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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous

The battle is over now, but this was a report on the time between the Titan entering meltdown and the explosion early this morning. There were many prisoners to rescue!


I spent a lot of time rebuying my ship this week, but also made many times it's worth in bounties. The progress was slower this time, but every run around it's circumference shooting the Nanite torpedoes into the heat vents nibbled a bit more off the central core's integrity.
The "pineapple" was much more quickly damaged for me this time as I'd spent a little time collecting the materials to visit Ram Tah and apply the "anti Guardian field protection" to my Guardian Shard weapons. They're close up but very powerful, they also heat the ship up quite a lot.
Getting the shards and applying the protection engineering really made a difference but it did mean travelling out to Guardian space in my exploration vessel to unlock the guardian weaponry, as well as harvesting titan materials "on site" with subsurface displacement missiles, so it wasn't an afternoon's job!
Using the Guardian weapons always comes with a satisfying noise as you pull the trigger. This will be the 7th Titan I've attacked. One more to go.....

Hunter's avatar

The last words of CMDR Hunter after he went to check the Raijin Titan as it was Melting !


The flight into the acid cloud was pretty fun

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Great news Eskimo1313! That said, as you've entered this bounty with images and video, can I point you back towards the entry instructions section above? You'll need to authenticate your images and video via a connected social account in order to receive our higher-tier of prize for media. Once done, you'll receive a green 'original' banner as you'll see in the other entries. Let me know if you have any questions; if you can do that and edit your entry before the bounty closes, you can still win a reward.


Time was against me. Visitors were arriving any minute as I plunged into the titan. With rusty skills I fired my pulse neutraliser..... And missed, getting launched back into space. With sinks running low I finally made it back through into the asteroid field, deploying missiles and damaging the core. 2M bounties collected, then the doorbell rang. Decal secured!

Moonshade Gaming's avatar

After Action Report


Combat Operations against Titan Raijin

Tensions are running high aboard the Huntress' Bane following the squadron's initial attack runs against Raijin. Starting back with the attack on Shinrarta Dezhra, reports have been coming in from numerous AX groups that the Thargoids are employing an altered caustic enzyme. We thought at first the payloads of their missiles had increased, but analysis confirmed the quantity is unchanged; this new caustic material is more potent, and it's being employed across the field, to include in the caustic clouds of the remaining Titan Maelstroms.

The initial push towards the Titan went as expected. Plenty of interdictions traversing the system, but nothing out of the ordinary. It wasn't until our wings began our push through the Maelstrom that we saw the changes. Our caustic sinks could barely keep up, and by the time we were through the cloud, many of us were critically low, and none of us had more than 90% of our hull integrity remaining.

As if that wasn't enough, it seems the patrols around the Titan are much more observant, and increasingly persistent. We lost an entire wing before we could even set up for our first attack run, and though all escape pods were successfully retrieved before Scythe-class Hunters could deploy from the Titan, the initial loss rattled all of us. Though I'm ashamed to admit this as squadron leader, I myself fumbled more than once during our attack runs...

Leaving the Maelstrom went about as well as entering. Most of our ships were barely holding together by the time we made it back to the carrier, though I think it's fair to say that our ships are more intact than our morale.

I fear this is just a taste of what's to come. The Thargoids know their invasion is crumbling. We've been backing them further into the corner with every passing month, and they're reacting accordingly. I am certainly not eager to see what will come when we take the fight to Cocijo.

-CMDR Centuris Blake

Precentor Martial, Wrath of Turtle Bay

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Moonshade Gaming cool screenshots, especially the second one. If you're looking for the higher-tier of reward, you'll need to authenticate them via social media first. o7

Moonshade Gaming's avatar

If they were all from my Raijin dive, I probably would go that route. The last two screenshots are from Taranis though. They fit in with the narrative feel of my submission though, so I dropped them in to give readers a little something to look at aside from a wall of text.

mypets's avatar

The only thing I can say is that I tried, (for a lot of things in this game, there is nothing written dangerous… wait… there is the title of the game because everything here is dangerous). But I managed to enter the maelstrom once with 15% of my hull, I was using just my Cobra Mk III, I saw that some people can get to the center of the male storm with it easily but I started the game just a few months ago.

So I couldn’t get close enough to the titan to attack it but I saw a lot of Coverttes, Kraits, Chieftains and some Cutters and Condas doing a great job and for those guys that the humanity will bi victorious (just hope that I get more experience to deal with the last titan before the war ends)

yan57436's avatar

Took my Chieftain to go there, still getting the hang of it, normally I’m not able to pass through the caustic cloud around the Titan, but sometimes I manage to do that. But after this other problems appear, if the game wasn’t multiplayer I would be in serious risk trying to bomb the titan and not getting noticed, everytime I die in there it's because of some interceptor and the titan itself noticing me.

But with the help of some friends and other players I’m able to participate in the attack

JHenckes's avatar

There's nothing better than playing with friends!

JHenckes's avatar

I am still a little new to thargoid combat, normally just watch some pilots combating and I focus more on rescuing survivors, it's way less hard and not so stressful like engaging in a combat with an Interceptor. But I love to see how fast a titan is destroyed with the union of multiple pilots.

At least I know how to run cold my ships and I already entered the Thargoid maelstrom some time to watch it closely and this is magnificent but I don’t have the courage to bomb it, maybe the next one I give a shot.


I’m not a fighter, at least not an experienced one, but I go there in someone ship, it helps a lot, I’m not a great help but I can control his heat sinks and caustic sinks and this helps him a lot while entering and fighting the titan! The game it’s a lot more fun while playing with friends (in this case my boyfriend).

JHenckes's avatar

I'm glad you're enjoying the game, if you need any help just let me know!

Osiliran's avatar

The radio crackles to life.

Pilot: “Eagle-5 actual. This is Lima 2-1. Over.”

Captain: “Roger Lima 2-1, we read you. Report. Over.”

Pilot: “Teams 6 and 7 have made successful runs, good effect on target. Over”

Captain: “Roger. Status of teams 2 and 3? Over.”

Pilot: “Teams 2 and 3 are in position to engage primary target. Standing by for your orders. Over.”

Captain: “Relay to teams 2 and 3, engage the Titan Core. Repeat, engage the primary target. Execute immediately. Over.”

Pilot: “Copy that Eagle-5, teams are moving in. Over.”

Static fills the radio before a voice can be heard once more.

Pilot: “Eagle-5 actual, this is Li—Teams 6 and…under heav—”

Captain: “Say again, pilot. Too much interference. Over.”

Pilot: “Teams 6 and 7—heavy…attack! System’s malfunctioning...Over!”

Captain: “Pilot, under attack by what, hunters? Over.”

Pilot: “No…there’s something…wrong…it’s…not possib—”

Captain: “What’s not possible, son?! I need to know what the hell is going on inside there!

Pilot: “It’s coming…from…the maw…no, it can’t be—”

Captain: “Lima 2-1, abort the mission! Return now!”

Pilot: “God…no…no, no, no…can’t…move…Teams, abort! Get the hell out of her—”

Static fills the radio.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks Osiliran! If you're after the higher-tier of reward for the image, you'll need to authenticate it via social media first. Lmk if you have any questions. o7

Osiliran's avatar

Thanks Alex, I've added it now.

Niceygy's avatar

Needless to say, the Titan is "In Distress". Aka DOOMED (but in a fancy way).

The lovely folk over at the AXI & (many others) are giving it a thorough battering, but this one seems to be going a little more slowly than the others. Estimated another 3 or 4 days until KABOOM. A handy chart (courtesy of Citillara) can be found here.

Want to join in the insecticide fun?

Grab a medium ship, remove the shields (replace those with a hull reinforcement or two) and hop on over to a rescue ship and equip a TG Pulse neutralizer, a caustic sink launcher or two and as many weapons as you can! (plus a Nanite torpedo launcher). I will direct you to The AXI's page on this stuff, as they're far better than me.


Make sure you earn (not cash in, mind you) at least 2 million in bonds to be eligible for the decal & ship kit. It needs to be up to a week before the titan goes BOOM.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks Niceygy! If you're after the higher-tier of the reward (for screenshots and videos), you'll need to authenticate your image via social media first. The instructions are in the bounty description but tag me using Alex Sinclair if you have any questions o7

Niceygy's avatar

Done! Thanks for the heads up :D

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Nice one. And you're welcome!

LiquidMorkite's avatar

The assault of Shinrarta surely has brought more cmdrs to engage into the Thargoid War for sure, myself included.

I was waiting for this day, been fighting tooth and nail to get every our systems back from the Thargoids every week, all thanks to anti-xeno initiative's genius planning and direction!

The first time I engaged on a Titan's operation was with Indra, I was a fresh pilot, sitting on second pilot's seat, and fire the missiles at the core everytime I was told to, we didn't make it out alive that much. The first "real" attempts were with Thor when I was flying on my own Chieftain, learning the mechanics from mistakes and rebuys.

"But this time it will be different"- I told myself when outfitting the Krait Mk II, planning to fill out a bomber/repairer role meanwhile having enough firepower to earn myself some credits. The original plan has changed since, until today I've been guiding new cmdrs from my squad into Titan fighting, bombing the vents on a Python Mk II (thanks to cmdr Mechan as always for your excellent build), making sure that we have enough time to damage its core to 0% (and of course making a bit more of profit for everyone).

Overall progress has slowed down a bit comparing to last Titan, but we won't rest until the last Titan is gone from our home galaxy. Glory, to mankind.

Here are some image from the progress:

Last minute update:

As of today, Raijin's hearts are completely destroyed, it has entered its melt down state, expected to blow up in 24 hours. I was there firing my last bullets as her last heart went down. The core suddenly turned black, I thought I was dying, but then it started to scream, there was smoke every where, and cmdrs were cheering, I knew we had yet again made it, another Titan has been destroyed.

Another last minutes update

It has blown up, I managed to rescue more captured human pods in the last minutes. The goids weren't holding back on our hostages, they tried so hard still to fight the pods back.

The progress did slow down over the weekend, but we managed to beat the last 4 hearts over the course of 2 days. Great effort, cmdrs. Only one more to go. Glory, to Mankind! o7

Stormseeker's avatar

It was so much fun guiding people from my streaming to try to contribute to the killing.
AX tech is really on top now, the attack felt like a walk in the park. Just 1 more to total titan annihilation.



this cmdr chryco in report

i shoot this TITAN the more i can but im right now back to my carrier AJN VICTOR for put some rest to my krait.

censure individual : do you see some change about their behavior .

cmdr chryco : not really but i am worry of what will happened when the last titan will die . thargoid are very adaptative species .

censure individual : take down raijin and we will see .

cmdr chryco : i will . but i hope some help will came soon because this is always a nightmare there .

censure individual : let's see soon it will be weak enough .


CMDR Henckes's avatar

The Thargoid forces are weakening more each day, some times looks likes it's easy to kill those bastards.

I still have dificulteis to enter and maintain my Krait Mk II the caustic cloud but I getting the practice each time that I try again, this titan looks like its getting destroyed in a faster pace, when I started to help it was almos in the half of its health.

Last time I decided to go with a smaller ship, it't a lot weaker but it can run colder and it's a smaller target for the bugs and the rebuy cost is accessible for me.

LiquidMorkite's avatar

Props to you to have the nerves to fly a ship that small to a Titan space, I'd never have the balls for that. GG cmdr o7

Osiliran's avatar

Nice to see another cobra in there cmdr! it's a very capable lil' ship!

Slamscape's avatar

While talking with an experienced AX pilot, we got onto the topic of small ship bombers. They challenged me to see if I could make an Imperial Eagle that could get inside the Maelstrom and take on the Titan Raijin. This is my experience with that challenge.


The Assault on Raijin

Call of Duty

My Python Mk2 SR 71 Blackbird performed exceptionally very well at Raijin, what a flying space machine indeed it is a glorious Python.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Howdy KPA1, have you connected your twitter account? It should show with a green original border if you have, which is required for the higher tier of reward. Lmk if you have any issues with it. o7

Dydo's avatar

Heyyy, that's some great in-battle shots!! (and wow there was so many marks on your ship radar)

But I think you should adress them into your submission instead of in a reply to make sure you go after the $5 reward. Click on "Edit" icon bottom-left of your own submission so you can edit your text and add the right link.


I've never seen a...thing this big before. I was returning from an exploration expedition when I miscalculated a jump and landed in the middle of a fight. I'm not usually one to go after thargoids but I thought I might offer my assistance. Unfortunately the best I could do was rescue one poor soul by placing my anaconda in the perfect position for him to escape, but after that I needed rescuing myself. Luckily more skilled commanders were there to help me. Everyone who is willing to fight those things has my utmost respect...I couldn't. I'll be better served as an exploration pilot, not a combat one.

LunchAndDinner's avatar

Raijin is Titan 7/8, the second last Titan to go. Bombing is going pretty well so far for us, expected to last another 3 days +/-

Here is what it looks like bombing Raijin in VR:


Hunter S Ditchadder here,

So my editor calls me at 10pm on a Friday night. Says he has some work for me if I'm brave enough. I'm never brave enough, but I have just finished watching the documentary about the death of my dear father CMDR Ditch Adder the 1st, which means I'm half way through a concoction I have decided to name 'Consolation Juice' and pretty much prepared to do anything for the credits alone.
I get him to message me the details. Suddenly the need for bravery is clear. He wants me to get up close and personal with Titan Raijin. The jokes on him though because the best ship I have is a ASP and it sure as spaceflight isn't going toe to toe with a Thargoid of any form anytime soon.
I resolve to get close enough to the brave heroes fighting it to see some pretty lights and write the whole thing up gonzo style. If I'm lucky the whole thing will be over quickly and I can swing by a nearby station and grab some duty free with my pay. I've had worse weekends.
I set out for my journey, 34 jumps of 12 light years or less. I pencil in half an hour and get going. No need to stream the travel I think.
First I realise that I'm in my target sector is when the FSD tunnel I'm riding collapses like a soufflé and here I am dumped out into regular space like the… well, I don’t know what’s in a soufflé, but I’d be the that.
For the first time in my life I see a Thargoid. It’s as alien as it is clearly intent upon killing me. I fire so many missiles and torpedoes that my cockpit heats up like I have just smashed into a white dwarf. The lower left of my HUD in showing a sequence of 3 digit readouts, none of which are likely to keep me alive. I thrown the out of my mind and focus on escape. I’m media, I shouldn’t have to deal with anything this real.
After the explosion I regroup on a large ship one sector over. “I SAW one!” is my first thought. I wasn’t recording is the disappointing second.
I start my livestream, the people need to know and I need to earn the pay I’m already mentally spending. What follows is a series of challenges.
Firstly, this is interdiction country! When the Thargoids are not pulling me into the line of fire the other CMDRs are. I’m not one to critique the choices of other CMDRs, After all, there is no bigger man that humanity itself, so if they feel the need lash out at the whole species I have to show some respect for their anarchist zeal. That said, I’m to small to be a threat and, with the exception of one skilled dude that scored a couple of kills on me, too fast to be killed. We are, for the most part, all just wasting each other’s time.
Finally I hit the big cloud, I see lasers in the distance and Raijin, the big one itself, is appearing on my HUD. My hull is corroding like a Tesla in light rain by the time I get hit by the wave. The following explosion is no surprise.
As a final thought I look at all of the CMDR owned ships, good bad and lookie lous like me. The universe is so vast that you can go a long time without seeing the others that occupy it, but here they are all together.
Was it worth the half hour flight and 2 million credits of repairs. You can’t put a price on an experience, but if I had to I’d say 2 Million was no big deal. Especially since my editor is the one paying.

Dydo's avatar

Ok, so... the fight seems toooo hard for me, an explorer and trader, to come in.

I came up to a rescue vessel and equipped the basics so I could at least come close to the Titan. Never really seen it, except for a distant and horrible silhouette, mixed with the black and red clouds of dust(?). Although, I've earned a 14,000Cr reward for the contribution, and I think this was just for being close enough to the Titan.

The journey to the Titan's system and from the star to it was hard, with constant interdictions. Raijin's pulsewaves were constant. I was thinking: maybe this battlefield is even more caotic than the others as a result of Raijin's struggle to survive?

Lasers and explosions can be seen far away. I hope most of them are from our side, destroying those ships and this Titan.

If I weren't in an Anaconda, with good shields up, AFMU and repair drones, I'm not sure i would survive.

I'm inexperienced at the thargoid approach, and I think I will keep it that way, as I'm too young to die without even going to Colonia once. Call me a coward, but I will go back to my journey over there, exploring everything I can on the way. The next step is to visist the center of the Galaxy.

That said, I want to thank all the commanders on combat front, I'm sure to respect them even more now. Keep the fight, the thargoid treat must be contained and we trust on you to save us all. If someday there's no other option, I meet you all on the battlefield.

o7 CMDRs.

MQC's avatar

“In the dimly lit cockpit of the Cobra Mark III, Commander MQC was preparing for the impending confrontation. The vast expanse of the universe and years spent in the black had prepared him for many challenges, but none so formidable as facing a Titan.

The voice of the AI assistant broke the silence, “All operating systems, Commander. Shields at maximum. Weapons ready.”

MQC glanced at the holographic display, which showed the last known coordinates of the Titan, which he had been informed was vulnerable. When he activated the FSD, the ship stumbled forward and the stars passed in a blur. The journey would be short, but the battle would be less so.

Upon reaching the nebula where the Titan was located, his Cobra's sensors lit up and detected Raijin's immense energy signature. Getting through the storm would be no easy task, but all pilots were already prepared to counter the Titans' pulse.

Once it made it through the chaos of the storm, the Titan emerged from the cosmic maelstrom. Its form was a terrifying blend of the mechanical and the organic, and it crackled with electric fury. The Cobra's heart pounded as he assembled his weapons.

A reminder to himself came to mind, “MQC, remember to target the heat vents with the Nanite Torpedoes...disrupt their energy flow.”

With swift movements, the Cobra executed endless evasive maneuvers, dodging the Titan's attacks. His ship moved through the chaos of dozens of Commander ships and Thargoid defenders entangled in the fight.

Seconds seemed like hours, but finally the Cobra found an opening. It launched a volley of torpedoes, each of which struck Raijin's heat vents. The Titan was destabilizing, but it did not desist in its defense.

The overheating of the mighty foe exposed the thermal core. A quick burst of missiles and the roar became deafening...”


- What are you doing... telling her stories again? You know I don't like it when you tell her those things before she falls asleep?

- But I do like them, grandpa... keep telling me about them.

- Well, tomorrow I'll finish telling you the story, when grandma won't see us… Anyway... you know how the story ends, don't you?

(Translator has been used... sorry for the potential mistakes.)


From Wikipedia:

Raijin (雷神, lit. "Thunder God"), also known as Kaminari-sama (雷様), Raiden-sama (雷電様), Narukami (鳴る神), Raikou (雷公), and Kamowakeikazuchi-no-kami is a god of lightning, thunder, and storms in Japanese mythology and the Shinto religion.

Perfect timing to banish yet another entity inspired by Japanese mythology from this plane of existance...

AndyRice's avatar

Wow, interestingly in Chinese culture we also have a god of thunder called “雷公”, but the pronunciation of “雷公” in Chinese is ‘LeiGong’, which is the name of a destroyed titan lol.

MQC's avatar

The original names of the Titans are unknown thus Humans named the Titans after mythological deities. The first Titan that arrived on 29 November 3308 was named after the Celtic god of thunder Taranis.9 The 2nd Titan Indra was named after the king of the devas and Svarga in Hinduism.10 The 3rd Titan Leigong was named after the god of thunder in Taoism.11 The 4th Titan Cocijo was named after a lightning deity of the pre-Columbian Zapotec civilization of southern Mexico.12 The 5th Titan Oya was named after an Orisha (river deity in the Yoruba religion of West Africa) of winds, lightning, and violent storms.13 The 6th Titan Thor was named after a prominent sky and thunder god in Germanic and Norse mythology.14 The 7th Titan Raijin was named after the thunder god in Japanese mythology and the Shinto religion.15 The 8th Titan Hadad was named after the storm and rain god in the Canaanite and ancient Mesopotamian religions.16

AndyRice's avatar

Thanks for the information! Really loves the story behind these and glad to see FDev named one of the titan(Leigong) with the culture of my country😄

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey Jimmy0916 / Cmdr Donald Duck - just a reminder that you'll need to authenticate your image via social media if you want the higher-tier of reward o7

Eralm_237's avatar

Had fun helping get 1 heart gone and another half done before needing a breather. Might need extra caustic sinks and synths for this many caustic missiles!

XCezor's avatar

Another Titan has been exposed! The battlefield is full of other Commanders, the fight goes smoothly and gives almost no time to take a breath! Titan already is damaged in 16% and lost 1 full heart. At this rate it will be destroyed in no time so join the fight as soon as possible.

I could even risk to say that there are more Commanders than the Thargoid Interceptors here, here's my photo and video reports right from the combat zone!

Here's a quick montage of a few attempts to damage the Titan, enjoy the battle!

AndyRice's avatar

This is CMDR Andy Rice reporting from the frontline. Today, we witnessed Titan Raijin become vulnerable, and humanity launched a massive counterattack. The offensive seems quite effective, and I believe we can (almost) destroy one of the Titan's hearts by the end of the day.

Honestly, it's thrilling to watch as everyone locks their weapons onto the heat core, unleashing everything they have on the "glowing fried blooming onion." Alongside the fighters, I’ve seen many commanders risking their lives, flying unarmed rescue ships into the combat zone to provide battlefield support for those in the fight. Their noble actions reflect the unity of humanity.

However, I want to warn all players planning to join the counterattack: be cautious of pro-xeno gankers. When flying in open space, avoid getting interdicted by these gankers—they’re heavily armed, but their targets aren’t the Thargoids. It’s you. I've been interdiced once today, and my ship has been outfitted for a Stealth Titan Bomber set, which means I have almost no ability to fight back.

Good luck CMDRs, and fly safely.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks AndyRice, if you're after the higher-tier of prize, don't forget to verify your images via a connected social media account. You can edit your submission before the bounty closes; let me know if you run into any issues. o7

Dydo's avatar

I've never seen a Titan up close. I'm going to fly my Python and approach it. I'll attempt reconnaissance and study Rescue Ships, inspired by CMDR Andy Rice's report, and who knows, maybe I'll join the endeavor. In a few days, I'll report my experience.



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