The war may be over, but humanity is still picking up the pieces. To commemorate and memorialise humanity's efforts against the Thargoids, we want you to share the best screenshots you took of humanity's great struggle against the 'goids. Be sure to include some text so we know exactly what we're looking at.
Important: We previously ran rewards asking you to report on the battle of Shinrarta Dezhra as well as against the Thargoid Titan Thor, Titan Raijin, and Titan Cocijo. As a rule, we don't award submissions that have already won prizes on Just About, so please don't enter with images that have previously won prizes for those rewards or others.
Be sure to first connect a social media account, post your image on that social account, and then share that post in your bounty entry.
You're welcome to enter with up to six images, but there's only one prize per entrant. We recommend removing the HUD before taking your photo. If you're yet to see it, check out the curated content we made showcasing your planetary array of stunning Elite Dangerous screenshots.
already paid
$130 / 250
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