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Elite Dangerous
ENDERS's avatar

There aren't many places I've been to in the Elite: Dangerous Milky Way that I would consider a "must" for everyone, but this one stands out, even early on in my journies. Learning about what Lagrange Points are since playing Elite: Dangerous has been informative and cool!

HIP 90483
This is the first system I found a Notable Stellar Phenomena (this one's a Lagrange cloud). This system has an array of cool sites/sights, but the focus here is the Proto-Lagrange cloud.
This area is not too far from Sol / The Bubble and is fairly easy to make a trip to if you are interested in seeing what a Proto-Lagrange Point has to offer. If you've never seen one you'll get two codex discoveries within it, not worth much CR but nessicairy if you plan to fill out your "Discovery Bingo card" and see all discoverable things in the Galaxy... oh and the Mollusc's are cool too.

The fist ever discovered/reported location of these proto-lagrange clouds is aslo quite close to Sol, if you prefer to head to it; WREDGUIA SX-L D7-92

I've created a short video to showcase just some of the sights and sounds for everyone's viewing pleasure.

Doc's avatar

My suggestion is the Maia Star system, right in the center of Pleiades Nebula where you can see the beauty of their own nebula and even other nebulas not so far. This nebula is bright and beautiful, you can notice it’s bright even being far from it. It's not the biggest out there in the black, but there is lore to support this entry. This region is where the mysterious alien structures were found before the Thargoids attacked the humans. Maia and its neighboring systems within the Pleiades Nebula hold significant historical importance and are situated in an aesthetically remarkable region.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

A little below the minimum wordcount Doc - could you edit in a tiny bit more detail about Maia?

Doc's avatar

Sure. I've added more details about the location and what to expect here.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thank you! Awarding this now!

Osiliran's avatar

The Witch Head Nebula is absolutely worth checking out. It's so very close to the bubble and is a great place to dip your toes in the exploration 'water'. There are several beautiful systems in particular that capture a great view of the Witch Head nebula and some neighbouring ones like Barnard's Loop. Witch Head Sector GW-W C1-9 in particular has some nice views with several planets with atmostpheres to land on. A system next door also has planets with rings if you fancy those too.

I think the best thing is it's proximity to the bubble. There are other systems more gorgeous than this in my opinion, but it's so accessible.


Lyriext AI-I d10-0 is a recent discovery, only about 6,500 LY from the Bubble. In a region full of neutron stars and water worlds, I found this system with a ringed Earthlike world close to a gas giant surrounded by rather photogenic moons, and a bit further from the star a landable moon with lovely warm colours and some quite unusual vegetation. An added bonus is that the system is 2,000 LY below the galactic plane, so you can clearly see the disc of the Milky Way galaxy.

projectazone's avatar

My favorite system is Chakpka because I can do courier missions that are short and pay the right amount, it also allows you to level up your rank in the federation and unlock blocked systems and new ships, it is also close to other federation systems that also offer courier missions that are easy to do and complete

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hi projectazone, we don't have enough info here to award a prize, but feel free to update it before the deadline tonight!

projectazone's avatar

In chapka it is also possible to find fleet Carriers of other players stationed there, the peculiarity of this system is that it is very busy especially for those who are trying to quickly climb the Rank in the federation, it also includes many icy bodies and 2 very beautiful moons that I recommend visiting.


Hello there Cmdrs! James Lauer here, owner of L&L Travel and Transport Company, hauling goods and people through the stars. Well, I would recomend the system where my former office was, the beautiful G 123-16, and precisely planet G 123-16 7 A, where you can find beautiful vistas, at Cataldo Entertainment Zone.

If you're a fan of Water Geysers and beautiful planets, this system has it all. Ya know, with the expansion of the company, I needed to move to Tionisla, but whenever there is a little time to spare, having a drink near those sights, it's a good time.

See you around Cmdrs!

CMDR John Wick's avatar

I recommend the system: LHS 200. It is a large system with 26 celestial bodies is a very busy system. One of the highlights of the system is:

In this photo we are on an inhabited moon with rings, we are on a moon with a thin oxygen atmosphere, orbiting a gas giant with rings relatively close by. Al'Ameira Dua is a rarity inside the bubble due to its 100% oxygen atmosphere, which provides several incredible photos.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks CMDR John Wick, we'll need some more info about the system if you're going to win a prize. Feel free to update your entry. o7

AlvarZ4's avatar

I highly recommend visiting the LHS 3006 system, not only for the beauty of its only planet, which is none other than Vulcan, the famous planet from the Star Trek Saga, but also because each photo there is not only beautiful but also historical. In addition to this, you can also visit the Leonard Nimoy station, created in honor of the actor who plays Spock in the films of the original Star Trek timeline. In short, it is very necessary to visit this system.

Recomiendo visitar el sistema LHS 3006, pero muchísimo, no solo por la belleza de su único planeta que es ni más ni menos que Vulcano el famoso planeta de la Saga Star Trek si no por que cada foto allí tiene además de belleza historia. Además de esto también podrás visitar la estación Leonard Nimoy creada en honor al actor que da vida a Spock en las películas de la línea temporal original de Star Trek. En definitiva muy necesario pasar por este sistema.


System HIP 15310 - Anomaly Report

The HIP 15310 system presents two anomalies designated as Q04-Type and Q08-Type, which exhibit anomalous physical properties and pose a significant danger to exploration vessels.

Q04-Type Anomaly: Upon approaching a distance of less than 200 meters, Q04-Type emits a pulsed energy discharge of unknown nature. This pulse induces a structural failure in ship hulls, compromising their integrity. Additionally, electromagnetic interference is observed, producing a visual distortion in the HUD, similar to the disturbances observed in encounters with Thargoid entities.

Q08-Type Anomaly: Q08 manifests an energy field that interacts directly with ship shield systems. Within a radius of 200 meters, this field causes rapid shield depletion. Upon reducing the distance to less than 75 meters, the field intensity increases, beginning to inflict direct damage to the hull structure. It has been observed that Q08-Type exhibits a fluctuating energy "halo." It is theorized that the extent of this halo is directly correlated with the energy absorbed from the shields and, therefore, with the anomaly's effective radius, increasing the aforementioned danger distances.

Anomalous Planetary Observations:

An additional aspect requiring investigation is the unusual nomenclature of two bodies within the system. Unlike the third body, which follows standard naming conventions (HIP 15310 [designation]), the bodies designated as X-2487 and X-2488 lack the system prefix. This fact, in itself anomalous, presents atmospheres with active chemistry and the detection of carbon- and ammonia-based lifeforms on both bodies.

ENDERS's avatar

I've yet to see a Q type. These things look so sick. Thanks for sharing!


I present the craziest star system I have been to: HD 125533

The main star is a Blue-White Supergiant, which is already pretty cool, but the craziest part has to be the Black Hole and the Neutron star orbiting it at the same time. And another Neutron star far away. It makes for a great view!

One must wonder what kind of stars first formed this system to produce two Neutron stars and a Black Hole...

It is pretty damn near Sol at around 1000 light years, making it a quite easy place to visit, perfect for a bucket list


The Calhuacan is a lovely little Empire system, High Tech/Military so very handy for you outfitting needs. Controlled by Arissa Lavigny-Duval housing 5 Starports and 32 Installations.

But that is not the reason I love this system, no this system is fun.

SO Firstly it boasts to be the Headquarters of "The Mustache Riders" a relatively small player faction who clearly love a good giggle. Their solitary aim is to take control of one planet.

This planet is the reason I love this system and why you have to go visit.

Yes you read that right, Stapled Peacock Flesh... now I know Frontier offered the chance to players to name planets and stations. They did make it clear they would refuse names that broke the spirit of the universe, and despite these checks there are a few anomalys that possibly should have been "rejected".

I quite like Stapled peacock flesh, its definitely more creative than Placeholder Content in the Cartu system, Or Winnard's Hole in Lakota.

But you do sometimes need pointless reasons to do a little tour..

If you are a fellow immaturian like me, nothing sparks a tour of the universe more than seeking out rude names and silly systems..

I think Stapled Peacock Flesh is the most bizaare name, but hey... Lets start a tour...

We can meet up at Willy's Inferno in Col 285 Sector KM-V d2-106

Its all uphill from there..


if you pledged with Aisling Duval I recommend you take a trip to Shakal or stay in Shakal or its surroundings, this is a great system, most of the planets are landable except 1 and it is possible to farm resources using an SRV, such as iron, phosphorus, manganese, carbon etc. it also has space stations such as Doi station, where I return after a long exploration trip because it offers all the essential services, furthermore this system is located in a very interesting point because it is located between 2 Stronghold systems Runapa and Kherthaje in the latter there is also a Stronghold carrier where you can find all the modules and ships for sale, and it does not end here, the system also borders with another system called Othe very convenient because there you can find the legal power in case you have to pay a fine or remove a bounty furthermore you are also almost close to Deciat a system where it is possible to find Felicity farseer useful for engineering modules such as the frame shift Driver.

Kethervir's avatar

If you are part of the Empire faction with Zemina Torval, you should stay near the system I am about to suggest.


As a member of the Imperial faction, staying on Avalon means really feeling like a real knight in King Arthur's court at the rounded table.... errr rounded spaceport... The near system Hyperborea is also very convenient like Avalon in terms of Empire missions and trading route possibilities, but the main deal to stay in a great system like Avalon, is that you are quite close to the capital of the Zemina Faction (Synteini) and consequently to our beloved Strongholds. The system offers numerous planets to land on, the security is good and there are two planets with Metal Rich and Icy rings and offcourse an asteroid belt aswell. What are you waiting for, join the Empire with Zemina and come farm big money at King Arthur's court in the Avalon system like a true Knight!

Vivisector's avatar

This System give me a new chance of talking about it because is full of planet like Saturn (that i love) and little other moons/planet near or between them. I can be repetitive but i found this "big ball" named L119-33 8 C that reminds me of Phobos in Final Doom game. Phobos is a Satellite of Mars described like a dark and very inhospitable rock. Used just for mining with a small base on it, just like the one i found. The vibes when i land on it is "this base is for sure infested by demons, especially zombie marines and lost souls". This other image is from the Doom Wiki with a perspective of what Phobos looks like.

St4r_Lord's avatar

Synuefe ZG-J d10-49, home to one of the most beautiful places in the galaxy, its Guardian Beacon and its mystery is still a great place to visit. They aren't like previously seen surface structures since they are orbiting planets insted of being on them and they only appear when you are within 1000 ls. This is also the place needed to obtain the Ancient Key, which is one of the elements needed to build Guardian Hybrid Ship Launched Fighters. However, I highly recommend visiting it just for the spectacle it creates when you activate it.

Y0EMINENCE's avatar

Laksmi, Neginn and Abe because I put real earth history into elite dangerous. British, Portugal and Greece history from the 2nd century earth. On Xbox PC and PlayStation, in 3307. Making my faction the official ghost pirates of the game. Our official names Lusitani, Dobunni, Aetolians, which predicted in the Elite Dangerous book “And Here the Wheel”. Pretty close by Archons territory in a triangle why I decided to go with the name “Triangle of the Independent Elite Pilots” o7


This is the system for my submission. HIP 102082 is a large carbon star 200x the size of Sol, but only 2x heavier with 2 planets in its close orbit. The surface temperature, strong gravity (2Gs and 3Gs) and active geysers offer a truly dangerous and spectacular environment, all while being under 2000 light years from the bubble.

Phoenix_Dfire's avatar

KOI-3663 is a special system for anyone who follow Astronomy. It's Kepler-86b (, which one of the first systems which the human race discovered a planet in the goldilocks' zone of a star. I made a pilgrimage out to it over 9 years ago and you can see the discovery

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Systipa ML-B c2-2

This is the system I visited on my way back from Beagle point after the Distant Worlds 2 Expedition. The Systipa ML-B c2-2 (Gaseous Roulette) is a nice POI for who loves stunning views and planets "anomaly". This system consists in three ringed gaseous planets that have orbits that make them looking like they are dancing together, and see those three in person is an amazing experience!

The system is in the middle of Sagittarius-Carina Arm, it is a long journey but is worth, maybe you could visit it on an expedition. I'm just waiting the war to end to finally come back to my exploration tasks.

Gadnok's avatar

HIP 50698 A1 - The hottest landable atmosphere in game, reaching surface temps of 2,510K, with that record still standing for the past two years. Every Commander should see this!

ENDERS's avatar

The faces of pain are priceless!

MQC's avatar

16 Librae

This system fascinated me because, as I always comment here, the habitable bubble is full of hidden paradises. This particular system, ‘16 LIBRAE’, is one for those who love celestial bodies with rings.

And, for me, the king of the system is this ‘16 LIBRAE 5’, a beautiful water planet with rings:

Orbiting this marvel is a visitable centre, the ‘Delphi Mobile Security Subdivision’, which fits in perfectly with the beautiful surroundings:

We can also visit ‘16 LIBRAE 2’ and ‘16 LIBRAE 3’, and I strongly recommend to visit the moon ‘16 LIBRAE 2A’ with its immense and fascinating crater:

Even when, after a hard day of delivering rare goods across the galaxy, we decide to rest at ‘Borisenko Station’, this starport also leaves us with a beautiful snapshot:


Greetings pilots

I would recommend the CD-36 11341 system.

Why this system?

Because it's mesmerizing with its colors.

This system is sparse on celestial bodies, there are only three of them.

Two planets rich in metal, with a scorched black surface covered with small lakes and huge seas of lava, such an intimidating and fascinating appearance, the planets received due to the specificity of the star in this system.

The star itself is a Wolf-Raye star, that is a star that in visible light shines like a normal star, but in ultraviolet light is tens or hundreds of times stronger than a normal star, thanks to this we can see such a beautiful and varied colors of blue and blue surrounding this system.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

CMDR I.N.K.V.I - wow, there's no denying how beautiful it is. We'll need a little more info to award you a prize though. Can you tell us anything else about the system? (Please hit the 'edit' button on your entry)

USCSS's avatar

Hello Commanders

Today I am going to recommend one of the most impressive systems I have ever seen.

It is the Shrogea MH-V e2-1763 system. A system that is close to the center of the galaxy.

I like this system for two reasons:

1) The presence of a black hole surrounded by a nebula of an intense green color.

2) The presence of a tourist station, “Tranquility's Stop”, in orbit of the black hole.

Next to the facility there are two satellites that provide data to the engineers.

The system also has a tourist beacon called “Black in Green” that tells the history of the place.

For the commander traveling to the center of the galaxy, I think it is mandatory to pass through the Shrogea MH-V e2-1763 system to contemplate its beauty.

(Translated with Google translator)

Stormseeker's avatar

Epsilon Indi, Mitterand Hollow
It's a moon that goes around a planet like really, really fast. In fact, you have to stop in her orbit to let her intercept your ship hahaha, if you run to her, you'll never catch her, maybe with SCO you will hahaha,
It's so fun to land and going around the planet full speed while on a moon.

LiquidMorkite's avatar

I have already mentioned Thor's Eye, a system with a black hole not too far from the Bubble. Today I will add another visit spot that is not far, and worth giving it a shot. It's Corona Austr. Dark Region KS-T b3-3, also not too far from the bubble. By having a Notable Stellar Phenomena, it's worth a visit, and taking a couple of sreenshots.

Fly Dangerously! o7


Synuefe WH-F c0 is a system where two small rocky worlds collide every 8.1 days. Its not the most spectacular system and you arent going to see any fireballs but it is very entertaining to fly around and not to far from the bubble. I identified it be searching the spansh database for candidates and doing a lot of maths and python programming to figure out a schedule. You can see a schedule on

Hunter's avatar

IC 2391 Sector HG-X b1-8 system :

Why I chose this system and not an other ? because It is one of few systems that inhabits the Guardian structures, the moment you arrive you feel you entered a place of a long history, every planet in this system is unique, biological signal are numerous too, vistas and planets with and without atmosphere are there too, and for sur the important thing are Guardian structures that will make your skin cold, I advise those who starting some Guardian archelogy career to go here, or those who wants to unlock Guardian Technologies.

I don't want to spoil every thing in this system but here is few glimpses from this surprisingly beautiful place :

ENDERS's avatar

Whoa! Thank you for sharing this location. I've yet to see anything Guardian but am excited to in the future. I'm bookmarking this one!

Niceygy's avatar

I have recently followed the Colonia Bridge all the way to Colonia, and there are some beautiful systems along the way!

My favorite is Rohini, the place where I made my first billion through exobio! Eudemon Anchorage is now my "home away from home" and is near a good few nebula.

This one was taken at CB-16 (Omega Sector PD-S b4-0) just outside the Asteroid station "Omega Mining Operation". If you look carefully you can spot my Mandalay :D


Oevasy SG-Y d0 or Ishum's Reach as it's also known, is a system in The Abyss region. It is one of the most remote discovered star systems in the Milky Way galaxy, at a distance of 65,647.34 LY from Sol

A jump of 82.68 ly is needed to get to Ishum's Reach, one jump of 66.32 ly, and multiple jumps ranging from 37.80 ly to 56.14 ly; in addition, every waypoint contains a star that can be fuel-scooped. Ships that are incapable of achieving at least 82.68 ly even with the use of FSD Injections cannot travel to Oevasy SG-Y d0.

Oevasy SG-Y d0 was first discovered by CMDR Sam Ishum on June 2, 3302.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks FireyToad - we'll require photo or video of the system too if you're going to win a prize.

mastercesspit's avatar

a picture says a thousand words, hope it doesn't disqualify me, lol

apart from being one of the most beautiful vista's i've found in my many years of the game, it is the most profitable core site also.

the drawback is it's 480ly from the edge of the bubble, so a carrier is necessary if you want to do core mining bulk.

have fun 07

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hi mastercesspit a could you send us a little more detail about the system, please? What makes it so beautiful?

mastercesspit's avatar

i discovered early in the game that trade in the bubble while profitable was time consuming and ai pirates even more so, after i got a carrier from the painite boom, i spent much time surveying systems outside the bubble, looking for double overlaps of platinum preferably, and having made my first 8 billion mining, a densely populated ring like that with nothing but core sites, double, triple, even quadruple overlaps, with cores it's good to have a same mat overlap, but it doesn't matter so much, there's just more core asteroids, and that site is very productive, and only 10 or so LY from my double platinum site, so, to me, and any miner, that is very beautiful

mastercesspit's avatar

thanks for the question, i do tend to go on a bit sometimes so i like to keep my submissions brief, discussions not so much, lol


Alex Sinclair's avatar

Aha, you're very welcome to go on a bit 😊 Thanks for the extra info; I've awarded your entry now!

XCezor's avatar

We all love nice views and watching beautiful planets, but Elite has also deep lore, where not every history is considered with a happy ending.

If you don't read lore too much, you may wonder why a starport in Shinrarta Dezhra is named "Jameson Memorial", well... it's a monument of a skilled in combat and exploration Commander, who was defending humanity during the First Thargoid War. He was betrayed by the organization that hired him to deal the final blow to the enemy.

Commander John Jameson, a fellow Pilots Federation independent pilot, was sent by Intergalactic Naval Reserve Arm (INRA) on a one-way mission during the First Thargoid War. His mission was to spread a biological weapon, mycoid, on a Thargoid "hive ship", probably similar to today's known Titan, but that hasn't been yet confirmed.

CMDR Jameson launched missile armed with mycoid, and the result was rather positive, despite the fact that he didn't knew all its effects. Mycoid was supposed to disable the hive ships hyperdrive systems, but it also started to deal horrific damage to the Thargoids themselves, killing many in the result.

To prevent Jameson from telling the truth about additional effects of the mycoid, INRA installed earlier on his ship, Cobra MkIII "JJ-386", a program, that would disable its systems after success of his mission. Commander John Jameson crashed on a planet 1 B, in HIP 12099 system. Although the ships crash site was found by CMDR Robbie Junior on November 25, 3303 (around 152 years later), the body of John Jameson was never officially found...

I think the HIP 12099 system is worth visiting to pay tribute to the fallen Commander John Jameson, as a sign of respect. I know Elite is just a game, but some games are more than just graphics, set of missions and unique mechanics. Games like Elite have very extensive history that may sometimes tug at the heartstrings and make you feel that the world around is not as simple as it may seem at first.

mastercesspit's avatar

you can fill up on some g5 and g4 encoded by scanning the beacons and relogging, done it many times.

have fun 07


In September 3303 I created a forum thread titled "The most beautiful system in the galaxy?". Over seven years later and I think I probably still stand by that. The system in question is "BD-12 1172" in the Spirograph nebula and it's vibrant colour palette of reds, purples and greens is quite extraordinary and well worth spending some time in to find and appreciate the very best views.

Here's a selection of images taken from that original visit:

And here's the forum thread:

CMDR_Oso's avatar

That's a gorgeous system, now on my list.
Thank you for sharing Alec.

CMDR_Oso's avatar

I humbly suggest Pleione system, within the Pleiades Nebula.
I visited it very early on in my Elite days and was blown away. It has a bit of everything for a budding CMDR, bright eyed and looking for experiences. And yet, even as a CMDR who's been across the Galaxy, I still pilgrimage here and remember the early days. Pleione's offerings:

  • It's beautiful

  • It's close to the Bubble (~400LY from Sol)

  • The Squirrel Bar is an installation you can practice your flight around and has many cool 'scannables', some are quite amusing!

  • Stargazer is a rare 'Asteroid base' category starport

  • Thargoids are resident within Pleione, but are pretty passive, excellent for CMDRs first anti-Xeno moments.


No bucket list would be complete without mentioning Sagittarius A as an unmissable system to visit. Sagittarius A is smack bang in the centre of the Milky Way galaxy and contains a Super Massive black hole, as pictured above. It's worth going there even if it's just to say that you've been to the centre of our galaxy.

Block9's avatar

The stellar system that I want to feature is HIP 63835. The system has three black hole: one orbiting its main star and two a little further away. The two of them together are a sight for sore eyes It also boasts an extraordinary assortment of stars.

I suspect a lot of Commanders have been in the HIP 63835 system over previous visits, as it's not too far from Sol. This one is also perfect for some of the top 40 systems that you need to visit, primarily due to how close it is. It is an even more accessible, worthwhile stop on any sail-through as you do not need a high-range ship to arrive at it. :)

*The photos have been slightly brightened to make the black holes more visible. The brightness was increased by 30% solely for better visibility

*This text was translated using an AI-powered

CMDR_nailz_'s avatar

HIP 104643 is my submission for this list. Not too far from the bubble, present in this system are 3 stars. The main body with its string of planets, some rocky, some gas giants, body B, a black hole, and the third sun AB 1, with its own string of rocky and gas giant planets, and vast rings, quite possibly the widest and most visible rings in the game, the rings alone make HIP 104643 worth a visit.

Matt G's avatar

My submission is Graea Hypue AL-X d1-48.

Body 1 a in this system is the moon of a ringed gas giant. It has an oxygen atmosphere and is so close to it's parent that the gas giant has an angular diameter of over 25° making it appear as a huge orb in the sky. Also, because the moon is highly inclined at over 60°, the rings take up an even higher proportion of the sky. If that wasn't enough, the body has Bacterium and Brain Trees present along with highly active water geysers. All these things combined make for some truly spectacular panoramas.

I submitted this last year to the Galactic Exploration Catalog, and it is one of the highest rated POIs in the catalog.

AndyRice's avatar

Introducing the Little White Giant: AE Aquarii

This system actually exists in the real universe and is classified as a "Cataclysmic Variable Binary Star." You can search for a precise definition of this type of celestial body on Wikipedia. Simply put, it is a binary star system consisting of a white dwarf and a regular star. The two stars are so close to each other that the regular star's mass is drawn toward the white dwarf and transferred due to the latter's intense gravitational pull.

This phenomenon should create a spectacular sight, featuring a mass transfer stream between the two stars and a large accretion disk around the white dwarf (somewhat reminiscent of Gargantua in Interstellar). Unfortunately, the game engine cannot simulate these effects.

However, the white dwarf in this system is incorrectly represented as a Class A main-sequence star in the game, with a radius of only 0.01 solar radii and a mass of 0.6289 solar masses. This leads to a rather strange visual experience since Class A stars are typically large and bright. Here, the so-called Class A star is too small to be displayed accurately. This is clearly a bug, but the system is still worth visiting.

Block9's avatar

I've already marked this one for next time! I want to record a video there

AndyRice's avatar

Great! Remember to check out how the star looks like lol. I see p2 with my PC with ultra graphics setting and p3 with my steam deck with almost all low setting. I’m wondering if it’s the graphic setting that caused the buggy view😂

Block9's avatar

Well... I'll go there later to check lol

GoJapan's avatar

The system that I recommend is this because once I have maxed out my reputation at the Runco Terminal station, it allows me to access 50 million missions where I have to bring him minerals. I usually only accept Bertrandite missions or not. Furthermore, once I have maxed out my reputation, it is also possible to do some bounty missions that are worth quite a few million.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hi GoJapan there's not enough here to award a prize, but feel free to update your entry so it aligns with the reward description before the deadline tonight.

GoJapan's avatar

12 Crateris and a system of not too big dimensions with 6 planets and 1 Moon, also there are 3 stations where you can land, its star is bright and also in the system there are other human installations, I recommend visiting it because you could be impressed even if it is not a very big star system


Alright, if you're looking for an unforgettable spot to add to your galactic bucket list, Sagittarius A is a must-see. It’s the supermassive black hole right at the center of the Milky Way—talk about a place that makes you stop and think about the universe. When you get near Sagittarius A, it’s not just a simple visit—it’s an experience. The way the stars around it start to distort because of the gravity? It’s like nothing else. The closer you get, the more you can feel the immense power of the black hole, and the whole thing just has this surreal, almost humbling vibe. It's not just a pretty sight either. Sagittarius A is a scientific wonder, and being there feels like standing at the very heart of our galaxy. Every explorer should make the trip—it’s a real reminder of just how vast and mysterious space is.

If you’re up for an adventure, Sagittarius A is definitely one to check off your list!


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