community background


mypets's avatar

An idea I've seen here on another bounty and I think would be really cool for Smite 2, would be to create a diorama depicting some scene in the game, such as an epic battle between gods. The person who submitted it would explain the context and those who presented a scene/gods from the game that was recognizable would win. The more realistic, the better!

Sturmer's avatar

SMITE 2, like any multiplayer team game, is full of hilarious moments, unexpected underdog victories, and epic plays that stick with players for a long time.

For this reward, share the most memorable moment you’ve witnessed - bonus points if it’s also hilarious! It could be a single player pulling off something incredible, an entire team executing a legendary play, or just role-playing with weird comp, which unexpectedly worked out.

yan57436's avatar

I thought of the idea of “Show your best photos with references to the gods we have in smite 2” in which we could see photos of the members of just about sitting on Indian rugs, saying they remembered alladin, or with statues of Ares, people with a raccoon dog and saying they remembered danzaburou. I think it would allow a lot of creativity, as well as rewarding the greatest.


My own smite 2 reward idea will be

Share with us your best penta kill in smite 2 so far

And reward them depends on which is the best penta and ranking them from 1 to 10

JHenckes's avatar

So as not to be the same idea as one that has already been said or posted on the site, I thought of a bounty that could have this title: “Redesign or remix a god's Ultimate Ability from Smite 2”.

People could, based on the character's history, background and gameplay style, reinvent the Ultimate of a god of their choice. The reward would assess whether the change made sense for the character (both in terms of their mythology and their gameplay style) and whether it was creative.

I think the reward could bear fruit in some future event in the game, where the gods could have some different ability to make the event attractive and the community's opinion could help with that!


Ask people to make tierlist of gods in the game! Reward would require atleast image + text explaining why which god is in S, A etc.... Make higher reward for those who would do a video about that!


Guides on how to use characters in other Roles

While there have been build rewards and character guides, there have never been guides on how to use a character outside of their main role to detail of any role, for example, how to Use Ymir with an unusual Build in Solo or Jungle and mention:

  • Build

  • What changes need to be made with respect to the normal game mode?

  • Tips and advice

  • What roles can the character use?

They can be in video or written with photos, the important thing is to know how to explain how to use the god in roles other than their main one, helping new players to try new ways of playing with the gods.


Design a MOTD:

Although there aren't modes of the day in game yet, they used to put a lot of love into those. I think it would be fun to see what the community thinks would make good modes of the day in smite 2.

Awwadeuwu's avatar

Changes, Reworks that you would like to see in the missing gods to come from Smite 1 to Smite 2.

It is about making an explanation of how you would like the missing gods to come to have reworks or improvements. It could include too how the “ASPECT ” of the god or goddess you choose could be to give the idea.

I want to highlight Freya and Persefone, they are goddesses that I really like and be interesting to have a section where you can comment on how these things could be in Smite 2. Since Freya for example has had many changes during the course of Smite 1 .

It would be nice to be able to give the community ideas of how we want our gods and goddesses to come out for Smite 2 with a fresh and novice touch.

Winning ideas could be used for future gods and goddesses missing to get to the game. If not they could at least be inspired for any skill to make the changes to Smite 2.


Share your ideas about what should HIREZ add to the conquest map and what should they remove to make the conquest map better, you can write about it or make a video.


Whats ur favourite gamemode and why?

Tell us what ur favourite gamemode is, and if u have any good memories associated with it.
the people with the best anwser win the big prize


I think a good reward would be to ask the community to give a new Taunt voice line to their favorite God!!!

This would be fun cause there are tons of interactions in between different gods that can be played with!

kamiel's avatar

Design a new type of jungle boss/ camp

Come up with your own idea of a new jungle boss or camp, design a unique jungle boss or camp for , including its appearance, abilities it may or may not have, mechanics it would use, and how it impacts the game. Does it provide buffs, summon minions, or alters the jungle environment/ pathing around the map?


tell us about your main god .

talk about your main god and how you play it and give tips and tricks for that god, whats the build you go for it and whats the best role for it


A little bit of everything

My idea for a reward would be to make a video montage of 5 plays, one for each role in the game with the aim of rewarding the people who are more flexible when playing conquest.


Super easy, ask players to draw their favorite god or gods in smite 2 or the god that they are waiting to come from Smite 1 on a paper and the funniest should win the big prize.


Add titles for gods that include player statistics to display on the loading screen cards. For example: "Anubis player number 50 on the server."

Fan art for new gods and skins.

Introduce a custom game mode using the custom maps option. For example: a race through the assault map where players can only use movement speed items. Teams could use ultimate combos to move faster. Objective: All team members must reach the enemy base to win, or the first teammate to arrive at the enemy base secures the victory.

MightyRavino's avatar

How about some love to prospect voice actors?

Have them describe a theme for their prefered God maybe even a little background of how they imagine it and then have them act out lines for them.

They dont have to voice act every single line, but maybe pick 10 common ones (Hi, Bye, You Rock, cancel that, etc)

Then one winner gets a chance to voice it if theyre picked as the best original design and voice actor.


Create an Item!

Basically, ask people to think of items for Smite 2, depending on how many items and how detailed the description, people get a reward.

I can easily come up with like, 8 items and i'd love to share them in a meaningful way.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

I love to play among friends, and one of the best things to play with friends is to better plan a move or action, but it will be funny moments among friends specially when things won't came outs as planed so would be nice to Share your favourite team play, the most skilful or the funniest!.

It would be amazing to see to soo serious and fantastic plays and the most funniest failures in the same place, or it can be 2 separated rewards, but it will be better if your are among friends and share the voice dialogue by voice or text while deciding your next move.


Favorite role and why.

Basically each user had to say which role in Smite 2 they like to play most (Top, Jungle, Mid, Adc or Support) and explain why, how they started playing that role, which gods they like to play in that role, could they give some tips or explain what not to do in that role.

TheMortonMan's avatar

What's your idea for a skin for your favorite God in SMITE 2??

Basically going over an idea for a skin that correlates to your favorite God, what makes this skin work with this God?? Any ideas for overall attire, color change, ability visual changes, etc.

Neyamavu's avatar

Pretty sure this hasn't been a bounty yet, but I'd like to see one that rewards cosplay. I saw a Mini Metal Jing Wei the other day on Twitter, and it just got my gears turning. I want more incentive for cosplay.

Kinda along the same train of thought, I have this friend who is very good at decorating cakes, and I think it would be a very zany but fun idea to make a bounty that is themed around culinary creations designed around the Smite 2 gods.

One last one, and I remember suggesting something like this before to someone, but we should have a bounty about creating events for Smite 2 to get the community involved. Like, we could have something where each host of Casual Friday represents a pantheon and have a tracker for how many game were being played and/or won with every pantheon. We could use Titan Talk to keep track of the progress and hype it up through Twitter and make it a whole event. I would absolutely root for Celtic (yes, just Cernunnos, fight me) over Greek. It would give me incentive to stick to a set of gods as well and help out with getting gods radiant since I am a very sporadic player when it comes to picking.

P.S. If the last thing ever becomes a bounty, can I just flesh out this idea more? Thanks for the answer if I get one xD

Dydo's avatar

SMITE 2 Role Breakdown

Participants will explain one or more roles/lanes in SMITE 2. The goal is to create comprehensive, creative, and informative guides to help players of all skill levels - or a predetermined skill level (basic, intermediate, or advanced) - understand the nuances of Solo, Jungle, Mid, ADC, and Support roles.

Participants should submit their entries either as a written guide (minimum 500 words) or as a video. Submissions should include organized sections such as a role overview, early/mid/late-game strategies, goat/counter gods, and/or tips.

This could be structured either as separate rewards for each role/each skill level or as a single reward where participants can focus on a single role, multiple roles, or even compare how roles interact with each other, with rewards tied to the depth, clarity, creativity and uniqueness of the content.

I believe these guides could help elevate the skill level of players by going beyond which gods to play and how to play with them - though that’s important - and instead focusing on preparing players to think strategically within the game.


I think a cool bounty would be one that allows creators to showcases their skills in editing. Show the differences between smite 2 gods and their smite 1 variants. With the free to play release soon I'm sure there will be a lot of people moving over.


Mechanics Deep Dives:

  • Explain a specific mechanic (or multiple) in SMITE 2 that isn't immediately obvious to the player. Examples could be Diminishing Returns, the Protections formula and how damage calculations work, How cooldown rate works, etc.


An interesting idea that I don't believe i've seen yet is to suggest possible "+1s" for gods we haven't seen ported yet. For example Sobek's execute, Poseidon's 3 way tidal wave, Baron's throwable brew. Would be fun to see people's ideas for what ways we could spice up other gods that haven't released yet.

I'm also still a big fan of in game challenges as a genre, similar to the highest kills one that was ran. Could go similar vein with highest damage or similar, or narrow it down per god - "Share your best play with x new released god".


Skins: Offer free special skins and paid variants for the gods, perhaps themed around the seasons that can only be unlocked by participating in themed events.

Titles: Give special titles that players can wear. Perhaps pompous titles that celebrate the greatness of the player.

Custom Shields: With custom designs based on the player's choices.

In-Game Coins and Reward Points: Special coins to purchase exclusive content.

Early Access to New Features: Additional features anticipated for those who participate in certain events.

GoJapan's avatar

Show a gameplay with your favorite team and attach advice to use them at best. From individual characters to how it is possible to concatenate skills, or to create a short action of the game


I really enjoyed doing the dances with the VXD command in Smite 1, unfortunately not all characters had their dance yet.

I would like to see what kind of dances the community could choose for each character, they can post videos in their replies too.

Ahnsyaraa's avatar

Because I'm a digital artist and I enjoy being involved in the world of art, I think I would like a SMITE 2 challenge or mission that is related to art. For example, a new character design contest, new outfit , or maybe new equipment and weapons.

ThePunisher99's avatar

i suggest a special skin color tier that evolves as players win matches with a specific god. Each milestone unlocks new visual effects and with a speacial sound can be used in game like emotes


  • 10 win with that god : bronze

  • 25 win with that god : silvar

  • 50 win with that god : gold

  • 75 win with that god : platinium

  • 100 win with that god : diamond


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