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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous

This is what Alec_Turner describes as the Thargoids "going medieval". They really don't like Guardian tech, so when you plug in a Guardian Relic to one of their devices, things get quite explosive! And the sound design is totally gorgeous.

ENDERS's avatar

Alright, I'll bite. I've got a submission that may be a bit unorthodox compared to most submissions here but it is passionate, very creative and fits into the requirements none the less.

I always have been in love with the effects utilized in Elite: Dangerous, let alone the actual sounds themselves (yeah there is a BIG difference).

As a music producer and creator who has been playing Live shows performing orignal music and designing sounds since 2010, I am regularly impressed by the overall quality of the audio in Elite: Dangerous. Matthew Florianz and the other people involved in making the Sounds, Effects and Music for Elite: Dangerous did very quality work. The WWise middle-ware system the game uses is great, Cyberpunk 2077 and many other games utilize WWise as well. I've worked with it in the past on projects/developments, it is a fantastic tool for dynamic events and queuing up/triggered audio.

So here is my submission!

This is both a video of the sample source and a remix of one of my peer's songs, utilizing some of my favorite sounds as smples from Elite: Dangerous, the main one being some of the distress signals found by scanning certain Comms Beacons in the Shamash system and around Garrett Orbital (related to the Halloween event missions from 2023) known as the Shamash Signals or the Shamash Murder Signal. Pilots were lead here by the "Eliminate Threat of Grey Swan Fleet" and "Grey Swan Fleet Destroyed in Shamash" Galnet news articles dated October and November of 3309

In order to conform to posting rules I've also included a YouTube video of the area and sounds I sampled for this remix. If you listen to the remix, can you identify the other sounds sampled in this song?

Fixions - Terrorwave (ENDERS ReBoot)
Utilizing some short samples from the Shamash Murder Signals and other Elite: Dangerous sounds and effects


CMDR Henckes's avatar

My favourite Elite Sound is the Mamba while boosting. There is a ton of sounds that are satisfactory to me in that game but the one that catch me at the first sight was the Mamba boost, in comparison to the other boosters this one has unique reverb almost like a plane fighting against the wind! It is clean, loud and calm!

ThePunisher99's avatar

I can’t resist the sound of the seismic charges obliterating the rocks enjoy the ear massage

ayebawl's avatar

One thing that Just has done is prompted me to try new things, like creating a video for Youtube. It kinda shows, but hey I had fun and it made the kids cringe so that's a win in my book.

My favourite sound effect = the docking computer background music. Hearing it again for the first time brought back a nice wave of nostalgia for the 1985 game. Its certainly come a long way

Marukosu's avatar

Hello Commanders, I am still pretty new at this game, so I didn't see a lot of sounds, and I kinda of love all of them, they are all so imersive and powerful, from planets to ship engines. But recently to do another JA reward, I had to be around of a Nav Beacon for a long time, and between all of the ships battles, one sound was there all the time and actually was peaceful for me, as a fan of brown noises and ambience sounds. The sound in question is actually the Nav Beacon System Sound, yes. With all the beeps, and computer running sound, it brings me a sensation of 90's nostalgia.

Hunter's avatar

This is one of many many sounds that this beautiful game has, it is the sound of limpits working and flying between the ship and or rocks like slaves :

XCezor's avatar

So it's not the most amazing sound you can hear in Elite, but it was the first one to get my attention long time ago. I still don't know what makes that sound, maybe I just had a little Thargoid on my ship 😅
Despite everything, I found that a pretty interesting and relaxing to listen if not the ship parts hitting each other.


When I first read about this reward I knew straight away what sound I wanted to record and post, the explosion of a core asteroid:

MQC's avatar

Sound of hangar and landing platform

I love the sound of the landing pad, both entering the hangar and exiting... the air ejection effects, the hydraulic mechanisms, the engines, etc... give me wings to start the adventure, and sound like a welcome after a hard day's work.

Phoenix_Dfire's avatar

Normally it would have been the sound of the ASP Explorer's engines. However, the sound of a Cobra MKV coming out of supercruise sounds wonderful to me.

Y0EMINENCE's avatar

The first noise when you log on and ship lights turn on! 😁🫡🥰

Doc's avatar

Here is one of my favorite sounds in the game. It's the sound of The Dweller's engineer base, named Black Hide and located at Wyrd system:

EidLeWeise's avatar

My Favourite sounds from Elite Dangerous have to be Commander Jameson's logs. The feelings that the Voice Actor (who we might know from a well received RPG) portrays are heart breaking.

As an additional I love some of the weird and spooky sounds that the game has if you just stop and listen.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey EidLeWeise - the Chalker Landing sounds are excellent, but they're quite a bit longer than our one-minute maximum. We can give a bit of leeway, but six minutes is too long for us. Please feel free to resubmit with a shorter clip. o7

EidLeWeise's avatar

Cheers Alex <3 I've gone off and made some of that into a short... I think I might have to revisit there this evening too. I want to see if it's still this freaky!!!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Ace, thanks for the speedy update! That's awarded. Hope you made back safely!

EidLeWeise's avatar

I went back to Chalker Landing in the Cherbones system last night. It's around the secondary star so either be patient or take a FSD Booster with you and those sounds are still there. Someone who joined me listening wondered if they were keeping a Thargoid Prisoner there!!!

LiquidMorkite's avatar

The sounds of an exoplanet as you land on it. It might be just some geysers popping up, or it's just wind blowing by, or a storm even, the sound of silence, or of another entity that we have yet to meet, they come in once with the contemplation of tranquility, some might say it's space madness, I call it: joy.

Block9's avatar

My favorite sound when it's god makes those noises to scan, I think it's very futuristic mixed with alien sounds 🤭❤️

St4r_Lord's avatar

My favorite sound has to be FSD jump, its not only beautiful visually but also when it comes to sound design

USCSS's avatar

Hello Commanders

My favorite sound in the game is the jump that the Fleet Carrier makes

From when it turns on the engines, it makes the jump, and the engines turn off

The problem is that this sound lasts 1 minute 40 seconds. But as I said, it is my favorite sound. If I sent another sound, it would not be my favorite sound hehe..

I really like this sound because I like the way the bass sounds. Also, I like to feel the sound of each engine that turns on and off. It makes you close your eyes and imagine that you are there inside the Fleet Carrier.

Enjoy it!!

(Translated with Google Translate)


The audio in Elite Dangerous is always surprising, one of my favorite sounds in addition to a sound is also an image, in the video is the spectrogram next to the sound, this message from beyond the grave Thargoid can be found in the titans, we still do not know its meaning.

Doc's avatar

Very good. That is really new to me.

dragonblogger's avatar

My favorite Elite: Dangerous sounds are the beeping leadup to and including the explosion sounds when cracking asteroids for deep mining.


Sorry, this is a tad over a minute (it's an old video) but I thought it was still worth submitting.

There are so many incredible bits of Elite: Dangerous audio (one favourite of mine is the way ships creak and groan while they're in glide mode) but Frontier sometimes go above and beyond that and add genuine little Easter Eggs to be discovered in their audio too.

I expect many are familiar with the sounds a Thargoid Sensor makes but did you know that if you take a Sensor to a Thargoid base then the call it makes gets a response from the structure on the surface!

Osiliran's avatar

Oh thanks very much Alex for running this idea. This is going to be great! I can't choose between which one I want to submit haha

Alex Sinclair's avatar

You're welcome! It's a great idea! We might even steal it for Just About EVE too!


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