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Cooldown Geb Aspect Build


With the release of Aspects in SMITE 2, different playstyles have been made possible for different Gods. Generally, Geb is played as a peel/engage support looking for big engages with blink ults and peeling for carries in the backline.

However, Geb's aspect allows him to spec into a more warrior style gameplan with more damage in exchange for a reduction in his CC. His Aspect - Aspect of Calamity changes his Shock Wave (2) ability. Instead of dealing damage in a cone in front of him and knocking enemies into the air, it deals damage in a much larger radius around him AND reduces it's cooldown by 0.5 seconds for each enemy hit.

The cooldown reduction is what makes this build possible, if maximising how many targets your 2 hits, it is possible to cast your 2 every 3 seconds late game meaning enemy carries need to be much more cognizant of your dive capabilities.

The Builds:

There are 2 different builds you can try with this new aspect, the first of which is a full intelligence CD build that focuses on using the Staff of Myrriden active to instantly reset the cooldown of your 2 for a double cast in an attempt to one-shot any carries hit by your full combo. This build provides some protections in the form of Breastplate and Prophetic Cloak, which both provide some cooldown which is the most essential stat in this build. Your 2 sits around an 8 second cooldown with this build, if you hit all 5 enemy gods + any neutral minions or camps - your 2 cooldown will be halved resulting in incredible damage with soul reaver procs (as Geb base damage is not that high).

The other build that can be viable with this aspect is more of a solo lane warrior focused build:

While this build does not have as much raw damage, it makes up for it in terms of protections and tankiness. This version of the build has the same game plan, but is just focused on more sustained damage and harrasment of the backline carries instead of one-shotting them. This will allow you to frontline effectively, engage effectively and just be a general nuisance for the enemy team. Late game scaling on this build is very good as double guardian frontline can be extremely difficult to kill for some compositions.

Trying these new Geb builds have been incredibly fun for me, in SMITE 1, Geb was one of my least played characters as I am not a support player. However, with the release of his Aspect, his flexibility in other roles can be easily explored without being accused of trolling by your teammates!


One shot Jing

Starter: Gilded Arrow, Allows u to get allot of gold which ur going need for this build
1: Avаtаr's Pаrаshu, This might seem like a weird pick but it actually feels amazing as a first item
2: Hydras Lament, With jing her new 2 she can get many auto resets off
3: Demon Blade, this is the time in the build where ur gonna wanna start to build some crit%
4: Titans Bane, to also be able to do insane damage to tankier targets we are gonna need some penetration, Titans bane does the job
5: Dominance, More pen and some attackspeed. also nice for some mana sustain.
6: Deathbringer, this is what really is gonna start to ramp up ur damage.

Ive been using this build in ranked and it actually feels really nice, the powerspikes come at a nice time, i would recommend always picking up purple and also the speed buff. especially in the lategame. once u reach lategame u will be able to shred down a squishy target in 2 autos. and tank usually in 4/5 auto attacks. I really recommend trying this build in casuals or ranked sometime!


Herc Support build.

Herc is an all time favorite for a lot of SMITE 1 players. His transitioin to SMITE 2 however was not as clean as many would like. Feeling like he lost a lot of core items and lost his smoothness and Base Damage, people are moving away from him in Support.

Herc jungle and solo are popular as they have a lot of damage built in their builds and thus overcoming SMITE 2's Herc problem.

With my Support build you will be able to smile again.

Starter: Warflag
1st Item: Eye of the Storm
2nd Item: Circe's Hextone

These items are the core of the build.
Eye of the storm is an excelent stat stick since Herc needs STR items to feel like he can bully as well as HP and Prots which are the most valueable stats a Support would want. Its passive is also very complimentary to his kit since he lacks the ability to stick to someone who has a movement ability.
Crice's Hextone gives him what he doesnt get in his 1st item which is a versatile way to go in and cc or go out when in trouble providing a back up movement ability to chase or run away. It also has HP5, HP and CD which is very important.

All the other items are game situational but I recommend Ank, Binding, Spirit Robe, Talisman and Hussar's.
With 3k pots stacking Heartseeker is the only STR item you need late game. so I recommend you build it every game on a warrior 5th or 6th.


Intelectual Odin

  1. Conduit Gem / Archmage´s Gem: Best INT starter for burst damage

  2. Soul Gem: Another good burst damage item that also gives healing and cooldown rate

  3. Polynomicon: Good item to surprise with a strong basic hit that scales with INT

  4. Doom Orb: Gives a lot of INT, %PEN and good movement speed to keep chasing enemies

  5. Gem of Focus: Gives a lot of damage when you use your full combo with 3-2-1

  6. Rod of Tahuti: The biggest INT item in the game multiplying your stats

  7. Totem of Death: Another %PEN item that can be stacked quickly with the pulses of your 3

This build is very fun for casual. The goal of this build is to utilize Odin's INT scaling on his abilities. Odin's 2 shield scales 50% with intelligence, so in the late game you will have a very large shield that can explode enemy carrys with a good jump, but the main objective of this build is to use Odin's 3 scaling, the pulses scale with 50% INT so with this build you want to stay close to the enemies by activating the 3, then stun them with the spear to be able to hit the polynomicon blow, being able to take more than half of the enemies' life with that combo.


Full Intelligence 1 Shot Ult Mordred
Starter - Archmage's Gem Huge proc item, this is a ton of your damage

  1. Evolved Book of Thoth -Big INT item with flat pen

  2. Soul Gem - Proc item that can do over 400 damage late

  3. Necronomicon - HUGE INT stat stick + some pen

  4. Rod of Tahuti - Another big INT multiplier

  5. Obsidian Shard - a ton of % penetration

  6. Dreamer's Idol - Big INT multiplier + a huge stat stick

    This build is mostly for memes as it's a 1 and done glass canon. It's early game is weak and this build doesn't really take advantage of Mordred's new aspect. Once you get full build and use your Dreamer's Idol in combination with your charged Ultimate: Pursue the Weak, your ultimate can 100-0 any backliner in the game if it doesn't get cleansed. (it gets cleansed often, but when it doesn't, it's an insta kill) This build does take a while to ramp up, but once it does you're in for a treat.


Everyone knows Crit Ymir but have you ever heard of Crit Morrigan?

I know, it sounds stupid but think about it, they added a crit to her passive for a reason!

Starting off the build, Death's toll. We need this for mana and a little sustain. Works well with her passive as well.

First, we'll be purchasing Bragi's Harp for some nice early game damage. This build will be weak early.

Afterwards we will be getting Demon Blade, for some attack speed as well as getting crit up.

Then, we'll buy Musashi's for even more crit chance.

Now this is where it gets weird, we are getting Hydra's Lament. This will allow for a chunky basic attack after using an ability.

It ain't a crit build without Deathbringer.

Finally, we'll be purchasing Qin's Blade to deal with those pesky tanks that just won't allow us to one-shot them.

Don't forget you just annihilate groups with her passive and good spacing. Trust me, it's not as bad as it looks.


What's more fun than a big man hitting hard with a big weapon?A big man hitting FAST with a big weapon! repetitively.

God: Any mr man with a big weapon, for example, Ymir or Chaac.

(for this example, let's go for full damage, feel free to swap it out for any tanky attackspeed item)

Starter Item: Leather Cowl, for the attackspeed and the bit of movement speed.
1: Sunbeam Bow, not only tasty attackspeed, but it's effect is great for making someone regret getting close.
2: Demon Blade, crit and when you crit even more attackspeed? sounds like lots of fun.
3: Hastened Blade, make them regret getting close even more by not letting them get out of range.
4: Qins, because you know why, good attackspeed.
5: Excecutioner, because we need to hit even harder.
6: Bracer of the Abyss, hitting harder just for hitting repetitively is perfect when you hit allot.

The entire point of the build is getting close to enemies, and making them regret that fact.
The best reason to use this on Chaac is his passive, even with the sunbeam passive going, you can use your abilities for free cause landing basics is easy as pie as fast as you're going.


The True Best Chaac Build

Most people think that you gotta build tank on chaac. I get it he's a solo laner primarily and he had that identity in smite 1. BUT THIS IS A NEW GAME.

Chaac in solo lane should be built full damage because hitting damage dealers in the late game for 400 per chaac axe is fun and really good. His ultimate and 3rd ability make so you still feel tanky despite building full damage. His healing scales off of intelligence and makes his numbers very high while his ultimate gives him mitigations. He still has the movement he always does and if you use it properly you can juke the hell out of everyone.

Helm of Darkness is a super cool item that more people need to use especially with gods like chaac who have very interesting movement.

This is my build

Bluestone/Sands of Time

Soul Gem

Gem of Focus

Helm of Darkness

Divine Ruin

Obsidian Shard

Soul Reaver/Rod of Tahuti




  1. Bluestone Brooch

  2. Golden Blade

  3. Sun Beam Bow

  4. Bragi's Harp

  5. Qin's Blade

  6. The Crusher

  7. Gladiator's Shield

Level 20 Stats

Strength: 185
Intelligence: 60
Attack Speed: 2.14
Physical Protections: 112
Magical Protections: 53
Movement Speed: 430

DPS (Optimal without actives used)
Spring Stance: 1020 (340 per auto)
Summer Stance: 1134 (378 per auto)
Fall Stance: 1197 (399 per auto)
Winter Stance: 1020 (340 per auto)

DPS (Optimal with actives used)
Spring Stance: 1344 (448 per auto)
Summer Stance: 1457 (485per auto)
Fall Stance: 1583 (527 per auto)
Winter Stance: 1344(448 per auto)

Add in the bluestone, crusher, and glad shield procs and yeah it's actually not horrid but still I probably would be careful when building this. It's funny to watch on screen for sure.

The big key with this build is that anyone fighting you should get the full brunt therefore. Open with your cripple or in frost stance to slow, then swap to fall quickly for the prot shred and then use summer stance for the extra damage. You'll have multiple tick damage sources going as well as the extra damage from bragis, golden blade, and sun beam bow. The glad shield also slightly increases your golden blade damage. It's funny to look at


Full Cooldown Rate Thor:

This build might not seem that unorthodox at first, but it uses some very strange items that you don't normally see on Thor.

The build:

  • Bumba's Hammer (Starter)

  • Jotunn's Revenge

  • Tekko Kagi

  • Pendulum Blade

  • The Crusher

  • Chronos Pendant

  • Staff of Myrddin

This build achieves 120 base cooldown rate (with Tekko Kagi stacked) which is equivalent to 55% cooldown reduction already, but the real nonsense starts to happen when you factor in all the flat cooldown reductions in the build.

  • Bumba's Hammer gives 1s flat off ALL cooldowns when you AA cancel (which Thor does A LOT)

  • Jotunn's Revenge gives 1s flat off basic cooldowns and 5s off your Ultimate on getting a kill

  • Pendulum Blade instantly reduces all active cooldowns by 3s on a 50s cooldown.

  • Chronos Pendant gives 1s off ALL cooldowns every 10s

  • Staff of Myrrdin lets you double-cast any basic ability every 150s

Since flat cooldown reductions are more powerful the lower your base cooldowns are, you get a tonne of value out of these effects.

With a build like this, Thor's 3 has a base cooldown of around 4.5s and by the time the animation completes, it's more like 3s so Pendulum Blade basically lets you double-cast it.

You can also double-cast Thor's hammer (1) in his combos using Staff of Myrddin for some insane damage.

Since Thor's Strength scalings aren't massive, you still do a good amount of damage with a build like this just by purely working off base damage and item procs from The Crusher and Bumba's Hammer.

It's a very weird build though, with 2 items being purely intelligence which Thor makes 0 use out of, but it's for sure a fun build to use as you almost always have an ability up no matter the circumstances.

Y0EMINENCE's avatar

For an unorthodox Sobek build in Smite 2, focus on slowing and controlling the battlefield rather than dealing damage. Start with Reinforced Boots for movement speed and a slow on hit, followed by Frostbound Hammer to amplify your basic attack slows. Witchblade further slows enemy attack speed with its aura, making engagements with Sobek a frustrating experience for opponents.

Defensively, opt for Breastplate of Valor for its cooldown reduction and physical protection, allowing more frequent use of Sobek's abilities. Mantle of Discord rounds out the build with magical protection and an area of effect slow and damage when activated, turning Sobek into a formidable tank who controls the pace of battle, setting up your team for success through disruption rather than direct damage.


To maximize this control-focused Sobek build, prioritize good positioning to use your slows effectively for peeling or controlling choke points. Time your abilities for maximum impact in team fights or escapes, and activate Mantle of Discord at pivotal moments. Take advantage of early game slows for ganks or safety, manage your cooldowns with Breastplate of Valor to support your team, and adapt your item choices if enemies counter your slows. Use your map awareness to dictate fight locations and slow enemy movements around objectives.


An unorthodox build that comes to mind is Athena. As a character she is usually used as a support but why not use her in a different way? She could be used for her speed and lightness in movements, this could make it possible for her to inflict damage to opponents with a bit of surprise.

We could use the build of Shoes of the magi. It is true that it does not use magical damage, or at least it is not designed to do this, but this item could give her a way to do some additional and magical damage to pass through the enemy defense. Even in the advanced stage it could be useful.

Another item that can be used with her is Soul Reaver which not only increases the damage a bit but also the size of the area on which you can hit. And combined with her kit, it could do something more helping the team in the battle.

Lastly for her build "Mantle of discord" which is essential in my opinion. Having a little help for survival helps him even in the most complex situations, thus increasing his effectiveness in battles and keeping him alive to resist a little longer.


To be honest I saw this at someone else, but I decided to try it myself and the build works so fine because Agni scaling it's bad. In video, I never had the chance to go full build but the build is:

-Bluestone Pendant


-Hydra's Lament

-The Crusher


-Titan's Bane

-Brawler's Ruin

Even though Agni scales with intelligence this build works on him because he has low intelligence scaling meaning he deals an ok dmg with only just base damage that his abilities have, he also has 3 meteors with low cooldown as well as ability 1 2 and 3 which have a relative low cooldown meaning he can proc items very fast, items like bluestone, crusher, heartseeker. Having this much strength makes his autos to hit hard, this is the best part because you have to hit you opponents with autos to activate the passive. The playstile with this build is pretty much the same, stun the enemy, bomb him and hit the autos for passive.

Ford James's avatar

Hi AdySenpai, thanks for providing a video showing your unorthodox build in action, it's much appreciated. Could you please go into a bit more detail explaining why this build works and what the playstyle is like? We need a little more to be able to reward you. Thanks! ✌


For sure, I forgot to mention why the build works


For this winter, an event that could happen is the "Cold and Ice Festival," with a focus on Chinese elements.

The story would take place at a time when the SMITE world is on the brink of a crisis because Xuanwu, the black turtle of the north, has been kidnapped from its post and the world is freezing rapidly. To protect the SMITE world, a portal is opened to another dimension to summon Bing Shen, the god of cold and ice from the Chinese world, to start a pilgrimage through the battlefields to find the divine being.

Themed clothing for icy environments would be super welcome, like fire dragon skins.

For the event, there could be a 5v5 mode on the back of the black turtle, where every minute, a storm could appear, creating traps that freeze anyone who steps on them. Victory would go to whoever completes the objective, which is to find the black turtle.


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