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Inpunktion's avatar


(This tier list was created with ranked and tournament play in mind but is ultimately a culmination of my own personal opinions and experience with the game and its characters).

(I will go into detail on my reasoning for specific gods and for the S and D tiers to explain why I think they belong there).

Tier breakdowns:

S Tier - This tier consists of gods that are performing far above average, when played in recent tournaments they were picked or banned frequently, they are also all favored pretty heavily in ranked play.

Aladdin has insane scaling and late game can completely rip apart a team single handedly with nearly any damage build.

Ullr is in a similar situation where his numbers are simply too high along with being able to abuse items like Tekko-Kagi allowing him to keep 100% uptime on the items passive.

Ra has an aspect now that turns him into an unkillable monster capable of burst healing his team and providing buffs. With the aspect he can now attach his 3 to others to consistently heal them without worrying about positioning and his ult burst heals any teammates hit.

Hecate would probably be the most controversial in my S tier as she requires a higher skill ceiling then the others to pull off but if you get ahold of her she can make team wiping plays with her large AOE ultimate and AOE abilities.

A Tier - This tier is comprised of characters that perform better then the average god. Most of these gods are highly contested in ranked play with a few hot takes here and there.

B Tier - These characters I find to be for the most part fairly balanced and where I would consider average in terms of balance. They are picked relatively frequently in ranked play.

C Tier - These gods fall below average in terms of ranked/pro play or are very niche picks requiring one or multiple other characters to synergize with them. Yemoja you could argue should be multiple tiers higher but I find her to be less impactful then the other frontline supports in most situations.

D Tier - These gods are just bad unfortunately, luckily I've only felt that 2 characters belong in this tier which in my mind is an indication that most characters feel pretty dang good to play!

Sol has been nerfed one too many times in recent patches and is now simply the weakest ADC, her abilities scale off of intelligence and the ADC int items are not in a viable state so you are forced to build strength, the problem with this is that her passive doesn't allow her autos to slam as hard as they did when crit was broken, in contrast Zeus the other mage ADC in the game has a passive that still allows him to pump out numbers.

Cabraken was the most recent release and therefore might not belong in this tier, however from the few games I have played with him alongside community sentiment its obvious he is under tuned.


My Tier List (Last Patch)

  • S Tier: These gods consistently dominate games in my experience, both when I play them and face them. They are primary drivers of victory. and here is why some of them are S tier.

  • Ra: he is an S tier in the solo lane with his aspect he has alot of healing he has fast clear and he does decent damage he is very hard to deal with.

  • Aladdin: he is the best god in the game right now due to his high damge numbers and his insane mobility he is a true carry.

  • A Tier: Solid and powerful characters with high potential, it depends on the skill of the player to carry a game.

  • Loki: His stealth and assassination capabilities make him a terror on the battlefield, capable of turning fights with high burst damage.

  • Sol : Her late-game scaling is unparalleled, providing massive damage output and utility through her passive and abilities.

  • B Tier: Good characters with specific strengths that shine in certain team compositions and builds. They can be impactful, but their effectiveness is more situational.

  • Mulan starts the game very well, even in mid game but her effectiveness significantly diminishes as the match progresses. She becomes very fragile and struggles to contribute meaningfully to team fights in the late game.

  • Susano is a strong jungler with excellent mobility, making him quite disruptive. However, recent nerfs have significantly weakened his damage output. If he can't quickly eliminate enemies with a full combo, he struggles to compete effectively. A few small buffs could help him regain his former strength.

  • C Tier: Characters with significant weaknesses that hinder their overall performance. They require adjustments to be more competitive in the current meta.

  • Nemesis is currently facing challenges in the current meta due to the prevalence of strong slow immunity items. Her effectiveness relies heavily on slowing enemies, and if she can't apply slows, she struggles to significantly impact the game.

  • Cabrakan struggles to deal enough damage even when built for full damage. This results in a slow time to kill for enemies. Even when played as a supportive role, he doesn't perform as well as other top support gods in the current meta. He could definitely use some buffs to improve his overall performance.

Ford James's avatar

Hi MasterMind, thanks for entering this reward. Could you expand a little on why you've placed some of the specific gods where you have, by touching on their abilities and builds, to be eligible for a reward? Thanks!


Vegas Tournament Tier List

S - Top Pick Top Ban

  1. Aphrodite - Undisputed the best protector of your main carry in the current meta.

  2. Aladdin - Singlehandedly wins you games, was banned for the majority of the tournament.

  3. Hecate - Amazing long range damage and displacement.

A- Impactful

  1. Hades - Stalwart of the solo lane, rarely "loses" lane and has amazing dive potential!

  2. Fenrir - Multirole God. Flexible in support/jungle, his ult always creates value in teamfights.

  3. Sobek & Geb - Most played supports of the tournament. They can dive, peel or setup kills.

B- Solid/Meta

  1. Athena - Multirole god, brilliant for draft phase and is effective in jungle, solo and support.

  2. Yemoja - If you need healing or want to trap the enemy she is the next best support.

C- Niche/Comp

  1. Loki - Has one-shot assassin potential, but struggled to make an impact in the finals.

D- Not Played/Situational

  1. Bacchus - Great in a dive meta, but his high risk high reward playstyle was not fit for purpose.

Ford James's avatar

Hi ForMol, thanks for entering this reward. To be eligible for a prize, could you please expand a little on your choices and tell us why you've placed some of those gods where you have? Thanks!


Smite2 Open Beta 1 Tier List

This list is made based on my experience in ranked games.

S tier - This tier has gods that are always banned and if picked they can carry games, gods that right now are doing very well and are very good in teamfights or solo kills.

Alladin is S rank because he is a new god and right now he packs a lot of damage, also his ult gives him a lot of survivability and can easily kill a target in lamp.

Medusa and Ullr right now are dealing a lot of damage with the items in the game and how good their scaling is, they can easily kill a mage or a carry with a combo.

Fenrir is now a very good jungler because of his mobility and fast clear, he can also gank anyone with his ult, also his aspect makes him a good support as well.

Geb and Aphrodite are the top supports right now, Aphro healing is very strong as well her ult can save the carry or mage in hard times.Geb has that shield that can help carry to win lane. They both have a lot of cc.

Ra is in S tier thanks to his aspect that might be the best in the game right now and makes him a beast in solo lane.

A tier - mostly goods that are not banned and you will see in almost all games they can easily carry a game

I included Agni, Nu Wa, Baron Samedi and Hades in this tier because they have a good amount of damage and CC but not quite enough for S tier.

Athena, Bellona and Thanatos have a really good aspect and they can perform very well but they are not broken enough for S tier.

Yemoja is a very good support with a lot of CC and healing but not as strong as Aphrodita.

Cupid and Jing Wei have a good amount of damage and mobility, Cupid is picked more for his sustain and Jing for her damage but they don t hit as hard as Medusa or Ullr.

Sobek has a lot of CC and can be very good in solo lane as well as in support role.

Poseidon has a lot of mobility and high damage but can be countered easy with aegis that why he is not S tier.

Hercules has good sustain damage and good clear, he can be a good jungler or solo laner but his aspect is not that great and he is easy countered by antiheal.

B tier - this tier is for goods that are good or ok and they can perform well if you know how to play them some of them are close to A tier like Mordred with his asspect wich is very good or bachus with asspect in solo lane.

I include Anubis because he lacks mobility but he has amazing damage.

I feel like Amaterasu, Nemesis, Loki, Hecate and Danzaburou have a good amount of mobility but they lack in damage category and need a small buff.

Anhur, Izanami and Kuku need some new items because I feel like they do well but they get countered easy.

C tier - In this tier I placed gods that are not doing very well or you need to have experience of playing them to win games and are easy to counter.

Morrigan is in this category because she is hard to play I fell like and it's easier to feed with her than to win games.

Ymir, Ares, Kephri and Odin are pretty basic, once they missed or used kit they can t do much, they all have a strong point but lack in a lot of categories.

Pele is hard to play and easy to counter with antiheal and aegis.

Neith has a big burst but she can miss easily.

D tier - In this tier I placed gods that I think they need some buffs and some new items because they don't really perform well.

I put Sol and Hua Mulan down here because them can play only one roll and right now their rols are filled with strong picks and is hard for them to win lane.

Ford James's avatar

Hi AdySenpai, could you expand a little on your choices here? I appreciate the explanation for the tiers, but could you dive into some of the gods you've placed and explain why they're ranked where they are? Thanks!


I explained a bit for each god, this is my opinion right now


As a breakdown of general tiers:

S - When played by at least a decently skilled player, has the capacity to hard carry a game significantly easier then other tiers.

A - Solid god choice, can usually do well in most games, and will usually have an easier chance of winning lane or contributing more to a teamfight then their counterparts.

B - Useable, but usually noticeably weaker then the gods above them, or has too many counters to be able to played reliably if they would normally be placed in a higher tier.

C - Hard to use, or many items in the game counter the main gimmicks of this character. Will actively be a struggle to contribute to teamfights or not lose lane and/or pressure.

D - Needs a major overhaul to work as intended by the gods design.

Low Outliers - Sol, Athena, Ares, Odin, Yemoja
Sol - As an ADC, she's probably actively competing for the worst ADC spot in the game in most objectively correct tierlists. Not a hot take by any means, she's also arguably the worst mid mage as well. Partially due to bad scalings on her abilities and the work required to keep her passive going to make her actually feel like an ADC, as well as her wave clear just feeling bad.

Athena - Athena is in B because while Jungle Athena is arguably A or S, support Athena is arguably C or B. Her taunt duration got reduced on the port over, and she lost the heavily statted parts of her ult on the transition over to Smite 2. Additionally, due to CC buffering changes, the value of her taunt is further diminished primarily by gods with leaps being able to almost completely ignore her strongest ability and force it on its low cooldown somewhat reliably.

Ares - Heavily hurt by the increase in base protections of backliners in the transition from Smite 1 to 2, as well as the introduction of Talisman of Purification, the cherry on top of this god being so poorly rated is the change of his ult to be a form of displacement, meaning conventionally knockup immune abilities such as Anubis 1, can completely negate Ares ult entirely.

Odin - Similar to Ares, an increase in availability to items and relics that counter Odin ult as well as the usual predictable/punishable birdbomb landing spot make him arguably hard and less worth to play.

Yemoja - Almost entirely similar to Smite 1, while at higher levels of play this goddess excels, in the hands of the average or newer players the god remains hard to start off on and incredibly difficult to use effectively.

High Outliers - Aladdin, Geb, Sobek, Ullr, Loki
Aladdin - High scalings and versatile build variety, great mobility, decent skill entry barrier but high skill ceiling, incredibly useful teamfight ult when used correctly. Only real weakness at the time of writing is his lackluster early game and the punishing factor of the ult if you are behind in xp/gold, or ult at the incorrect time or location.

Geb - High utility in the usefulness of his shield, knockup, and ult. The changes to his 1 and 3 strengthen the god even more, even with the reduced height of his knockup. Just an incredibly solid god all around.

Sobek - The utility of the infamous pluck remains incredibly high, even with a nerfed cooldown. The ability to reposition an enemy - either by throwing them into your team, or throwing them away from your teammate being dived, is incredibly strong. A teamfight can be won almost singlehandedly off of a good pluck lategame. The rest of his kit remains incredibly strong, healing, built-in antiheal, knockback/up, AOE slow execute ult all further contribute to the high level of utility in the god.

Ullr - Ullr's gimmick remains the same - get to mid/late game, hit an axe on a backliner, they die. The ability to singlehandedly confirm a kill somewhat easily off of one hard CC, while possessing a high level of mobility and safety and a high level of chase/lockdown, it's not much of a surprise why this god in the hand of a competent Ullr player remains one of the most dreadful opponents to see in lane.

Loki - Loki's damage is so high at almost every stage of the game, if you play an immobile mid god your life will be misery if you aren't warding constantly. With the almost unparalleled chase his ultimate and movement speed on his 1 grant him, it makes him able to gank even the safest of gods with relative ease. With only a couple strength 3000 gold pots at the end of the game, hydra's autoing backliners for 700+ damage in a single auto is a common occurence.


This is an early god tierlist from open beta released on 13/01/25


This is the highest tier with gods usually picked or banned on high elo ranked matches. Gods in this tier can single handedly carry a game


Strong gods often picked in high ranked and can dominate matches fitting in all types of compositions


Gods in this tier are powerful if played correctly but often are worse versions of gods in the S/A tiers


This tier represents gods who are not inherently badl but it is difficult to take advantage of them in the current metagame


This tier represents gods that currently need some buff or change to be more viable in high-ranking games and need to be played perfectly.


Gods practically unplayable in ranked unless you are OTP


S: Gods with very high damage or excellent damage and movement skills to escape from battles.
A: Very good gods that require a bit more strategy in team fights. They have a good balance between damage, escape, or healing.
B: Decent gods that require more strategy to use effectively.


Last patch overview.

Over: This group is reserved for the gods who are simply on another level. They dominate the arena with exceptional skills and can often turn the game in your favor. Gods in this group are extremely powerful and frequently considered overpowered. Playing with an "Over" god gives you a significant advantage over your opponents.

Meta: The gods in this group are the cornerstone of the current game. They are frequently picked and banned in competitive matches due to their proven effectiveness and versatility. "Meta" means that these gods fit perfectly into the most popular strategies and are essential for any successful team composition.

Nice: Here we have gods who are great and always useful. They may not be as dominant as those in the "Over" group or as essential as those in the "Meta" group, but they are solid and reliable. Playing with a "Nice" god is a safe choice, as they can perform well in various situations and compositions.

Ok: Gods in this group are average. They have their qualities but also their limitations. They are not the most popular choices and may require a bit more effort and skill to shine. Playing with an "Ok" god can be an interesting challenge, but it is not guaranteed to have the greatest impact on the game.

Nevermind: For those gods who, unfortunately, fail to stand out. They may be outdated, have abilities that are not effective in the current meta, or simply do not fit well into team compositions. Choosing a "Nevermind" god can be a risk, and it is better to avoid them until they receive adjustments or improvements.

BlaiseMcBaine's avatar

Categories are listed as follows:
Stupid- Gods you know that are just really strong and want to just run it down with or will get ran down by.

Astounding- Not to OP, but definitely on the stronger side of picks for The Battleground of the Gods.

Brave- You're picking these knowing they are in an okay spot, but may need some help from your team comp.

Courageous- These picks tend to be rough and your really showing you want to make the game harder for yourself. You like the challenge.

Dumb- Buff! Make them more interesting to play.

Failure- Simply Bad

JHenckes's avatar

This is my tier list from the last patch released until today (I've tried to keep it as up-to-date as possible).

1 - EXCELLENT - In this ranking I've only put the gods that in my gameplay experience (both playing the character and facing him) were the main ones responsible for the victory. I highlight Zeus and Bacchus. I know how annoying they are for the opposing team!

2 - GREAT - On the 2nd floor I've placed characters who continue to be incredible, but won't always be responsible for carrying the matches, they are gods who will have their moment to shine at various stages of the match, but they will need support to be able to make a difference. I'd like to highlight Loki and Baron Samedi in this ranking. They're great assassins, but their condition doesn't allow them to carry a game on their own!

3 - GOOD - For me, this rank includes characters who are good under specific conditions. In other words, characters that work in certain teams and specifically with certain builds. This makes it more difficult for them to shine, but when they are played well under these conditions, they stand out, but they are lower down because it is more difficult for them to be the difference in a match. I'd like to highlight Odin and Anubis, who are very good characters, but often have their potential wasted (or isolate themselves in their lane, which has made me very angry hahaha).

4 - NOT SO GOOD - In this ranking I put characters who manage to be good, but have some very important weaknesses. These are characters that need a slight rebalancing so that they can appear more in the meta. I highlight Thanatos and Hades. I love them both, I have a lot of fun playing them, but it's unbalanced, even though I play well and get more kills, I end up lagging behind characters in the meta!

5 - BAD - Honestly? They're awful hahaha... Either they're characters without any mobility, or they're characters with horrible late games, or they're characters totally overshadowed by the best possible gods to play. Can they work at some point? Yes, but it's very difficult. A team that knows how to use the gods in the meta is unlikely to lose a match with at least 2 of them. I highlight them all hahaha. I really don't like them, I'm sorry!

TheMortonMan's avatar

me and Cloggedbean made an arena tier list and as you can tell in the was a blast lol


S tier - Normally either picked or banned in high-end ranked. These gods are outliers in their role and have the most impact. VERY good and will probably be receiving nerfs in upcoming balance patches.

A tier - Very good in their respective roles, normally picked after top picks/bans. Above average picks that do well in most games.

B Tier - Okay in their respective roles, normally worse than their peers that appear in higher tiers. These can also be counter picks for example Ymir/Odin vs comps with very little mobility, Susano for immobile mages, or Bellona into heavy ADC comps.

C Tier - Shouldn't really be picked, AOE beads/buffering changes have removed most utility/team fight potential from these gods. (Namely Ares. Mordred could possibly be moved up a tier but currently I haven't seen one perform well.)

kamiel's avatar

Here is a tierlist of the current CA8 patch gods and how they perform in ranked in the EU region

The gods in the S tier are in my opinion the best gods to use in ranked to climb and get wins more easily cause the gods kit allowes you to make the game easier for yourself the meta items work the best on them and they make the game really easy for new players since the gods kit works so well

the gods in the A tier are gods that always work and will just allow you to have a solid game i wouldnt be annoyed or mad to see my team pick up those gods cause they are obviously also really good, just not the top tier S gods

for the b tier gods these gods are good aswell but are a bit 2 sided they either hard win or hard lose so they are really situational in the game and the comp ur against if you know what youre doing these gods will be very good

then for the c tier i would avoid playing these gods cause theyre not really in the meta right now but if you choose to play them you can always go for it they arent super bad just dont have much going for themselves right now

and then for the D tier these are gods i would just avoid picking in ur ranked games because they are just not good at all in the current meta you will make the game harder for yourself

Ford James's avatar

Hey kamiel, thanks for entering this reward. That's a solid tier list - to be eligible for a reward, could you just dive into and explain why some of them have been placed in those tiers? Ideally the S-tier gods, as that's what everyone is keenest to learn usually! ✌

Cloggedbean's avatar

As Previously mention CashMoneyMorty and myself linked up to do this one live on stream. We specifically created this tier list for Arena

Here are the final rankings. I feel as if I need to edit one thing, and that would be Mordred to B

you can check out the full video with reasons why on each god here

TheMortonMan's avatar

bean got one good mordred ult in a game after we made this list and felt the need to bump him up two ranks. absurd


I haven't played enough with the three new gods to CA7 to accurately rank them but i'd probably have Poseidon in A and the other two in B off of first impressions.

This list is mostly based off of my playtime in casuals, ~ obsidian level ranked, and some competitive (open qualifications, swiss bracket, and last chance qualifications for the vegas lan)

The S tier characters are the one i've seen prioritised the most in picks and bans overall, generally either being banned or picked in the first 2 picks per side. Either the best god in their role, or just super prioritised due to current balance state or meta.

A tier gods are what generally will fill out the rest of most drafts, the gods with the best pickrate generally since they don't get banned too often. Gods like Anubis, Baron, Jing, Neith, and Odin have been top pick/ban recently but have seen a few nerfs since that, so i'd feel confident leaving them in A tier.

B tier gods are definitely pickable, and can be picked into good matchups (Nu Wa into immobile mid laners, Morrigan for combos with her ult, Ymir against teams with no jumps etc.), but are less prioritised than the gods above.

C tier gods i just have never seen prioritised nor have i ever really seen them perform well. Bellona could be argued into B tier probably, but i wouldnt be surprised to hear Thanatos has a 0% pick rate, and Ares i strongly believe to be utter garbage.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

So this is my new list based how strong is the god by it self, and for me the S tier needs series of debuffs and the D tier is crucial to receive buff.

Starting from the top, we have gods that received even debuffs recently like Bacchus, but all of them are the favourite of mos people for a reason. For exemple Odin, that isn't a god that I play but I hate the most to fight against, he has a passive that you make almost impossible to kill him when gods starting dying. The Morrigan is a god that stands out in the Mid with 1x1, because of the stun attacks and strong combos, shes not easy but when someone get in the hand with her she becomes an headache in the mid lane.

The A tier probably what should be the limit of how strong a god can be, like Chaac, when I play with him I can do a great damage and when played right he kills some gods easily, but differently from the S tie, here is possible to counter mesure the gods when two equivalente players in skill face each other.

The B tier is maybe the best balanced god, much of them won't be able to face good players with gods in the S tier, will stande some chance but we see that they are a little hard to master but when mastered they will be good gods, specially the supports one like Yemoja or a carry like Danzaburou that will be a headache some time to enemies if you combo well.

The C tier is possible to play and have fun, I wouldn't recommend it as a main for you, because they have good skill some times like Ymir, the one I played the most of them, but he haven't a great status for himself of his skills, they have potencial but need some review in next updates.

The D tier are Khepri and Hades, they so weak that is strange that it was noticed before, they maybe has some utility but won't be easy for you or your team. But don't be mistaken they have great potencial, specially Khepri as a support, he give great buffs and debufs to the gods, but he is just punchbag in the battlefield and even against minions he looks useless. Both of them can even go to the B tier with the right balancing!

Ford James's avatar

Hey CMDR Henckes, thanks for entering this bounty and for explaining your picks! Just to clarify though, this tier list should be how strong you think they are in the current meta, rather than how skilled you are with each god. Could you amend your submission with this in mind so I can award your entry? The goal with this reward is to create some curated content later down the line with the ultimate tier list based on the current strength of gods in the game, so it's an important distinction to make - thanks for understanding! ✌

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Made this correction, I hope this is right this time :)

Dydo's avatar

Baron Samedi, Danzburou and Anubis are the gods with the highest burst potential, while Fenrir, Ares and Cernunnos are becoming simply unstoppable in the late game. Well, there's a reason for all of them showing up in my matches constantly.

A tier are gods slightly weaker on the same S tier criterias - all but Yemoja, the best support for now.

B tier gods that can make a huge impact if they get some kills, like Susanoo, but their win condition is not that easy to meet.

C tier shows gods I didn't played with or against that much, so I spare then to this rank.

D tier are the ones I played with and found them to be very weak, like Hecacte... or maybe I am the weak one lol


This is my competitive SMITE 2 tier list as of 11/12/24

I am a caster and avid watcher of SMITE 2 e-sports so I think this is a fair rating. I'm gonna explain each of the categories.

Too Early to call

This is for gods that released literally today. They will be banned in competitive play for at least a week.

Not Worth

Not worth are characters that are just straight up not worth picking

Ares sits alone in this tier because of the extreme amount of in kit displacement immunity in the game. Because of how his ultimate works in SMITE 2 his ultimate at most gets the team wide purification that supports are buying nearly every game and a good amount of solo laners are buying it as well. This character is incredibly underwhelming.

Comfort/Good match up

This tier is for gods that I feel can be picked but usually aren't consistently. Thanatos is a very hit or miss character. You have players like Ratmilk who spams him every single game and then other players who ignore him completely. Danza is in this tier as well because I have not seen a good Danza performance, I don't know if its just because carry players are trying to shoe horn him into the role and junglers are too stubborn to pick him up but he just seems underwhelming. Lastly Ymir, Ymir was at the top of solo lane and support for a while, then he wasn't not really sure but if your good with ymir you can run a match with it.


These are picks you are never upset with getting. All around these are solid god/goddesses that have different purposes but all function and do certain things well. You usually see them in the middle or end of drafts.

Very Happy With

These are picks that will be in the top and middle of drafts. Your never mad getting these picks they all do certain things very well.

Top Picks

It's obvious what this means but why are specific gods here?

Baron Samedi: This pick plays 3 roles, has healing, movement speed buffs and makes you do less damage while doing so much damage himself. Baron Samedi since his release into competitive has been top pick and ban.

Fenrir: Across all regions Fenrir was considered a must ban from second pick for a majority of SMITE 2's competitive life span. Fenrir has damage, is tanky, plays 3 roles and probably could play mid if mid laners wanted to be inventive. He does too much.

Ra: Ra is the best laner in the game right now. He is incredibly difficult to 1v1, pushes lanes down. Builds full tank and still does so much damage. Late game he is incredible difficult to kill because of how he builds and is overall incredibly oppressive.

Sobek: Sobek's 3rd ability is possibly the best ability in the game. This god is insufferably tanky, has healing, and execute that is in a massive AOE, and can be played in 2 roles. He is oppressive and a powerhouse throughout the game.

Zeus: This pick does to much damage. He explodes everyone incredibly fast, Staff of Myrddin allowing him to double denote is gross. He does too much damage.

mypets's avatar

I put Fenrir, Zeus, Baron Samedi and Sobek in S, because I think these 4 are too dominant, I particularly don't like playing against them haha. Although they are very good to play, I think they could be nerfed to make the game more balanced.

In the A and B rankings they are the most balanced, I think it depends a lot on the player who is using them, leaving room for a nerf here and a buff there, but they are gods that compensate for each other.

The Morrigan, Hades and Thanatos deserve a buff, they'd become cooler gods to play.

I put Danzaburou in D out of sheer spite 😂. I don't like this God, I think he's weak and I don't understand those who do haha



Amaterasu - Great sustain and strong team presence.

Yemoja - Exceptional healer with powerful crowd control.

Susano - High mobility and burst make him a top jungle pick.

The Morrigan - Flexible transformation skill allows for various strategies.

Bellona - Reliable solo laner with sustain and good damage output.


Fenrir - Great for securing kills with his CC and burst.

Zeus - High area damage and strong in teamfights.

Ra - Good healing and powerful long-range ultimate.

Hecate - Strong burst damage but can be fragile.

Athena - Excellent global ultimate for strategic support.

Anhur - High damage and crowd control as a hunter.


Thanatos - Strong early game but struggles late.

Cernunnos - Versatile hunter but lacks mobility.

Ares - Good crowd control but relies on team follow-up.

Mordred - High damage, but lacks escape options.

Neith - Global ultimate is useful, but struggles in sustained fights.

Sobek - Great crowd control, though limited damage.


Hades - Decent area damage but easily countered.

Kukulkan - Strong AoE but predictable abilities.

Nu Wa - Ultimate has global reach but lacks consistent damage.

Jing Wei - Has repositioning abilities but low burst.

Chaac - High sustain but low damage compared to other solos.

Baron Samedi - Decent support, but overshadowed by others.


Loki - Strong for ambushes but weak in teamfights.

Danzaburou - Fun to play, but lacks consistent damage.

Bacchus - Good CC, but high mana costs limit effectiveness.

Sol - Fragile and requires careful positioning.

Ymir - Strong CC, but lacks mobility and predictability.

Hercules - Good CC, but too predictable for current meta.

I hope I haven't forgotten anyone. I made the tier list based on the games I played with each god. It is very likely that many will not agree with her.


S-Tier: Itemization and current balancing make them top picks in Casual and Ranked. Difficult to defeat if behind. Even level is a mismatch when fighting them 1v1.

A-Tier: Good picks, persistently strong through all phases of the game. Itemization makes them strong but not unbeatable.

B-Tier: Not as great as A tier, but in the current game still useful with a skilled player. May require certain builds to be powerful late game, limiting item use.

C-Tier: Situational counterplay, not top pick. Not trolling if these gods are picked but players will have to do more and outplay to feel seen and feared in game.

Sturmer's avatar

Here is my Smite 2 Ranking

S Tier (Top Picks)

  • Yemoja has Exceptional healing and crowd-control abilities, making her a domi support.

  • The Morrigan unparalleled versatility thanks to Changeling ult. Very adaptive.

  • Susano - high mobility and burst damage, IMO top assassin in the current meta.

A Tier

  • Amaterasu - sustain and team utility.

  • Cernunnos - flexible, but not like Morrigan.

  • Hades - great solo, due to significant sustain and area control.

  • Hercules - high crowd control.

  • Jing Wei - Safe hunter pick with excellent mobility and late-game scaling.

  • Kukulkan - high burst and zoning capabilities.

  • Odin - potentially a game-changing ult

  • Sol - high sustained damage, safe pick.

B Tier

I wont list them all, basically, they are the slightly worst versions of A and S. Some player skills and playstyle liking can easily make them S-Tier is a proper hands.

C Tier

  • Ra - predictable Mage makes him easier to counter.

  • Mordred - currently underperforming compared to other assassins.

  • Hecate - Despite all my love, lacks impact in the current meta, her abilities don't synergize well.

D Tier

  • Mordred - lacking effectiveness compared to other assassins. Next patch buff target.

yan57436's avatar

I created it based on my gaming experiences, maybe you'll have a different experience, but I believe it won't be 100% different haha

Of the S category gods, I believe the most undisputed is Sobek, I find him very dominant, I believe he should receive nerfs, followed closely by Zeus and Baron Samedi (Yes, even after his nerf), these 3 show great dominance

Still in the S category, I believe that Loki, Bacchus and Amaterasu present a balanced level, depending a lot on the player who is using it (Don't nerf Bacchus, please haha)

In category A I've put all the gods who are on the borderline between balance and being too strong, I believe that here are the gods who are perfectly balanced, with little room for change. If any changes were possible, I would: Ymir is still a controversial point, with many people considering him VERY STRONG and others simply finding him weak. Fenrir perhaps I should have put in the S category, he's very strong, but I think it's balanced in a way.

All of category B and C I would give buffs, I believe they are behind the other gods.

I put Hades in category D because I believe the god is DEAD (ironic since he's the god of the underworld, isn't it?) but the complexity of making him a balanced god is understandable, given that he's already been made tank, burst, support, solo, mid. I think the god needs to take a turn.

Cloggedbean's avatar

Ford James got a question on this one. Myself and CashMoneyMorty want to do this one together on a live stream. If we clip it from stream and both upload can we both be eligible for winnings even tho it will be the same video

Ford James's avatar

Hey Cloggedbean, thanks for double checking! If you're both streaming, so can embed separate VODs, or upload the videos on separate channels, that won't be a problem at all. Make sure you both screenshot the tier list for your submissions too! ✌

Y0EMINENCE's avatar

S Tier

Bacchus: His crowd control and ability to disrupt are exceptional, making him a top pick for team fights with his intoxication ultimate.

Loki: His stealth and assassination capabilities make him a terror on the battlefield, capable of turning fights with high burst damage.

Sol : Her late-game scaling is unparalleled, providing massive damage output and utility through her passive and abilities.

A Tier

Anubis: An area denial specialist with massive damage potential, his stuns can secure kills, though he remains vulnerable to ganks.

Bellona: Offers flexibility with her damage, sustain, and clear, making her a strong choice in various roles but not quite at the S-tier level.

Fenrir: Improved sustain makes him a formidable jungle or solo laner, with an ultimate perfect for diving key targets.

Susano: His mobility and burst are some of the best among assassins, allowing for significant impact in skirmishes.

The Morrigan: Her mimic ability provides strategic depth, making her a wildcard in any lineup.

Ymir: With crit scaling, his role as a support has expanded to include significant damage output.

B Tier:

Anhur: Strong in the right hands but can be inconsistent due to his skill shot nature.

Ares: His ultimate can be game-changing, but it's easily countered, reducing his overall impact.

Chaac : Reliable in solo with good sustain and clear, but lacks the game-changing abilities of higher tiers.

Kukulkan: His damage is high, but landing abilities in Smite 2 has become more challenging, impacting his effectiveness.

Mordred: New to the scene, his exact place isn't fully realized, but he shows potential with unique mechanics.

Neith: Versatile with good poke and utility, though outshined in specific roles by others.

Odin: His area control is strong, but it can be escaped.

C Tier

Athena: Her global presence with her ultimate is less impactful with map changes, and her taunt feels less effective.

Cernunnos: Good basic attack damage but lacks the utility or escape options to be higher in the rankings.

Hades: High damage potential, but his lack of mobility makes him a target for focused attacks.

Hecate: Good for clearing, but her overall impact in fights is limited by her lack of standout abilities.

Thanatos: Great at securing kills, but his approach is predictable, reducing his overall threat level.

D Tier

Kukulkan: His kit feels slow and less synergistic with the current itemization, placing him at the bottom of the list.



Zeus (attack speed)


Nu wa


Jing wei


Havent really experienced a nope yet.

Ford James's avatar

Hey AnnoyingDutchMan, this is a great tier list! However, we also need a little detail on why you've placed some of those gods where you have. Can you edit your submission to explain what makes some of the S-tier gods so great, and why some of the other gods haven't been placed higher?


Tier list from new player point of view

S - Pick or Ban

A - Generaly really strong

B - Absolutley fine but will lack something in comparison to S and A tiers

C - Currently underpowered but they at least can be played to some extent

D - Very lacking, once in a while they can work but it does not worth the effort

Ford James's avatar

Hi Mirua, thanks for entering this reward! To be eligible for the prize, could you please expand on some of your choices? What specifically makes Aladdin, Ullr, Anhur, and Athena so strong, and why is Ares so bad? What could be done to make some B and C-tier gods stronger? Thanks for understanding! ✌


CRAZY OP: Exceptional picks that, when played by a reasonably skilled player, have the potential to carry games far more effectively than other tiers.

OP: Strong and reliable choices that perform well in most scenarios. These gods tend to win lanes or make impactful contributions to team fights more consistently than others.

MEDIUM: Viable but noticeably weaker than higher-tier gods. Often limited by multiple counters or other drawbacks that hinder their reliability in competitive play.

NOT OP: Challenging to use effectively, with core mechanics that are easily countered by common items or strategies. These gods struggle to impact team fights or maintain lane pressure.

BAD: Severely underperforming and in need of significant reworks to align with their intended design and purpose.

Ford James's avatar

Hi LouiTheExexuter, thanks for entering this reward. Could you expand a little on why you've placed some of the specific gods where you have, by touching on their abilities and builds, to be eligible for a reward? Thanks!


HI Ford James

So, as you know, I made this tier list based on my personal experience in Smite 2 so far.

For the Crazy OP tier, I included these specific gods because I’ve played them so much. For example:

  • Mordred: He’s a unique god with a new game mechanic. Hi-Rez did a great job designing him. His abilities are fun, and his ultimate is incredibly effective against any god in the game.

  • Cernunnos: I placed him in the Crazy OP tier because he’s my favorite god to play from Smite 1.

For the OP tier: all the gods here have the same abilities from Smite 1, and they’re still overpowered.

As for the Other tier, I included gods based on how I feel when I play against them. I don’t find them overpowered, and they’re the least fun to play in my opinion.

  • Aquiles

  • Agni

  • Amaterasu

  • Anhur

  • Anubis

  • Afrodita

  • Ares

  • Atenea

  • Baco

  • Barón Samedi

  • Bellona

  • Cabrakan

  • Cernunnos

  • Chaac

  • Cupido

  • Danzaburó

  • Fenrir

  • Geb

  • infierno

  • Hécate

  • Hércules

  • Hun Batz

  • Izanami

  • Jing Wei

  • Khepri

  • Kukulkán

  • Loki

  • Medusa

  • Mordred

  • La morrigan

  • Mulan

  • Niit

  • Némesis

  • Nueva Wa

  • Odín

  • Pelé

  • Poseidón

  • Rama

  • Sobek

  • Sol

  • Susano

  • Tánatos

  • Thor

  • Ullr

  • Vulcano

  • Yemoja

  • Ymir

  • Zeus


1- agni

2- Poseidon

3- sobek

Ford James's avatar

Hi Busquets, we need more detail to be able to award this submission. Can you explain why you've ranked each of those three gods at the top, and why? Take a look at some of the winning submissions for an example of the level of detail we need. Thanks for understanding! ✌


Ullr is s+ in all rolls this most gods are a beside odin and yemoja being under powered

Ford James's avatar

Hi DABONGLORD, can you tell us a bit more so we're able to award your submission? What makes Ullr so strong? Which other gods are with him at the top? Why are Odin and Yemoja underpowered? Thanks for understanding! ✌


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