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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
ENDERS's avatar

I made this infographic recently to help people in my Discord community and Squadron learn how to appraoch a planet properly. They couldn't get their glide stages to activate consistently.

Unlike approaching Space-Stations or orbital starports there is Planetary Landing, something I think people overlook the imporance of.
Yes there is a "throttle down to 50% engines/speed at 0:07 seconds tip" when approaching a body or station but there is also;



I can't fly all the time with Flight Assist (FA) turned off, although it would be a great skill to learn, but turning it off just for a little while helps a lot when in combat as you can turn much faster. The idea is that with it off you can turn and face the other direction while still moving in the direction you were previously. This isn't possible with just FA on as it will correct your direction based on how you are facing.


Flight tip for Elite Dangerous

Especially for new traders

Know your ship and your fuel supply!

If you set a route to other systems, you should only ever do this with a fully loaded cargo hold!

Note how far your ship can jump (without fuel scoop) without a stopover to refuel.

From a certain system you will only see a dashed line instead of a continuous line, you should refuel here at the latest!

Pay attention to whether the system is inhabited! No inhabitants = no fuel

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USCSS's avatar

Configuring the Keyboard and Mouse in Elite Dangerous for Better Flight:

The post contains the full explanation

(Translated with Google Translate)

lionriver's avatar

Hello Commander and justabout:

I'll leave you a guide on how to take stars without sequences, and some images of some places I've visited with those stars that have helped me along the way.

I've been to all the nebulae or most of the system's bubble, up to the edge of the systems.

ayebawl's avatar

My best flight tip is to install EDCopilot for its extremely useful flight information. The feature I use the most is the additional docking information it provides when landing at larger stations - landing pad one is at 6 o'clock at the front when entering with green lights to your right, for example. I have no idea why this isnt a feature in the main game. Ive never overshot a landing pad since!

ENDERS's avatar

I just wanted to say, I don't ever use orbit lines. I see people using them and it seems cool but bugs me too much to keep it on for very long. I get my visuals of the orbit lines in FSS if need be.

Additionally I can't imagine not flying with a mouse widget on, could never bring myself to disable it, its certainly a big NEED imo.

ENDERS's avatar

I actually made an infographic based on NASA charts on this subject recently, I decided to include it here as a submission. :D

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Many thanks for entering the reward, St4r_Lord! We've awarded you a prize! In future, we recommend including a reference to Elite Dangerous in your SM post so people outside of Just know what you're referring to too

psykit's avatar

If you're in a large ship and you're using a docking computer, don't expect it to just land for you. Especially if you're landing somewhere... tricky.

XCezor's avatar

Tips are explained in the post, there's really nothing more to add to it.

Sturmer's avatar

I wouldn’t call myself a pro pilot in Elite Dangerous, but one thing I learned pretty quickly: stars are massive and dangerously hot. Stay clear of them else you get trapped and melted!

Caenyx's avatar

When I first learned how to fly FA off it took awhile but once it clicked you actually gained so much more control of your ship. One of my favorite tip is the quick turn. To put it simply you toggle FA off, boost and yank your ship in a direction then toggle FA on again and adjust your ship direction after. It's alot quicker than doing the whole maneuver with FA on.


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