppose, for a moment we thought that the weapon did work, the thargoid vessels were getting disable one by one but suddenly the wave change its color, all the equipments start to get a terrible interference, everything stopped to work, and the enemy vessels started to reactivate themselves and start to attack… they didn’t have any mercy, in the same way we didn’t have.

The HIP 22460 system was almost inaccessible, there were ships debris everywhere, even capitals ships, and of course the Salvation super-weapon, took some days to confirm what we already knew the Salvation was deceased. And the worst part of that all is that now the Thargoids vessels were almost immune to guardians weapons. One of the only things that was able to destroy their ships was useless now… but this threat made almost every power in the bubble unify their knowledge to help to create counter measures as fast as possible. At the same time the Thargoids were working as fast as possible to counter attack. 

Few days after the disaster in HIP 22460 some strange lights start to appear in the sky, started with a tiny and pale green point of light just a green star but a lot of people and pilots started to notice that it was slowly growing and we knew immediately that this was something related to Thargoids, many thought that it was a mothership and they were right, in a few day those ships arrived here and started to spread a swarm of vessels in system that they were close. Many died with those attacks, and unfortunately keep dying but we will resist and we will fight back and rescue as many citizens as possible. We started this war but losing the war  isn’t an option. And I will help as I can by destroying their vessels or rescuing innocents from the attacked systems, we must prevail and we will!

XCezor's avatar

o7 Commanders!
The most iconic moment for me was the finale of Operation Colonia, organized by our Aurora Venatores squadron (our code name for the end of the 3rd phase of Colonia Bridge project), where in a group of total 20 CMDRs we have prepared 9 Fleet Carriers, loaded them to the maximum capacity with the required commodities and flew to the Colonia system area. It was such an entertaining time for every one of us, for the whole squadron and especially for our hero, CMDR Dobrowit who had to transport each commodity by himself (from Fleet Carriers to Jaques Station in Colonia), because the Community Goal contribution couldn't be split between multiple players.

It may feel like nothing very important, it's just a name. But it was one of the greatest times in our squadrons history. It wasn't only a race with the other players, but also a great way to spend time together, integrate with other squadron members and make a lot of memorable moments. After all, you don't fly each day to Colonia with a group of almost 20 players (sadly not everyone could fly with us) and participate in the one of the most important Community Goals.

Right below is the Galnet News article, finishing 3rd part of the Colonia Bridge and announcing new stations that has been created, including Venatores Hub, a splendid reward for our common efforts:

From CMDR Dobrowit himself, here's also a Logbook with a comment from this event. If you are reading this, thank you again SOOOOO much for making this event so unique and inimitable! ❤️

But it was not only the Colonia itself. This system is located thousands of Light years away from the Bubble. Traveling to this point takes a lot of time, and, even with Fleet Carrier, you have to pass through a lot of systems. It's a great time to discover what lies in the space and take some amazing pictures!

And in the Colonia itself, with all of the Commanders that managed to reach this point of destination, we had amazing time together, taking a lot of pictures and revel in success of this week-long operation.

Elite Dangerous is an amazing game with amazing views, but even greater community. Once again huge thank you to everyone who participated in this operation, even tho Aurora Venatores isn't the same squadron anymore, the memories are unforgettable and I'm very glad I was among those 20 Commanders!

It was definitely one of the best and iconic moments I've ever had in this... actually, in any game!


The moment when the galaxy came to life and I felt the mystery of the world was when the first rumours and stories of hyperspace interdictions circulated. Being pulled out of what I always assumed to be a solitary and safe environment put the "dangerous" into "Elite Dangerous" for me.

Then being interdicted myself for the first time after thousands of jumps felt almost surreal. First contact after hearing the encounters other commanders had, I sat as still as a statue until I was alone in realspace again.

After the initial shock came curiosity. I searched for the systems where a lot of hyperdictions were reported and jumped back and forth until I was face to face with the thargoids once more. This time (in a cheaper ship I was willing to lose) I tried following them after my ship got working again. They of course jumped away, but I studied every move they made.

Then I started probing and prodding, bringing my own scanners, limpets, cargo to eject, etc. Everything but weapons. I took note of what readings I got and quickly became a scholar on thargoid behaviour. Though only that which remained peaceful. After hearing stories, I brought no guardian or thargoid objects with me on these expiditions. I also never fired up my weapons, often neglecting to bring any in the first place. I felt like an explorer making first contact with another civilisation and I did not want to start a war, even after reading up on the strained relationship between our two worlds. Perhaps this time, things could be better.

My studies slowly stopped giving me new data so I tried to find new sources of information, but those too dried up quickly. Though luckily, other commanders kept finding new sites that could be studied. Spending some months as basically a hermit researcher, I was shocked when news reached me of thargoid attacks. Feeling like I could have seen it coming if only I had put all the pieces together in time, I rushed back to the bubble, equipped a ship with heatsinks and cabins and did my best to save as many people from affected stations as I could. Not long after, humans started fighting thargoids again. I could not bring myself to take part in the war, staying on the sidelines and trying to help commanders in need or rescue stranded stationeers. But I must admit, around that time I started equipping anti-xeno weapons even on solitary expiditions. The threat became too real and I realised how little I understood the thargoids. I could not expect to predict their next moves, so I had to keep myself safe.

I'm writing this to from a long abandoned satellite facility in an undisclosed system far from the bubble. I got out when the titans came, sure that we would not win this time. From what I'm hearing, humanity is fairing much better than I'd anticipated. But I have grown used to my solitude. I will study their attacks, perhaps finding the pattern that will lead us to their home world. If the war continues, I may publish my findings, though I could not forgive myself if those beautiful creatures were wiped out due to my work. I would much rather lead an expidition, finding out what they want, how they live. Perhaps there is a peaceful solution yet to be found. I remain hopeful in spite of all available evidence.


So, once upon a time, When myself a noob commander just barely set out into the black, there was a CG that was taking place where maybe about hundreds of CMDRs set out to SAG A to help with the construction of a black hole observatory station, that to which i could not partake in its construction since i didn't have the necessary assets or knowledge to head there. The station was under attack by sub factions that wanted to see its destruction early on. Haulers in type 9s and cutters set out with fellow CMDRs in chieftains and corvettes to aid in its construction and survival. weeks went on for all of the materials to be delivered and the usurpers being fought off until one day, the station was complete, defenses online and docking available with all amenities. The black hole to this day is still being observed and the station is still intact. Safe from any thargoid threat and location disclosed only to those who remember and aided in the CG.

USCSS's avatar

The most iconic moment I had in Elite Dangerous was when I reached Beagle Point.

Beagle Point is the farthest famous point in the galaxy. I say famous because there is another system further away but you have to use the MMD's synth injection to get there, which is Oevasy SG-Y d0 (which I also went to).

I set off from the bubble with my trusty ASP Explorer, jumping and jumping and jumping apart from scanning planets and doing exobiology.

After countless jumps, Beagle Point appeared on my screen. The thought that I was 65,000 light years from home made me feel accomplished for having accomplished that personal achievement.

The first thing I did was take a lot of screenshots

It was a moment to think about the magnitude of what I had accomplished.

It was a round trip jumping with the ASP Explorer

A trip that I would repeat one day.

AndyRice's avatar

It feels strange to me that no one even mentioned the story of Commander John Jameson. We all know that in the Shinrarta Dezhra system, there's a spaceport called Jameson Memorial, and there's a famous Point of Interest called "Jameson's Crash Site" on HIP 12099 1B, where you can easily collect a large amount of encoded materials.

These two references to "Jameson" are about the same person: Commander John Jameson, the great hero of the First Thargoid War.

The First Thargoid War broke out in the year 3125. At that time, Thargoid technology was far more advanced than humanity's, making them superior in the war. The INRA (Intergalactic Naval Reserve Arm) accidentally discovered a fungus-based bioweapon called the "Mycoid Virus," which proved extremely effective in compromising the biological structure of Thargoid ships.

With this weapon of mass destruction, they also needed an experienced pilot to ensure the weapon hit its target. So INRA hired Commander John Jameson, a renowned explorer and combat expert of his time. INRA told Jameson that the weaponized Mycoid Virus would only paralyze the hyperdrives of Thargoid ships, hiding the truth that this was actually a deadly weapon to the Thargoids.

Commander Jameson began his mission with his Cobra Mk3, carrying the payload of weaponized Mycoid. He successfully approached the Thargoid hive vessel and was fascinated by the intricate structure and advanced technology of the hive ship. Believing that he was carrying a non-lethal weapon, he pressed the launch button. The warhead full of Mycoid Virus flew straight toward the hive, causing massive casualties and destruction within.

Commander Jameson witnessed it all—the devastation of an advanced, intelligent alien race caused by his own actions. I can't imagine what he felt at that moment: deceived? Aggrieved? Guilty? Whatever emotions he experienced, they must have haunted him for the rest of his life.

INRA had no intention of letting Jameson live to reveal their "evil" (at least to the Thargoids) plan. They programmed Jameson's Cobra to crash into the planet HIP 12099 1B, aiming to bury their dark secret along with him. They succeeded. After the first deployment of the Mycoid weapon, the war hero John Jameson was reported MIA (missing in action). His story remained unknown for 150 years until the discovery of his crash site.

RicardosGaming's avatar

the most controversial figures in the history of Elite Dangerous, a man known only as Salvation. His rise to power, his attempt to end the Thargoid menace, and the mysterious disappearances of Azimuth’s mega-ships following his catastrophic failure—the Proteus Effect.
Join this channel to get Some Early Access :
    / @ricardosgaming  ​

// This Video :

Slamscape's avatar

I was there when the Proteus wave fired, well not right there, I was watching safely from a nearby system. But all commanders at that time saw the final transmission of Salvation.

Personally I had only recently returned to the game after about 5 years, I'd heard of the Thargoids but had never seen one myself. I'd also returned to my squadron that I'd help start up in year one, but had grown greatly in size and influence. With only a basic understanding from some Youtube videos on how to fight Thargoids I joined in my squadron mates when the call was made to defend Salvation's weapon construction at HIP 22460.

It was amazing, some of the most epic fights I had seen in the game at the time. We battled around capital ships from both the empire and federation, I got some Thargoid kills under my belt, and got to fight alongside commanders from all over. Truly an epic moment.

Obviously things did not go according to plan, and eventually led to the current ongoing war with the Thargoids.


Nearly five years ago, on 21 November 3305 the player-run Canonn Research megaship The Gnosis, which jumps between systems on Thursday each week, arrived in the HIP 23759 system. Due to a navigational error or pilot carelessness, the megaship crashed into a civilian installation that was already occupying that place in orbit. We dispatched a film crew to see the wedged megaship, and interviewed CMDR LCU NoFoolLikeOne of Canonn Research, who denied vigorously that he was piloting The Gnosis at the time of the crash.

For a whole week, The Gnosis remained wedged, until it could be worked free, and resume its journey. It became something of a destination for sightseers during that week.

This video was created as a "cold opening" (a pre-credits scene) for the Hutton Orbital Radio broadcast on 28 November 3305. "Your mics are live" cues the live presenters. The video is of the yellow Gnosis firmly stuck in the thin girders connecting the modules of the installation.


Seeing a capital ship exit hyperspace is undeniably impressive—experiencing the imposing artificial roar of a massive craft ripping a dimensional tear into space.

And then there's the sheer terror of a Thargoid hyperdiction, that takes the disquietingly familiar experience and flips it on its head—letting you experience what happens when the whole thing goes wrong.

Whether you're a bounty hunter, an explorer, or a glorified space trucker, doing almost anything in Elite Dangerous means jumping between systems. It's one of the game's most basic interactions—something you'll do multiple times in order to complete a mission. As such, the mechanics of it are pretty simple: you plot your route on the galactic map, point yourself towards the target system, and hit a single button to start up the sequence.

This is one of the most common interactions in the game, and yet it's full of wonder and ceremony. It starts when you first activate the jump, the onboard computer chiming in to announce "Frame Shift Drive charging".

The drive spools up—an intense, bassy hum that builds in range and depth rather than volume. And then the countdown activates—your computer again narrating the process and ending with a dispassionate "Engage" that signals your departure.

As you travel through hyperspace, you hear the sound of wind, or perhaps ghostly whispers—hints that there's something here beyond your understanding of the universe. And then the quiet is interrupted.

The star of your target system rushes into view, forcing you to take immediate action to manoeuvre away.

Evoflash's avatar

In the closing dark of November 2016 (nearly EIGHT years ago!) the Elite:Dangerous community was subject to one of the finest moments of communal awe that I've ever witnessed.

Let me give you a little background before the detail. Elite:Dangerous gave us a galaxy that spreads up to around 65,000 light years away from Sol. At that time it gave us ships that could squeeze about 33 light years a jump. Crucially (as you'll see) we also had the option of "Jumponium" - a method of injecting collected materials in to the Frame Shift Drive to extend that jump by up to 100%. EXCITING!

Many pioneering commanders set off to see what they could find in the black. One such commander - Macedonica - had set off many months prior to get to the furthest point from Sol - Beagle Point. This endeavour in his 29 light-year-range ship would require in the region of 2,000 jumps one-way. Only the very dedicated took this trip on, and many abandoned it before reaching the goal due to space-madness. Not Macedonica. He pushed on.

As he closed in on Beagle Point (within 1,000 light years) he made a simple, and potentially fatal error. Without checking his material stocks he injected his drive to jump 48 light years to a nearby star - off the path he needed to go. After visiting that star, and a nearby neighbour he decided to return to the path and carry on. He needed an injection, but upon checking his stocks he had used his final piece of Germanium to make his previous injection. No problem, he could find some Germanium in one of these two systems and restock - however...there was none to be found. He was trapped. Without Germanium he couldn't boost his FSD and he couldn't jump back to the path. Too far from the rest of the galaxy, stuck in these two systems.

At this point CMDR Macedonica wrote up his experience here:

Frontier Forum Post - End of the Road

You may at this point read the forum post yourself and immerse yourself in a bit of Elite History directly or you can continue here and I'll summarise the events.

The community consoled poor CMDR Macedonica. What a terrible way to end such an enormous journey. It was very sad and indeed a sore learning point for us all. There was simply no way transfer Germanium to him.

But wait a moment.

Glorious, famed explorer CMDR Chiggy VonRictofen enquired about the presence asteroid belts or rings. Soon the community collectively saw what Chiggy had could be possible for Germanium to be released as a side effect of laser mining! The community swiftly got on board and enthused over the possibility. The elephant in the room however refused to leave. Macedonica was at the other end of the galaxy. There were not many people that far out, and none it would seem that had a mining laser. For anyone to help it would require a simply enormous selfless effort. Hard to believe it was possible. Chiggy himself was at Jaques in Colonia - 46,000 light years away. With the glory and goodness of only the great Chiggy immediately set off and over the course of the next 48hrs he spanned the distance finally landing in system with Macedonica on 16-Nov. CMDR Macedonica streamed the evening on Twitch and the community stopped what it was doing and tuned in, breath held.

The work was not done however. It was debated how likely that Germanium would be present. Chiggy was running the risk of making that huge undertaking only to fall foul of the random presence or lack thereof of Germanium. The two winged up and headed to a ring. Rock after rock was lasered. Nothing. Iron, Nickel, Sulphur - the usuals. It began to feel inevitable. The community sighed and encouraged in equal measures.




Macedonica tried to control feverish panic. With trembling hands he inched his Type-6 ship to the Germanium, and successfully scooped it in to his hold! THE RESCUE WAS COMPLETE!

Macedonica was saved and Chiggy would likely never have to pay for beer again. The community cheered and celebrated long in to the night, even David Braben commented on proceedings.

Today that system is now known as "VonRictofen's Rescue" [EDSM LINK] and you can find the tourist beacon "All for Germanium" there.

For me it will forever live as the moment I saw the Elite Community come to life, and so I will forever cherish the time, events and people that were there.

Don't take my word for it though, go read the thread start to finish - I believe it's 58 pages long, but well worth it.

CMDR Evoflash

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Great entry, thanks Evoflash!


Here's a retelling (with maximum drama) of the arrival of the Stargoids and the shocking revelation that they were in fact thargoid mother ships

also as I saw that you'll only take text or video here is a video about my experience of an elite moment

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Another fantastic entry. Thank you!

Matt G's avatar


In May 3301, CMDR Kelly Eldridge came across a gas giant she noted in her diary as "the strangest gas giant I've seen so far". Unaware of it's rarity or importance, she took a picture of it and carried on with her journey. It was only some time later that this was identified as the first known Green Gas Giant, but by that time Kelly Eldridge had no record of it's location having finished her extended journey months previously.

Caused by a rare type of bioluminescent radioplankton within their atmospheres, Green Gas Giants are extremely rare. Of over 250 million systems registered with Universal Cartographics in the last decade, to date just 55 Green Gas Giants are known. They are highly desired trophies among explorers.

Early in 3307, CMDR Richard Fluiraniz M came up with a plan to find the mislaid giant. He started putting together an expedition, At The Eldridge Gate, to retrace Kelly's steps with a goal of rediscovering the lost treasure. Over 20 squadrons committed to help along with countless individual commanders. It would be a mammoth task and require as much man-power as could be mustered.

The initial search area was huge. Kelly remembered she'd been following a path along one of the galactic arms but this still only narrowed the search to 2 entire regions - the Outer Orion-Perseus Conflux and the Perseus Arm. The expedition also had the original image of the Green Gas Giant taken by Kelly as a reference:

Credit: CMDR Kelly Eldridge

Over the following weeks and months, the expedition was able to narrow the search area further and further by coming across a handful of systems tagged as First Discovered by Kelly, and by using the constellations and stars in the original image to help pinpoint the likely area. They built maps showing systems known to be visited by Kelly and her likely path along the galactic arm to help focus the search effort.

Finally, on 16th August 3307, after a monumental coordinated community effort (that some had deemed impossible), CMDR Orange! visited Shaulai DL-P d5-274 and rediscovered the giant lost over 7 years before. This is the image he took:

Credit: CMDR Orange!

Phoenix_Dfire's avatar


06th September 3304


‘We have 12 incoming bogies,’ The comm’s speaker blared. ‘Launch the Alert Fighters!’

Commander Duncan ‘Mac’ McTaggert tried to calm himself. He could feel the arms quiver as the adrenaline began to work his way into his system. Recalling the first thing that was drilled into him at the Federal Flight Academy; he had to stay cold. The first things to burn in a dog fight are the pilots with the hottest temper.

The Asp Explorer ‘Sanctimonious’ started to move forward on the launch pad of the Mega Ship ‘Gnosis’. Mac glanced down at Davie, who as manning the newly fitted AX cannon turrets, and back at Mooka, who sat at the engineering station, calmly adjusting the controls. Thirty-three minutes, they were sending in fresh waves every 33 minutes and it was the Sanctimonious’ turn to help defend the Mega Ship.



‘We need a break.’ said Davie.

‘You mean some shore leave?’ Mac replied.


Davie took a deep breath.

‘Look I know you’re still upset about Cmdr Harper but I can’t handle constantly going after Thargoids all the time.’ He explained.

‘You’re wanting to leave?’

‘Don’t want to,’ Davie couldn’t look at Mac. ‘but we ‘re pushing our luck out there.’

‘What do you want to do? Go back to exploring?’

‘Yeah, Why not? We really enjoyed exploring those Guardian Ruins and got paid some decent cash. We’re not the saviours of the Galaxy.’

‘What would you suggest?’

‘The Gnosis.’

‘Canonn?’ Mac knew he sounded incredulous ‘Join up with those tin foil hats?’

Davie suppressed a smile.

‘We couldn’t have retrieved all that data for Ram Tah without their help,’ Davie explained. ‘But Canonn’s big research cruiser is heading out to somewhere that’s permit locked. That could be different. A nice, relaxing and boring exploration run.’

Mac sighed to himself. For Davie to threaten to leave the ship; it showed how worried he was. Maybe he was right, they’d been pushing their luck and there had been too many close calls lately. Maybe a relaxing exploration trip might be exactly what they needed.



The launch pad brought them up to the surface of the Gnosis. The superstructure of the mega ship tailed off into the distance with a single planet close by. The Sanctimonious wobbled as the ship was set free from the magnetic clamps. Suddenly Mac was thrown forward in his harness, as something hit the ship’s rear shields.

‘Ship is under attack,’ announced the Ship’s Computer.

‘Stating the fluxing obvious,’ Mac muttered to himself.

He let his hands dance over the controls, raising the landing gear, deploying weapons and igniting the afterburners to get the Asp moving. He glanced down at the scanner, which showed twelve red triangles, four of which were flashing. He let out the breath he was holding and yanked on the piloting controls. The stars in front of him swirled as the Sanctimonious lined up with closest of the red dots.

‘Davie,’ he yelled. ‘Fire at Will.’

‘Aye Aye Sir!’



‘That’s a lot of Ships!’ Mooka had shouted out in surprise.

Both Mac and Mooka were looking out from the upper bridge deck as the ‘Sanctimonious’ was being parked in a reserved bay. The docking mechanism was carrying them over hundreds of parked ships in the cargo bays below.

‘Yup,’ confirmed Mac. ‘We’re one of the last to arrive. They’re going to jump the Gnosis in a few hours.’

‘I’m surprised they managed to fit us in.’

Davie burst onto the bridge, he was grinning in anticipation.

‘I don’t know about you,’ he said, manically rubbing his hands. ‘But I’m going to hit the bar.’

‘The Sin Full Skin Full?’ Mac grumbled. ’You be careful. I don’t want you bringing anyone or anything back here.’

Mac tried not to smile to himself, he knew that Davie was heading off to his own ‘target rich environment’ and made a mental note to give Mooka some earplugs, just in case the vivacious co-pilot brought someone back.

‘Wow, there’s an awful lot of Anti Xeno Initiative ships here!’ commented Mooka.

‘Really?’ replied Mac, his interest peaked.

She pointed to a vast number of anacondas, corvettes and T-10s with a common logo on them, all parked together in a section of the mega ship.

‘That’s interesting!’

Mac felt the hairs on the back of his neck begin to prickle. He leant over and activated the ship to ship comms. There was a ping on the board as a connection was made.

‘This is Gluttony Fang.’ came a voice over the comms. ‘What do you want?’

‘This is McTaggert from the Sanctimonious. We met on the Vanguard a couple of weeks ago.’

There was a pause from the other end.

‘Oh Yeah, The Ex Federal Captain.’ came the reply. ‘You out here to give the bugs a good kicking too?’

Mac could feel the twitch in his face that happened every time someone got his old rank wrong. He forced himself to ignore it.

‘Yeah, that’s the thing,’ Mac said. ‘I was under the impression that this trip was going to be Thargoid Free?’

‘You’re joking, aren’t you?’ the other commander laughed. ‘The Cone Sector is right in the middle of their suspected territory.’

‘Oh Flux-stain!’ Mac swore.

‘Seriously, you didn’t know?’


‘It gets better, the eagle eye has painted the Gnosis as a potential target and there are rumours of some new kind of new Thargoid ship out there.’

‘New kind of scout?’

‘Ha, you wish.’ The other voice started to laugh again. ‘It’s something that makes the Medusa look tiny.’

‘Which is why you lot are here?’

‘Hell Yeah!’ Gluttony Fang sounded almost gleeful. ‘Will you be joining us?’

‘If what your saying is correct, I might have no choice.’

‘Excellent, get yourself packed with decom and repair limpets.’

‘Will do,’ Mac Confirmed. ‘Thanks for the heads up.’

‘No problem,’ The other commander said as he signed off.

Mooka looked over at him with concern.

‘You think he’s right, don’t you?’ She said.

‘I don’t know,’ Mac pondered the situation. ‘But I think in this case; it’s better safe than sorry.’

‘We’re leaving?’ the girl asked.

‘No,’ confirmed Mac. ‘I’m hoping that Fang and his A.X.I. buddies are wrong but I just think we should be a good boy scout and be prepared.’

Mooka looked at him sceptically.

‘It’ll cost a fortune to have the anti-Thargoid weapons and equipment transferred over here before the Gnosis jumps,’ Mooka commented. ‘And Davie will go mental when those things arrive.’

‘You know what?’ He said, smiling at her concerned face. ‘I’d rather lose the money than facing the Aliens armed with just a discovery scanner.’



‘Break left, Break left.’

Mooka was yelling. Mac had never heard his adoptive daughter sound this panicked. He didn’t question her advice, he just yanked the control column and saw two caustic missiles pass just by the bridge window. He shuddered to think what would have happened if they had hit. He cut the forward speed and the saucer like shape of a scout ship flew in front of the cockpit. It seemed to hang there for a second, as if taunting him. Mac pulled the trigger on the fire control, sending blue lightning from the newly fitted Guardian plasma cannons into the alien vessel.

The Thargoid ship sparked blue for a second and then seemed to retract into itself. It exploded in a flash of green and yellow light sending lethal debris of caustic gasses and ship fragments straight at them. Mac twisted the controls again, skirting the outside of the expanding ball of gas and the ship levelled out.

‘Close one,’ Davie called out below them.

Mac glanced at the scanner which was still displaying eleven red triangles and the two green. The green ones represented the two corvettes of Cmdr. Elensar and Cmdr. NSR2. One of the red triangles started to flash. The Asp started to shudder as projectiles from the hostile vessel hit the shields. Mac started to pull back on the controls, the Sanctimonious began to pitch up in response.

‘Davie, can you get that one?’ Mac said.

‘Yep,’ the big copilot replied. ‘No problem.’

The dull repeating thuds of the Anti-Xeno turrets began to replace the complaining screeching from the strained shields. By the time Mac had managed to complete the turn, the second Thargoid vessel has disappeared in a green and yellow flash. The huge structure of the Megaship came into view.

‘That’s another one for me!’ announced Davie.

He was interrupted by the ship’s computer.

‘Caustic Missile Alert!’

Three blinking white dots appeared on the scanner

‘Aw Flux!’ yelled Davie.

Mac ignored him and activated the ship’s afterburners. All three of the crew were thrown back in their seats as the Asp’s huge engines blasted them forwards to the mega ship.

‘We’re not going to outrun them!’ Mooka said, flatly, ‘Our point defence can’t handle them!’

Mac wondered at how cool she sounded, even as the three white dots rapidly began to close.

‘We don’t need to!’ he said.

Just as he finished spoke, light spewed forth from the mega-ship as it’s point defence system opened up. One by one, the three white dots disappeared from the scanner.

‘Did you know they’d fixed those?’ Relief was evident in Davie’s voice.

‘No,’ replied Mac. ‘I was just praying that they had.’



Mac couldn’t stop clenching and unclenching his fist. Looking back at Mooka, he noticed she was staring at the engineering station, unconsciously chewing her nails. Davie was not talking to him. Once he’d discovered that Mac had paid to have the Anti-Thargoid weapons transferred here. He’d proven Mooka right by ‘doing his nut’ as their daughter would say. It had taken all of Mac and Mooka’s negotiation skills to stop him leaving the ship right there and then.

They could hear and see everything from the Gnosis Bridge, thanks to a media feed which was broadcast from there. Mac also noticed that they had the A.X.I. linked in on a conference call. He recognised Captain Delmonte (Davie referred to him as ‘The commander who always likes to say Yes.’) sat in the command chair in the centre of the Bridge, surrounded by other crew members sat at their work stations.

‘Attention All Commanders,’ the ship to ship comms blared. ‘The Gnosis will jump in 5, 4, 3…’

Mac grabbed the flight controls in a futile gesture as he watched the Mega Ship’s Bridge feed. The Sanctimonious shuddered as the Megaship’s Massive
Hyperspace engines powered up.


‘Here we go.’ Mac muttered to himself.


He knew something was wrong as soon as the hyperspace tunnel appeared.

‘Oh Flux!’ he said.

‘Can they do that?’ Davie breathed. ‘Can they Hyperdict something this big?’

‘I’m swapping in the AX weapons,’ Mac stated. ‘Dave, do you want the AX Turrets or the Plasma Turrets.’

The was an awkward pause.

‘AX.’ Davie’s voice sounded tight.

Normally when a hyperdiction took place, the victim would find themselves on the outskirts of the system they were trying to jump from, surrounded by Thargoid Interceptors. Mac realised, this is how the Aliens managed to destroy so many of the Empire and Federal Capital Ships. These ships were just too big to use the countermeasures.

‘Hyperdiction in progress.’ one officer reported.

‘Navigation, prepare an emergency Jump.’ ordered Captain Delmonte, sounding remarkable calm.

The normally brilliant white and blue of the hyperspace tunnel was turning a sickly green and yellow. Mac began to count down, knowing that it wouldn’t be long before they’re return to real space. The Sanctimonious shuddered violently as the Mega-ship completed its jump.

‘Damage report,’ ordered the Gnosis Captain.

‘No significant damage, Sir.’

‘Several contacts Sir. Big Ones.’ reported another crewman, his voice climbing during his report. ‘Unknown Vessel type.’

‘Start the emergency Jump!’ Delmonte ordered.

‘EMP Pulse detected!’


Mac looked through the external camera feeds from the Mega-ship. There were eight huge Thargoid vessels, dark green and much bigger than even the Medusa type.

‘Ladies and Gentleman,’ Gluttony Fang commented on the AXI Feed. ‘Those are the new Hydra Interceptors. We’re going to have some fu…’

All the lights in the Sanctimonious, the docking bay and the all the ships that were visible from Mac’s point of view, went out.

‘Fluxing Hell,’ He heard Davie swear from the Lower Bridge. ‘We’re trapped in here like sardines in a can.’

There was a gentle rocking. First to the left and then to the right.

‘What’s happening?’ asked Mooka, her voice rising.

‘Best Guess,’ Mac replied. ‘The Gnosis is under attack and it’s taking hits; probably around the hyperspace engines.’

There were no sounds and only vague outlines of other ships were visible in the darkness. He’d heard about this when the Thargoids had attacked Space stations. A minute of unable to do anything, while the aliens systematically take the place apart. The Mega-ship began to shudder some more.

There was a bleep from the control console and the Sanctimonious began to come alive again as power started to flow through the ship again, lightening up the hud and the rest of the workstations. Ships all around began to power up all around them. Even the monitor came alive with the feeds again.

Mac noticed that the launch mechanism was being activated. Three Asps, similar to the Sanctimonious, were put on the pads. He could see the launch bays open and the pads lifted them to the Mega Ship’s surface. Before the pads had locked into place, they could see the explosions from where they were.

‘Oh No.’

It was Mooka’s voice but not as Mac had ever heard before. He quickly turned and looked at her. She was just starting at the Launch pads, all colour drained from her face. He watched in horror as some Diamondback explorers were lifted to the Launch Pads. He quickly scanned those ships. No armour, no shields, no weapons but packed with scanners, jump drives and fuel scoops.

‘They’ve got no chance,’ Davie whispered.

Seconds later Davie’s tragic prediction proved true. Mac’s attention was drawn back to the Gnosis bridge feed.

‘Turrets offline, Shields offline, Hyperdrive has been hit.’ One crewman was reporting. ‘We’ve got the backup hyperdrive but they’ll need a couple of minutes to charge.’

‘Sir,’ another Crewman cut in. ‘they’ll rip us apart before then.’

‘Options people?’ yelled Captain Delmonte.

‘Have you got any Meta Alloys onboard?’ asked Gluttony Fang calling the Bridge.

The captain looked around the crew. One of them nodded.

‘How many aliens are there?’ asked the Captain.

‘About 8?’

‘Drop sixteen meta alloys!’ ordered the Captain. ‘and drop a new one, every time they scoop one.’

‘Do you think that will work?’ asked Mooka to Mac

‘I hope so,’ replied Mac. ‘I’ve always suspected that there’s some kind of basic instinct or programming driving those big ships.’

‘It’s like if you threw a steak at an attack dog,’ Davie observed. ‘They’d forget about biting you and go for the steak every time.’

‘Wow Davie,’ said Mac, genuinely taken aback by the accuracy of this insight. ‘I’m impressed!’

‘It’s working Sir!’ reported a crewman on the Bridge feed. ‘They’re going after the alloys!’

‘Navigation,’ ordered the Captain. ‘Get us out of here ASAP.’

The Gnosis Jumped again. The jump tunnel remained white and blue.



‘Two left.’ reported Davie.

Mac scanned them, one Thargoid regenerator type and a single standard Marauder scout. The other two vessels were going after the Regenerator, knowing that it could both repair itself and its sister vessel if it was left alone. It left them vulnerable to attack by the other scout. Mac targeted it.

‘Blue two and three,’ Mac called into the ship to ship comms. ‘I’ll keep that last scout off your backs.’

Acknowledgements came back from both Cmdrs Elensar and NSR2

‘Anytime you want to Davie.’

‘Aye Aye, Sir.’

Mac ignored the rising irritation and just focused on the remaining scout. The enemy ship hadn’t seemed to even acknowledge that Sanctimonious was there. It was too busy firing on Cmdr Elensar’s corvette, the Talyn. It was a simple matter of lining up behind it and letting Davie turrets turn it to ash. Again, Mac pulled up to avoid the corrosive debris cloud. He saw out of the corner of his eye, the regenerator disappeared in a flash of light as well.

‘Target Down.’ Reported NSR2



The Gnosis hung in space, not far from a terrestrial planet with an ammonia atmosphere. They’d only jumped 12 light years. It wouldn’t take long for the Thargoids to find them. It had been decided that the onboard ships would be split into four groups. The first group would make a run back to human space and let everyone know about these massive new alien ships. The second group would explore local space and see if they could find materials to repair the Gnosis. The third group was made up of ships dedicated to the defence of the megaship itself.

The final group would go looking for the Hydras, to create a diversion. Not surprisingly the AXI had volunteered for that one. Mac knew that the Sanctimonious wasn’t up to the task. The three of them, sat around the table in the Kitchen area of the Asp, trying to decide which group to join. Mac cleared his throat

‘We’ve got a choice to make.’ He said to the others. ‘What do you want to do?’

‘What do you mean?’ asked Davie.

‘Normally, I’d make the call because I’m the Commander,’ Mac replied. ‘But this is different. It’s the worst situation we’ve ever been in. My instinct is to fight but I can’t make that call, knowing that it’s probably suicidal and you two didn’t sign up for that.’

‘Way I see it,’ said Davie. ‘They’ve got us! We fight. If we try and run, they’ll get us anyway.’

‘I’ve been thinking over the possibilities,’ observed Mooka. ‘We’ve probably got more chance by sticking around the mega-ship. I think we should only run if the Gnosis is destroyed.’

Mac looked between his two crew members, his family. They both looked scared but there was something else there, determination to survive. He called up the Gnosis’ communication officer.

‘This is Sanctimonious,’ he said. ‘We volunteer for squad three.’


‘Scopes are clear.’ reported Davie.

‘Gnosis to Sanctimonious.’

‘This is Sanctimonious,’ replied Mac. ‘We’re clear for the moment.’

‘Good Job. Get yourself in, repair and rearm for the next wave. ETA 25 mins.’

‘Acknowledged, Sanctimonious out.’

Mac sighed in relief as he guided the ship back.

‘Why do they attack every 33 minutes?’ asked Mooka.

‘Bricks or Feathers?’ replied Mac.

He heard Mooka’s snort of incredulity but he didn’t care.

*Taken from the Sanctimonious Stories. All Commanders mentioned in here are real player comanders.

CMDR_M's avatar

The cataclysmic end of Titan Oya - arrived just in time to see the titan go nova, only to be chased around by a couple of interceptors, right up until the last moment …when they were caught by the blast!

Titan OYA - Catastrophic Failure [CLIP]

MQC's avatar


Born in 3275 into the Loren family of Imperial nobility, and daughter of Senator Algreb Loren, her life changed dramatically after losing her entire family during the rebellion in the Prism system, which had been forcibly conquered three years earlier, in 3297, by her own father.

After inheriting the title of Senator, and after a brief attempt to serve as such in the Prism system, she disappeared from the public scene in mid-3301, only to reappear later as Salomé, leader of Children of Raxxla, a famous group of pilots known for their quest for the truth behind the universe’s mysteries.

Falsely accused of attempting to assassinate Admiral Denton Patreus, in 3302 she was captured by Imperial forces and sentenced to life imprisonment. During her transfer to the Daibo prison, her convoy was attacked, and Salomé was presumed dead after her body was not found among the wreckage or escape pods.

But in 3303, just one year later, she reappeared as the mastermind behind the massive theft of Meta-Alloys in the Maia system, which led both followers and bounty hunters to track her down over the following months.

Tragically, on a journey she planned to take to Tonisla with several of her most loyal allies, aiming to reveal a message of vital importance, she was killed by CMDR Besieger in the Anumclaw system.

However, this message was eventually revealed through what is known as the “Salomé's Requiem.” It explained her actions and her quest to uncover a grand conspiracy by a group known as The Club, which manipulated galactic powers to ensure humanity’s survival against a possible and probable cataclysm originating from the Formidine Rift.

Rumors suggest that it was Patreus himself who orchestrated her death with the intention of turning her into a martyr, revealing the existence of The Club, and thus creating a climate of total hostility towards this group, thereby halting their troublesome activities.

Her legacy can still be found in a series of audio logs recorded at the Panacea Medical Centre, which orbits Planet A 1 in the HIP 17519 system.


So many moment was iconic . but sadly not all has been capture .

this story beggin with me wich i never think i will be responsable to one of the biggest rebelion in game .

CMDR chryco is my character and i protect reorte system after the ALLIANCE free reorte from dictatorship . after multiple war , election , expantion my team and i menage to have a good territory in the old world zone .

one day THE CODE one of the biggest pirate group decide to attack every alliance cmdr and ship they see . i try to negociate , i try to talk , but one day after one of the CODE member destroy my ship . i decide to counter attack in orrere their home system .

i kill one of them and this is was the beggining of the war . 2 years of tension and it take one kill to start a war .

TCF and I decide to prepare and defend alliance territory .

The code push to take riedquat and take zaonce the galactic bank . they fail to take over zaonce and now it was time to fight in riedquat to push them back .

so many group join them and join us . the war was full speed . we fight in conflict zone for a total of more then hundred of player each side . this was brutal . the rebelion against the code lose the war in riedquat BUT .

we decide to do a other attack on riedquat but wierd enough no resistance . the war start again and our side was full of people but the code side was empty .

in the end , redquiat was given to the federation and the reality is the code was broken . the leaders split up because of false promise and too much propaganda .

now the alliance menage to defend the territory and the code today change their view and the new leadership was more friendly .

Sturmer's avatar

CODE came from EVE =)
It's a ganker fanatics, they killing everyone according to the code.
It is a James 315 legacy The Code

Block9's avatar

well, you won’t believe what happened to me the other day in. So, there I was, just chilling, flying my Cobra Mk III, feeling like the best commander in the galaxy. I decided to take on this delivery mission—transporting some, uh, "less than legal" goods. I didn’t ask what they were, figured it was better that way. My job was to drop them off at a station in the Maia system. Easy, right? What could possibly go wrong?

Everything was going smoothly at first. Hyperspace jumps? Clean. No pirates chasing me? Even better! I arrived in the Maia system, hailed the station for docking permission, and they gave me a pad: Platform 03. Perfect.

And this is where it all starts going sideways. I was feeling pretty confident—maybe too confident. Decided to turn off the docking assist because, you know, I’m an experienced commander. Who needs that crutch? I’ll land this thing manually and show the station how it’s done!

So, I’m approaching the platform, adjusting my speed, nice and steady. And then—WHAM! My joystick slips out of my hand. My ship veers hard to the right, and I slam right into the side of the station. In my panic, I accidentally throttle up instead of down! Next thing I know, I’m careening across the docking bay like a pinball, smashing into everything—sparks flying everywhere.

At this point, I’m shouting, “What the hell?! How do I stop this thing?!?”

When I finally regain control of the ship, I’m down to 70% hull integrity, and the platform has completely disappeared from my radar. I’m just floating there in front of the station, totally lost. But here’s the kicker: I suddenly notice the countdown timer for loitering fines ticking down. I’m thinking, “No way… I’m gonna get fined for crashing into the station?!”

So, I frantically try to re-align with the platform, desperate to land before the timer runs out. I finally get it back on my scanner and start making my way toward it, but by now the station’s giving me warnings. I’ve overstayed my welcome. But I’m stubborn. I’m thinking, “I can still do this.” I try to land anyway.

That’s when I see the flashing red lights and hear the station control shouting, "Commander, vacate the landing zone immediately!"

And then… they start shooting at me! Yep, I’m getting shot at by the station’s defense turrets, my ship’s down to 30% hull, and I’m in full panic mode. I hit full throttle, trying to escape as explosions rock my cockpit.

I finally manage to break free, limping away with alarms blaring in my ears and my ship barely holding together. But not before getting slapped with a fine for trespassing—because, of course, I couldn’t just leave without a parting gift from the station.

What was supposed to be a simple delivery turned into a chaotic, heart-pounding escape. And, to top it all off, I never even managed to deliver the goods!

At this point, the only thing I could do was limp to the nearest system for repairs. So there I was, flying with my ship practically falling apart, wallet lighter from the fine and the impending repair bill. And that’s how a straightforward delivery turned into a total disaster.

Moral of the story? Never, ever underestimate the power of the docking assist.

mastercesspit's avatar

lol, you have no idea how many new players i've seen that think they can, can't, i've even seen a cmdr get crushed by the carrier docking bays because they "didn't need a docking computer" and were still trying to land when the carrier was jumping. one cmdr who didn't need it, took so long to land the rest of the sqad had done a complete hazres and were on their way back to the carrier by the time he landed and rearmed.

have fun, 07

Hunter's avatar

For me The best moment I experienced in the Elite Dangerous Universe , was the destruction of the Titan Taranis , the first ever player accomplishment in the ongoing 2nd Thargoid war , it was on 2nd of mars 2024 thousands of players united in one spot , special effect and audio were on point , I was like always on my little ASP Explorer " The Spirit " facing this Alien mother ship that is about to go nuclear ( Corrosive ) , all of the players in their ship were too , every one is giving his goodbye and o7 in local and system chat and then here is what happened on video :

Part 1 :

Part 2 :


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