When we launched Just About SMITE 2, we ran a reward asking you folks for your top SMITE 2 tips. However, that was all the way back in August last year, and the game has changed considerably since then. We got plenty of excellent submissions and produced this guide to the best SMITE 2 tips as a result, but it's time for an update.
So we want you to submit some more SMITE 2 tips! The only criteria is that the tip you submit must not have been awarded during the first iteration of this reward. You're welcome to enter again if you won last time, but the tip must be different, and it must not be a duplicate. We'll update our tips guide with these added details later down the line!
Also, just as a reminder, submissions made with generative AI are banned.
already paid
$36 / 100
Created at . Page last updated at .
Deadline at .