community background


SIRCAM's avatar
  • Q - are you seeing a variety of rewards in each notification? Are you tempted to submit?
    A - Hell yeah! 😉

  • Q. are you seeing lots of opportunities in a normal browsing session? Are you seeing too many?

    A - let's say i see the right quantity of it. 🤗

  • Q - are you happy with your options for dismissing or ignoring uninteresting notifications?

    A - Sure, i mean, i prefer to check the stuff myselft instead recieving notifications. 🙃

  • Q - are there any URLs on which you expected to see a reward, but didn’t?

    A - No, i havent' found issues related to it yet.. 🤔

I love the extension, and i wonder if someday it could be possible to see this extension as a FireFox Add-On and if exist the posibility that you could add a button to login/join to our accounts directly, that would interesting. 😀

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar

Very nice affirmation part by part like always SIRCAM make a nice / intelligent facts and points

God Bless you pal ✨

SIRCAM's avatar

Hey, thanks for the comment Braulio 😀

AtomicMoonchild's avatar

I wanted to have the extension active for quite a bit before I submitted here to give a full honest opinion.

1) Are you seeing a variety of rewards in each notification? Are you tempted to submit? -

The variety I have seen has been great & I've loved the ability to access related rewards with just a click of the pop up. My only feedback would be to have more variety but I expect this will happen as the website grows and more rewards become available.

2) Are you seeing lots of opportunities in a normal browsing session? Are you seeing too many? -

For me personally, I don't think there is such a thing as too many! Being busy can cause many things to be missed and the notifications can be a god send, reminding me of rewards I could participate in

3) Are you happy with your options for dismissing or ignoring uninteresting notifications? -

Yes, completely happy with the notifications I receive, I haven't altered my preferences and everything seems to work out fine. I'm enjoying the notifications that come up.

4) Are there any URLs on which you expected to see a reward, but didn’t?

I haven't experienced any issues, they seem to pop up on appropriate websites and always relate to that URL.

Overall, I'm enjoying the extension and can't wait to see what else in the works & yet to come! I think it's a fantastic idea for reminding of current rewards! Thank you for implementing this handy tool.

  • Are you seeing a variety of rewards in each notification? Are you tempted to submit?

    Yes, I've been notified of some rewards, and I'm submitting. I see some notifications that help me not lose interesting reward opportunities.

  • Are you seeing lots of opportunities in a normal browsing session? Are you seeing too many?

    No, it doesn’t bother me. It’s the perfect amount of notifications.

  • Are you happy with your options for dismissing or ignoring uninteresting notifications?

    I haven’t tried it yet.

  • Are there any URLs on which you expected to see a reward, but didn’t?

    No, I haven’t had any issues with the extension.

I discovered this website because of Smite 2, and I’ve loved it. It reminds me of forums but with rewards. It’s a good way to reward fans. The only thing I found confusing in the extension is that I keep seeing some posts in the notifications that I’ve already submitted to and others where I’ve already received the reward. It would be great to see only the reward opportunities that you have not already submitted for.

Sutaware Shu's avatar

The Extension is good for me, its give me a good recommendation for the quest with rewards that i could get. i don't see any issue with the extension.

Its so simple and useful, i can just check my wallet whenever i surf internet without open

I don't have any recommendation to add to the extension, they are just perfect as it is.
But maybe, you could make the list to be filtered as what community we were in.


It’s so convenient it makes the platform even easier to use! I love the concept of Just About and this brings ideal rewards and contributions right into the palm of your hand! What’s great is it means you spend less time proactively searching and scrolling for rewards, but instead they essentially come to you! Fantastic!

CMDR Henckes's avatar

I'll be really honest, I already have this extension already for some time, since the day it released to be precise, and every time that I click on it or I receive a notification I will find only rewards that I already have made.

For me is easier to click the Rewards page and browser for my self and see the rewards that interests me and I didn't submit yet.

So for me to the extension works better it should track what submission you haven't submitted yet, it will make it exponentially more efficient and really helpful.


Greetings to everyone who is reading this

I learned about Just About last year from a telegram group on Elite Dangerous, but joined this platform only in October, although I did not quite trust it at first, but when the first payout came, all my doubts evaporated.

A few weeks ago I installed the Just Rewards extension and so far I haven't found any problems.

yan57436's avatar

I've been using the extension for the last few weeks and I've come to normalize its integration into my day, like when I open the browser and I'm notified of a new bounty, it's almost like a little alert and that's very effective. I have an excel spreadsheet which ends up making my experience redundant, but it still can't replace it completely, but the notification reminding me and alerting me, ends up motivating me at times when I'm idle and would end up not doing the bounty. So I think the extension is a big step for the site, it's great to see how the work is flowing and very practical.

  • Are you seeing a variety of rewards in each notification? Are you tempted to submit?

Yes, thanks to the extension I have noticed new rewards that I had not seen before

  • Are you seeing lots of opportunities in a normal browsing session? Are you seeing too many?

I think it's the right amount, it hasn't bothered me at any time.

  • Are you happy with your options for dismissing or ignoring uninteresting notifications?

I haven't had the need to block any notifications yet.

  • Are there any URLs on which you expected to see a reward, but didn’t?

No, I haven't encountered any problems with it.

I discovered this website recently and my experience since then has been very satisfactory, I like the way of building a community and at the same time rewarding people for participating and being creative. Regarding the extension, it has helped me a lot to notice posts and rewards that I had not seen before on the page and it is not intrusive at all.

JHenckes's avatar

I've had a rather distant experience with the browser extension. But that's not because the extension is bad, it's because I've already organized myself so much with the site that I simply don't feel the need to use it, since I have my own rewards spreadsheet and because I don't work with a computer, I often only turn it on to play games or use Just About.

Anyway, talking about the extension itself, I think it's been really good! It always notifies me on various sites! If I search for one of the community games on steam, it notifies me of the rewards for that game! If I open YouTube, it shows several recommendations for rewards related to producing a video or posting one. In short, it always notifies you in a very good way that can be very useful for those who aren't so organized with the site or who are just getting started and don't know where to go.

I do notice that sometimes notifications appear on unrelated sites, sometimes on a simple Google search, but I can't remember anything specific that's happened, and it's been very rare too. 99% of the time it notifies correctly.

In conclusion, the extension was a good idea on the part of the developers, because it really does help. Often we're just distracting ourselves on the internet and Just About comes along and says "why don't you do a bit of work on the subject you're reading/watching?". Hahaha.

Now I'm waiting for the mobile app. That's going to be a huge achievement for the site and it's going to attract a lot of people when they launch it!

bigdaniel75's avatar

I've been using Just about for less than a month now, and I have to say I didn't expect anything like this. I really enjoy sharing my thoughts on various activities on the page. I also recently installed the extension, and I was very surprised by the speed. I highly recommend everyone to install it, you won't regret it

projectazone's avatar
  • Are you seeing a variety of rewards in each notification? Are you tempted to submit?
    I've only seen one notification so far, but I didn't find it annoying. I think more notifications could be there, maybe even on the side or with the option to select the visual notification mode.

  • Are you seeing lots of opportunities in a normal browsing session? Are you seeing too many?
    In the extension, no, it doesn't give me many.

  • Are you happy with your options for dismissing or ignoring uninteresting notifications?
    Yes, although I prefer to choose the notification mode and maybe even the times... this is something that could be useful to implement if there are work hours where notifications would not be recommended.

  • Are there any URLs on which you expected to see a reward, but didn’t?
    Not at the moment. If there are any anomalies, I will definitely report them!

TeaLeaf's avatar
  • Are you seeing a variety of rewards in each notification? Are you tempted to submit?

    Answer: Yes I do usually see a good variety, and depending on the reward it's definitely tempting to submit.

  • Are you seeing lots of opportunities in a normal browsing session? Are you seeing too many?

    Answer: I do see many, yes, but I don't think it's too many! It's good to have multiple to pick from.

  • Are you happy with your options for dismissing or ignoring uninteresting notifications?

    Answer: Yeah I think it is user friendly and I have zero complaints with it.

  • Are there any URLs on which you expected to see a reward, but didn’t?

    Answer: Not really, they seem to pop up frequent enough!

NarratorID's avatar
  • Are you seeing a variety of rewards in each notification? Are you tempted to submit?

A : Yeah, it's really helpful for me to just the click the notification and check what is it about

  • Are you seeing lots of opportunities in a normal browsing session? Are you seeing too many?

A : So far, it's still going normal

  • Are you happy with your options for dismissing or ignoring uninteresting notifications?

A : the thing about me is, i will always check the notification and read it to know what is it about, and after that i've decisions to do it or not

  • Are there any URLs on which you expected to see a reward, but didn’t?

A : so far, there's no issues of it


So far, I like the site. I haven't reached $25 yet to cash out, but I think it's fun. When I discovered the site a few nights ago I started doing all the challenges that seemed interesting and feasible to me. The only thing I don't like is that it asks me for verification on Twitter, for example, which is paid and is not profitable for me.

⚠️ Precaución: spoilers en el interior

Hasta ahora, me gusta el sitio. Aún no he llegado a los $25 para retirar, pero me parece divertido. Cuando descubrí el sitio hace unas noches comencé a hacer todos los retos que me parecían interesantes y factibles. Lo único que no me gusta es que me pide verificación en Twitter, por ejemplo, que es de pago y no me resulta rentable.


a pretty convenient and non intrusive way of remembering that i can get rewards for when i am just minding my own business, but otherwise it feels a bit redundant


I am a massive Skeptic of this platform, when Elite Dangerous first promoted it I thought they must be crazy, it to me looked like such a scam, and yet it is still here.

From other user accounts it seems to be something genuine and I am willing to give it a go.

I have seen many little challenges that do tick boxes for me, and it is encouraging more creative projects for me to undertake. Promoting new creativity is hugely positive, the issue may become one of quality vs quantity but as far as I can see, this is already in practice.

So lets deal with the specifics

  • Are you seeing a variety of rewards in each notification? Are you tempted to submit?

    • There have been a good few rewards that are tempting and interesting to read and watch so that is a big tick. I could be interesting to have a real life category for life stories, that might be a great way to get to know creators and influencers better.

  • Are you seeing lots of opportunities in a normal browsing session? Are you seeing too many?

    • Not had much time to witness this, I have got the browser extension installed and have not been bombarded by notifications so So Far so good.

  • Are you happy with your options for dismissing or ignoring uninteresting notifications?

    • Not explored this yet, not sure how to dismiss something. If there is an easy access button to customise "less of this" content, that is hugely encouraging.

  • Are there any URLs on which you expected to see a reward, but didn’t?

    • I think instagram is a good social creative platform, seeing it return would be good. Other than that.. I think the balance seems ok.

On other possible routes, is there an ios app? Would there be scope to record videos direct from iphone to the platform?

I am not 100% convinced that this is a sustainable idea, but I am willing to give it a chance to convince me. It seems like a nice community here, I haven't seen any negative post replies or unsavoury content as yet.

I hope it continues, does well and grows.

Rich's avatar

A very warm welcome to the platform Psykokow, especially since you've overcome a little scepticism to join us! You're not the first to express such sentiments; we're always open to ideas on how we can reassure prospective members more quickly/fully. Generally though, we find that once folks give it a shot, they discover it's all legit and become enthusiastic converts - we hope you'll make the same journey! If you do, please do spread the word - social proof is huge for us. There isn't an iOS or Android app (it'd be a huge piece of work) but it's on our radar.

  • Q - Are you seeing a variety of rewards in each notification? Are you tempted to submit?

  • A - Yes, there is variety. However, as an improvement suggestion I would like to see notifications only for rewards that I haven't already submitted to, if that's possible? Most of the time I've looked on there I've already submitted to those rewards.

  • Q - Are you seeing lots of opportunities in a normal browsing session? Are you seeing too many?

  • A - Definitely not too many. I only see 3 at a time, would like to have the option to see more than that if possible?

  • Q - Are you happy with your options for dismissing or ignoring uninteresting notifications?

  • A - Are there options to do that? It would be nice if I could dismiss particular notifications, haven't seen how to do that in the extension though

  • Q - Are there any URLs on which you expected to see a reward, but didn’t?

  • A - No, that hasn't happened to me. I haven't had any issues with how the extension functions

Overall, I think it's a very simple extension with not many options but that's probably what you were going for as the first attempt. Personally, I would love to see it improve over time like with some of the suggestions I have made above.

I also have an improvement suggestion for the website, it would be nice to see where my organic rewards are coming from. If I click on the notification it just brings me to my wallet page. I have no option from there to see exactly what it was for though.

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar


Today l add this extension from Google Chrome and yes was using and is good

I'm very glad that this app brings us closer from the PC like this, you could make it easier for many loots and many articles to be written.

So it's a step forward for my people at Just about, I hope that one day we can also have an official app on mobile and we continue using it.


Normally l’m use Just About from my iPhone 📱 but to have a PC/Laptop opinion is another way of to make our options , Articles or Bountys

I already wrote my review giving it five stars and writing my positive opinion about this new Add on in my note.

I like it and l feels that this is just the beginning of something bigger and like l said l’m keep dreaming with a App for IPhone and Android but l suppose that everything work step by step

Meanwhile we must get support to the new growth extension of this temple of knowledge, exchange of opinion and practice how redacted a article in the best way

Let’s Participate it 💪🏼

FEBRIAN_574H's avatar
  • Are you seeing a variety of rewards in each notification? Are you tempted to submit?

    A : Ofcourse

  • Are you seeing lots of opportunities in a normal browsing session? Are you seeing too many?

    A : I think so, but not to many

  • Are you happy with your options for dismissing or ignoring uninteresting notifications?

    A : sometime I ignore it

  • Are there any URLs on which you expected to see a reward, but didn’t?

    A : No, so far I havent encountered that problem

The Extension make me easier to know the reward notification

Paul's avatar

Im not sure if this counts but I feel its valid criticism. However I understand if I am not eligible to be rewarded for my submission.

As some one that only uses JA on my phone, I have been unable to give this a go which is dissapointing. When it was announced I intended to give it a good try but I am only ever on my work laptop. I inderstand there a plans for phone use in the future (depending on how it goes) however I feel it may have isolated many that do not often use this platform on a compatable device.

Sturmer's avatar

Overall, the experience feels mixed. The add-on thrives on "surprise discovery," popping up tasks while you’re doing something else. But the nature of these rewards: plan, think, complete -contrasts sharply with this approach. It distracts you from your current focus.

Let me illustrate:

  1. You search Google for how to fit a ship for an 8/10 DED complex in Eve Online.

  2. You click on an Eve Online Reddit thread to dive in.

  3. You get a notification about an Eve-related reward.

Should you abandon your research to check the reward? Complete it immediately? Make a note and continue your task? Either way, it disrupts your flow, leaving you thinking about something else.

Perhaps this is just me. I rarely wander community forums or themed boards without a purpose. If I’m there, it’s because I’m researching or sharing findings. This add-on tends to pull my attention away from that initial intent.

Apologies if this isn’t the feedback you were expecting.

BUG: It lists and offers rewards I’ve already submitted or even won.

Shovel's avatar

I’ve enjoyed using the Just Rewards browser extension so far. One of my favourite features is how it pings relevant rewards based on the site I’m on. For example, when I’m on X, it’ll suggest social media-related bounties, and when I’m on Spotify, music-related rewards pop up. It’s such a smart and convenient way to tailor the experience to my browsing habits.

This feature has me so much more interested in finishing rewards because it's such a natural feeling—already being on a website where the reward is relevant it's almost like a prod to contribute. It's even an amazing way to remind me to jump on and mark off a few bounties without actually having to take the effort to log on to the platform.

Overall, this extension made finding and completing rewards much easier and more engaging. I can tell it's going to be huge once more people get a hold of it. Great work with this tool; I look forward to seeing it evolve!

  • Are you seeing a variety of rewards in each notification? Are you tempted to submit?
    Yeah, its really nice to see things I can easily submit to or commit time and know I'm going to be rewarded for my effort

  • Are you seeing lots of opportunities in a normal browsing session? Are you seeing too many?

I see a good amount of opportunities. Its not overwhelming.

  • Are you happy with your options for dismissing or ignoring uninteresting notifications?

    Very happy, I like to get the details of things before I dismiss but if something comes up that is out of my field I dismiss it easily.

  • Are there any URLs on which you expected to see a reward, but didn’t?

Not that I can remember

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I think it's a great addition to the platform, especially for those who don't want to check in every day. What I liked most was the unexpected pop-up at places like Gmail. We all kind of expect gaming, music or film related rewards, but not necessarily for tools we use every day.

The compact feature is nicer than the previous one was, less intrusive. It would be great if the dismiss button would work for individual rewards, so you could permanently dismiss the one you are not interested in, but still see one which you class as "this is interesting but I don't have the time for it now." and keep the reminder for that one. Or if it would remember the rewards you already submitted to. I keep seeing rewards on Youtube which I already entered and got awarded for.

The more rewards section is great as well, so you can discover other rewards you might be interested in without having to visit the site.

ScreamingRaven's avatar
  • Q - are you seeing a variety of rewards in each notification? Are you tempted to submit?
    A - Yes without a Problem.

  • Q. are you seeing lots of opportunities in a normal browsing session? Are you seeing too many?

    A - It seems it fits right how much is it to be seen.

  • Q - are you happy with your options for dismissing or ignoring uninteresting notifications?

    A - I checking them all at the time.

  • Q - are there any URLs on which you expected to see a reward, but didn’t?

    A - No i dont think so, but more is always better.

  • i just have one Problem, the Submit and the other Button seems to be a bit too small. i opnly see 2/10 of the whole button because its cutted.

Hunter's avatar

So I have being testing the new Just About Extension from day one (for 11 days) , on chrome and what can I say as first impression : It is perfect with 0 problems so far, well don just about !

1 - when ever I go in a new web site the Just about notification is never late, it shows up with all the Rewards that I should see for that particular web site.

2- I can't say I see more Opportunities, I will say just ideal amount of opportunities are showing up for the period I tested it, If It is the same that I have seen it or already submitted to I just dismiss it.

3- The Dismiss option works fine for me, the X button however doesn't work some times in some web site I don't know why though.

4- for the moment I didn't see URL's that don't work with the extension, so far so good

Keep the good work Just About ! you earned 5 star from me for this little useful tool .

Irenkovsk's avatar

I like the idea that you don’t necessarily have to be from certain countries to earn rewards. As long as you have a PayPal account, you can have the same opportunities as anyone in the world.

Additionally, you don’t necessarily have to be a gamer to win rewards; there are different varieties that might expand in the future. Hopefully, they’ll add one for the game Marvel Rivals.

Vivisector's avatar

Hey guys the extension is very useful but sometimes with new rewards i can't go down below on the button for submit. As you can see in phot remains blocked like this and i have to open the site before. Maybe the shortcuts can be fixed? Scrollbar don't always work :/

Boomer's avatar

Hey Vivisector, thanks for letting us know. I'll bring this up in our meeting tomorrow morning.

Vivisector's avatar

hey Boomer the scrollbar seems always work now


I like the idea of ​​learning something from questions or posts where you can give advice or discuss it with other users and be able to earn rewards. I find it fun but also useful.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Rich the submission button in this reward is gone. I submited a bug report too.

Boomer's avatar

That's very strange! It's missing for me as well.

I've flagged it with the team so I'll check in first thing in the morning. Thanks for letting us know.

mastercesspit's avatar

same, maybe its just rewarding constructive comments, no submission necessary, i get rewarded for creating discussions, along the same lines? Rich seems to be pretty on the ball, he'd keep an eye on the comments i think,

Rich's avatar

Haha, thanks! Can confirm we're following this up internally; seems something has bugged with this reward.

mastercesspit's avatar

Rich i've worked out my problem with the app, i'm on a mobile broadband network, so every time i open the browser, it treats it as a new connection, i'm lazy and don't bother logging in most times to surf, so google doesn't make the connection to notify me, and i very rarely surf on my mobile, (a different service provider altogether) which being a mobile is auto logged in, so i just need to log into google and it's fine, i suspected it was my crappy internet, lol

have fun 07

Y0EMINENCE's avatar

Amazing website love your Elite Dangerous contests, keep it coming please and Godspeed 🤓😏🥰🫡


Just Rewards is a great platform to earn while enjoying your favorite sports and video games, ive made 10 dollars so far and only been a member for 1 hour can not wait to uplaod all my gaming clips

Rich's avatar

Hi DABONGLORD, a warm welcome to Just About and we're delighted you've already found it rewarding! For this reward specifically though, we were looking for feedback about our browser extension, which is another way for you to discover rewards without even being on the platform.

If you haven't tried it yet and want to receive a prize for this reward, check out the announcement post here, install the extension, give it a try and edit your submission here to share your thoughts. Thanks!


I recently came across just about and I have to say, I’m incredibly impressed! The website is a hidden gem that I’m thrilled to have discovered. The rewards add another layer to my gameplay!

Rich's avatar

Hi ForMol, that's fantastic to hear, thank you! 🙏We're very glad you're here and enjoying the platform, but for this reward specifically, we were looking for feedback about our browser extension.

If you haven't tried it yet and want to receive a prize for this reward, check out the announcement post here, install the extension, give it a try and edit your submission here to share your thoughts. Thanks!


It feels like a nice way to make a little money while im playing some of my favorite games, and now im earning rewards for doing what I was already doing which is awesome. I'm excited to see more games get added to post about and how the site continues to progress.

Rich's avatar

Hi Oreo-McFury00, that's great, that's exactly what we want the platform to feel like! For this reward we were looking for feedback about our browser extension, though.

If you haven't tried it yet and want to receive a prize for this reward, check out the announcement post here, install the extension, give it a try and edit your submission here to share your thoughts. Thanks!


To be honest the app is really useful, it warns me when there is a new available rewards when im googling or something on the browser, i like the app.

Rich's avatar

Glad to hear you're enjoying, kinito00! Would you be able to go into a little more detail here, and about our browser extension specifically? Full details are in the reward description above. Thanks!


The extension is very interesting and a big step forward for those who are part of the community. It’s not annoying at all, but it’s really useful for staying up to date. I think that in this early stage, it already has everything needed, but I’m also sure it will improve even more over time. The most interesting thing is the rewards, each one different from the other, which allows everyone to participate.

As someone who works on the computer, I find it a great opportunity to see the various rewards while browsing. And having a large screen, I can always keep them visible.

One thing though... if this extension were also available for Safari, it would be awesome!

MightyRavino's avatar

Honestly, I was a little hesitant at first thinking maybe it was some sort of scam but you guys are actually legit. I've won a few rewards already and plan to continue contributing. All positive as of now.

Rich's avatar

Hi MightyRavino, a warm welcome to Just About! No worries about the scepticism - as you can see elsewhere on this thread, you're not alone, and we get it: we're doing something different here. I'm glad you've won a few rewards and look forward to seeing more of you 🙏

For this reward specifically though, we were looking for feedback about our browser extension, which is another way for you to discover rewards without even being on the platform. If you haven't tried it yet and want to receive a prize for this reward, check out the announcement post here, install the extension, give it a go and edit your submission here to share your thoughts. Thanks!


When a friend told me about this, I thought that it sounded too good to be true...but it is! (true). So far:

  • Are you seeing a variety of rewards in each notification? Are you tempted to submit? Not in the videogames section, I hope that in the future more games will be added.

  • Are you seeing lots of opportunities in a normal browsing session? Are you seeing too many? It is fine.

  • Are you happy with your options for dismissing or ignoring uninteresting notifications? Yes, is customizable and it does not bother me at all.

  • Are there any URLs on which you expected to see a reward, but didn’t? No.

Rich's avatar

Hi lebiadkin, a warm welcome to Just About and thanks for this feedback! Very glad that you were able to push past that initial scepticism and hope to see you around the platform 🙂

For this reward we're looking for feedback about our browser extension specifically (details here), so just wanted to check that your comments here are about that? If so, would you be able to expand on them a little bit, and if not, would you be able to install the extension, give it a try, and edit your submission here to add some thoughts? Many thanks!

AustriaFarmer's avatar

I've only been using Just About for a short time.

I found out about this site through the Giants Software Partner Network Discord. I was skeptical at first, but after successfully completing some tasks and receiving credit for them, I was convinced.

I have already installed the Just Rewards extension for my browser and when I open new websites the Just Rewards reminder pops up every now and then, which is available here.

Unfortunately, I haven't had any tasks yet that have encouraged me to implement them.

I will keep an eye on the Just Rewards extension, maybe something interesting will come along for me.

Rich's avatar

Hi AustriaFarmer, a warm welcome to Just About! Your scepticism is absolutely understandable - we're trying something new here - and I'm glad you've been able to push past it and are now enjoying the platform. I've noticed your content on the Farming Sim community and really appreciate your contributions 🙏

For this reward specifically though, we were looking for feedback about our browser extension, which is another way for you to discover rewards without even being on the platform. If you haven't tried it yet and want to receive a prize for this reward, check out the announcement post here, install the extension, give it a go and edit your submission here to share your thoughts. Thanks!

TheMortonMan's avatar

Just About has been very beneficial to me as a YouTuber. I've kind of always wanted to do YouTube as a hobby, but have had other priorities ahead of video editing (casting SMITE 2 and Marvel Rivals, helping run an amatuer SMITE 2 league for a short amount of time, just being lazy and playing the game with friends) Just About's cash reward is kind of like a swift kick to the rear end and telling me "hey, go do this!!" While the reward is nice, it's a good reminder that, I've always had my passion set on one thing, and I've let other things tear me away from it. I really gotta lock in!!

Rich's avatar

This is really lovely to hear, TheMortonMan, thank you. This is exactly what we want to be to creators and we're delighted that you're enjoying the platform.

After these kind sentiments I hate to not give a prize, but on this reward specifically, we were looking for feedback about our browser extension, which gives you a way to discover rewards while you're browsing online. Would you like to give it a try and share some thoughts for a prize? All the details are in the reward description. Thanks!

AbyKwon117's avatar

I'm going to be honest, at first I thought that "just about" wasn't going to be true in what it mentioned about having rewards for participating in topics that you like, but I decided to give it a chance and I was amazed in every way, seeing so many people talking about the same topic with different points of view, a totally pleasant atmosphere without discrimination or ridicule towards your comments or those of someone else, they even help and support you if you have doubts or problems. I totally love the atmosphere here and I am very happy to have tried it and to be here participating, I have even recommended it to friends! I love you so much just about and your community, I wouldn't change it for anything. Regarding its expansion of just rewards, I have not had any problems with anything and I hope there will be a mobile application for this great page in the future.

(I'm sorry if my text is not understood but I am using a translator and if my opinion does not qualify for a reward, nothing happens, I just wanted to share my opinion ❤)

Rich's avatar

Aww this has made our day, thank you AbyKwon117. I'd love to give a prize for such kind sentiments, but on this reward specifically, we were looking for feedback about our browser extension, which gives you a way to discover rewards while you're browsing online. Would you like to give it a try and share some thoughts? All the details are in the reward description. Thanks!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Honestly I have quite liked it, especially when I'm on social media platforms and the thing pops up telling me there is a reward/bounty for that page etc.

I think its quite a useful extension to have. So I'm enjoying it.


I've really enjoyed my experience with Just Rewards so far! The platform makes it easy to engage with interesting topics while earning rewards along the way. The community is active, and the challenges keep things fresh and fun. It’s a great way to share thoughts and get recognized for contributions. Looking forward to seeing how it grows!

farrukhmubeen's avatar

This is Good, Awesome rewards. I want more rewarding quests. This is Good, Awesome rewards. I want more rewarding quests. This is Good, Awesome rewards. I want more rewarding quests. This is Good, Awesome rewards. I want more rewarding quests.


Till now, my experience with Just About has been very good. I like that it’s easy to earn some money, and transferring it is also very simple. Thank you, Just About!


Just rewards system is fun but slightly hard to earn points but it shows no to give up until you earn. Some topics may not be there but it is overall fun to see others responses as well with time you could earn a lot i really want to know how the money system work tho.


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