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If I want an aspect for a god in Smite 2, I will make one for Hades, (Aspect of Inevitable death)

(Aspect of Inevitable death): this aspect effect Hades ultimate

How it works!!

When Hades toggles his aspect on, he will lose ( the increased protection for him and the protection reduced on the enemy team) instead all enemies that they on hades ultimate range they will get cripple inside his ultimate.

This idea is good for Hades because if you are fighting enemies that have leaps or dashes, or if they have combat blink, your ultimate is useless.

So I came up with this idea to help Hades be more effective in team fights.


Ymir Aspect of Frozen Rage

Crit ymir is insanely fun but come late game he falls off due to being so immobile. This would fix these issues.Some of this my seem op but im sure it could be tweaked to work and make crit ymir a force to be Reckoned with

The 1st ability Becomes a short dash or jump that resets on takedowns or assists

The 3rd ability during ult freezes everything within the blizzards radius

The 4th ability empowers ymir for a short time with extra physical and magical defense, displacement immunity, movespeed, and a aoe 5 meter radius blizzard slows around him

Sturmer's avatar

Agni's Aspect of Infernal Barrage

Passive for 4th Ability: Rain Fire

Infernal Barrage removes the charge count (single use, 24s CD) and AOE damage (no splash damage), replacing meteors with five Infernal Barrage strikes over 3 seconds. Each strike deals slightly higher damage to a single target and randomly selects an opponent within the area.

This aspect retains Agni’s ability to hit multiple targets, remaining effective against 2-4 enemies, just like the original Rain Fire. However, it also introduces a new utility, allowing for stronger burst damage when focusing on a single target.


While Agni excels at damage-over-time, thanks to Noxious Fumes and Combustion passive, I think he lacks burst potential, especially in solo engagements. Aspect of Infernal Barrage could help to bridge that gap, making him more effective in duels or isolated fights, while still preserving his area damage capabilities in team scenarios.


Ford James's avatar

Hey Sturmer, this is a great suggestion but unfortunately Loki already has an aspect and this reward is for gods that don't have one yet. Feel free to edit your submission with an aspect idea for an eligible god!

Sturmer's avatar

Ok, i just do not like his 'dual stealth' aspect ;)



In Smite 1 there was an item that basically turned tank characters into full damage characters if you built for it. It was really fun and Cabrakan was one of its main users. It opens up a new avenue of play but had a heavy down side.

Aspect of the Destroyer

Cabrakan starts the game with Rangda's Mask, this replaces your starter item. After you reach certain thresholds, specifically 50 strength and 100 intelligence, 100 strength and 150 intelligence and then 200 strength OR intelligence from items this activates causing the following effects. The first threshold makes you deal 5% more damage through basic attacks and abilities but take 5% more damage from abilities and basic attacks. The second threshold would be the same but with 10%. The third threshold would be the same but with 20%.

Numbers or wording will likely have to be adjusted depending on how good this is but I think this would a way to bring back an old style of cabrakan that isn't really around anymore because of his scaling in SMITE 2.


Yemoja Goddess of Rivers

Aspect: Fury of the rivers

Basic attacks: Yemoja will launch projectiles that will stop at the first target hit, the third basic hit correctly will do 30% more damage and will do area damage that will affect surrounding enemies

Passive: Yemoja The speed of rivers with basic attacks impacted on enemy gods will increase in the form of a stack up to a maximum of 15

The river will have 3 stages:

  • Normal: Obtained after 5 basic hits and in this stage Yemoja gains 2% movement speed and 4% increase in magic damage.

  • Fast: Obtained after 10 basics hit and Yemoja gains 4% movement speed and 8% increase in magic damage

  • Fury: Obtained after 15 basic attacks hit and In this stage Yemoja increases her movement speed by 6% and her magic damage by 12%.

Abilities 1 and 2 will spend 5 stacks of the passive each time they are cast and the 4th ability or the Ulty will spend all available stacks.

  1. First ability: Yemoja Summons a wave, in a cone area, that passes through all enemies but not walls, dealing magic damage

    The wave will be larger and do more damage at the beginning of the ability than at the end when it is smaller and If the passive has 5 stacks the wave will cause slow on the enemies hit.

  2. Second ability: Yemoja will launch a wave in a straight line that will go through everything and leave a mark on the first god hit.

    If the passive is not charged, the mark will simply disappear, but if there are 5 stacks, the mark will explode after 3 seconds, dealing magic damage and slowing, and if the passive has 10 stack the first enemy god will be stunned when hit by the ability.

  3. Third ability: Yemoja's third ability would be the same as the current game character, a jump escape

  4. Fourth ability: Yemoja summons a huge wave in a straight line with rocks and tree branches inside it, destroying everything in its path, dealing magical damage, reducing healing and dealing damage per tick for 5 ticks after being hit by the wave.

    If the passive has 15 stacks the wave will be bigger and instead of doing damage per tick, it will apply a 10% reduction to magical and physical defenses.

With this aspect Yemoja could be used in another role apart from support as Mid or Solo, in addition to being an opportunity to give variety to the character as well as a new way to play with this goddess


Mulan- Aspect of Victory

Passive: The flag from her passive now has double range. Allies standing in the flag radius gain 10 prots, 10 strength, and 10 intelligence.

Ability 1- reduced damage dealt. Extra hit from mastery shreds 5 protections.

Ability 2- reduced damage dealt. Healing on the second hit it's given to allies in addition to yourself.

Ability 3- this ability no longer takes you to the enemies location, instead it stuns and marks the enemy. Allies move 10% faster toward a marked enemy.

Ability 4- reduce damage dealt and remove the root. Allies in the dash radius are healed 5% of your max HP. Hitting an enemy with the arrow now provides a shield to nearby allies.


Kulkulcán Aspect - Eternal Storm.

Passive - Power Of The Wind Jewel - Kukulkan leaves a trail of sharp winds as he moves, dealing on going magic damage to enemies that pass through him. Additionally, enemies affected by your skills are marked with "Storm", taking additional damage when hit by another skill.

1st Ability - Zephyr - Kukulkan launches a gust of wind in a straight line, dealing damage and applying a significant slow. If the ability hits an enemy marked with "Storm", they are pushed back, dealing additional AoE damage.

2st Ability - Slipstream - Kukulkan gains increased movement speed and ignores slowdowns. While active, it leaves a trail of wind behind it, dealing ongoing magic damage and applying "Storm" to enemies that pass through it.

3st Ability - Whirlwind - Kukulkan summons an electrical tornado in an area, dealing ongoing damage and applying "Storm" to enemies hit. The tornado lasts longer and gradually expands, increasing its area of ​​effect.

Ultimate - Spirit Of The Nine Winds - Kukulkan summons a colossal storm that advances in a straight line, dealing massive damage and stunning enemies. Enemies marked "Storm" are pulled toward the center of the storm, taking additional damage.

I tried to create an aspect for kulkulcán that changes each ability a little, trying not to make it too strong or too weak.


Anubis - Mummify Ability:

Anubis' mummify ability doesn't stun. It creates a mummy in the ground. If an enemy god walks over it, they take a small amount of damage and are gifted. If the mummy is awakened by the Grasping Hands ability, the gods within the Grasping Hands area will be stunned. If the mummy is awakened with Plague of Locusts, it will fly in a straight line and deal damage to the first god it crashes into.

It would be very useful to stun gods in an area in the late game, because Anubis doesn't have an escape ability. More CC would also be great in team fights. The stun can't be too long, because it would be very broken.

Aspect Name: Phantom Body

God: The Morrigan

The Morrigan's first ability is now a Z-shaped projectile that throws a ghost. It does more damage than the original ability and has the same distance as Dark Omen. If the enemy is already marked by Morrigan's second ability and is hit by the first ability, they will be stunned. All gods within the area of this ability can be stunned and take damage.

I think this aspect would be great because The Morrigan has low health and she needs to be very close to her enemies to attack them with her first ability. This would give her a better late game against ADCs, because they can kill her with distance very easily in late game.


Cabrakan Aspect : Wall Demolitionist
This aspect will give Cabrakan a more damage focused build and creates synergies with allied gods that place walls.

2nd Ability - Refraction Shield
While passive is charged Cabrakan does not stun enemies with the use of Refraction Shield but instead can make any walls made by him or his teammates collapse and do damage and a slow effect.

Ultimate - Tectonic Shift
The Tectonic Shift now creates an almost complete circle leaving only one spot empty towards Cabrakan

This aspect allows Cabrakan out of the role of engage and peal and more into the role of secondary engager or gank setup more suited for roles like jungle or a different kind of support of what he usually is. Removing the stun aspect is a big nerf to his kit but the cost seems fair considering what a comp full of wall placers like Thor,Odin,Yimir maybe even Anhur.

MightyRavino's avatar

Cabrakan - Aspect of Destruction

Thoughts: Cabrakan has been a pretty solid support/solo so I thought to maybe he can work in the jungle with the right kit changes.

Passive - Shift his passive from a 3% split buff to a 5% Int and Str buff when he's damaged. Also, all abilities have a refire with their seperate cooldown available when the passive is active.

1 - One stays the same with haste, bonus damage, and stun.

  • If passive is active the abiltiy can be reactivated. It will lose the ability to stun, but bonus damage is further increased and can crit.

2 - Cone attack shreds protections

  • If passive is active, you can do a second cone attack that applies slow.

3 - Tremor stays the same.

  • If passive is active, it can be refired up to 5 times costing additional mana every time. Cripple is applied every time it's refired.

4 - Ultimate is the same.

  • If the passive is active, refiring the Ultimate results in Cabrakan clapping his hands together breaking all wall fragments sending shrapnel flying forward in a large cone shape. Any enemy God hit by said shrapnel is rooted for 2 seconds.

Awwadeuwu's avatar


Nu Wa, The Elemental Archer receives a passive nerf with a longer cooldown (18s), a major change to Mysterious Fog with a larger area and damage reduction, and a rework to Clay Soldiers to summon 5 fragile soldiers. Shining Metal now grants attack speed but loses its stun, and Fire Shards scales with items, increasing its power in the late game.

Passive - Strength of Wood (Nerf)

  • Every 18s, your next basic attack will root all targets hit. (Previously 15s).

  • Hitting enemies with basic attacks reduces the cooldown by 1s.

Mysterious Fog (Major Change)

  • Now has a larger area.

  • Instead of moving slowly forward, it follows you the entire time.

  • While inside, you reduce incoming damage by up to 25% (level 1 - 5% / level 5 - 25%).

  • Grants Strength of Water to you and your allies inside, which increases movement speed.

Clay Soldiers (Major Change)

  • Now summons 5 soldiers instead of 3. (Level 1 - 1 soldier / Level 5 - 5 soldiers).

  • Each soldier only survives 1 hit before disappearing.

  • When used, grants Strength of Earth, which provides penetration.

Shining Metal (Major Change)

  • Strength of Metal now provides extra attack speed instead of area damage on basics.

  • If a Clay Soldier is hit, it explodes, which no longer stuns, but reduces the enemy’s attack speed and movement speed.

Fire Shards (Ultimate) (Minor Change)

  • Provides global vision of enemy gods.

  • Fires shards that hit each enemy.

  • Grants Strength of Fire, which makes your basic attacks travel farther and faster.

  • Also scales 20% with the strength of your items.

How to Play Nu Wa as ADC

  • Early Game: Use enhanced basics with attack speed and penetration from the Clay Soldiers to apply pressure.

  • Mid Game: Mysterious Fog will allow better mobility in fights with damage reduction and extra movement speed.

  • Late Game: Fire Shards will enhance your basic attack range, allowing you to attack from a greater distance with more safety.


God: Zeus

Aspect name: Jupiter's Thunder

Have you ever wondered what a mirrored version of Zeus would be like? what if he was far more basic attack focussed instead? well do i have the idea for you!
To get the first change out of the way: Zeus's Basic Attack Scaling is now 80% strength+40% inteligence+100% Basic Attack Power.
Chain Lightning is replaced by Chain Thunber, When you activate it, for the next 6 seconds, Zeus's basics bounce, dealing 60% of basic attack damage and an additional 5 per level.

Aspect Justification:
Zeus currently feels like he can't decide if he wants to be a Mage or an ADC, but with this change, his normal form can be changed to be more mage like, and this aspect would give him a seperate yet familiar feeling for the ADC role, and this would also be one of the first few LARGE aspects, other than Cernunos that is, not to mention, it's a way to "Add Jupiter" without filling a slot with a duplicate, using the aspects to actually represent an aspect for a god and shake things up is great.


I’d love for every god to be playable in the support role. The new Eros’ Bow got me thinking about which gods could work with it, and I can’t stop imagining Arachne—my favorite jungler—as a support, weaving her web to heal and buff her team.

God: Arachne

Aspect Name: Broodmother's Embrace

Aspect Description:
Arachne’s abilities now apply a venomous silk to enemies and allies alike. When hitting an enemy, the silk reduces their damage dealt to Arachne and her allies by 10% for 4 seconds. When hitting an ally, the silk grants them 15% Lifesteal and 5% Movement Speed for 4 seconds. Cocoon (2) can now be cast on allies, granting them a shield equal to 8% of Arachne’s max health. Arachne’s own damage output is reduced by 15% while this aspect is equipped.

Aspect Justification:
This aspect transforms Arachne from a self-sufficient, aggressive jungler into a hybrid support/assassin, offering a more team-oriented playstyle. The ability to empower allies rather than just hunt enemies makes her viable in different roles, such as a support, jungler, or even a solo lane sustain fighter.

  • New Playstyle: Encourages protective peeling and support-focused gameplay rather than just assassinating carries.

  • Team Utility: Allows Arachne to be more engaged in teamfights, buffing allies while still debuffing enemies.

  • Balanced Power: The self-nerf on raw damage output is counteracted by stronger teamfight presence, making her useful beyond the early-game.

This aspect would make Arachne more viable in non-jungle roles while still maintaining her identity as a deadly predator, just one that also nurtures her brood! 🕷️


Aphrodite: Aspect of Lust
Aphrodite can now be linked to two allied gods at the same time. The ability Loving Bird no longer deals damage; instead, it applies a debuff to enemy gods, reducing their damage dealt by 15% and their healing received by 50%. Additionally, Aphrodite loses 1% of her current health per second while linked to two allies. She also can no longer reactivate her ultimate to teleport to her ally.
I think it could be interesting to play an Aphrodite who can link to more than one ally.

Izanami: Aspect of Corrosion
Izanami no longer uses mana to cast her abilities; instead, they consume health when used. The ability Sickle Storm no longer has a cooldown—it can now be toggled on or off to enhance her basic attacks. However, this ability no longer grants attack speed. She steals 10% of the strength and intelligence of enemy gods hit, up to a maximum of 30%. The ability Dark Portal no longer silences enemies.

Nu Wa: Aspect of Creation
Nu Wa's passive now charges as the match progresses, and the elemental strength buffs provided by her abilities have been removed. A maximum of two clay soldiers can exist at the same time. The ability Fire Shards now only affects revealed gods.

  • Wood Strength: Gained after destroying three enemy towers. Every 30 seconds, you gain a wooden shield that protects you from the next crowd control effect applied to you.

  • Water Strength: Gained after staying invisible in your mist for 60 seconds. The ability Mysterious Fog heals Nu Wa for 50 HP per skill level upon casting.

  • Clay Strength: Gained after creating 50 clay soldiers. This strength is enhanced with every additional 50 soldiers created. Grants magical penetration—5 per level, up to a maximum of 25.

  • Metal Strength: Gained after stunning 30 enemy gods with the explosion of clay soldiers. Your basic attacks and those of your clay soldiers deal extra damage to enemy Phoenixes and towers.

  • Fire Strength: Gained after hitting 30 enemies with your ultimate. Your basic attacks apply a burn effect to hit enemies.

Inpunktion's avatar

This is a wacky one for sure so bare with me. It's possible I burnt the food when I simply meant to cook. Kukulkan is known as "the bringer of wind and rebirth" however currently there is no part of his kit that embodies rebirth just wind... lots of wind. So here is my take on a support aspect for the slithery wind serpent.

Kukulkan: Aspect of Rebirth

  • Power of the Wind Jewel: Kukulkan passive remains the same but instead of gaining bonus intelligence, Kukulkan gains bonus protections based on maximum mana.

  • Zephyr: This ability no longer scales off of intelligence instead only dealing its base damage and slowing the enemy as normal. Firing this ability within his Whirlwind results in a more powerful slow.

  • Slipstream: this ability now provides its slow immunity and movement speed buff to nearby allies as well. If used inside of Whirlwind instead of dashing Kukulkan flies around inside of the tornado giving slow immunity and further increasing movement speed to allies in a wider radius this also grants them a strength, and intelligence buff.

  • Whirlwind: This ability functions as normal but provides a protection buff to allies within the tornado. This buff persists while allies are inside and dissipates after they leave the tornado for 2.5 seconds.

  • Spirit of the Nine Winds: This ability no longer scales off of intelligence and deals reduced damage to enemies hit. Any ally hit by the Spirit of the Nine Winds are healed for a flat amount.


Kukulkan has always been known as a powerful burst mage and he certainly embodies the power of wind but in his lore Kukulkan is again known as the bringer of wind AND rebirth. The kit I designed allows Kukulkan to function as a buffer backline support with a protection scaling passive and an ultimate that allows him to bring rebirth to his allies.


ULLR: Aspect of Patience

Weapon Master(P) no longer reduces cooldowns but grants increased physical damage to the opposite stance

Expose Weakness(Invigorate)(2) gains greatly increased duration when used with a stack of weapon master

I love the idea of an ULLR which doesn't just spam abilities but when you do get hit by one or hit one you know its gonna hurt.

As for the balancing of the aspect I was thinking around 10-20% increased damage on the next ability used, with an internal cooldown of about 5-7 secs so the buff isn't constantly active

As for the ability 2 portion of the aspect, I thought doubling the buff duration from 5 to 10 seconds would be a decent trade-off seeing as its the only ability which doesn't gain a damage increase.

Obviously I'm no balancing expert however and I've likely not thought about some specific scenario in which this is busted but i like it nonetheless and i hope you do too!


Izanami: Aspect of Pain

Spectral projection/2: No longer slows and has a slightly reduced base damage(-10 per level) but now applies a maximum stack bleed(same scaling from her ability 1), this will also remove the slow from her ultimate and slightly boost the bleed on her ultimate (+10 total damage at all levels)

Fade away/3: after dashing your next basic attack applies an enhancing bleed (doing 10/20/30/40/50 + 10% int scaling) hitting this attack will also reset the timer of all other bleeds currently ticking on all targets.

definitely a simple aspect and fits into her new kit easily and can make her fit more into the mid lane/ability damage playstyle yet not just burst but a tick damage machine.

Sol: Aspect of Burst

Stellar Burst/2: Stellar burst no longer slows, has reduced damage and scaling (40/60/80/100/120 +35% intelligence and 20% strength scaling ) but can proc basic attack effects and can crit for up to 50% bonus damage and procs crit item bonuses and effects.

Sol is already played in both carry and mid and this can be a throwback to when this ability used to proc poly and can give it a renewed life and be a fun addition to her kit while not being too crazy.


Amaterasu Aspect: Aspect of Reflection

The idea for this aspect would be to make Amaterasu Support a more viable pick, the idea would be to take away some of her damage and replace it with utility. Amaterasu currently serves an interesting niche with her aura buffs and giving her an extra piece of utility could really make her more support oriented play style viable.

The way Amaterasu 2 currently works:

Press 2 to begin charging your mirror and decrease all damage taken while charging. Reactivate the ability to fire a projectile that deals Physical Damage to enemies hit, increased by the amount the mirror was charged.

The way I propose this aspect changes Amaterasu 2:

Press 2 to begin charging your mirror. While the mirror is charging, reflect abilities and basic attacks for 1.25/1.5/1.75/2/2.25 seconds. If during this time, Amaterasu's mirror gains full charge, deal a percentage of reflected damage (10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%) around Amaterasu after the duration has ended.

How this aspect changes Amaterasu's playstyle:

Currently Amaterasu is played mainly as a Solo Laner. However, with her aura from her 1, and her passive - Amaterasu has some supportive capabilities. With the addition of an aspect like the one suggested, Amaterasu could have an easier time in the support role with the addition of an extra piece of utility. This utility would enable skill expression in the form of correctly timing and reflecting key abilities that could be the difference between winning and losing a fight. Currently Amaterasu 2 does not serve much purpose for Support as it is mainly a wave clear and damage ability which overall takes away from her potential support capabilities. I think that in SMITE 2, role variation between classes should be increased and this aspect serves that well.


Jing Wei aspects:

Aspect of Ambition:

This is an augment to Jing Wei's passive. Upon respawn, or initial spawn, Jing Wei can choose any structure or jungle boss as a target. she gains additional movement speed while traveling towards her target, and addition damage when attacking it, Jing Wei cannot change her target until it is destroyed and gains lower damage to all other structures and jungle bosses.

This aspect highlights the cautionary message of her legend, warning of becoming too obsessive with a task. This augment seeks to change jing wei from a bursty pvp play style to a more objective focused playstyle.

Aspect of Pebbles:

This is an Augment to her second ability, removing the increased damage and crit chance, and adding a passive that sets her first attack against an enemy god, jungle monster, or structure to deal 10% of her normal damage, but increases exponentially with each subsequent attack.

This aspect would mirror her legend, and provide a significant change in gameplay, moving away from a bursty, pvp focused playstyle, to a more objective focused playstyle. Jing would still retain danger in a pvp scenario, as with a protective team, jing wei can quickly become dangerous if she is allowed to persist.

Aspect of Perseverance:
This is an augment to Jing's passive ability, Rapid Rebirth. After a death, when Jing Wei leaves the fountain, her passive instead grants her a stacking bonus which grants her bonus strength and movement speed, gaining one stack per sequential death, stacks are lost on a kill.

This is inspired by Jing's legend, where she faces an impossible task and continues despite the odds. The gameplay of this augment would be to negate snowballing effects felt by being killed repeatedly by higher level opponents, and reward Jing Wei if she seeks to continue pushing her lane and farming, sticking to her goal. This augment would change jing wei from her current playstyle by adding a slight discouragement to early game ganking, in favor of maintaining increased lane pressure via the additional power and movement speed. The additional speed would also allow her to more effectively rotate through camps, adding to the theme of 'little by little' from her legend.

Aspect of Very Large 'Pebbles':

This aspect changes jing wei's ultimate ability, instead of firing three bombs in a line, jing wei instead fires three bombs at targeted gods. After ascending, Jing Wei dashes a short distance, with her ability targeter snapping to the god nearest to the crosshair. she can cast this up to three times before choosing a landing spot. These bombs deal less damage than her vanilla ult but also provide a slow. The area is about the same as her persistent gust, allowing multi hits when used in conjunction with grouping abilities, or poor enemy positioning.

This ability isn't necessarily inspired by her legend but is more of a fun gameplay change.
It will also encourage the use of her ult for team fights as opposed to as a panic ult, escape button, alleviating some qualms regarding her playstyle by detractors.

Aspect of Drive-bys:

This is an Aspect that changes Jing Wei's third ability, agility. Instead of providing a buff to her stats upon landing, Jing Wei can now fire a single further enhanced basic attack while dashing that does not consume a charge of her 2. When activated while knocked up, this is an area attack instead of a projectile and deals increased damage.

Another fun aspect, not inspired by her legend. This would create a fun gameplay of dashing about the enemy team to deal damage, being annoying and distracting.

Aspect of Really Persistent Gusts:

This is an augment to Jing Wei's 1, Persistent Gust. After a persistent gust expires, it will leave a smaller gust behind which will only knock up jing wei, and no longer deals damage. The cooldown of persistent gust is increased by a large amount. This new, small gust is semitransparent and has a long lifetime. When Jing Wei dashes into this gust with Agility, she is knocked up again and has her cooldown on Agility refreshed.

This is another fun aspect. The gameplay here would change the use of jing wei's 1 from a solely reactively used ability to an ability that can be used in preparation. An adequately enthusiastic player might even be able to create a robust highway of gusts across the entire map if they choose to only use their gust in this manner!


Kukulkan: carried by the wind

  • The movement slowdown due to kukulkan's basic attack is reduced by 5% for 6 seconds when an ability is used. (5 stack max)

  • Movement slowdown only affects kukulkan up to 50% of the original value of this slowdown.

  • Using an ability grant 10% attack speed for 4 seconds. (3 stack max).

  • Kukulkan's ability only recieve 50% of penetration that they are supposed to recieve.

  • Kukulkan's ability damage are reduced by 15%.

With the new system of strenght and intelligence, mage and guardians (has they were called in smite 1) can use their basic attack in a brand new way. Here, kukulkan would be the first mage in smite 2 to be able to base is gameplay around is basic attack.

Nu Wa: blessing from heaven

  • Mysterious fog now do 50% less damage

  • Mysterious fod grants 1% reduced damage every 0,2 second to allies when they are in the fog. last 4 seconds when exiting the fog. (20 stack max)

  • Fire shard deals 20% less damage.

  • Fire shard new effect: when casting fire shard, healing shard also appears and heal each teammates. healing shard heals double to the amount of damage done by fire shard.

Nu Wa will be, with this new aspect, more of a support character, using her ability to keep all of her teammates alive, if used in the right way.


god Anubis

Aspect name: Aspect Of Judgment.

when Anubis plays with this aspect he will lose lifesteal, damage, and slow on his ability 3 (Grasping Hands) but gets a root instead.

When Aspect of Judgment is active, Anubis becomes more predictable because his abilities take slightly longer to cast.

The root duration could scale with ability rank, eg ( 0.8/1/1.2/1.4/1.6 seconds).

Grasping Hands deals instant damage instead of stacking damage.

He will get a cc reduction of up to 10% of the cc apply

With this aspect, Anubis will cost more mana when active his 3

This will enable him to fight the 1 vs. 1 gods because he cannot escape.

kamiel's avatar

-Aphrodite aspect-

Aspect of Heartbreak:

instead of Aphrodites first ability called "kiss" kissing allies, she can now kiss enemies and stay linked to them, her third ability now drains the enemies healthbar slowly and heals aphrodite by stealing their lost hp.

Aphrodites ult now excutes the linked enemy below 25% hp, ripping out their heart.

When aphrodite links to a new enemy god with this aspect on the passive of the Jaleousy buff will now be a Heartbroken debuff and will instead cause the unkissed enemy to take 15% increased damage for the duration of the original jaleousy buff.

Her 2 called backoff will now pull enemies in towards aphrodite and when linked to an enemy the enemy will also pull other enemies in range into the linked god this ability will be called "Come Here".

This aspect would be a really fun considering the idea what if aphrodite would break the hearts of her enemies by "cheating on them" and kissing other people.

This aspect would be cool cause it makes aphrodite a bit more viable in mid or solo lane since she now feels more like a damage dealing mage who steals health from enemies by draining them then instead being a backline orientated healer mage and i think this could be really powerfull and fun to see implemented into smite 2.


Hades :

Aspect Name: Soulbound Despair

Soulbound Despair transforms Hades ultimate into a delayed explosion mechanic. Instead of pulling enemies in and dealing damage over time, Hades marks all enemies in the radius with a Soulbound Despair debuff and if the enemies are marked by hades passive they get slowed , After 3 seconds the marks explode dealing massive damage in an area around each marked enemy , enemies can cleanse the mark by moving a certain distance away from Hades before the explosion triggers.

This Aspect shifts Hades from a sustained damage and control mage to a burst mage with setup potential.

It also creates opportunities for wombo-combo setups, where Hades can follow up on a teammate's initiation with devastating burst damage.


Ymir: Aspect of the Blizzard

This aspect would focus on turning Ymir into a more jungle or solo lane oriented god by giving him more AoE damage at the cost of losing hard CC like his Frost Breath. Ymir would become a beast to modify the battlefield thanks to the storms he would generate with his new passive, applying damage over time and slows in areas around the enemies

  • Passive: Blizzard King

In addition to his original passive, Ymir can now apply Frostbite multiple times up to a maximum of 3 stacks on the same god, upon reaching the maximum stacks the enemy god will generate an area around him that will slow the movement and attack speed of all enemies that are in the area in addition to doing magic damage per second

  • 2nd ability: Glacial Strike

At base it will do less damage than its original version, but it will do more damage if the enemy has 3 charges of Frostbite

  • 3rd ability: Frost Breath

Frost Breath no longer freezes enemies but when used against enemies with 3 charges of Frostbite, it will pull them towards Ymir and deal additional magic damage.

  • Ultimate: Shards of Ice

Shards of ice no longer makes Ymir immune to CC nor can it be channeled until it explodes, but Ymir can move while generating the area around him, dealing continuous magic damage and slowing enemies by applying Frostbite every second


I'm currently working on a document with Aspects for every God but I'll share a few of my favorites early here!

Cabrakan: Aspect of the Berserker

  • Shadow Zone (P) no longer affects allies but can gain up to 5 stacks of the increased damage dealt to enemies.

  • Seismic Crush (1) no longer stuns but can critically hit and has its cooldown reduced by 1s for every 300 damage Cabrakan deals to Gods.

This Aspects aims to shift Cabrakan into more of a bruiser or full damage role with his passive no longer protecting allies but increasing damage against enemies substantially. Seismic Crush loses the stun but can critically hit and can be cast repeatedly as long as Cabrakan keeps dealing damage to Gods.

Ullr: Aspect of Mastery

  • Ullr loses access to his Axe stance, but his Axe abilities are folded into his Bow stance.

  • Bladed Arrow (1) now stuns the first God hit

  • Expose Weakness (2) now provides Attack Speed AND Movement Speed while increasing the potency of both effects.

  • Hail of Arrows (3) now leaps to a location and fires the arrow shot at the original location

  • Wield Axes (4) now provides both Strength AND Lifesteal passively at all times while increasing the potency of both effects.

This aspect is a crazy one as it literally turns a stance switcher in a regular kit. I think this would turn Ullr into a more traditional attack speed Hunter as he loses access to the burst damage from his combo but gains a very powerful steroid ability from his 2 which gives both attack speed AND movement speed at higher values than regular Ullr. Similarly, his Ultimate grants passive Strength AND Lifesteal at all times at higher values than regular Ullr. This could make him much more scary with attack speed and crit at the cost of his burst damage.

The Morrigan: Aspect of the Changeling

  • The Morrigan no longer has abilities and remains in the base for the entire match.

  • She may select any allied God at any time to spawn and control an exact copy of them for 1 minute.

  • Recalling to base will cancel the effect early, allowing her to select a new target after a cooldown of 10s. This cooldown increases to the current target's respawn timer if The Morrigan dies while controlling a clone.

Ok so this Aspect is mostly just me going crazy and something like this would probably never be added to the game, but I like the concept. The Morrigan basically doesn't participate directly in the match, instead spawning temporary clones of allies with their exact level and build to fight for 1 minute. This would be balanced by the cooldown when recalling and longer cooldown if Morrigan dies while controlling a clone so that she can't just spawn one, die, and immediately spawn another.

But that's just a few of the aspects I have noted down in my document! I might reveal all of them at some point in a video or post but I'm still missing designs for some Gods.


I love the idea for the Ullr aspect but feel like having the 4 do nothing would feel strange in game (mainly because I like to spam the stance swap while waiting) maybe have it swap between 2 different really strong buffs e.g.

stance 1: 2/5/10/15/20% Attack speed, 5/ */10/ */15% Crit chance and */5/*/10/*% penetration

The reason left some blank is having too much of a buff in early game would be ridiculous

stance 2: 10/20/30/40/50 Strength, 3/5/10/15/20% Lifesteal and 5/10/15/20/25% Bonus damage to jungle monsters and bosses.

Ullr being a huntsman with no bonus damage to monsters has always upset me and I feel this fits

Giving this ability some kind of cooldown or mana cost might be necessary as reading through these buffs I've made them a bit too strong to be constantly active and instantly swappable

let me know what you think


Having it on a cooldown and rotating between 2 buffs could be interesting for sure!

Could also just give him a real ultimate with a normal long cooldown, lots to explore there really!


This is an updated post since I had chosen a SMITE 1 God that hadn't been added yet.

I will choose a new God: Susano

I like the idea of having "Assassins" [SMITE 1 Term :) ] being able to go a tanky route.
So I will design an Aspect that will bring Susano more utility to also help his teammates!

Aspect of Nullification:

Susano loses the ability Jet Stream and gains a new one Wind Wall
Wind Wall: Susano raises a wall of wind that travels in the target direction for a short ammount of time, blocking projectile attacks and mitigating Objective shots.
If enemies pass through the wall they will also be slowed and take small tick dmg.

Objective Mitigation: 3%
Slow: 20%
Damage tick: 5/10/15/20/25 + 20% STR

Ford James's avatar

Hey Licane, this is great, but unfortunately it needs to be for a SMITE 2 god, and Serqet hasn't made her way over to the sequel yet! Feel free to edit your submission with a SMITE 2 god that doesn't have an aspect yet and it'll be eligible.


Odin: Doomed Ring

Alters ultimate. The ring is now indestructible, it cannot be broken by basic attacks or destroyed by any means. No gods, whether allies or enemies, can enter or escape, with no exceptions (teleports or jumps whatever).

Enemies trapped inside are unable to heal, while odin is immune to slows and roots.

My justification for the aspect is that this kinda throwsback to the old odin where his ring was unbreakable and gods inside even himself would be stuck (could still jump out tho), i feel like on the late game the breakable ring feels super weak and its broken with lots of ease, by making it truly indestructible and taking out the damage or the possibility to jump out would provide sort of an alternate use to it


God: Zhong Kui

Aspect of Haunting

This aspect for Zhong would make his ultimate a single target ability rather than an area around him. Instead of demons pulsing out from his bag at nearby players, it would instead target the highest health target and begin damaging them and rapidly reducing protections, inflicting a mesmerize scaling to the number of demons in his demon bag at the end of the ultimate.

The idea of this is to make Zhong Kui better in solo lane rather than mid. By giving Zhong an ultimate that focuses on a singular target and provides CC, it will make him even harder to 1v1 at the cost of having a less efficient ult for team fighting and ganks.

Ford James's avatar

Hey 2bakedcookies, this is great, but unfortunately it needs to be for a SMITE 2 god, and Zhong Kui hasn't made his way over to the sequel yet! Feel free to edit your submission with a SMITE 2 god that doesn't have an aspect yet and it'll be eligible.



Aspect: Blessed by the moon

Awilix is now blessed by the moon. Awilix's ult no longer pulls enemies in the air. Using the ult now provides buffs to the rest of the kit. This effect lasts 15s and provides 15% of movement speed (inmune to slows and roots).

Summon suku: Suku will now have the ability to spawn and help Awilix when she leap off of Suku. Suku will be targeting the less health enemy hitted with the jump and will have 3 hits of health.

Feather step: This ability can now fire twice and gain the "area" effect in all its hits. This ability will always do the x2 in the first hit no matter the auto cadence, losing the root. While the second hit will do half of the damage and will aply a cripple (1.5s effect). If a target gets killed with the second hit, this ability can now trigger a 3rd hit that only stun enemies, but deal no damage.

Moonlight charge: This ability now knock ups enemies hitting from all directions. This ability losses all the damage while in this state.

Ford James's avatar

Hi Saul, thanks for your entry here, but unfortunately this reward is for existing SMITE 2 gods only that don't yet have an aspect, so Awilix isn't eligible. Feel free to edit your submission with a SMITE 2 god to be eligible!


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