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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous

Challenge : David versus Goliath

Description : show 1 or more battle against Threat 6 or higher opponents using one of the following ships: Sidewinder -Eagle - Viper Mk3 - Imperial Eagle or Cobra Mk3 at Live or video the ship build is up to the player. and it is also permitted to use the aforementioned engineered vessels

Players will have to make a live or video, showing the fight with the described ships facing opponents marked with Threat 6 or higher (only the Bounties are valid), the build of the ships will be described by the participants, the aim is to accept bounties with Threat 6 and above and complete it using one of the ships indicated above, if one is good he can do it.

furthermore and the player will also have to show his build at the end of the fight and show how he built his ship.

XCezor's avatar

Dark Souls of the Elite Dangerous


yes, Elite Dangerous Dark Souls version, in the end those who are good at battles can do it too

Moonshade Gaming's avatar

In one of the other Just About communities I recall seeing a "Be the first to ___" challenge, and I think an event like that could be implemented in Elite fairly easily.

With the upcoming release of the Pathfinder update, there is going to be a community push to colonize systems. The first CMDR to get a system colonized with, say, both a orbital station and a ground port deserves to be recognized and rewarded for their effort.

As far as verification goes, screenshots of the purchase and placement of the claim beacon, arrival of the first carrier, and completion of each port, accompanied by screenshots of the system architect UI to show your ownership should be sufficient. Obviously some of the specifics do still need to wait for the release of Pathfinders (or at least for the Elite Partners to share their test server footage) for us to know what exactly can be pulled to use as proof.

Additionally, there could be separate categories; one for CMDRs that work mostly on their own, and another for CMDRs backed by a squadron. For a CMDR colonizing a system [mostly] on their own, screenshots of the starting material requirements and screenshots of their deliveries showing that they bought and delivered at least 75%+ of the materials would be sufficient proof (can't exactly stop space truckers from randomly pitching in should they feel so inclined). A CMDR working with their squadron should still be moving a sizable portion of the materials, let's say 30%.

I imagine there would likely be several more considerations to make, but as a framework, I believe this has merit for an upcoming challenge.

ENDERS's avatar

Love the idea! Found a typo calling the Trailblazer update the "Pathfinder update" ;) Cheers!

TrialByStory's avatar

Just About: Elite Dangerous has had a few kayfabe/in-universe bounties, but I've got an idea for one that goes just a bit bigger: Record a vlog from the cockpit. My general frame of reference for this is LoadingReadyRun co-founder Graham Stark, but obviously different folks will have a different touchstone. Regardless though, the general idea is the same: a roughly 10-20 minute video showing off your commander's exploits. It could be a montage of your day doing some mining, maybe a cops-style docu-drama about hunting pirates, or maybe talking galactic politics while you fly a trade route. You could have some fun with the framing too, is this what your average day-to-day looks like, or is the stuff that's happening in the footage out of the ordinary? Everything has a story, and you're in control of what this one is and how you decide to tell it.

This could be a fun way to show some creativity and encourage a bit of role play while also actually exhibiting some of the different ways we all play the game.

GoJapan's avatar

create a video review of the game Elite Dangerous lasting a maximum of 10 minutes in which you review the game in all its aspects, from the graphics, to the animations and combat, exploration and contents offered, assigning a rating from 1 to 10 at the end

Stormseeker's avatar

Create a new mechanic as detailed as possible.

XCezor's avatar

Title: Create a modification in another game, and add to it Elite Dangerous stuff.

Elite Dangerous is very limited in terms of adding modifications but it doesn't mean it cannot be showed off in another game. For this reward, create a modification in another game that adds stuff from Elite Dangerous, like the ships, galaxy exploration, Thargoid related stuff, powerplay system (with leaders, territorial expansion, power balance etc.), starports and settlements, technically anything or everything you want to add and that is possible to be made in the game of your chose.

The most important for this reward is faithful recreation of the original game aspects and creative use of the mechanics that the game you are modding has to offer, but if the game was made in 3D style, the detailed models will be very important while grading the mod, as well as the general art style and implemented mechanics.

The game is your choice. It can be everything that is possible to mod, like the Minecraft, Terraria, Lethal Company, Fallout, Hearts of Iron or any other game.

To apply for this reward, you need to pass 3 steps:
1) Send a video or a bunch of screenshots where you are showing off your mod, where you explain in which game it was created, why you have picked this game and what features have been added.
2) Include link to your mod which is a proof that it is an actual valid mod, not a Photoshop creation or Blender animation.
3) To proof the authenticity of your work, record a video of creating graphical assets, the planning you were made or show and explain how your code works, by showing its results in the mod.

We would prefer this to not be AI style made, but since it's not possible to tell if the code was written by AI, we can (still) tell if the artwork was AI generated, so you should avoid using such tools.

MQC's avatar

"Blaze your own trail" but tell me what brought you here...

In a way, I've always considered Elite Dangerous to be a bit of an "RPG" game, not because you can increase your character's stats in the game, but because I think that, to a certain extent, we all try to "imitate" our own character.

That's why I think that an interesting reward for Elite Dangerous could be to create a narrated story, either in text or in video, explaining the background of your Commander; how he/she became a pilot, adventures and misadventures, goals, desires, philias and phobias, loves and hates, etc.

If you want, it can be intertwined with the lore of the game itself; with the first events of Galnet or with more recent ones, emblematic places or characters, political intricacies or sociocultural issues.

This background could be accompanied by a Holo-me image of the Commander... to put a face to the story...


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