Not sure what this reward is referring to? Or what to do, or why we’re asking? Read the Just Rewards announcement post first!
TL;DR: we’ve built a browser extension, Just Rewards, to offer members a convenient, off-platform way to discover relevant rewards and enter them, rather than asking them to proactively come into Just About and look around (don’t worry, the platform isn’t going anywhere; all rewards in the browser are powered by Just About).
We would love your help to test and improve it before announcing it to the big wide world. Here’s what you need to do:
Seriously, read the Just Rewards announcement post first!
Download and install the Just Rewards browser extension.
Take it for a spin! Browse across the internet as you normally would.
When you’ve used the extension enough to have some solid thoughts, share them in a written submission to this reward. We’re asking for at least 30 words, but more would be very welcome.
In particular, we’d love your thoughts on the following aspects of your experience:
Are you seeing a variety of rewards in each notification? Are you tempted to submit?
Are you seeing lots of opportunities in a normal browsing session? Are you seeing too many?
Are you happy with your options for dismissing or ignoring uninteresting notifications?
Are there any URLs on which you expected to see a reward, but didn’t?
And if you’re enjoying the extension, we’d love it if you could give us a five-star review on the Chrome store. This really will be an enormous help in getting us some crucial early traction.
Feel free to tag me Rich if you’ve got questions or for anything else you need.
We’re very grateful to everyone who gets involved in this one - you’ll be helping us tune an exciting product that, hopefully, will propel Just About’s next phase of growth in 2025!
already paid
$60 / 200
This reward closed to entries at 10:56am on March 27, 2025 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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