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Elite Dangerous
GreybeardSeawolf's avatar

What's my best/favourite Ship name, where to start. I love personalising my Elite Dangerous ships and choosing/finding exactly the right name is a huge part of that process. If I had to list my top 4 favourites it would look something like this:

My AX medium fighter a Krait Mk II - GSS Kraitee Sackhoff Ship ID: 5TRBUK in honour of the actress who played Starbuck in the reboot of Battlestar Galactica

Then there is my trusty exploration DBX GSS Long Jump Silver Ship ID:ARGH01 I have spent several thousand of my 7500+ hours exploring the Black with this wonderful little ship. She has served me very well.

Up next my Imperial Cutter GSS DEATH OF RATS Ship ID: 33K33K In honour of one of my favourite authors the incomparable Sir Terry Pratchett

One of my favourite TV shows and the character Wash provided inspiration in naming my Type 6 Transporter GSS A Brick On The Wind Ship ID: FR3FLY


So many to choose from but I'll go with "Outworn Dalliances".

This is the Krait Mk II I used to make my first trip to Colonia. You can read the full account of my adventures here:

As for the name ...
It's an anagram of Colonia Wanderlust which has a certain Ian M. Banks-esque ring to it and also reflects on the fact that I've grown weary of noodling around the bubble doing a little bit of this and a little bit of that and now yearn for an adventure with a bit more substance to it.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Love the anagram, and that screenshot!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Boomer I nominate this for Member Monday!

Boomer's avatar

That's a stunning shot! 😍

Moonshade Gaming's avatar

Since I've previously shared "Leaf on the Wind," I figured it was time to give two of my other favorite names a chance in the spotlight.

First up is my Beluga Liner "Final Destination." I built her as an armed evacuation ships during the Thargoid War and have slain many a Scythe. I picked the name because I find a beautiful irony in the reference 😈

Next up is my Federal Dropship, "Death From Above." She is a ground assault ship built for raiding settlements. Armed with three unguided rocket launchers, she makes quick work of anyone fool enough to stand around outside. She also carries two SRVs, because what's a dropship without vehicles to drop? Her name comes as a reference of both the intended design purpose, as well as one of my favorite maneuvers in BattleTech.

JHenckes's avatar

Don't get me wrong, I like this ship, it's very useful for many things, especially at the start of the game. But the ship is a pain in the ass to move around, you can't help but get annoyed sometimes hahaha.

And that's where Keelbrick came from, the brick spaceship!

LiquidMorkite's avatar

Monty Python

1. Mandalay "My Jolly Sailor Bold"

A song that I heard from a Pirates of the Caribbean movie, as I make the connection between an exploration vessel (in this case the Mandalay) and a sailor in the sea.

2. Mamba "Persephone"

A Greek goddess, and the queen of the underworld in Greek Mythology, she's a symbol everlasting youth, continuity, and life. As the Mamba is so fast, she might as well beat the flow of time and stay young forever, I fly her as a Titan Bomber, protecting the continuity of humanity. Persephone is also a proposed name for the hypothetical ninth planet in the Sol system, and is already discovered by the time of Elite: Dangerous.

3. Python "Monty Python"

Named after a British comedy troupe from 1969, I love funny names sometimes.

4. Anaconda "Saint Cecilia"

Named after a Roman virgin martyr, "the patroness of music", though the only music that my Shards Conda would play would be from the 6 Shard Cannons equipped on her, to the Thargoids.

ThePunisher99's avatar

My OneBulletOneTaken ship was the strongest one, it takes enemy ships easily this is why i named her one bullet one taken

ThePunisher99's avatar

Thank you ! i have more to share in the future

MQC's avatar


Diamondback Explorer

I love my Diamondback Explorer, it's probably the ship I use the most in my day to day life when I want to move around the bubble doing small missions for my Power.

The name Izanagi comes from Japanese mythology, meaning "He-who-invites" or the "Male-who-invites"), is the creator deity of both creation and life. Each of my ships is named after a Japanese deity: Amaterasu, Susanoo, Tsukuyomi, Inari...

This is because, just as I started playing Elite Dangerous at the end of 2014, I was beginning to read a book on Japanese mythology during my Japanese language studies. The temptation was great and I called my first Sidewinder Amaterasu... and I continued with the idea until today.

Doc's avatar

My exploration ship is a DiamondBack Explorer, which I have named Antarctica. Antarctica symbolizes respect and admiration for the region's natural beauty, extreme conditions, and scientific significance. It also honors historical expeditions and explorers who contributed to our understanding of this remote part of the world. And I like Antarctica, I would go there if I could.


Greetings pilots

Meet my favorite of the other ships, namely the Diamondback Explorer called the Star Wanderer.

XCezor's avatar

The Peace Maker, also previously called Venator, is the chosen and my favorite Krait Mk.2 to bring peace to the humanity by tearing the systems from the claw of Federation 😅
(Also is it me or JustAbout changed name on Twitter(X)? I cannot find it but maybe I've just missed an annoucement)

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Love the Peace Maker. We changed our Twitter name to 'Just' following our rebrand, but our handle is the same:

You can always find a link to it in the 'Format, rules, and guidance' section if you lose it again. o7


Generally speaking I like to give my ships female names, I think just because I tend to refer to a ship as a "she". I also like to use alliteration, I think because it's kind of quirky. Some of my other ship names include:

Dixie Diamondback, Elissa Explorer (ASP), Pria Python, Katie Krait (Mk II), Alexis Anaconda, Carly Cutter (Imperial), Vicki Vulture, Clara Clipper (Imperial), Collie Courier (Imperial), Freda Fer-Der-Lance, Clhoe Cobra (Mk III), Debbie Dolphin, Olivia Orca, and Percy Python.


I don't know exactly why but it makes me smile / laugh when I hear myself saying Goosey Gunship, so that's why it's my favourite name for a ship.

ayebawl's avatar

So long 2024, hello 3311. I welcomed in the new year by finishing off the Federation rank grind to Rear Admiral and purchasing their top of the line Corvette. I christened it the Little Fed Corvette. It ain't real little and it ain't real fast but it's the Prince of Punch that peppers pirates with powerful plumes of plasma*

*...multicannon rounds actually, but that didn't fit

An additional mildly interesting anecdote - I'm new to Elite and also Just About and enjoying the ride so far. Ive also recently created the above Instagram account to share my Just About contributions. It's my second attempt at creating an account for my Cmdr because the first one was suspended for violating Insta's community standards...!

I appealed it, it was reviewed and was denied. It had a grand total of 3 Elite ingame screenshots and that was it. No hairy middle aged man body parts were (thankfully) on display so I was at a bit of a loss at what rule I contravened. I did what a lot of middle aged dads do when confronted with a perplexing social media issue and asked my teenager.

When he asked what account name I chose he smirked when I told him cmdr_ayebawl. I was still completely clueless and he had to spell out his theory, which proved to be a little uncomfortable for both of us! He thought the issue was with the abreviation and he suggested some alternative meanings might trigger Insta's banhammer. Soooo I recreated the account with the full Commander spelling and no banning issues yet. Time to post some selfies - feeling cute, might delete later

mastercesspit's avatar

this is "Dragons Breath" a fully engineered corvette, all energy weapon pve build, it just melts everything it comes up against, originally built for medium/high CZ's.

have fun 07

USCSS's avatar

Hello Commanders,

The best name I've ever given to a ship is Terminator. It's the ship I use the most right now and it's a Federal Corvette. To make it look more like a Terminator, I've given it a coat of silver paint, as you can see in the attached images.

I named it this in reference to the Terminator movies. I think the name represents the ship very well, as it is a ship that instills fear and terror in anyone who crosses its path. It is also incredibly strong and durable, and has impressive firepower.

(Translated with Google translator)


"Hello CMDRs! I present to you, "STDK (Space Truckers Data Keepers) The Uploader". This Diamondback Explorer was named with the intent of being my wings to help all fellow truckers and people of the galaxy with information. You see, a lot of stations are with old information or no information at all since they're building! Of course CMDR's fly all through the galaxy but some places seems to don't catch the eye of a lot of truckers or traders or visitors.

Well, then I just look at the spreadshet, (a station with more then a thousand days with no uploaded data in the galaxy systems) take my bird for a spin, (51 light years a hop) turn on EDMC and pay a visit to the the station.

It's so nice to say hello and check their market, you can see in their happy faces when receiving a visitor.

So truckers and traders, let's keep the galaxy updated! Fly Safe! STDK Squadron leader and L&L Cargo and Trasport owner CMDR James Lauer, signing out. Have a good day!"

Hope you enjoy these clicks around the galaxy!

T0Nejy's avatar

My ship is called the Frog Menace only because Alliance Chieftain reminds me of a frog and I also love star wars So i thought the name was funny


I have named my combat ship Ignis Tempestas (Fire Storm). This Latin name captures the essence of its power and the intensity of combat.


Behold the "Benito Villamarín"! (The name of the stadium of my football team, Real Betis Balompié

Niceygy's avatar

I present... ARMED & FABULOUS

My power-playing mandalay for spreading the influence goodwill of the emperor!

Armed with 4x Class 4 Overcharged multicannons and 2x long-range beam lasers, and a thermal resistant shield. So you can fight in style

Y0EMINENCE's avatar

It’s not this I don’t have it yet, I almost have all the empire ships on Xbox pc and PlayStation. My first ship name will be “The Flying Dutchman”. Because of my ghost factions. Also inspired off of the series “expeditionary force”! A must read, Godspeed Just About! 🫡🤓

St4r_Lord's avatar

The name is self-explanatory, Titanbomber, and may not be the most original, but it certainly suits the ship's function

Hunter's avatar

The Kraken My Anti-Xeno Beast many stories to share from last year war efforts !

Block9's avatar

This is my beautiful Federal Corvette, I call it Hive Sherman, ''hive'' because it is a place built to house the queen (which in this case is me), some crew members to operate the fighters and everything else are interpreted as the drones... all together working as a team like bees work in a hive.

But what is Sherman? Sherman is my cat's name, I really like him a lot and I decided to dedicate my best ship to him, he just said ''meow meow'' I believe it is a ''thank you'' hahaha


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