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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous

These days we're scanning bulk class carriers as a matter of course to complete our weekly PowerPlay assignments but back when systems were infested with Thargoids the task could be far more dangerous. In this instance I was safely hidden inside the center of the megaship when this Medusa turned up to investigate, providing me a with a safe hide from which to conduct my Xeno photography.

lionriver's avatar

Hi Commander y Justabout:

I'm leaving you with this memory of mine when I was making the Titans, and also a picture of how I made the Titans in Elite Dangerous.

I shot the cooling ducts 5 times to force the core out, and the ship would hold out up to 5 times until I sent the EMP of death.

Osiliran's avatar

It never gets old watching a titan explode. Perhaps we'll get to watch them explode again soon...

XCezor's avatar

One of the better pictures I've made during and after this war:

But here are some additional photos also :D

Eralm_237's avatar

Was trying to get some materials, the thargoids had other ideas.

LiquidMorkite's avatar

It's been a long war.

Bonus images:

Alex Sinclair's avatar

These are great! What do you think Boomer, shall we show them off in Member Monday?

Hunter's avatar

One of my best screenshots I took during this war was the aftermath of the first Titan Taranis boom !


friend decided that he should bring a beluga to fight a hydra with me for an AXI badge and it worked wonderfully


Unfortunately, I missed most of Thargoidwar and only visited one Titan and did a few rescue missions.

AndyRice's avatar

The Last Moment of Cocijo.

10 minutes after this screenshot was taken, the last titan Cocijo went into the irreversible meltdown phase and turned into a huge fireball above the Earth.


So mine be a tale of courage and determination in the face of outrageous hardship and opposition. A David vs Goliath situation so to speak.

The Harrowing tale of making ends meet and surviving a war with an Alien Species in the only way I knew how... Sitting on my arse.

Third to the Right, yes thats me.

The Universe is burning and I sit with my "fart vapor" battle suite on waiting for my uber delivery to come... Took a while. Aparently there were some technical issues with hyperdictions whatever that is... sounds like a lame excuse.. Besides their policy clearly says deliver within the hour or your orders free. They should know me by now, I had at least 15 free orders at hutton orbital, they changed the policy there.. to be fair it was 15 very cold dinners.

Anyway I have nothing against the bugs, I say live and let live... there's enough diviision between our main factions, powers and ever the minor factions are continually fighting.

I can't think of a time when the Beldarkri Brothers weren't kicking up some trouble in this system.... still its safe, serene and stunning in Onez station...

Is the war over??? I'll maybe check Galnet..... oh hold on, that's my food order..

I love a good McThargoids Double Cheesee Buger with a side of Slimey Nuggets.

USCSS's avatar

Hello Commander

The images I had about the Thargoid war I had already presented previously. What I have left from the war are two images of the remains of a Cyclops (which I don't think I have presented). I also show two images of the remains of the Cocijo Titan. I think that at some point all those remains of the Titan will have to fall to the planet.

(Translated with Google Translate)

AlvarZ4's avatar

A Farragut cruiser sent by the Federation to defend federal space from the Thargoids, I love this screenshot.

Block9's avatar

I just love it when a Thargoid explodes and gives that scream. Simply a big explosion of feelings. 😂❤️

GreybeardSeawolf's avatar

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Fantastic shot GreybeardSeawolf! P.S. is your name inspired by the Jack London novel?

GreybeardSeawolf's avatar

Thanks Alex, much appreciated. As regards my username no it's not intentionally inspired by Jack London's novel but rather by a lifelong obsession with 17th Century pirates

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Well in that case, you should read it. It's a great book and is (kind of) about pirates, albeit I think it's set in the 18th century


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