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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
ayebawl's avatar

  • Jack of all trades, although probably strongest in mining

  • I made my first Elite in trade and my first billion in cash around the same time. You always remember your first!

SergeantRogers's avatar

I specialize in Thargoid combat, as you can see on my profile. However with the war being over, I'm out of a job(besides the Pleaides and California nebulas). So I've begun to do other things, like Mining, Powerplay, and Trading.
My biggest achievement was probably the time I killed a Hydra solo.


I'm AX challenge pilot and squadron manager. I enjoy bounty hunting in my off time.
It's hard to pinpoint my greatest achievement exactly, but I'd say among the most recent and impressive is reaching 20 billion credits in overall assets!

CMDR John Wick's avatar

My specialty in the game is being a jack of all trades. I'm fascinated by spreadsheets and data manipulation!

My biggest achievement so far has been scanning all the celestial bodies, biology, geology in the game, which is something I'm very proud of, as I received a lot of help (i love this fascinating community) and overcame my procastination (It took months to get it done).

My Inara (ok, I didn't leave many things visible for data privacy reasons):

Maybe my next goal: I'm trying to complete my second Elite region right now.

GreybeardSeawolf's avatar

While I enjoy most aspects of the game including Trading (in my Type 9 ( GSS Nellie D'Elephant), Mining, Exploring and Exobiology since the Galaxy wide Thargoid War began with the arrival of the 8 Titans I have been pretty much exclusively involved in that fight. My AX Chieftain GSS Josephus A. Miller proudly wears it's 8th Titan destruction badge and I have also killed over 14,00 Scouts and 700 Interceptors. For however long the current peace lasts I plan to spend time drifting through frigid asteroid rings, making some of them go boom.

AlvarZ4's avatar
  • My in-game speciality:
    I´m a federal agent, I usually patrol federal space and clean it from pirates and imperials

  • My career highlight or greatest achievement:
    My greatest achievement has been becoming the Admiral (leader) of the 3ª Flota de Intervención Federal (3rd Federal Intervention Fleet) and managing to keep the squadron running with the help of my officers.


Inara Profil CMDR. Rac
  • Your in-game speciality: BGS - which includes pretty much all ingame activities but in my Heart im an Explorer

  • Your career highlight or greatest achievement: Not really great things ... but now founding a squadron together with friends

  • My Inara Profiles

  • My in Game Speciality : exploration and exobiology

  • My career highlight : having discovered some systems that no one has ever visited, obtaining the First Discover award and the same for some organic plants , I also received some awards like First Mapping and First Footfall.

  • Greatest Archievements are in progress :

  1. Esplorer Rank : Ranger

  2. Exobiology Rank : Collector

  3. Number of Ship : 6 ( 1 Sidewinder - 1 Hauler - 1 Type 7 Transporter - 1 Viper Mark 3 -1 Diamondback Esplorer and 1 Kraith Phantom at moment)

  4. Aisling Duval Rank 8

My First Discovered


Biggest Acheivement?

Well.... Other than owning the Space Cow skin for the Type 9... beat that ANYONE ELSE!! I also have I think an impressive single transaction in trade of 1bn credits.

The other acheivement is my rebuy insurance claim costs, running a mere 634million credits!!!

I'm sure that will continue to grow... I do crash a lot, it's my speciality.

  • Inara Profile:

  • In-game speciality:
    Anti-Xeno Combat, I also enjoy pursuing mysteries in the galaxy.

  • Career highlight or greatest achievement:
    Elite in Combat, I pulled it off with the help of pirates and Thargoids, I also scored a few credits!

Kethervir's avatar
  • A link to my profile:

  • My in-game speciality:

    I love to be a Trader and a Miner.

  • My career highlight or greatest achievement (in progress):

    Elite in Trading, Imperial Viscount, Zemina Torval rank 14, 22 Ship collected

St4r_Lord's avatar
  • I love exploring, that's why I bought Elite, and I can't wait for Mandalay to get out of the early access, so I can buy it day one.

  • My greatest achievement will be the purchase of Fleet Carrier. At first I thought I was just wasting money, but I quickly realized how convenient it is to have my own station that I can place wherever I want!


  • My specialty is taking screenshots of all the cool places I see

  • My greatest achievement is buying my own fleet carrier. I love being able to have all of my ships and modules travel with me instead of being scattered everywhere and watching the hyperspace jump is always amazing.


My in game speciality is Scientist, Bon Viveur and Performing Artist

Back in the time before the play journals contained mean anomaly. I identified a pair of gas Giants that had orbits that guaranteed collisions. Despite not having sufficient data to calculate the collision dates, through careful measurement of the orrery images and some maths that I barely remembered form over 40 years ago, I was able to calculate the date of the next collision with considerable accuracy. To my relief it collided almost exactly on time several months later.

I named the planets Rhubarb and Custard


I forgot to mention I still am not getting validation from Instagram and JustAbout authentication is too permissive so I did a video instead, rather than resort to YouTube . Hope that is ok. If not, say lavy

Stormseeker's avatar

I'm a Streamer… so my time in game I use to answer questions, help people, make tutorials, all of it in Spanish. My favorite role is ship builder and tester, hahaha.

My best achievement… As I said, I'm streaming since 2016, I did more than 300 tutorials, built like 250 ships, tests, and I played more than 25k hours in streaming, answering questions and helping people dive into the game.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

That's an incredibly impressive number of tutorials!


Inara profile:

EDSM profile:

My specialty is AX Combat.

My greatest achievement is the 100% hull hydra kill that only a handful of other players achieved. I'm also closing in on 1000 first system discoveries.

Niceygy's avatar

CMDR Niceygy | Elite:Dangerous | INARA

I'm a explorer primarily, although don't mind a bit of shooty-shooty! Probably my greatest achievement is ongoing: my sightseeing tour of the galaxy. The Colonia region is visited, next on the list is Sag A* (After tharg has been butt-kicked out of sol!)

Oh, and does procrastinating count as a speciality?

USCSS's avatar

About my specialty, I don't have a defined specialization. A bit of everything. From going to Beagle Point as an explorer, to destroying Titans.

About my greatest achievement, there were actually 2. First, having obtained the Fleet Carrier by myself. Second, having reached the rank of "King" in the Empire and "Admiral" in the Federation. Achievements that have filled me with pride.

(Translated with Google translator)


My in-game speciality ... err, maybe shenanigans? I mean, alongside Buckyball racing and driving the SRV a lot (more on that in a second) I tend to do a lot of fairly random things like rolling ships down the side of craters, trying to dock SLF's with free falling motherships, FA Off trench running around Coriolis stations, etc etc. Alas, although these things pay well in terms of personal enjoyment they don't pay much in actual credits which is why, despite ten years of almost daily play, I barely have enough liquid cash to be able to afford a fleet carrier.

As for my greatest achievement ... while sadly not shown on the INARA personal statistics page it's probably the fact that I've now driven the SRV a total distance of something like 0.5ls (which is around 93,000 miles). That includes five complete planetary circumnavigations plus an awful lot of long distance cross-country SRV racing. I'm not sure but I suspect this might be a world Elite Dangerous record (although perhaps one best kept to myself?).

Gadnok's avatar

INARA Profile:

In-game speciality: Thargoid hunting & photography

Greatest achievement: Although I specialize in AX combat and doing research for YouTube, I've identified as an explorer since I started my career. A highlight of mine is that I have over 10,500 systems first discovered, with more than double that number explored. Since hitting the 10k mark, my next goal is 100k discoveries over the next few years.


Greetings pilots

This is my rather modest profile on inara, my development is towards exobiology and exploring the vast expanse of the milky way.

I don't have my biggest achievement yet, but I'm sure I'll get it someday.

Slamscape's avatar

CMDR Jonah Galen

This is my streaming account, my specialty is definitely combat with a leaning toward exploration. Although I have been gaining experience in all the different aspects of Elite, minus trade which doesn't really interest me. Most of my trade rank has been through core mining.

My highest achievement is that I am working on reaching Elite rank in the main 5 using only small ships, so far I have achieved Elite rank in Trade, Exploration, and Exobiology, I'm currently 2/3 of the way through Deadly in combat, so that should happen soon.


  • Your in-game speciality (just a few words)

    Pirating, all kind of shady businesses and causing confusion - er - havoc! 🤣

  • Your career highlight or greatest achievement (no more than a paragraph)

    That's 2130 billion billions, I had received for completing a bugged assassination mission once, right after an update, insta-reported to FDev but had taken eight months to be corrected. During that period I learned what it means to be incredibly rich combined with the constant fear of loosing it all at once, which helped me better understand the top 1 % of humanity's food-chain - my irl-achievment through ED 😅

mastercesspit's avatar

inara profile

bounty hunter/ mercenary, miner, generally killing things and blowing things up, ;)

  • elite 1 trade, combat, 21 billion net worth, colonia done, all bubble engineers, essential suit engineers, imp rank king, fed rank vice admiral, 10 g5 combat ships, assorted mining ships, g5. assorted cargo ships, 43 ships all up

  • inara rankings tier 5 hunter, mercenary and miner

    i do pve, but if attacked i've got no qualms about a bit of pews.

  • over 60 weeks game time.

  • have fun 07

LiquidMorkite's avatar

CMDR Liquid Morkite

In game speciality including AX combat pilot, miner, bounty hunter/enforcer for my squadron's background simulator and explorer when I'm not doing above activities :)

In conclusion I like blowing things up, either ships, thargoids or asteroids :D

My biggest achievement until this moment could be earning enough credits after a couple of months ingame to purchase my first fleet carrier. All thanks to my squadron Elite Fleet Republican Consortium for those hefty reward missions sharing, cmdr mastercesspit for showing me how to mine efficiently and giving me a boost with platinum (I also got to Elite trade rank with that), all the cmdrs in AXI's private group and in Open that have fought by my side against the Thargoids in Pegasi systems and Jameson's Memorial's invasion. Cmdr Mechan's Python MkII Titan Solo build that helped me earn 2 billion credits by only bombing the Titan. And of course cmdr GodzillaGuy for giving me the rope on my first days as a fresh cmdr. You guys are the best! o7

mastercesspit's avatar

no worries, glad to help, at least someone wanted to make some $$ from my mining invite, was wrapped to assist you in your elite rank, knowledge is about the only thing your can share and have more of after i believe.

have fun 07

CMDR_nailz_'s avatar

My speciality is to be multi-skilled, keeping my options open in the bubble. My greatest achievement is probably having the rank with Imperial and Federation forces so I can access all Elite's ships. My personal highlight though was when on the way back from SagA* I first discovered a blackhole, Dumbai AA-A g18.


If you were to look at my Profile you'd probably say my in game specialty is Exploration and I'd somewhat agree. I do enjoy nearly all the different aspects of Elite Dangerous. The only thing I haven't done (yet) is fight against the Thargoids.

My greatest most recent achievement would be gaining Elite I for the Mercenary rank. I won a lot of on foot combat zones to achieve it.

CMDR_Oso's avatar

As an experienced CMDR, I've done many things in-game, as shown by my profile.

My main enjoyment of late is the Thargoid War, hooning, and teaching other players passionate about the game. I love showing the finer points that separate CMDRs from the boys, be it flight, ship build theory, or BGS.

My greatest achievement is trivial in a financial sense (for an experienced CMDR), but for me a very personal one. When my father passed (who loved astromony, stargazing with his telescope, and watching me play Elite), I dedicated my Fleet Carrier to him, and spent some time creating a Fleet Carrier badge to match:

Alex Sinclair's avatar

That's a really lovely tribute CMDR_Oso. Thank you for sharing.

If you could throw in a link to your Inara profile, we'll send a prize your way. o7

Jaques Ufaltred's avatar
  • I do a mostly PvE combat, mostly in the skies but also a good bit of experience with boots or tires on the ground

  • Most proud of my trade rank, which I did obtained mostly through deep core mining. Rock go SPLOOM.

CmdrTravisRobicheaux's avatar

Earth born. Obssessed with Space left at the age of 14 I snuck into a cargo bay of a Vulture headed for Nanomam. Upon arrival I was caught but I was held in detention for weeks. Authorities discovered I was without parents and they found it to be a complete waste to send me back to Earth but instead allowed a family living and working at Gresley Dock to take me in and foster me. The day of my 18th Birthday I joined the Rescue rangers and kept myself at the high ranks. 11 years later here I am Post Commander waiting for my next rank with in the Federation.

I have since left the Federation and join Independent. My greatest achievement was reaching Colonia not once but twice.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

My Inara Profile - CMDR Henckes

So glad that this become an Reward, thanks Alex Sinclair!! I didn't even remembered that I had given this suggestion anymore!

Mostly of the time I'm an explorer, recently that I gave a pause from my expeditions to help in the Second Thargoid War, and that help gave more profit than exploring long distance, made my first billion, 2 to be exactly, helping kill some hydras at the Jameson Memorial attack!

And bellow are the achievements that I'm the proudest of my self

Get tier 4 as a Traveller and Tier 4 as an Explorer!

An finally this one, i only tier 2 on my way to the tier 3, but the thargoids hunters knows how hard it is specially when you are starting with!

XCezor's avatar

o7 Commanders
  • What's my speciality? I'm not a specialist in anything but I know how to do a bit of everything 😅. But to specify few things, PvE combat and BGS system management to effectively develop in-game faction. I'm also good at silently raiding Odyssey settlements.

  • The greatest achievement was help in setting up an Aurora Venatores squadron and its own in-game faction, with political embassy for currently 19 other squadrons and defensive coalition, as well as keeping it alive with 3 other founders and Officers (Staff), together winning several Community Goals like the Colonia Bridge Project, after which we could give a name to newly created station.

AndyRice's avatar

CMDR Andy Rice | Elite:Dangerous | INARA

Hi! This is Commander Andy Rice, and this is my profile.

As for my in-game speciality, you can consider me as a casual player, an explorer, a kind-hearted player who is willing to share my knowledge with the beginner to help them better get into the game.

And my greatest achievement? I would proudly say that I've been playing Elite Dangerous for 7 years (though only 560 hours playing time), I've witnessed how this game developed and grow over these years. And also Elite has been of great help in improving my english language skills since the game doesn't support my language lol.

Block9's avatar

  • My specialties are trading (Elite I), exploration (Ranger), combat (Expert), and anti-xeno activities. I'm also proud of my Federation rank (Rear Admiral) and Imperial rank (Duke), unlocking the Federal Corvette and Imperial Cutter.

  • The highest thing I have ever accomplished is establishing the position of Elite I when it comes to trading. I began with a small ship and broke into trading by mining and eventually progressed up to an Anaconda. After that, I started a rewarding career in trading before using my earnings to fund my exploration and anti-xeno warfare efforts. On top of that, reaching Rear Admiral in the Federation and Duke in the Empire ranks, and obtaining Federal Corvette and Imperial Cutter are also things I am very proud of.

*This text was translated using an AI-powered program.

mastercesspit's avatar

i must say i'm impressed that inara is being included, one of the best third party tools, arty is a gem and promptly answers queries and is always ready to try and sort out any problem,

a big 07 to just about for that

Y0EMINENCE's avatar

Well I put real 2nd century earth history into the game! The official ghost pirates of the game!

We are the “Merry Band of Pirates” if you see us diplomacy didn’t work! Ganker squadron trolling you? A dark squadron attacking your home BGS? Bossy admiral coming after you? PC #Steam (WEGA) Ethereal Knights! #Xbox (LYRA) Eternal Legends! #Playstation (VEGA) Yoeminence’s Roughnecks! If you have good standing with our super faction fleet we can assist you! Professional BGS Mercs for hire! “Triangle of the Independent Elite Pilots” (mining protection, courier protection, thargoid and exploration protection or any contract you can think of) contact “Yoeminence” Detachments of our faction include: “The Carrier Pigeons”🕊️, “Mavericks”, “49 miners”, “I.N.A.E. (Guardians) Independent Nautical Auxiliary Exigency”


My specialty is combat and bounty hunting, my greatest merit is having my federal corvette

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hi rick, it looks like you've entered as a reply rather than a submission. Please re-enter using the purple 'submit' button.

P.S. to increase your chances of winning a prize, tell us why your Fed Corvette is precious to you.


My specialty is trading. I take baby commanders under my wing and help them move from a starter ship into a python and $50-100 million space bucks (or more) by helping me run trading/supply missions. I am currently Trade Elite II with almost 10 billion space bucks earned.


I know that you're supposed to submit this but it wouldn't let me. I embedded links to the things that were asked but it wouldn't let me submit it.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hi LeeeroyJenkins, do you remember what happened when you tried to use the 'submit' button? I'll pass it on to our tech team and we'll see if we can fix the issue. o7

P.S. there's a 'report bug' form here, should you need it in the future:


The cursor would turn to a circle with a line through it when I would mouse over the enter button.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thank you for the info; I've submitted a bug report. I'll keep you in the loop.


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