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Here are some tips for Smite 2:

  • Use training mode to test the skills and mechanics of the gods as well as sensitivity or other configuration options.

  • During games, use the ping on the minimap to communicate with your team. For example, when you are going to complete an objective and need help or when you encounter an enemy in the jungle.

  • Try to learn the items from smite 2. Each game requires a specific build, try not to always do the same build in every game.

  • Try playing with friends. If you don't have any friends who play Smite 2, join the official Smite discord and look for a group there. Playing in a group in Smite 2 is a much better experience than playing alone.

  • Lastly, play with whatever gods you want. Just because a god is weaker than others doesn't mean he shouldn't be played. Each god, if played well, can be very strong, so play with the god you feel most comfortable with. At the end of the day, what matters is having fun.


Having played a considerable amount of SMITE 1 and now some SMITE 2, some of my tips for new players would be the following

  • Figure out what game mode suits you best. SMITE 2 has Arena ( A 5v5 brawl game with constant fighting that will last about 15 minutes), Joust ( A 3v3 game mode with a single lane and a small jungle), Assault (a 5v5 game with a single lane and no recalling so you fight until you die) and Conquest ( a 5v5 game mode with 5 unique roles, 3 lanes, a large jungle that will last 20-40 minutes typically).

  • Select a small group of gods that interest you be it because of their looks, playstyle, or abilities. Play these gods a lot early on and in back to back games, so you can get a better feel for them and start to get comfortable. Understanding how to play the god will also help you when it comes time to fight against them.

  • Take things one at a time. There are a lot of mechanics in SMITE 2 that can be challenging to learn early on. If you don't have a strong grasp on items yet, leave auto-build on, or use the recommended build. If you play conquest try to play the same role each game so you can become more comfortable with it, before you switch between all 5 each game.

  • Each time you die, try to think about what went wrong. Were you playing to far up in your lane? Did the enemy gank you because you didn't have wards? did you get caught out of position away from your team? If you can identify your mistakes and make actions to correct them, you will slowly but surely grow into a much better SMITE 2 player.

  • Once you get a better grasp on the game start looking for new ways to expand your game knowledge, such as what are the strongest gods in the game right now for each role. Understand each gods kit, so when you fight them you can know what they are going to do so you can counter it. Not all items are equal so understand which ones are the strongest so you can get an advantage that way.

Playing more will sharpen your skills, but the best players are those who can read the situation and act accordingly, so always be sure to take the best course of action to ensure a win for you and your teammates, and you'll be a great SITE 2 player before you know it. Good Luck!


My tips are simple.

  • Don't rush, its a game, MOBA's are complex, learn the basics of the characters and how the game feels before you try to jump into ranked.

  • Have fun, this is the most important thing. If the game isn't fun to you stop playing.

  • is an amazing tool for you to use for ideas on builds, you get to see what the top ranked players are building and take from there.

  • If you don't understand a god, look for some guides or ask some streamers. So former smite 1 pros likely can help you understand a character better if you are having trouble.


If you are new to Smite 2, here are some tips that could help you.

  • Find a few gods that interest you and try to learn them, focusing on a small group of gods at first is best to understand how the game works without overwhelming you. Start playing against bots and when you feel that you have some knowledge of how the gods you are using work, you can start playing in matchmaking.

  • Start playing using the auto-build as at first it can be a little overwhelming seeing the amount of items in the store so this way you can play without worrying about what you are buying. After understanding more or less how the items work on your character, you can start buying them yourself.


Tips to get started

  • An important tip I can give is not to be afraid of failing, the game, like everything else, is about learning from mistakes and in Smite 2, being a rough game, you can make a lot of them, but it is part of Learn to play, at first focus on learning the game, the gods, roles, items, build and how to make strategies to win games without fear of losing, One good thing is that the Smite community is not toxic which allows you to support your fellow players if you need advice

  • Another tip I can give is to learn the commands, maps and be aware of the map and its buffs in the jungle, as this gives a great advantage over who manages to control it as well as being able to help a lot in team fights or preventing someone on your team from dying from a surprise attack or simply communicating a need of yours, communication is important in team games and in this game helps a lot

It never hurts to look for builds or how to play on the internet since the community is large and there is information on the internet that will help you if you have questions about some gods, roles or game modes.

  1. Before you jump into Smite 2 I recommend watching a couple guides on the general gameplay.

  2. Leave auto build on for a while. The item store is hard to get used to. When you first start building your own, put together the build before the game and follow it to get used to the store. Then you can start to learn counter building. Dont try to learn it all at once.

  3. Pick a God for each role and practice them to get used to the mechanics of the game as a whole. Then branch out. Playing a lot of gods and understanding their kits will help you know what you like and how to play against each of them.

  4. Use assault or arena to learn new God's abilities without needing to have the same level of map awareness as other modes.

  5. This is a big one. Mute other players quickly. It's not worth the back and forth banter. Its easy to get sucked into an insult competition or to get a feeling that you have to prove yourself to your team. Both of these can distract you and make you play worse. If someone bothers you, mute and keep playing.

MightyRavino's avatar

Two words: Active Items.

Learn what they are, learn when to use them and more importantly remember to use them. This is doubly important in my opinion if you're the team support. They can easy counter a whole team and get you the win.

This can be a little harder, but try to keep an eye on what the enemy's actives are.


Here are some of my tips for newer players that are trying Smite 2 and can help smite 1 players .

1-Keep playing, watch your matches and learn from both wins and losses to get better over time.

2-Watch what your enemies are building. for example, If you expect Ymir to be tanky but see he's going for damage, change your strategy to counter him.

3- Learn the basics of Conquest mode. Solo and Mid players usually start in their lanes, while Duo players grab the purple buff first. Junglers begin at the Speed buff, then clear two back camps.

Awwadeuwu's avatar

The first thing I recommend is watching gameplay from a content creator who focuses on Smite 2. Pay close attention to how they play, and if any god or goddess catches your interest, look for gameplay specifically featuring that character to better understand their playstyle.

The best game modes to start with are Assault and Arena, as you will never be alone in these modes:

  • Assault helps you get familiar with different gods and their abilities, which is useful when you need to face them later.

  • Arena is a massive coliseum without towers or objectives, except for defeating enemies and escorting minion waves into the enemy base. It’s a fast-paced mode and great for beginners.

If you want to dive deeper into the game, you can try Conquest, though it is more challenging. The easiest roles to start with in this mode are:

  • Support: Your job is to protect and assist your ADC in the lane.

  • Mid Lane: Usually played with mages, which are quite accessible and easy to understand.

Regarding builds, there are many content creators and evolving websites that can help you. If you don’t want to complicate things too much at the beginning, the game offers automatic builds, which, while not the best, are decent for starting out.

Here are some recommended gods for beginners, as they are easy to play and useful for the team:

  • Warriors: Chaac, Bellona, Hercules.

  • Mages: Ra, Vulcan, Hades, Aphrodite.

  • Assassins: Fenrir, Thor, Thanatos.

  • Tanks (Guardians): Geb, Khepri, Ymir.

With these tips, you’ll be able to start enjoying Smite 2 and gradually improve. Good luck and have fun!

Inpunktion's avatar

I've got three simple but huge tips to improving quickly in Smite 2

  1. Watch videos from good players - whether it's content creators or pros, watching people play and understanding why they do what they do, when they choose to farm over fighting or vice versa is key to getting a fundamental understanding of how to play a MOBA like Smite 2.

  2. Read items and abilities/numbers - reading goes a long way, overtime even if you are using auto build, read, read, read. You should learn what abilities do so you know in what situations to use them, how much damage they do so you know if you can all in on a fight or if you are better off poking, and figure out any gimmicks that come alongside.

  3. Watch your games back - so many times I have personally found myself wondering where things went wrong during my games and a lot of the time I struggle to figure it out but that's not necessarily a bad thing, you shouldn't be analyzing mid match about where things went wrong you should be figuring out what you can do now to make the game state better. Instead after a game is over go watch it back and analyze, maybe you should have taken extra time to farm so you had an advantage in a fight, you can slowly put things together the more you analyze and review.

There are plenty of other tips, hundreds or thousands probably that could help you improve in Smite 2 and in the MOBA genre in general, hundreds of different interactions, items, etc. The key is to not get overwhelmed, take it slow and enjoy the journey of improving, mute toxic players, maybe find peers to play with, games are meant to be fun even if they skew towards the competitive side. If you aren't having fun take a break and come back with a fresh perspective and a willingness to learn.

Oh, also plenty of genius minds in the Just About submissions, make sure to read them all if you really want to best the competition!


A good tip that I believe would be helpful for any new/newer player trying to find their way in SMITE 2, would be to regularly review gameplay and tips from established players in order to figure out where you are making mistakes.

Figuring out what role/class of god best suits you can take some time, be patient and try different characters until you find the one that clicks with you. In SMITE 2, you will earn a token which can be used to unlock a new god. Use these tokens to try different characters in different roles.

Once you figure out what role/class/god you want to learn and get better at, sticking to that character/role will be ultimately more beneficial to learn the game in a faster time span. MOBA's are incredibly deep in terms of skill and knowledge and optimising your learning path will see a faster rate of return.

I will list below some good players for each role that anyone can seek out and study. Reviewing gameplay of better players is one of the most essential things to improving, if you don't understand what you are doing wrong in games, this is a great way to figure that out.

Solo - fineokay

Jungle - Weak3n

Mid - BennyQ/Sheento

ADC - PandaCat

Support - PolarBearMike

These are simply suggestions, some players and content creators will resonate better with some people. There are many resources out there for various gods and role, find what suits you best and study hard in order to improve yourself as a player!

Sturmer's avatar

1. Start Against AI

I want to echo an important tip Umber mentioned - begin your journey by playing against AI. There’s no shame in taking time to learn your character and map mechanics. What’s truly embarrassing is jumping into a match with real players and having no idea what you're doing.

2. Learn Multiple Gods with Different Playstyles

Try to master several gods, ideally with contrasting gameplay styles.

  • This helps you understand different archetypes and how they interact.

  • If you ever get bored or the meta shifts, you won’t feel stuck - you can adapt and stay competitive.

3. Manage Expectations - It’s Still Early

(not quite a tip, but the right attitude helps)

Smite 2 is not a finished product, it’s still in early development. Expect bugs, balance changes, and nerfs to your favorite characters! If that’s hard to accept, you might want to wait for the full release. Be patient and avoid rushing to leave negative feedback. Instead, join the official Discord and share constructive opinions - help shape the game rather than tank its rating before it’s even complete.


FOR BRAND NEW PLAYERS AND current players.
USE PTT voice chat and vgs.
If you're brand brand new, do not go straight to conquest. Play arena. learn to hit abilities, then play conquest against the AI. Learn the map and spawn times and LEARN VGS.

Also don't tilt so quickly. If by chance you're in an unhealthy lobby play it out. Do not AFK in base or in lane to purposely throw. And if you see people doing that please report them. You report 2x. Once in game and a second in the post game screen. It's important to be a good player and call out when people do things that ruin the game. Nothing is more frustrating than a player who purposely throws in game in a competitive online game.


Some of my tips to newer players that are trying Smite 2.
Don't be ashamed of playing against bots for the first couple of games, they are plenty challenging even for a casual but experienced player. It will help you learn your characters and the feel of the game.
Play with friends, everything is better with friends, and if one of them knows what they are doing ,even better.
Watch youtube videos on builds or characters, it helps a lot to visually experience what a "good player" might do in different situations
And most importantly, have fun. If the game is getting exhausting or you get tilted, I recommend taking a break. The game will be there when you come back


Whether youre a smite 1 player or new to the series, here are some tips to help you dominate the battleground.

The game feels smoother and more responsive thanks to Unreal Engine 5,Spend time in practice mode to get used to the updated animations and abilities.

Learn the New Items: smite 2 has revamped its item system. Experiment with builds and understand how the new items synergize with your god’s kit.

Prioritize Minions and Camps: Gold and XP are critical in smite 2 . Focus on last hitting minions and clearing jungle camps to stay ahead.

Secure Objectives: Fire Giant and Gold Fury are game changers. Always be ready to contest or secure these objectives with your team.

kamiel's avatar

For new players i would recommend them to record their own gameplay and talk over their plan and plays theire making so they can watch it back after and check for mistakes made you learn fast from being self critical. Id also recommend watching good players on twitch to see what they usually dowith certain gods in lane and try using their strategies aswell in ur own gameplay. Eventually we will get Esports news and then we all have a chance to really start improving and playing with other players will also just make u better, generally try to play with friends or other good players this will make you increase in skill tremendously. And lastly for gods you should play; if ur looking to play casually just enjoy the gods u like to play but if ur looking to play competitive or ranked try maining a couple of gods u are good with or are good in the current meta and finetune ur style of gameplay with that god, once u start seeing wins youre on a good path.


Hop in JustAbout, search the Gods you are curious about and learn with the videos! There are so many good creators with many different views on SMITE 2, so you will be sure to learn a lot.

From God Ability run downs, to specific Build Paths for different roles. From VIDEO Tips to WRITEN Tierlist about multiple topics. Discover what you want and learn how you want!


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