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Lumin's avatar

The true end boss is fought before the game even begins.

yan57436's avatar

I can't describe what I felt when I reached the final boss of the Elden Ring dlc. I simply felt that the game was purely unfair and nothing more, everything that goes against what I believe in souls games, since I always put the blame on myself “I haven't memorized the boss's moves well enough, I need to improve”, in this arena I spent more than 7 hours facing him and dying to him. I can assure you that this arena has certainly left its mark on my heart.

Rich's avatar

I completed and adored the base game and keep saying I'll tackle the DLC some time, but everything I hear about it just makes me scared

yan57436's avatar

I don't know if he's been nerfed, but I hope he has a good experience. And yes, he's traumatizing haha!

Eralm_237's avatar

It never fails, about once per instance when I find brain trees... my SRV gets stuck gathering materials for collection.

Every. Time.

Please SRV, you are a ground vehicle, and do not need to climb trees.


When I played Pokemon Red for the first time, on my Gameboy Color, I didn't know what to do in Bill's house for days. I was about 8 years old at the time and I didn't understand English so I skipped most of the texts. When I arrived at Bill's house, I didn't know what to do. I still remember walking around the entire map a few times, talking to everyone, trying to interact with all the objects until interacting with the PC.


i think, dark souls 2 players could agree with me about this boss is so hard to beat.

but, i managed to beat this boss, but also got stuck for long time.

and yeah, i hate this boss, more than any other boss in dark souls series.

USCSS's avatar

It wasn't long ago in "Elite Dangerous" when I was doing a task for this very platform. I was taking some screenshots near some geysers as shown in one of the images. When I got too close to one of the geysers, the water propelled me upwards several kilometers. The character was suspended several kilometers up, trapped in the air. He couldn't go down nor could he move sideways. I turned off the game and restarted it again and the character remained suspended in the air without being able to go down. I had no choice but to wait for the character's suit to run out of energy, causing death by freezing and suffocation.

(Translated with Google Translate)


I thought that I would see this here before my post...the "bikes chapter" from Battletoads (NES, 1991), actually a very good game but one of the hardest challenges that I remember in videogames. One of my biggest "my against the world" as a child.

Rich's avatar

Ahh Battletoads is infamous. I never played it myself. Respect for beating it!

zawn's avatar

This is where i stuck in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.

in the Ancient Castle of Ikana.

It was hard, especially when i need to use the ocarina. i have short term memory. so this is confusing for me.

Q:"Which of the dungeon you hate most?"

They nailed it as the last dungeon needed to finish the game, it was fun lost in here.
I hope i can back and enjoy games like this...

JHenckes's avatar

I was 10 at the time, playing the game for the first time on my PS2. The game has always been extremely challenging, but it's normal that after a few tries you'll get the hang of it.

Now when the difficulty is FINDING THE ENEMY, it gets harder hahaha. There was no video on YouTube to find out where it was, we had to really look for it and my friend... It was a struggle to find the 8th colossus of this magnificent game.

Today I laugh at the story, but at the time I wanted to break the video game!

0ffworld's avatar

SIFU has been out for a while but it's still the hardest game in my recent memory. It's stylish as hell, especially if you love kung-fu movies, but you can't really button-mash your way through this game.

Well, you can, until you get to Sean. He's the second boss in the game and unless you know how to dodge, you'll have a hard time getting past him. It took me several sessions across several days to beat him - and I still felt like I got lucky.

And it's not like exploring will provide you with any advantages over Sean and you cannot power level to become stronger either. Not the first time anyway IIRC.

I'm not a person to throw a controller at the wall, but I got close to it with this game. 🥲


When I was a child, I got stuck in the water parts of the Labyrinth Zone


Celestia in Zelda Twilight Princess

It's a Wii game that came out in 2006 that I played as a child when it was released and I can say that it has many puzzle areas but Celestia is the worst in my memories.

I remember this area as one of the most complicated in terms of puzzles and things you have to do to get around obstacles, kill enemies and reach the boss of the area, Although this game has many puzzle areas, I remember that I spent more time in this one than in the rest when I was a child years ago and I still remember it with the same feeling of frustration to get out of there

I spent a long time there because at that time I didn't know about internet guides if there were any and also the map being cut and with different levels makes it an endless labyrinth if you don't know where to go

TheHermit's avatar

FF7 - Demon's Gate. There is a save point going into the fight. If you don't know what you're walking into, you save without a thought, because why would it be a problem? I'll tell you why. This boss fight is very, very hard (impossible?) if you're under-leveled at this part of the game. So what's the issue with the save point? Well, if you're not a high enough level, and you die, you go back to that save point going into the fight the same boss that you can't beat. There is no, "Oh, I guess I should go grind and level up, or get better equipment." No, you're stuck there. I fought SO many times before finally admitting to myself that I was going to have to start my entire game over. You'd better believe I was ready for the fight the second time around, and still saved on a different slot just in case.

Rich's avatar

Oh man, great pick. This thing is notorious!


When I was playing freshly wiped rust servers, I have so many times got stucked on the spawn! Here you have how starter area looks from one of the servers.

Why is that? Spawn area isn't that huge, most of the time it is like 1/6, 1/5 of whole beach. And think about this like that: On the wipe on the most servers (everybody knows when the wipe is so they're waiting to server restart and join just from the start, at the same moment!) there's like from 300 people to 600 people, and those people are trying to leave the spawn! It's a slaughter!, everybody is smashing each other with their stones, shooting with bows etc... Sometimes it even takes more than 2 hours to leave, but even if you leave and you forgot to put slepping bag (which is your spawn) you go back to the starter beach!

ENDERS's avatar

Spawn in Rust is an entire coast. Depending on the map size, the spawns can populated in a short distance or a very long distance. I've only really played 6k maps, but I've made about 20 maps, and thats the way the system proc-gens spawns.
You make a good point though, unexperienced players can have a really hard time getting a start in any server that had seen a significant population since wipe.


I always thought that there's designed area for that mostly in green area ( I sucided hundrends of times to get better spawn), I've never experienced spawning in winter or desert sooo, I don't think it is true that entire coast is spawn. I mean, I only have 1.4kh. Maybe the thing is that I always played on bigger servers with bigger maps, I don't know.

ENDERS's avatar

Usually from one lighthouse to the other defines the spawn coast, however spawns can generate along the same coast as the lighthouses, a bit further than them.
It is always one side of the island though, be it the north, south, east or west coast.

Borrrrr's avatar

Hahaha I immediately remembered when I was too lustful and excited to be in the lush caves. Already full equipment directly mining after inventory full it's time to go home that's where karma comes. Hahaha I forgot the way home with the state of equipment to mine already low and stuck when I saw the clock it turned out that I had been 3 hours wandering around without direction hahaha

Thanks :)

FEBRIAN_574H's avatar

First time I play MK Shaolin Monks it's going fine, until I died when face Goro and then I come to Nether Realm to face Scorpion, I have no information and spoiler about scorpion.

At first I face him it's not really hard but he always block my special movement until finally I had to face him on lava ground, and it took a lot of time to avoid the fire that appeared from the bellow and pull his hook even then with a hort time and bar limit that was almost full and had to fight him 2 times from regular ninja mode to inferno scorpion, I died several times and I tried again until I won, I didn't realize that time had passed very long.

The estimated time for the first time I fighting him was 1 hour 30 minutes quite a long time, isn't it ?

GoJapan's avatar

The first game that comes to mind is Shadows of the Colossus. Some giants were difficult to find, it was more the time spent riding indefinitely than to defeat them. I remember that there was a particular giant that was underground type or in a temple, but I could not find it, a nightmare!

Mistymeooww's avatar

In Snow Runner I switched from the Michigan map to Alaska and I think I was meant to just look but I accepted a mission to rescue the same truck you see here and it did not go well. I am so stubborn I found and dragged that other truck all the way where it needed to be and it took 3 or 4 HOURS. So dumb but something I will never forget lol


The level ‘Snow Go’ from Crash Bandicoot Cortex Strikes Back had me stuck for SO long! I kept losing lives at the simplist things but the ice just made everything harder and I slipped on every obstacle. So so frustrating, but I did get there eventually after at least one or two evenings repeatedly playing it!!

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Secret of Mana (SNES)

So you head over to the "highlands" to kill a Twister Chicken or “Tornadokücken.
And now you should find the hidden Mushroom village…
To find it you need to smash some boulders in a small passage guarded by an owl.
I found the owl, but didn´t understand what to do there.
So I keep searching for other places… which will never lead me further.
I was 10 or so and got frustrated.. since the guide book told the same.
Find a secret passage bla bla bla…
Min. a  year later I plugged the game back in and gave it another try just to stumble over the passage and smashing the rocks by accident.

From there… I was so over-leveled by not finding the way in the past.
Jeah i asked my Dad, but he couldn´t remember either.

The German adaptation of Secret of Mana actually has a “lindenstraßen” joke inside.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

So I was super young, about 14 when I got my N46 collectors edition and this level, the Dam, confused the hell out of me, it took me over an hour to work out that I didn't have to keep going down into the Dam to finish the level, frustrating is a polite way of putting it.

projectazone's avatar

The place where I got stuck for a long time is the void vessel in The First of Descendant.

Let's start from the assumption that this vessel had to be done many times because every time you got to the end you could participate in a sort of extraction to take pieces to compose to get either the character or the dog. So if you wanted to have both, you had to do this vessel hundreds of times. So the first few times it was tragic because I always lost my way. And then the map could change in three variants, so reaching the destination took me a while each time.

But not only that, ok it takes time... but the players in your team don't progress towards completion if they're not all there, so losing myself every time made me feel sorry for them (I was ashamed hahaha) but it made me go crazy. And not only that... during the map that changed and was complicated to remember, there were also parts of the path where I would regularly fall down and have to start again.

Now I'm going fast and I'll arrive before everyone else :D

ENDERS's avatar

Is the example screenshot here Final Fantasy VIII from the original PlayStaion?

Rich's avatar

It is indeed! The D-District Prison. I don't think I actually got stuck there, but it's burned into my memory as if I did...

ENDERS's avatar

For some reason I was reminded of Riven by that image. Hmmm...

Ahnsyaraa's avatar

I like playing RPG and adventure games. But sometimes, RPG games rarely provide clear instructions, so I often get stuck in the same place for hours.


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