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mastercesspit's avatar

my favourite ship is my g5 combat corvette "vendetta".

i have 4 corvettes now each engineered slightly differently for different jobs, "vendetta' was my first fully engineered corvette for combat, built primarily for assassinations, bounty hunting, and low CZ's .

let's start with the weapons

the 4a multicannon, long range to get their attention at up to 8klm, corrosive to soften the hull for extra damage when lower range weapons come into range.

the 4a beam laser, efficient weapon, this limits the range to 3klm, but uses less power and increases accuracy, (less jitter), beams eat shields very efficiently, experimental effect flow control, to reduce power draw, beams eat power as well as shields, lol

the 3a seeker missile rack, high capacity engineering, total of 84 missiles when fully rearmed, experimental effect overload munitions to convert some damage to heat, (don't want cold food do you?) this increases damage on shields, and modules

twin 2f multicannons, engineering long range, but turrets only go 4k long range, experimental effect oversize, this increases damage and generally gives them more punch

twin 1g burst lasers, engineered long range, this gives a range of 6klm, experimental effect, scrambled spectrum, this triggers random malfunctions in modules, eg: complete loss of thrusters

now the defences

4 x 0a shield boosters, engineered heavy duty, experimental effect on all is thermo block, this allows a + 10% thermal resistance on shields overall

4 x 0I point defence turrets engineered reinforced, missiles make a good light show, ;)

now the base build

military grade composite, engineered heavy duty armour, this increases overall strength and increases resistances across the board, experimental effect deep plating, this increases overall strength while reducing resistances slightly, (everything is a compromise)

8a powerplant, engineered overcharged, this increases power while reducing integrity, but lasers eat power fast, so it was necessary to go overcharged, experimental effect double braced, this restores the integrity of the module

7a thrusters, engineered dirty drive tuning, this increases speed, experimental effect drive distributors, this increases mass curve efficiency, which is turn rate, essential in a dogfight

6a frame shift drive, engineered increased fsd range, corvettes have a very low jump range so it's necessary, experimental effect double braced to improve integrity

5a life support, so you can finish the kill, or cz, and have plenty to get home

8a power distributor, engineered charge enhanced, this lessens overall capacity for faster recharge, necessary for the lasers, experimental effect cluster capacitors, this restores overall capacity

8a sensors engineered long range, this gives a range of 13.4 klm, very handy in hazres

7a prismatic shields, engineered reinforced, this increases overall strength and resistances at the cost of regen and power draw, experimental effect multi weave, this increases resistances at a cost of overall strength, so you have a harder shield with increased resistances

2x guardian 5d shield reinforcement packages, giving 430 boost to shields overall

2 x 5d hull reinforcement, engineered heavy duty, experimental effects, 1 x deep plating, 1 x angled plating

6d fighter bay, 2 fighters, 1 x plasma repeater, 1 x multicannon

5d guardian module reinforcement package, lessens the chance of module failure by protecting them

4e guardian shield reinforcement, a further 165 boost to shields

4d hull reinforcement, engineered heavy duty, experimental effect reflective plating, another 565 to hull strength

and of course all the luxuries for a lazy pilot ;)

i love this ship, it's a joy, and my first corvette.

have fun 07

mastercesspit's avatar

thanks Alex Sinclair this is my first comprehensive submission like this, redid it a few times, lol, an honor to have been a picked as an example of outstanding submission. much appreciated, 07

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Our pleasure, it's absolutely worthy of the badge of honour!

Eralm_237's avatar

This was my favorite build for a long while, helping me get credits when they were more sparse:

It was later modified to include a Collector Limpet Controller (1A) for Titan salvaging.

CMDR John Wick's avatar

Despite having spent a little time with it, Mandalay is already my favorite!

She is very versatile and easy to move around anywhere, her supercruise is fantastic. It doesn't heat up in the stars. What an absurd ship!

This build is focused on my main activity deep exploration and extensive jumping, I put a fix for any eventuality I can synthesize a drone, its jump range is 90ly. Regarding the SRV, most people use 2, I prefer 1 because I'm already used to it.

ThePunisher99's avatar

This is a cheap Cobra PvE ship. I spent many hours using it in my early days in Elite Dangerous and made a lot of money.

It’s still my favorite ship until now, so here it is: at least a 1/2 million rebuy cost, armor-based Cobra. This ship can be used in medium conflict zones.


  • Advanced Multi-Cannon – Class 2 (Hardpoint 2E)

  • Beam Laser – Class 2 (Hardpoint 2D)

  • Advanced Multi-Cannon – Class 1 (Hardpoint 1F)

  • Advanced Multi-Cannon – Class 1 (Hardpoint 1F)

A solid combination for taking down both shields and hulls effectively.

Utility Points:

  • Kill Warrant Scanner – Class 0B

  • Shield Booster – Class 0A

Core Internal:

  • Military Grade Composite – Class 1A (Hull Reinforcement)

  • Power Plant – Class 4A

  • Thrusters – Class 4A

  • Frame Shift Drive (SCO) – Class 4A

  • Life Support – Class 3D

  • Power Distributor – Class 3A

  • Sensors – Class 3E

  • Fuel Tank (Capacity: 16) – Class 4C

Built for survivability & escape capabilities.

Optional Internal:

  • Shield Generator – Class 4D

  • Module Reinforcement Package – Class 4D

  • Module Reinforcement Package – Class 4D

  • Auto Field-Maintenance Unit – Class 2A

  • Hull Reinforcement Package – Class 2D

  • Hull Reinforcement Package – Class 2D

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Awesome. Thanks ThePunisher99 and long live The Cobra!

CMDR Henckes's avatar

So, this is the build I'm finishing, I have all the base modules and half of the engineering.

This ship was my last explorer ship the Dasrondon Explorer, and I refit it to be a combat for multi crew to play with my friends yan57436 and JHenckes, so the main module in it will be the 6D Fighter Hangar that allows the use of two fighters at the same time.

For the hardpoints I decided to go simple, since I'm not an expert in combat, so I choose beam lasers to all times, shield and yet efficient against hulls and multi cannons to accelerate the hull destruction of my enemies.

For my core I went with a strong Armou, a Military Grade to face the thoughts pirates, a huge power plant armoured to get extra protection, the brand new FSD SCO that I have gained to help the Cocijo destruction, a fast power distributor since I have a lot of laser that draw a lot o power when I shoot with them, and for sensors and Life support I choose the D class to reduce the energy consumption.

In utility slot I decided to improve my shields to the maximum, since I have low manoeuvrability I 'm a easy and big target, so I have to delay the shields deactivation at the maximum. Besides that I have two point defences to help me in some situations.

Now for the optional slots, I have of course a Guardia FSD Booster, isn't necessary but I hate long trips inside the bubble. But mostly of those slots are Hull and Module reinforcement packages, reinforcements that helped me a lot since yan57436 once shoot a Local Security Force what made all the ships attack me at the same time hahaha.

Finally I have a 7A shield with Low Power to give me protection and not get my ship out of power, with a small full scoop for emergencies and a FSD Interdictor to help me in Bounty Hunting


My favorite build right now is my Imperial Courier. Its small and fast. It boosts up to 851 which makes getting down and up off of planets very fast. It can also fly at over 300 with the landing gear down which makes doing exobiology very fast. The 2 downsides are the small fuel tank and the shields are kind of weak. They won't save you from smashing into the ground at 500 but they do protect you from fast landings well enough.

To reach these speeds you need performance enhanced thrusters which can only be bought from some engineers at their bases and can only be applied to small ships. I believe the largest size is 3A.

Here is a link to the build in coriolis and some nice screenshots.

Stormseeker's avatar

My favorite ship is so hard to choose right now hahaha, I think Actually is the Cobra MKV and build I like is Multi-Cannon + Rail Gun for Powerplay and Conflict Zone.

3 Multi-Cannon Gimballed 2F, Modified with short-range and one with corrosive shell, the other 2 with Oversized - Mail dps of the ship hehehe

2 Size 1 Rail Guns, modified for High Capacity magazine and Feedback Cascade, this one I use them only to prevent the enemies to heal their shields with shield cells


4 Shield Boosters 0A, Modified 2 with Resistance Augmented and 2 Heavy duty. Experimental all of them Super Capacitors.

Core Internal:
Reactive Armor heavy duty and deep plating, I love this armor.

Power Plant 4A, and we need a lot of energy in this ship, so Overcharged and Monstered

Thrusters 4A. The more optimal multiplier equals to more speed and maneuver, so modified Dirty Drive and Drag Drives.

Frame shift drive SCO 4A, Shielded and double braced to make it sturdier.

Life support and Sensors, 3D. D modules are lighter, the less mass equals best speed and maneuver.

Distributor 4A and the faster they recharge, the better, so Charge Enhanced and Super Conduits.

Optional Internal:

Shield bi-weave 5C Reinforced and Fast Charge. It's my favorite shield on fast ships. They hit you and it recovers almost instantly.

I like to have a Fuel Scoop the bigger, the better, so I don't have to wait too much between jumps.

4E Cargo for limpets, so you can loot easier and Operations limpet controller 3B to use collectors to loot and Recon to hack screens for powerplay.

Hull reinforcements 4D, 3Dx2 and 2D, all of them Heavy-Duty and Deep Plating.

And the last touch is an Interdictor 1A to kill powerplay enemies.

AlvarZ4's avatar

My favourite build is a FAS with the following:

  • Main freatures:
    - Bi-wave shield.
    - Full optionals with reinforcements.
    - Reactive composite hull.

  • Utilities:
    - 3 shield boosters.
    - 1 hearsink

  • Weapons:
    - 2 size 3 multicannons.
    - 2 size 2 Modified Plasma Chargers.

    The idea behind this build is a fast ship with dirty engineered engines that has a good shield but with all the engineering geared towards making a fast recharging shield, having a strong hull that can take all the damage and having absolute damage with the plasma chargers and doing hull damage with the multicannons. (The build is uncompleted but I want to finish it)

projectazone's avatar

The Fer-de-Lance is the ship I use for PVP combat. And it's a fabulous ship with great maneuverability, for my build I made it strong enough to take down other players.

I added the Prismatic Shield which in my opinion is one of the best shields that can be mounted on ships, in addition to adding shield boosters, so as not to be immediately knocked down, also being a combat ship I did not insert modules that increase the Jump Range since it is not necessary in certain ships.

As weapons I prefer to use the Rail Gun even if they are a bit slow before they fire the shot and the plasma accelerator, this build allows not only to do damage but also to have fun in PVP and especially in a team, the only negative thing about the build unfortunately is that if you have to reach an area where you can fight it will take a long time due to the low Jump Range unless someone makes you travel on a Fleet Carrier and takes you to the combat zone.

GoJapan's avatar

this is my ship that i use for exploration

3A Power Plant with Overcharged grade 5 and experimental effect Thermal Spread

5A Frameshift Drive with Increase Range grade 5 and Mass Manager as Experimental effect

3D life Support with Lightweight grade 5

4D Power Distributor with Charge Enhanced at grade 5 and super conduits as Experimental effect

3D Shield Generator with Reinforced grade 5 and Hi-cap as Experimental effect

then i added the guardian module for the frame shift drive to increase the jump of 9 LY

Heatsink Launcher to reduce the heat of the ship when I am close to the stars

and then I also use Hangar to be able to use SRV and explore the surface of the planets

thanks to this build I can explore systems beyond the human bubble thanks also to the use of the Fuel scoop that allows me to refuel via fuel stars.


This is my build for the ship I use for exploration and exobiology is Kraith Phantom Build

This build allows you to make jumps of 73 LY maximum without having equipped the Cargo Racks, otherwise it jumps a little less, it has a Maximum Jump Range of 73 LY empty and a Maximum Jump Range of 60 LY fully loaded which can be improved by adding the Dirty Drive engineering in the Thrusters in this way the ship loses mass and allows you to jump more, you can also add the Drive distributor which thanks to which you can optimize the mass of the spaceship even more allowing you to slightly increase the LY obviously you have to remove the Cargo Racks to notice the improvements. I also installed a nice 5A Frame Shift Driver (SCO) Engineered with Increase Range at maximum and experimental Mass Manager effect to reduce the mass even more.

Another feature of the build is that it is also excellent for going into Guardian structures, thanks to the Point Defense installed, the only problem with the Phantom unfortunately is that it installs them on the sides and therefore you have to land so that both point defenses capture the missiles that the sentries will launch.

in the Optional part instead I put a nice 6A Fuel Scoop so as to refuel more quickly in a few seconds you are already operational, in addition to having installed a Guardian 5H Module for FSD that increases the maximum jump of the ship by 10 LY. I also added 2 Cargo Racks they can always come in handy, then a Shield just to have a shield with engineering to reduce the mass of the Enhanced Low Power spaceship, I also mounted a Hangar with the scarab necessary for each explorer and the various modules for supercruise and auto docking.

I also added a Surface Scanner (Pre-Engineered) not the basic one you find in the Outfitting but the one from the Technology Broker (Uman) which helps you a lot in scanning the planet's surface since the probes have a much wider range than the Detailed Surface Scanner and will allow you to scan the planet with just a few Probes and always receive the target bonus , so a planet that requires 2 Probes to scan will take you 1 Probe just to map it, while a system that requires like 7 Probes even with only 3/4 Probes, the module is also already Engineered to the max with the expanded Probe Radius Scanning +40% (+100.0%).

currently my ship allows me to make jumps of 72/73 LY maximum but it can still be improved by reducing the mass by further engineering the ship, I must point out however that by doing so the ship has a hull that is not very resistant and if you make a mistake in descending into the planet and go at high speed the ship is destroyed automatically, also keep in mind the costs of Rebuying the ship which are 4 Million Credits unless you have a bonus of the ship rebuy at 100%, then being a medium-sized ship sometimes I had to wait to dock on a station because the landing pads were all occupied. it is possible however to obtain a jump of 80 LY with the Phantom but in that case the ship will have only a few modules, the mass reduced to the bone and will not have supercruise or even Auto docking , but with the disadvantage that a tiny Fuel Tank will have to be used to minimize the weight of the ship by using modules that have little weight.

  • The basic ship costs almost 36 Million which then will have to be added to the following costs:

  • 28 Million for the Fuel Scoop

  • 6.5 Million for the Guardian Frame Shift Booster 5H

  • 6 Million for the Frame Shift Dirver (SCO) 5A

  • 4.3 Million for the Power Plant 4A

  • 2 Million for the remaining modules for a total of about 85 Million credits to have everything (without engineering)

  • rebuy cost of 4 Million. obviously you have to remove the Hardpooints which in an exploration build you don't need them

Jump Distance

Max Jump Range : 72.90 LY

Max Jump Range Landen : 60.10 LY

Jump Range Unladen : 68.43 LY

Total Distance Laden : 404 LY

Total Distance Unladen : 463 LY

I also attach a detailed video of my build

This build is ideal for those who want to do space exploration and not only even if it has less Jump Range than the Anaconda and Mandalay it still allows you to significantly reduce the jump distance and travels long distances in a short time.


Long jump distance

possibility to install many more modules than the Diamondback Explorer

Fuel supply via the appropriate stars and fast with Fuel Scoop 6A


Weak hull

has no Hardpoint

Medium sized ship (requires Medium Landing Pad)

Kethervir's avatar

In this period, my favorite build of all time, i actually a build for a Type 9 created for trading only.

Is several months im using this build and is perfect to be a interstellar merchant.

the internal component is upgraded by engeneer, but just to jump longer and to have more power supply, in fact with my Type 9, the U.S.S. Midgard, i love also to have Mining sessions, so i need Power!

in this build i do not have shield at all, just a couple of time pirates destroy me with all the cargo.. but it was just because i was distracted due i was whatching Star Trek on tablet meanwhile and i didn't see a pirate attack me.....

instead of these the build is solid and the ship do his job in a way perfect to be a trader and jumping about 20Ly

the hardpoint is almost useless, but i feel better with.. just to be confortable, (so i can watch star trek) i've added automated comuter docking and autocruise.

Yeh i know, is not the better build of the year... but i really love it.. and garantee you in a normal session of trading, even a 30 milion in 1 jump.. that easily become more if you doing thith powers, missions ecc...

Vivisector's avatar

The ship is designed to carry as many passengers as possible:

  • it has a cabin dedicated to VIP passengers, a first class, two business and 3 economy for a total of 92 passengers

  • it has no weapons or shields so as not to scare the passengers, but it has a defense system in the utility mounts that leave the possibility in case of attack to use chaff and electronic countermeasures to try to escape.

  • in case of emergency always in the utility there is also the heat sink launcher since during long trips the ship tends to overheat.

  • the ship is equipped with some scanners including a wake scanner and a detailed surface scanner that are useful when traveling to take data

  • for fuel there is a small but efficient fuel scoop.

  • and finally a collector limpet with a minimum of cargo to recover any materials or escape pod.

St4r_Lord's avatar

A fairly simple build for the medium Mamba, but it worked flawlessly during the war. A lot of armor for such a ship and AX missle racks did the job. We also cannot forget about the most important modules, i.e. Caustic Sink Launcher's and Thargoid pulse neutraliser, without which the approach to the titan would not be possible.


My favourite build is of the Krait II as I spent a lot of time engineering it and it makes for a great combat ship. I initially found the base of this outfitting from someone else on the official forum.

So, lets have a look at each section:

The 2 x multicannons are overcharged and the 3 x beam lasers are efficient. The beam lasers are handy for stripping shields and the multicannons for blasting the hull wjen they're down.

Kill Warrant Scanner has the fast scanner modification

Military Grade Composite has the Heavy Duty Armour modification, Power Plant is Armoured, Thrusters have Dirty Drive Tuning, Frame Shift Drive is lightweight, Power Distributer is system focussed so you can keep your shields up for longer.

Prismatic Shields have Thermal Resistant Shields modification, Hull reinforcement is Heavy Duty, Frame Shift Drive Interdictor has expanded FSD arc.

2 Fighters are installed in case 1 of them gets destroyed. I usually have my crew member fly the fighter as I don't trust them with my ship!

Y0EMINENCE's avatar

The Krait Mk 2 is a versatile pirate ship in Elite Dangerous known for its balance of speed, maneuverability, and firepower:

Combat: Equipped with 3 large and 2 medium hardpoints for weapons like beam lasers or multicannons, ideal for piracy tasks like shield stripping and hull damage.

Pirate Attachments:

Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller for cargo theft.

Frame Shift Drive Interdictor to pull ships out of supercruise.

Cargo Racks for stolen goods, possibly corrosion-resistant for Thargoid encounters.

Fighter Hangar adds combat support, enhancing piracy by providing an extra attack vector.

Utility Its internal compartments allow for diverse configurations, including mining or passenger transport if needed.

Speed and Range With good jump range, it's suitable for quick escapes or long-range piracy operations.

This ship's design makes it a favored choice for me engaging in piracy due to its adaptability and combat capabilities. Tell I get better upgrades I just flee and live to fight another day. 😂😅

TrialByStory's avatar

So this build is not an original creation of myself, but rather something I found back in my original days of playing Elite Dangerous on Xbox when I first wanted to get into Power Play. It may be somewhat obsolete now, but at the time it was invaulable for me when I took my first steps out into the greater galactic Bubble, and as I've been learning since my return it can still be used as something of a starting point for cargo-focused builds. Besides, I like the silly name.
So courtesy of Adeptus Kaze on the official game forums (the original thread still exists here), I present for your consideration: The Political Bandwagon.

(Coriolis link)

It's built out of a Type-6, which isn't terribly expenstive but can still be kitted out with a good amount of cargo space. From there, the name of the game is Laziness, as you'll know if you looked at Kaze's original thread. So the first components to prioritize are the Frameshift Drive, to increase jump range and therefore minimize the number of jumps, a decent-sized fuel tank, to take away the need to figuring out where to stop to top your vessel up, and of course, the Docking Computer, to give yourself one less thing to think about (A modern version of this build probably makes use of SuperCruise Assist as well for Maximum Laziness). Next up is defense. You'll want a strong Shield Generator to keep yourself and your propaganda precious cargo safe if (when) you get interdicted between the nav beacon and your dropoff point, as well as a basic Chaff Launcher and Point Defense system, for those times when your fellow pilots get extra spicy. The Heat Sink Launch is a different form of defense, keeping you nice and cool even when your Frameshift Jump drops you just a bit too close for comfort to your destination Star . Thrusters you can pretty safely cheap out on for this build, and for the Power Generator & Distributor you want just enough to run the rest of the build. Fill the rest of your slots with Cargo racks and you're good to go. Welcome to the campaign trail!

LiquidMorkite's avatar

The combat starter Vulture build

Build on Edsy:

If you're new and getting into combat, bounty hunting, CZs, and was thinking about which ship to buy. I'd say save up a couple of millions and buy a Vulture. It's a ship where you'll be learning the basics, from to pilot in a fight, engineering, a bit of pips management, and out maneuveur your enemy (she's really good at it). My favorite weapons including double plasma accelerators, double beam lasers or 1x multi-cannon and 1x beam laser.

Pros: very fast and nimble, good shield, good armor, 2x large hardpoints which pack a punch as you can destroy even bigger ships with ease.

Cons: it's a small ship, very combat-oriented which means you mostly won't be using it for anything else outside of combat. Small ship's powerplant with large hardpoints means you'll have to engineer your powerplant at some point if you want to keep upgrading it with engineering and better weapons.

I will list out the module with possible engineering if you have them unlocked.

1. Hardpoints

  • 1x Multi-cannon: size 3, gimballed or fixed up to your taste.

    Engineering: short range blaster + corrossive shells. You can get it with Todd "The Blaster" McQuinn, up to grade 5.

  • 1x Beam laser: size 3, gimballed

    Engineering: short range blaster + thermal vent. The Dweller can get you up to grade 3.

    You will be cold all the time if you can keep up at the back of your enemy. This loadout encourages to learn to orbit and outloop your opponent in combat. Melt down their shield with laser, put 4 pips on wep, then when their shield is off shoot them with both triggers. If you don't have the mats yet for further upgrade, I'd recommend getting at least one dip at the blueprints and get the experiment effects, very crucial to be efficient in combat.

2. Internal modules

  • Powerplant: grade A. Recommended engineering: Overcharged + Monstered. Marco Qwent can get you to grade 4.

  • Thrusters: grade A, Dirty tuning + drag drives. Felicity Farseer can get you to grade 3.

  • Armour: lightweight (default) if you don't want to spend too much credits on armour, if you have some spare credits reactive surface or mirrored can work well. Engineering: Heavy duty + Deep plating.

  • FSD: grade A, Increased range + deep charge

  • Life support: grade D, lightweight them when you have the engineer unlocked. I believe that's Bill Turner that requires being friendly with the Alliance Superpower.

  • Power distributor: grade A. Charge enhanced + super conduits

  • Sensors: grade D. Lightweight can work.

3. Optional modules

  • 5C bi-weave shield. I've found out as the vulture has a very good hull. You can run a bi-weave, and keep yourself up without shield with your tanky hull meanwhile it's recharging. Remember to put pips on your sys when you're popped, or just keep a distance if you're taking a beating on your hull. Recommended engineering being Thermal resistance + fast charge.

  • 1x 5D Hull Reinforcement Package (HRP). Heavy duty + deep plating if you want to engineer it, else just leave it unengineered.

  • 1x 4D HRP

  • 1x 2D Module Reinforcement Package (MRP). If you have the guardian variation, might as well use it if your power plant is being engineered.

  • 3x 1D HRP

  • 1x 1D MRP

You can fit in an FSD Interdictor if you're feeling it.

4. Utilities

  • 4x 0E shield boosters. You can start A grading them if you've got your powerplant engineered. Engineering recommendation including 2x Heavy Duty + Super cap, 1x Resistance augmented + Super cap, 1x thermal resistance + thermo block.

That's all of it. I hope it has been comprehensive enough. I really recommend the Vulture as a starter ship for combat learning. It costs a bit more than a Viper, yes, but it's a little murder machine, the best small combat ship that we have out here.

Fly Dangerously o7

XCezor's avatar

Not very creative name but it has everything to fight Titans. The Titan Assassin is ready to defend Sol with a new style and parts I've just installed on him. Imperial Cutter is my favorite choice for combat.

It's equipped with Thargoid Pulse Neutralizer and Caustic Sink Launchers to get through Titan caustic field, Enchanced AX Missile Racks and Nanite Torpedoes to damage the Titan itself. At the top of the weaponry is a Beam Laser with a Thermal Vent experimental effect to keep my ship at low temperatures while fighting Titan to avoid being targeted by the Thargoid vessels.

LiquidMorkite's avatar

I love the Cutter for AX, such an elegant ship for a such a big job. The ultimate multi-purposes vessel!

MQC's avatar

As I've mentioned in another post, I love trading with my Type-9... but I do it roleplaying, and I do it the hard way; no weapons, no shields, taking up all the available cargo space... and little else.

I know there's nothing special about this configuration I'm showing; there's no engineering, no guardian modules, and no need to rack your brains trying to make the ship balanced... just as much cargo capacity as possible and try to get a ‘good’ jump capacity. I don't need a fuel scoop, because I'll be stopping and refueling at every station I visit. The lightest modules available and the best life support in case of an accident. Some passive defence and heat sinks for when I go overboard on jumps and get a bit burnt. Thats all.

But I think a lot of the beauty is in just that simplicity; anyone, with a handful of credits, can do it... and enjoy the rare commodity trade. !!!!

So my favourite configuration, for my favourite ship with my favourite ship kit, is as follows:

This is the best thing about ED... each Commander creates our own story, and we play in a thousand different ways...

RicardosGaming's avatar

Learn how to stop losing to Thargoids in Elite Dangerous with a Federal Corvette! This anti-xeno build will help you defeat those pesky aliens and protect humanity. Get ready to take on the Thargoids and come out victorious! Are you fed up of being beaten by Thargoids in Elite Dangerous - Have you wondered if the Federal Corvette is for you? This AX Corvette build will cut through Thargoids like a Knife through Butter see the ship in action here :

Ship link: Join this channel to get Some Early Access :

// This Video : ➤Link:

@JustAbout__ #elitedangerous

Block9's avatar

This is my favorite ship because I use this build to fight against the Thargoids. I’m currently trying to improve my ship little by little, but I’m quite satisfied with this build. However, I still want to enhance it even more. It’s my favorite for battles against Thargoids and some pirates.

*This text was translated by an AI program.

LiquidMorkite's avatar

You should try out a hull tank loadout and a colder powerplant, make a version to fight only at surface port where you can ditch the limpets or scoop to get more HRP. For large ship it's pretty important that you can tank a bit of their hit in exchange for extra damage you can deal. I run a full hull tank build on my Shardconda and almost never have to see a rebuy if I'm doing a surface settlement defense o7

USCSS's avatar

Hello Commanders

Today I will show you my favorite ship “The Terminator”

It is a “Federal Corvette” equipped for combat especially PvE and maybe also PvP but 1 vs 1.

In PvE it is totally impenetrable. Impossible to lower the prismatic shields. And if you were to lower the shields you would find yourself facing the fully engineered “Hull Reinforcement”.

I am sending a link to the build and images of the ship.

(Translated with Google translator)

AndyRice's avatar

This is the ship that I fly most of the time, ‘UES - Charon’. Charon is the ferryman of Hades, and this ship is indeed, work as a ferryman for me. I used it to travel inside the bubble. It has sufficient jump range, a small cargo capacity, some firepower to fight back hostile NPC. It is capable of completing various missions. And moreover, I really like the looking of Krair Mk2, especially those two large thrusters. I painted it black and bought ship kit for it.


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